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ADELGEIM, Raphail (1861-1938). Russian Jewish actor. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02174 AGRA, India. Taj Mahal with Masjid and Jamaat Khana with the Shed on Jamna River. Photo 1925. BFC-02175 AGRA, India. Palace. Photo 1924. BFC-02176 AGRA, India. Taj Mahal. View from the reflecting pool. Photo early 1920's. BFC-02177 AGRA, India. Taj Mahal. Exterior view. Photo early 1920's. BFC-02178 AGRA, India. Taj Mahal. View from the East. Photo early 1920's. BFC-02179 AGRA, India. Taj Mahal. View from the East. Photo early 1920's. BFC-02180 AGRA, India. Taj Mahal with Masjid. Photo early 1920's. BFC-02181 AGRA, India. Taj Mahal with Masjid and Jamaat Khana with the Shed on Jamna River. Photo early 1920's. BFC-02182 AGRA, India. Taj Mahal. Courtyard. Photo early 1920's. BFC-02183 AGRA, India. Taj Mahal. Interior. Photo early 1920's. BFC-02184 AGRA, India. [Unidentified] palace. Photo early 1920's. BFC-02185 AGRA, India. [Unidentified] palace. Photo early 1920's. BFC-02186 AGRA, India. [Unidentified] palace. Photo early 1920's. BFC-02187 AGRA, India. AGRA, India. [Unidentified] palace. Photo early 1920's. BFC-02188 AGRA, India. [Unidentified] palace. Photo early 1920's. BFC-02189 AGRA, India. Panch Mahal. Photo early 1920's. BFC-02190 AGRA, India. Bulano Darwaza. Fatehpur Sikri. Photo early 1920's. BFC-02191 AGRA, India. Mosque. Photo early 1920's. BFC-02192 AGRA, India. Dewan-I-Khas. Fatehpur Sikri. Photo early 1920's. BFC-02193 AGRA, India. Fatehpur Sikri. Courtyard. Shrine and Mosque. Photo early 1920's. BFC-02194 AGRA, India. Fatehpur Sikri. Pir’s Tomb and the Mosque. Photo early 1920's. BFC-02195 AGRA, India. Fatehpur Sikri. Pir’s Tomb. Photo early 1920's. BFC-02196 AGRA, India. Fatehpur Sikri. Interior. Photo early 1920's. BFC-02197 AGRA, India. Fatehpur Sikri. Interior. Photo early 1920's. BFC-02198 AGRA, India. Fatehpur Sikri. General view. Photo early 1920's. BFC-02199 AGRA, India. Fatehpur Sikri. Panch Manch Mahal and Mariam’s Kothi. Photo early 1920's. BFC-02200 AGRA, India. Fatehpur Sikri. Interior. Photo early 1920's. BFC-02201 AGRA, India. Fatehpur Sikri. Hallof. Interior. Private area. Pillar. Photo early 1920's. BFC-02202 AGRA, India. Fatehpur Sikri. Hiran Minar. Photo early 1920's. BFC-02203 AGRA, India. Sikandaran. General view. Photo early 1920's. BFC-02204 AGRA, India. Sikandaran. Interior. Photo early 1920's. BFC-02205 AGRA, India. Etmaduddaula. Interior. Photo 1910's. BFC-02206 AGRA, India. Etmaduddaula. Exterior view. Photo early 1920's. BFC-02207 AGRA, India. Delhi Gate. Photo early 1960's. BFC-02234 AGRA, India. Fatehpur Sikri. General view. Photo early 1920's. BFC-01205 AIRIOGALA (also Ragula), Lithuania. Main street in town. Store sign on the right reads (in Lithuanian): Meat Store. Photo 1937. BFC-01206 AIRIOGALA (also Ragula), Lithuania. Torah Study House. Photo 1937. BFC-02318 AIX-LES-BANS, France. Depart pour la Douche. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02389 Alaska, USA. Inner Passage, Photo August 2002. BFC-02936 AKMENE (also Akmyan, Okmyany), Lithuania. An old Jewish House. Photo ca. 1937. BFC-01904 ALEKSANDRO-POLONSKOE, Ukraine. Bill of Sale of a photographic studio. Seller: Tatiyana Davidovna Borokhovich; buyer: David Pejsakhovich Brusilovskij; location: Aleksandro-Polonskoe (Bakhmut district, Ekaterinoslav province), Polyakov’s house. Prepared and signed by notary Ilya Marchenko in Enakievo. Document 1912. BFC-01723 ALGIERS, Algeria. Stone synagogue. Photo early 1900s. BFC-02569 ALLENTOWN, PA, USA, Studio portrait of an unidentified woman. Photographer: Benjamin Lochman Studio. Photo ca. 1890's. BFC-00955 ALSEDZHIAI (also Alshad, Alsyad, Olsiady, Olsyady), Lithuania. Bride and bridegroom with their parents at a wedding. Photo 1930's. BFC-00956 ALSEDZHIAI (also Alshad, Alsyad, Olsiady, Olsyady), Lithuania. Group of elementary school students with their teacher, photographed in front of the synagogue. 1)Chaja Malerite, killed in World War II; 2)Rachel Gefenaite, emigrated to the USA after World War II and died there; 3)Gitl Braudaite, died in 1978; 4)Chaja Brachmonaite, killed in World War II; 5) Tsvija Kirzhnerite, killed in World War II; 6)Joselis Belkindas died in 1943, during World War II; 7)Pesia Kirzhnerite, killed in World War II; 8) Beineske Gefenas, killed in World War II; 9) Eita Faktoraite, emigrated to New York, NY, USA; 10)Misha Braude, died in 1944 in World War II; 11)Chaim Maleris, emigrated to Johannesburg, South Africa and died there; 12)Khatskel Karpulis, Emigrated to Rhodesia; 13)Berl Seras, killed in World War II; 14)Rochel Kirzhneraite,killed in World War II; 15)Homje Segalis, killed in World War II; 16)Velvl Belkindas, emigrated to Rockville, MD, USA;17)Meikel Karpulas, killed in World War II; 18)Leiba Kalvarija, killed in World War II; 19)Karpulis, killed in World War II; 20)teacher, killed in World War II; 21)Yenta Belkindaite, died in 1933; 22)Etka Seraite, emigrated to Israel;23)Sora Levinzonaite, emigrated to Israel; 24)Eta Kalvarijaite,killed in World War II; 25)Feiga Faktoraite, emigrated to New York, later to Chicago. Photo ca. 1929-1930. BFC-02298 ALSEDZHIAI (also Alshad, Alsyad, Olsiady, Olsyady), Lithuania. Market day in town. The houses on the right belonged to miller Zindel Klein, fabric store owner Iosl Levinzon, and pharmacist Abel Gefen. Photo 1930's. BFC-02755 ALSEDZHIAI (also Alshad, Alsyad, Olsiady, Olsyady), Lithuania. Group photo of the town residents on the outskirts of the town. 1, Chaja Malerite (variant Maler, Maleris), killed in 1942; 2, unidentified woman; 3, Rocha Gefenajte (variants Gefen, Geffen, Gefenas), daughter of a local pharmacist Abel Gefen, died in the 1960's in Vilnius; 4, Edia Faktoraite (variants Faktor, Faktoris), emigrated to the USA; 5, unidentified man from Plunge; 6, young woman Faktor, sister of Edia, married Rabbi Fishkin, emigrated to the USA; 7, unidentified man from Plunge; 8, Tajba Mann, killed in 1941; 9, Bejnesh Gefenas (variants Gefen, Geffen), brother of Rocha. Photo 1930's. BFC-02756 ALSEDZHIAI (also Alshad, Alsyad, Olsiady, Olsyady), Lithuania. Group photo of the town's Jewish youth. 1, unidentified man; 2, Sora Levinzonajte (variants Levinzon, Levinson, Levinsohn), was in Alsedziai Ghetto, German concentration camps, emigrated to Israel; 3, unidentified man, possibly from Telshiai; 4, Chava [unknown family name], emigrated to Palestine before World War II; 5, Hersh Tsymbler (variants Tzymbler, Cymbler), shoemaker, Plunge resident, worked for Mendel Karpel, killed in 1941; 6, Mejsha Serk (variant Serkas), Tryshkiai resident, worked in Lejba Kalvarija’s tannery in Alsedzhiai, killed in 1941; 7, Etka Kalvarijaite Serkene, wife of Mejsha Serk, daughter of Lejba Kalvarija, killed in 1941; 8, [unknown given name] Serk, brother of Mejsha Serk, killed in 1941; 9, unidentified woman from Nevarenai; 10, Mokele Man (variant Manas, Mann), store owner, killed in 1941; 11, unidentified woman from Kuliai, sister of Libe-Malya from Alsedziai, killed in 1941; 12, Mejshe Tsymbler, lived in Klaipeda after World War II, emigrated to Israel; 13, Lejba [unknown family name], killed in 1941 near Telshiai; 14, Ruvim [unknown family name], tanner from Plunge, friend of Kalvarija, killed by Lithuanians; 15, unidentified man, served in the 16th "Lithuanian" Division of the Red Army, killed in a battle near Alekseevka, Orel region, Russia; 16, Jankel Kalvarija, killed in 1941; 17, unidentified man from Kretinga, fiend of the Kalvarijas, fate unknown; 18, Boka Levinzon, brother of Sora Levinzonajte, worked in the family haberdashery store with his father, murdered in 1941. Photo ca. 1928. BFC-02966 ALSEDZHIAI (also Alshad, Alsyad, Olsiady, Olsyady), Lithuania. Winter scene. The houses identified belonged to: 1. Robert Maliar; 2. Belkind (variants Balkindas) family; 3. Srol Faktor; 4. Garb family. The store on the right reads: Pharmacy. Photo 1930's. BFC-02967 ALSEDZHIAI (also Alshad, Alsyad, Olsiady, Olsyady), Lithuania. Market scene. Identified houses: 1. Large store; 2. Belkind (variants Balkindas) family; Iosl Faktor; 4. Lejba Garb. Photo 1930's. BFC-02968 ALSEDZHIAI (also Alshad, Alsyad, Olsiady, Olsyady), Lithuania. Market day. Identified houses: 1. Large store; 2. Belkind (variants Balkindas) family; Iosl Faktor; 4. Lejba Garb. Photo 1930's. BFC-03314 ALSEDZHIAI (also Alshad, Alsyad, Olsiady, Olsyady), Lithuania. Group of town residents and guests, ca. 1934. First row: 1) Rochele Gefen daughter of local pharmacist Abel Gefen, died in Vilnius in the 1960's; 2) and 3) unidentified women, not local; Second row: 4) Michl Karpel, teacher, son of shoemaker Mendel Karpel, murdered in 1941; 5) Michl Karpel’s sister, lived in Alsedziai; 6) unidentified man, not local, possibly from Gargzhdai; 7), 8), 9) - not local residents; 10) Hersh Dribin from Kretinga, was hidden during the war, emigrated to Israel and died there. BFC-03315 ALSEDZHIAI (also Alshad, Alsyad, Olsiady, Olsyady), Lithuania. Students of the Jewish school. Photo early 1930's. 1) teacher, not local, fate unknown; 2) Reiza Belkind, murdered in 1941; 3) Leia (?) Kirzner, murdered in 1941; 5) Chaya (?) Maler, sister of (18), murdered in 1941; 6) Chana Belkind, murdered in 1941; 7) [name] Maler, sister of (18), murdered in 1941; 8) RivaMaler, sister of (2), emigrated to South Africa; 9) Yankl (?) Kirzhner, brother of (27), murdered in 1941; 10) [female] Segal, daughter of Bentse, sister of (20); 11) Riva Leibovich, ne Maler, sister of (11) and (26), lived in Johannesburg; 12) Sara Kirzhner, murdered in 1941; 13) Dveira Maler, sister of (11); 14) [name] Maler, sister of (11), lived in Capetown; 15) Chena Belkind, murdered in 1941; 16) Ruven Belkind, murdered in 1941; 17) Itsek Segal, son of Chemia, brother of (31); 18) Robert Maler, son of Motl, emigrated to Canada after the war; 19) Beinish Gefen, murdered in 1941; 21) Chaim Maler; 22) Iosl Belkind, killed in a battle in WWII; 23) Enta Belkind; 24) Khatskel Karpel, emigrated to South Africa, lived in Pretoria; 25) Gita Broide, sister of (28); 26) Girsh Maler, emigrated to South Africa in 1934, brother of (21); 27) Tsvia Kirzhner, murdered in 1941; 28) Misha Broide, fought in th 16th Lithuanian Division, killed in a battle; 29) Pesia Kirzhner, murdered in 1941; 31) Iosl Segal, murdered in 1941; 32) Eidke Faktor, died in 2002 in New York; 33) Girsha Segal, murdered in 1941; 34) Leia (?) Brachman, murdered in 1941; 35) Girsh (?) Segal, murdered in 1941. BFC-03316 ALSEDZHIAI (also Alshad, Alsyad, Olsiady, Olsyady), Lithuania. Brothers Leiba (murdered in 1941) and Yankel Kalvaria. Photo 1930's. BFC-03317 ALSEDZHIAI (also Alshad, Alsyad, Olsiady, Olsyady), Lithuania. Group photo of local Jews at a picnic. Photo 1930's. 1) Leiba Kalvaria, murdered in 1941; 2) Borukh (Boka) Levinzon, murdered in 1941; 3) Yankel Kalvaria; 4) Tolya Dror; 5) Leiba (?) Serkas from Trishkiai, tanner, was married to Yetta Kalvaria, sister of (1) and (3); 6) [name] from Kuliai, uncle of Rober Maler from Alsedzhiai; 7) Yankel Lipman, baker, died in Vilnius in the 1970's; 8) [name], not local; 9) Moishe Tsymbler (variant: Cymbler), cobbler, worked for Mendel Karpel, died in Israel ca. 2002. BFC-03318 ALSEDZHIAI (also Alshad, Alsyad, Olsiady, Olsyady), Lithuania. The Faktor family. All were hidden by Lithuanians and survived World War II. Photo 1930's. 1) Rabbi Fishkin, husband of Feiga, died in Chicago, IL in 2002; 2) Feiga Fishkin ne Faktor; Iosl Faktor, owned leather good factory; 4) Adina, married a Rabbi in the USA, died ca. 2002. BFC-03319 ALSEDZHIAI (also Alshad, Alsyad, Olsiady, Olsyady), Lithuania. Chatskel Normia from Navarenai, murdered in 1941 and Meer Faktor, died in Israel. Photo 1930's. BFC-03320 ALSEDZHIAI (also Alshad, Alsyad, Olsiady, Olsyady), Lithuania. Girsh Segal, a heder student. Murdered in 1941. Photo 1930's. BFC-03321 ALSEDZHIAI (also Alshad, Alsyad, Olsiady, Olsyady), Lithuania. Family photo of Mikhl Minsteris, ca. 1938. 1) [girl], daughter of (2); 2) Etta Ser (also Serene), sister of (7); 3) [girl], daughter of (2); 4) [girl], daughter of (2); 5) unidentified man; 6) unidentified boy; 7) Riva Minsterene, wife of (9); unidentified boy; Mikhl Minsteris (also Minster), born in Alsedziai, lived in Plunge, Israel, Brooklyn, NY. BFC-03322 ALSEDZHIAI (also Alshad, Alsyad, Olsiady, Olsyady), Lithuania. Group of five Jewish women. Photo ca. 1936. 1) Adina Freiberg, ne Faktoraite, lived in Brooklyn, NY after WWII; 2) Gita Braudaite, was hidden by LIthuanians; 3) Tsviya Kirzhner, murdered in 1941; 4) Dina Lipmanaite, was hidden by LIthuanians; 5) Pesya Kirzhner, murdered in 1941. BFC-03323 ALSEDZHIAI (also Alshad, Alsyad, Olsiady, Olsyady), Lithuania. The Levinzon family. Photo 1930's. 1) Mokale Levinzon, son of (2), murdered in 1941; 2) Iosl Levinzon, owner of a fabric store in town; 3) possibly brother of (2); Dvoira ne Zaks (?) Levinzon. BFC-03324 ALSEDZHIAI (also Alshad, Alsyad, Olsiady, Olsyady), Lithuania. Sarah Braude with her cousin and children. Photo ca. 1930. BFC-03325 ALSEDZHIAI (also Alshad, Alsyad, Olsiady, Olsyady), Lithuania. Itta Bai with her daughter and granddaughter. Photo 1930's. BFC-03326 ALSEDZHIAI (also Alshad, Alsyad, Olsiady, Olsyady), Lithuania. Faktor family photo, 1930's. 1) Feiga Faktor, ne Kalvarija, died in 1990 in Israel; 2) and 3) her children; 4) Khasya Faktor, sister-in-law of (6); 5) Feiga (?) Fishkin, ne Faktoraite; 6) Yamkel Faktor, studied in Telsh yeshiva, died in WWII; Adina (Eitka) Faktoraite. BFC-03327 ALSEDZHIAI (also Alshad, Alsyad, Olsiady, Olsyady), Lithuania. Gefen family photo, 1934. 1) Ester Pas, was hidden during the war, died ca. 1947, wife of (5); 2) Frida Gefen; 3) Rochele Gefen; 4) Abel Gefen; 5) Tevye Pasas, assistant Rabbi, murdered in 1941; 6), 7) visitors; 9) [male] Gefen , murdered in 1941. Phot inscribed to Chaya Bloch and Yehuda Leib Sindelman. BFC-03328 ALSEDZHIAI (also Alshad, Alsyad, Olsiady, Olsyady), Lithuania. Group photo of Alsedziai youth, 1930's. 1) Misha Cymblr (variant Tsymbler), cobbler; 2) Yankel Kalvarija; 3) not identified; 4) Leiba Cinas (variant: Tsinas); 5) Leiba Cunas’ wife; 6) not identified, worked in Leiba Cunas’ store; 7) not identified; 8) not identified; 9) Leiba Kalvarija; 10) Mokele Man, murdered in 1941; 11) and 12) visitors, not identified; 13) Etta Kalvarija; 14) Serkas, tanner, worked for (2); 15) Leiba Garb; 16) Leiba Garb’s wife; 17) [female] Brochmanaite; 18) visitor, not identified; 19) not identified. BFC-03329 ALSEDZHIAI (also Alshad, Alsyad, Olsiady, Olsyady), Lithuania. Iosl Levinzon, owner of a fabric store in town. Photo 1930's. BFC-03330 ALSEDZHIAI (also Alshad, Alsyad, Olsiady, Olsyady), Lithuania. Abel, Hershel, and Dvoira Gefen. Photo 1930's. BFC-00237 ALTMAN, Nathan. Portrait of E. I. Shvartsman. 1911. State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg. BFC-00238 ALTMAN, Nathan. Self-portrait. 1912. State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg. BFC-00638 ALTMAN, Nathan. Synagogue in the Voronka shtetl. Illustration to the novel From the Fair by Sholom-Aleihem. Drawing ca. 1950's. BFC-00639 ALTMAN, Nathan. Orphan Shmulik. Illustration to the novel From theFair by Sholom-Aleihem. Drawing ca. 1950's. BFC-00640 ALTMAN, Nathan. Sholom with his dog Serko. Illustration to the novel From the Fair by Sholom-Aleihem. Drawing ca. 1950's. BFC-00641 ALTMAN, Nathan. Uncle Pynia dancing "On the Candlesticks". Illustration to the novel From the Fair by Sholom-Aleihem. Drawing ca. 1950's. BFC-02998 ALYTUS (also Alita, Olita) Lithuania, . View of the main street. Photo ca. 1937. BFC-02999 ALYTUS (also Alita, Olita) Lithuania, . Group photo of studens and teachers of the Yavne School. Photo ca. 1937. BFC-02489 ALYTUS (also Alita, Olita) Lithuania, . Identification paper issued to Rakhil, daughter of Motel, Karchmariene (variants Karchmar, Karczmar, Karczmarz, Korczmarz), nee Berenshtejn (variants Berensztejn, Bernshtayn, Berenstain, Berenstein, Bernstein), born in Lida, Vilna Province. Photograph is attached. Document 1931. BFC-02680 ALYTUS (also Alita, Olita) Lithuania, . Spievakiene (variant Spievak), ne Chajetaite (variants Chajet, Chayet, Khayet, Khait), Chaja. Internal passport. Photographs is attached. Document 1931. Copy price coefficient for eight pages: 3.0 BFC-00431 ALUSHTA, Ukraine. View of the city. Woodcut 1846. BFC-03159 AMESBURY, MA, USA Old Chain bridge over the Merrimack. Photo early 1900's. BFC-01011 AMSTERDAM, Netherlands. Interior of a synagogue. From a 17 century engraving. BFC-01012 AMSTERDAM, Netherlands. Street scene in front of the Stock Exchange. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02292 AMSTERDAM, Netherlands. Bicycle 1. Photo 1998. BFC-02305 ANNAPOLIS, MD, USA. Naval Academy entrance. Photo early 1900's. BFC-01901 ANTALIEPIS (also Antalepis, Antalept), Lithuania, . Certified extract from a 1890 Dvinsk marriage register, issued in Dvinsk. Listed: bridegroom Yankel-Meer Rabinovich (also aslo Rabinowicz, Rabinowitz) from Antalept; bride Mihklya Bruk; bride’s parents. Signed by Dvinsk Rabbi. Document 1913. BFC-00546 Anti-Semitism, American. First page of a 1913 magazine article Jewish Invasion of America by B. Hendrick with a photograph of a young Jewish boy, an immigrant from Palestine. BFC-00457 ANTI-SEMITISM, German. Cartoon "Sensible Contemplation of the Moon", late 1800's. BFC-00478 ANTI-SEMITISM, Soviet.Anti-American, anti-Israeli cartoon showing Uncle Sam playing a flute for a cobra with a Star of David on it. Lithuanian magazine Shluota, 1986. BFC-00571 ANTI-SEMITISM, Soviet.Cover of an anti-Semitic book Israeli Army As an Instrument of the Imperialist Aggression. Defence Department Publishing House, 1977. BFC-00562 ANTI-SEMITISM, Soviet.Cover of the anti-semitic book Zionist Lobby in the USA, published in 1984. BFC-00563 ANTI-SEMITISM, Soviet.Cover of the anti-semitic book Modern Judaism and Zionism, published in 1983. BFC-00564 ANTI-SEMITISM, Soviet. Illustration from the book Zionist Poison . Pedagogic State Publishing House, 1983. (p.8) BFC-00565 ANTI-SEMITISM, Soviet. Illustration from the book Zionist Poison . Pedagogic State Publishing House, 1983. (p. 14) BFC-00566 ANTI-SEMITISM, Soviet. Illustration from the book Zionist Poison . Pedagogic State Publishing House, 1983.(p. 41) BFC-00567 ANTI-SEMITISM, Soviet. Illustration from the book Zionist Poison . Pedagogic State Publishing House, 1983. (p. 59) BFC-00568 ANTI-SEMITISM, Soviet. Illustration from the book Zionist Poison . Pedagogic State Publishing House, 1983. (p. 90) BFC-00569 ANTI-SEMITISM, Soviet. Illustration from the book Zionist Poison. Pedagogic State Publishing House, 1983.(p. 101) BFC-00570 ANTI-SEMITISM, Soviet. Illustration from the book Zionist Poison. Pedagogic State Publishing House, 1983. (back cover) BFC-02282 ANTOPOL (also Antopole), Belarus. Street scene in front of the synagogue. Photo ca. 1920's. BFC-02283 ANTOPOL (also Antopole), Belarus. Pinsk Street. Photo ca. 1920's. BFC-00957 ANTWERP, Belgium. View by the Canal au Sucre. On the right is the Cafe Neptune. Onze-Lieve Vrouw, built in the 16th century, is on the background. Photo 1910. BFC-02844 ANTWERP (also Antwerpen, Anvers), Belgium. Stone synagogue, exterior view. Photo early 1900's. BFC-03119 ANTWERP (also Antwerpen, Anvers), Belgium. Postcard in Yiddish sent by Sh. Kaufman in Korostyshev to S, N. Margulies (variants: Margulis, Morgulis) in Antwerpen (also Antwerp, Anvers), Belgium. Document 1891. BFC-03158 ANTWERP (also Antwerpen, Anvers), Belgium. Le Port et Het Steen. Photo early 1900's. BFC-00420 ANYKSHCHIAI (also Aniksht, Anikst, Anykst, Onikshty), Lithuania. View of the town near Shventoji river. Photo 1920's. BFC-01770 ANYKSHCHIAI (also Aniksht, Anikst, Anykst, Onikshty), Lithuania. Group photo of eight members of the local talmudical society inside the Torah Study House. Photo ca. 1937. BFC-01771 ANYKSHCHIAI (also Aniksht, Anikst, Anykst, Onikshty), Lithuania. Rabbi Eliyahu Ber Shor, Rabbi of Anyksht. Photo ca. 1937. BFC-03160 APPLETON, WI, USA View of the Upper River Water power plant. Photo early 1900's BFC-02481 ARKHANGELSK, Russia, . Karlin (variant Carlin), Aron Zelmanovich. Military identification photograph. Photo 1951. BFC-02316 ARLES, France. Young woman from Arles. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02317 ARLES, France. Three young woman from Arles. Photo early 1900's. BFC-00230 ARONSON, Nathan, sculptor. Photo ca. 1915. BFC-00233 ARONSON, Nathan. Sculpture "An Old Woman". Photo ca. 1915. BFC-00234 ARONSON, Nathan. Sculpture "Dante". Photo ca. 1915. BFC-00235 ARONSON, Nathan. Sculpture "Ida Rubinshtein". Photo ca. 1915. BFC-00236 ARONSON, Nathan. Sculpture "Ida Rubinshtein". Photo ca. 1915. BFC-00232 ARONSON, Nathan. Sculpture "Model". Photo ca. 1915. BFC-00231 ARONSON, Nathan. Sculpture "Sorrow". Photo ca. 1915. BFC-00846 ASHKENAZY (also Askenazy, Askenazi, Aszkenazi), Zevi Hirsch ben Yakov (1658-1718). Distinguished rabbi from 17th-18th century. Was born in Moravia, educated in Salonika, Greece. Served as rabbi in Sarajevo, Altona, Amsterdam, and Lemberg (Lvov). Was also a member of a judicial body in Hamburg. From a XVIII century portrait. BFC-02674 ASTRAKHAN’, Russia, . Shukher (variants Shucher, Sucher), Isaj. Studio identification photograph. Photographer: R. Badenmuller in Astrakhan, Agamzhanov’s House. Photo 1914. BFC-01252 ATAKI, Moldova. Railroad bridge on the Dnestr River from Ataki into Mogilev-Podolsky. Photo 1902. BFC-02296 ATHENS, Greece. View of the city facing the Acropolis. Photo early 1900s. BFC-02422 AUGUSTOW, Poland. Russian prisoners of war are given bread in the Augustow central square before being loaded onto a train. Photo 1915. BFC-01886 BACAU, Romania, . Postcard, written by Abraham Aszkenazy (variants: Ashkenazi, Askenazi) of Kolomyya in Ukraine to Jacob Bercovici (variants: Berkovich, Berkowicz). Document 1907. BFC-01905 BACAU, Romania, . Postcard in Yiddish from Feiwel Choczner (variants: Chocner, Khochner) in Tarnow, Poland to Jacob Bercovici (variants: Berkovich, Berkowicz, Berkowitz) in Bacau. Document 1908. BFC-01934 BACAU, Romania, . Postcard in Yiddish from Leiser Ehrlich (variants: Erlich, Erlikh) in Czernowitz to Jacob Bercovici (variants: Berkovich, Berkowicz, Berkowitz) in Bacau. Document 1907. BFC-01935 BACAU, Romania, . Postcard in Yiddish from Leiser Ehrlich (variants: Erlich, Erlikh) in Czernowitz to Jacob Bercovici (variants: Berkovich, Berkowicz, Berkowitz) in Bacau. Document 1908. BFC-01936 BACAU, Romania, . Postcard in Yiddish from Leiser Ehrlich (variants: Erlich, Erlikh) in Czernowitz to Jacob Bercovici (variants: Berkovich, Berkowicz, Berkowitz) in Bacau. Document 1907. BFC-01937 BACAU, Romania, . Postcard in Yiddish from Leiser Ehrlich (variants: Erlich, Erlikh) in Czernowitz to Jacob Bercovici (variants: Berkovich, Berkowicz, Berkowitz) in Bacau. Document 1907. BFC-01938 BACAU, Romania, . Postcard in Yiddish from Leiser Ehrlich (variants: Erlich, Erlikh) in Czernowitz to Jacob Bercovici (variants: Berkovich, Berkowicz, Berkowitz) in Bacau. Document 1909. BFC-0193 BACAU, Romania, . Postcard in Yiddish from Leiser Ehrlich (variants: Erlich, Erlikh) in Czernowitz to Jacob Bercovici (variants: Berkovich, Berkowicz, Berkowitz) in Bacau. Document 1909. BFC-01940 BACAU, Romania, . Postcard in Yiddish from M. Ekstein (variants: Eksztejn, Ekshtein) in Czernowitz to Jacob Bercovici (variants: Berkovich, Berkowicz, Berkowitz) in Bacau. Document 1911. BFC-01941 BACAU, Romania, . Postcard in German from Abraham Engler in Czernowitz to Jacob Bercovici (variants: Berkovich, Berkowicz, Berkowitz) in Bacau. Document 1914. BFC-01942 BACAU, Romania, . Postcard in Yiddish from M. Ekstein (variants: Eksztejn, Ekshtein) in Czernowitz to Jacob Bercovici (variants: Berkovich, Berkowicz, Berkowitz) in Bacau. Document 1917. BFC-01943 BACAU, Romania, . Postcard in German from Israel Eifermann in Kolomea to Jacob Bercovici (variants: Berkovich, Berkowicz, Berkowitz) in Bacau. Document 1905. BFC-02468 BACAU, Romania, . Business correspondence from Jac. Halpern (variants Galperin, Galperyn, Galpern) in Wien, Austria to J. Berkowicz (also Berkowitsch, Berkovici) in Bacau. Document 1909. BFC-02557 BACAU, Romania, . Postcard in Yiddish from Moses Chaim Lachs in Kolomyya to Jacob Bercovici. Document 1914. BFC-02558 BACAU, Romania, . Postcard in Yiddish from Moses Chaim Lachs in Kolomyya to Jacob Bercovici. Document 1914. BFC-02665 BACAU, Romania, . Postcard in German from the Firm of Schönberg & Offenheim in Tarnow, Poland to Jacob Bercovici. Document 1914. BFC-02396 BAGHDAD, Iraq. Small street. Photo ca. 1920. BFC-01199 BAKU, Azerbaijan. Railroad Station. Woodcut 1886. BFC-01200 BAKU, Azerbaijan. Panoramic view of the city from the sea port. Woodcut 1886. BFC-01201 BAKU, Azerbaijan. View of the city with the Governor's Palace and Mikhailovsky Gardens. Woodcut 1886. BFC-01202 BAKU, Azerbaijan. City Theatre. Woodcut 1886. BFC-01203 BAKU, Azerbaijan. 1913 map of the city (in English) with inserts showing Baku and environs, and the Old City. BFC-01204 BAKU, Azerbaijan. Schematic map (in Russian) of the city and environs. Document 1949. BFC-01529 BAKHMATOVA village, Smolensk region, Russia. View of the village during the Nazi occupation in World War II. Photo March 1942. BFC-00527 BALAKLAVA, Ukraine. General view. Photo early 1900's. BFC-00616 BALBERISHKIS, Lithuania. Construction of a new synagogue.Photo ca. 1937. BFC-00615 BALBERISHKIS, Lithuania. Group photo of the Elementary Hebrew School students in front of the school. Photo ca. 1937. BFC-00619 BALBERISHKIS, Lithuania. Group photo of the Students of the Secondary School. Photo ca. 1937. BFC-00618 BALBERISHKIS, Lithuania. Members of the Jewish Bank Administration. Photo ca. 1937. BFC-00617 BALBERISHKIS, Lithuania. The Old Synagogue. Photo ca. 1937. BFC-02497 BALTIMORE, MD, USA, . Affidavit from Rogovo resident Yankel’ Khait (variants Chait, Hait), living in Baltimore, MD, USA to allow his wife Vikhna Khait, ne Shapiro (variants Sapiro, Shapir, Szapiro), a World War I refugee residing in central Russia, to request a passport. Document 1917. BFC-02731 BALTIMORE, MD, USA, . Studio photo of an unidentified man. Photographer: Wertheim Studio. Photo ca. 1890's. BFC-02797 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Bird's-eye view of Baltimore from above the harbor. Lithograph ca. 1880. BFC-02798 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Fifth Regiment Armory. Exterior view. Photo 1915. Postcard sent in 1916 to J.N. Norris in White Hall, MD. BFC-02799 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Baltimore Street, looking West from Calvert Street. Store signs read: The Boston Store; Printers, Blank Books. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02800 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Battle Monument in front of the Court House. Photo 1915. Postcard sent to J. Hm. Hinman in Lower Marlboro, MD. BFC-02801 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Camden Station. View from the South-East. Photo 1908. Postcard sent to J. Hm. Hinman in Lower Marlboro, MD. BFC-02802 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Charles Street, looking South from Union Station, showing new St. Charles Hotel, Hotel Belvedere, and Washington Monument. Photo ca. 1930. Postcard sent to J. Hm. Hinman in Lower Marlboro, MD. BFC-02803 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. City Hall. Photo 1906. Postcard sent to M. M. Dunnock in Taylors Island, MD. BFC-02804 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. View of the Court House and the Battle Monument. Photo 1906. Postcard sent to E. D. Baku in Washington, DC. BFC-02805 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. View of the Court House and the Battle Monument. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02806 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. New Customs House. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02807 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Continental Fountain and Eutaw Place. Photo 1904. Postcard sent to J. R. Hargett in Frederick, MD. BFC-02808 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Continental Fountain and Eutaw Place. Photo 1904. BFC-02809 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Francis Scott Key Monument, Eutaw Place. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02810 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Oyster fleet in Harbor. Business signs read: F. Borders, Louis Vicardi Co., H. Whiting & Co. Photo 1907. Postcard sent to G. J. Nock, Franklin City, VA. BFC-02811 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Ocean liner leaving Harbor. Photo early 1900's. Postcard sent to E. Lithicum in Browndgsville, MD. BFC-02812 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Johns Hopkins Hospital. Photo 1905. Postcard sent to I. M. Umma in Baltimore, MD. BFC-02813 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Johns Hopkins Hospital. Photo 1908. BFC-02814 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Johns Hopkins Hospital complex. Photo ca. 1930's. BFC-02815 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Johns Hopkins Hospital complex. View from North Broadway. Photo ca. 1910's. BFC-02816 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Lexington Market. Photo ca. 1910's. BFC-02817 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Lexington Market. Store sign reads: C. D. Kenny Co., Teas, Coffees, Cigars. Photo ca. 1910's. BFC-02818 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Lexington Street, shopping district. Store signs read: The White Dental Parlor, J. W. Pitts Co. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02819 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Excursion steamers at Light Street Wharf. Photo early 1900's. Postcard sent to C. Petry in Union Mills, MD. BFC-02820 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Maryland Institute and Watson Monument. Photo 1915. Postcard sent to C. Rogers in Shepherdstown, WV. BFC-02821 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Maryland Institute, Watson Monument, and Corpus Christi Church. Photo 1910's. BFC-02822 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Mt. Royal Avenue between Mosher Street and Lafayette Avenue; Confederate Monument. Photo 1916. Postcard sent to C. Steinours in Gettysburg, PA. BFC-02823 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Watson Monument, Mt. Royal Avenue. Photo 1910's. BFC-02824 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Monument Square, looking West. Photo 1905. Postcard sent to E. Taylor in Cecil County, MD. BFC-02825 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Mount Vernon Place, looking North. Photo 1906. Postcard sent to Mr. Jones, c/o Johnson Willing Co. in Cumberland, MD. BFC-02826 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Mount Vernon Place from Washington Monument, looking West. Photo 1907. BFC-02827 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Washington Monument, Hotel Statford, and Mt. Vernon M. E. Church. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02828 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Washington Monument, Hotel Statford, and Mt. Vernon M. E. Church. Photo 1904. Postcard sent to W. H. Hopkins in Salt Lake City, UT. BFC-02829 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Washington Monument and Mt. Vernon M. E. Church. Photo 1905. Postcard sent to A. King in York, PA. BFC-02830 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. View at the Washington Square with the Washington Monument and Mt. Vernon M. E. Church. Photo 1920's. Postcard sent to A. Steinours in Gettysburg, PA. BFC-02831 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Art Museum in Wyman Park. Photo 1920's. BFC-02832 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Post Office. Photo 1909. Postcard sent to R. Kennedy in Frederick, MD. BFC-02833 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Roger B. Taney, Chief Justice of Maryland, monument. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02834 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Union Station. Photo 1912. Postcard sent to J. Price in Salisbury, MD. BFC-02835 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Saint Paul Street Bridge and the Union Station. Bird’s eye view. Photo 1910's. BFC-02836 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Panoramic view of the city from Federal Hill. Photo 1903. BFC-02837 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. View of the Baltimore Harbor. Photo 1912. BFC-02838 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Light Street Wharves. Photo 1915. Postcard sent to C. Petry in Union Mills, MD. BFC-02855 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Auditorium Theater. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02856 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Baltimore and Ohio Building at Baltimore and Charles Streets, North-West corner. Photo ca. 1930. BFC-02857 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Baltimore Trust Building. Photo ca. 1930. BFC-02858 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Battle Monument. Photo ca. 1930. BFC-02859 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. City Hall. Photo 1904. Postcard sent to Bernard Rudd in Washington, DC. BFC-02860 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. New Emerson Hotel at Baltimore and Calvert Streets. Photo ca. 1930. BFC-02861 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Flag House at Pratt and Albemarle Streets. Photo-lithograph ca. 1930. BFC-02862 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Maryland Theatre and Hotel. Photo-lithograph early 1900's. BFC-02863 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. The Marlborough at Eutaw Place. Photo-lithograph early 1900's. BFC-02864 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Mont Royal Station. Fifth Regiment parade. Photo early 1900's Postcard sent to Albert Prose in Washington, DC. BFC-02865 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Washington Monument at night. Photo ca. 1930. BFC-02866 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. View of the Battle Monument and the Munsey Building, location of the Baltimore News newspaper. Photo-lithograph 1920's. BFC-02867 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Edgar Alan Poe monument at his grave site. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02868 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Rennert Hotel at Saratoga and Liberty Streets. Photo 1914. Postcard sent to Clara M. Ayres in White Hall, MD. BFC-02869 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Wildey Monument on North Broadway. Photo ca. 1918. Postcard sent to Walter Lang in Brooklyn, NY. BFC-02870 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Mount Vernon Place and Peabody Statue. Photo ca. 1911. Postcard sent from Rouzerville, PA to A. Stouffer in Waynesboro, PA. BFC-02871 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. View of Baltimore Street from Holliday Street, looking East. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02872 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. John Eager Howard statue and Washington Monument. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02873 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. S. Teackle Willis and Washington Monuments. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02874 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Revolutionary Monument at Mt. Royal Station. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02875 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. View of East Fayette Street and Shot Tower. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02876 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Bromo-Seltser Tower Building, laboratories and home office of Emerson Drug Company. Photo 1910. BFC-02877 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Patterson Park. Observatory, built 1911. Photo 1910's. BFC-02878 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. The Emerson Hotel, built by Isaac Emerson in 1911.Photo-lithograph ca. 1923. BFC-02879 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. The Belvedere Hotel. Photo-lithograph ca. 1920. keywords: hotel [original: B. Smith. Greeting from Baltimore, No. 126] BFC-02880 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. City Hall at night. Photo-lithograph ca. 1940. BFC-02881 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Birds eye view of the city with the City Hall. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02882 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. View of the city from the Harbor. Photo postcard early 1900's. BFC-02883 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Church Home and infirmary. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02884 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Aerial view of Baltimore Stadium at 33rd Street. Photo-lithograph 1944. BFC-02885 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. View of Baltimore Street, West of North Street. Photo 1906. Postcard sent to Ida Fallston. BFC-02886 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. View of Broadway. Photo 1905. Publisher: Henry Rinn. Postcard sent to J. E. Cochran, c/o S.A. Keaton in Cassville, PA. BFC-02887 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Fifth Regiment Armory. Photo early 1900's. Publisher: I. & M. Ottenheimer. BFC-02888 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Cerman Street looking West. Photo 1911. Publisher: S. Fuld. Postcard sent to P. House in Bridgeburg, Canada. BFC-02889 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Howard Street looking North at Lexington Street. Roland Park line street car is on the foreground. Store signs and advertisements read: Purnell Mirrors; Idle Hour [movie theater]; Photo 1910’s. BFC-02890 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Johns Hopkins Hospital. Photo 1906. Postcard sent to J. Cochran in Baltimore. BFC-02891 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Pimlico Race Track. Photo-lithograph ca. 1940. BFC-02892 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Peabody Institute at Mt. Vernon Square, established 1857. Photo-lithograph ca. 1940. BFC-02893 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Stuart & Co. department store. Lithograph 1913. Postcard mailed to W. J. Hunt in N. Andover, MA. BFC-02894 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. The Woman’s College. Photo-lithograph 1904. BFC-02895 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. War Memorial and Plaza. Photo-lithograph ca. 1940. BFC-02900 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. View of the Harbor, showing excursion boats Louise and Westmoreland. Photo 1920's. BFC-02901 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. View of the Harbor and the docks. Sidewheeler boat Avalon is on the background. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02902 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. View of the Harbor and the docks. Standard Oil Company pier. Photo ca. 1911. BFC-02903 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. View of the Harbor from Federal Hill. Photo ca. 1910. BFC-02904 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. View of the Upper Harbor and the city. Pratt and Light Street wharvess are on the background. Photo-lithograph ca. 1940. BFC-02905 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Scene in the port. Unloading oyster luggers. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02906 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Court House and Battle Monument. Photo early 1920's. BFC-02907 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Savings Bank of Baltimore. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02908 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Baltimore Street East of Hopkins Place. Advertisements and store signs read: Morrel, Shorb & Co.; Willis Sign Co.; Jacobs & Weiner; Archer’s Laundry; N. H. Walper. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02909 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Baltimore Street looking West. Advertisements and store signs read: Electric Theatre Supply Co.; Hats; Gayety Theatre; The Comedy Theatre; Museum. Photo early 1920's. BFC-02910 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Flower market by the Washington Monument. Photo early 1920's. BFC-02911 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Lexington Street, looking West from Park Avenue. Photo 1920's. BFC-02912 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Howard Street, looking North from Fayette Street. Advertisements and store signs read: Arnold Rosenfeld, Optometrist; Read’s Drugs; Gusdorff & Joseph. Photo 1920's. BFC-02913 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Lexington Market. Photo 1907. BFC-02914 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Sears Department Store. Photo-lithograph 1941. BFC-02915 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Druid Hill Park. Skating on the lake. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02916 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. State Normal School in Towson, currently Towson State University. Photo early 1920's. BFC-02917 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Howard Street Theater district. From left to right: Hotel Kernan (currently Congress Hotel), Auditorium Theatre. Photo ca. 1915. BFC-02918 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. The Garage at Mt. Royal Avenue and Charles Street, advertising Packard cars and trucks. Photo-lithograph 1941. BFC-02919 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Polytechnic Institute at North Avenue and Calvert Street. Photo-lithograph ca. 1920's. BFC-02920 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Walters Gallery and Washington Monument at Mt. Vernon Place. Photo 1908. Postcard sent to A. Clements in Buena Vista, VA. BFC-02921 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Hebrew Hospital and Asylum, also known as Church Home. Photo 1912. Postcard sent to O. M. Hood in Mont Airy, MD. BFC-02922 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Bird’s eye view of Baltimore Street from Continental Trust Co. building. Advertisement read: Goodyear’s Rubber House, George P. Thomas, Jr. Photo 1919. BFC-02923 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Barye Lion at Mt. Vernon Place. Photo 1913. Postcard sent to B. Gill in Lancaster, VA. BFC-02924 BALTIMORE, MD, USA. Greyhound Bus Station at Howard and Centre Streets. Photo-lithograph ca. 1940. BFC-03033 BALTIMORE, MD, USA City Hal and Municipal Office Building and Memorial Plaza. Photo-lithograph 1930's. Publisher: I. & M. Ottenheimer. BFC-03034 BALTIMORE, MD, USA Mansion house, Druid Hill Park. Photo early 1900's. BFC-03035 BALTIMORE, MD, USA Lexington market. Photo early 1900's. BFC-03036 BALTIMORE, MD, USA Washington Monument and Mount Vernon Place. Photo-lithograph 1930's. Publisher: Harry P. Cann & Bro. Co. BFC-03037 BALTIMORE, MD, USA University of Maryland buildings at Lombard and Green Streets. Left to right: Dental Department, School of Medicine, Law Department. Photo 1914. BFC-03038 BALTIMORE, MD, USA Southern Hotel at Redwood and Light Streets. Photo 1920's. BFC-03039 BALTIMORE, MD, USA Francis Scott Key Monument and Euataw Place Temple. Photo early 1900's. BFC-03212 BALTIMORE, MD, USA North Charles Street and Belvedere Hotel. Photo early 1900s. BFC-03213 BALTIMORE, MD, USA Eutaw Street. Photo 1910. BFC-00464 BAMBERGER, Louis, a prominent Jewish businessman and politician in the second half of XIX century in Germany. Engraving ca. 1882. BFC-00601 BARANOVICHI (also Baranowitsch, Baranowicze), Belarus. Railroad Station. Photo 1913. BFC-00602 BARANOVICHI (also Baranowitsch, Baranowicze), Belarus. Post Street. Photo 1913. BFC-01505 BARANOVICHI (also Baranowitsch, Baranowicze), Belarus. View of the mudcovered Lesnaya Street. Photo ca. 1917. BFC-01883 BARANOVICHI (also Baranowitsch, Baranowicze), Belarus. Mariinskaya Street.Store signs read, on the left: Shoemaker; on the right: Pharmacist D. I.Zak's Drug Store; Girsh Bregman's Leather Goods and Shoe Store; Hat Maker.Photo ca. 1912. BFC-02993 BARANOVICHI (also Baranowitsch, Baranowicze), Belarus. Street scene, period of German occupation in World War I. Photo ca. 1917 BFC-00228 BARATOV, Russian actor. BFC-02319 BARBIZON, France. Les Charmettes. Garden restaurant. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02926 BARCELONA, Spain. Arco del Triunfo. Photo 1930's. BFC-00305 BATUMI, Georgia. View of the city near port. Photo ca. 1918. BFC-02706 BAUSKA (also Baisk, Boisk), Latvia, . Certificate issued to Lithuanian citizen Anna Tuch. Signed by Rabbi M. Shuh (?). Document 1926. BFC-03044 BAUSKA (also Baisk, Boisk), Latvia. View of the town by the river. Photo ca. 1915. BFC-01754 BAZILIONAI (also Bazilainiai, Bazilian, Padubysys), Lithuania. BFC-03143 BEACON, NY, USA. Camp Nitgedaiget. Entrance to the main building. Photo 1937. BFC-03144 BEACON, NY, USA. Camp Nitgedaiget. Main building, view from the back. Photo 1937. BFC-02276 BEJING, China. The Temple of Confucius. Photo ca. 1910s. BFC-02932 BEJING, China. Temple of Haven. Photo ca. 1920. BFC-02933 BEJING, China. Summer Palace, Gallery. Photo ca. 1920. BFC-02934 BEJING, China. Eastern City. Photo ca. 1920. BFC-00402 Belarus. Jewish synagogue.Photo ca. 1905. BFC-01888 Belarus, . Meer Barbakov. Notarized copy of the birth record on the letterhead of the Riga Rabbi. Parents: Abel Barbakov from Belarus and Luba Gofman. Signed by Riga Rabbi M. Zak. Document 1921. BFC-02562 Belarus, . Laskov (variant Laskow), Haim, 1919-1983. Born in Belarus. Chief of Staff of IDF in 1958-1961. Photo ca. 1958. BFC-03232 BELINEK (also Bielinek, Belinok), Belarus. Two men and a boy crossing canal. Photo 1916. BFC-01984 BILA TSERKVA (also Belaya Tserkov, Biala Cierkwa), Ukraine, . M. Gershtejn (variants: Gershtein, Gerstein, Gersztejn). Studio portrait, inscribed to Tauba Iosifovna. Photographer: I. N. Koshevatskij. Photo 1910. BFC-01791 BELFORT, France. Stone synagogue, built 1862. Exterior, front view. Photo early 1900's. BFC-00385 BELGOROD DNESTROVSKIY (also Akerman, Akkerman, Celatea Alba), Ukraine. Fortress as it was in 1790. Woodcut 1880's. BFC-00386 BELGOROD DNESTROVSKIY (also Akerman, Akkerman, Celatea Alba), Ukraine. Fortress, view from the North-West.Woodcut 1880's. BFC-03017 BELGOROD DNESTROVSKIY (also Akerman, Akkerman, Celatea Alba), Ukraine. View of the town by the docks. Crowd greeting the arrival of the steam ship Turgenev. Photo ca. 1910. Publised by I. A. Anbinder in Akkerman. BFC-01514 BELIKI Village (Poltava Region), Ukraine. General view of the village with a water mill. Photo early 1900's. BFC-01317 BELTSY (also Balty, Beltz, Belzy, Bielce), Moldova. Street scene. Horse-driven buggy going through deep mud.Photo 1902. BFC-01318 BELTSY (also Balty, Beltz, Belzy, Bielce), Moldova. Street scene. Bessarabian peasants trying to release their ox-driven buggy stuck in the deep mud. Photo 1902. BFC-01319 BELTSY (also Balty, Beltz, Belzy, Bielce), Moldova. Deep mud in the center of the town. Photo 1902. BFC-01320 BELTSY (also Balty, Beltz, Belzy, Bielce), Moldova. Street scene in the center of the town after a big rain. Photo 1902. BFC-01321 BELTSY (also Balty, Beltz, Belzy, Bielce), Moldova. Horse driven buggy stuck in the deep mud on one of the central streets in town. Photo 1902. BFC-03207 BELTSY (also Balti, Balty, Beltz, Belzy, Bielce), Moldova. Postcard from Anton Ghijovsci (?) in Balti to attorney Marcel Ginzberg (variants: Gintsberg, Gintzberg) in Bucurest. Document 1929. BFC-03220 BELTSY (also Balti, Balty, Beltz, Belzy, Bielce), Moldova. Postcard from S. Tiusadu (?) in Balti to attorney Ghinzburg (variants: Gintsberg, Gintzberg) in Cisinau. Document 1932. BFC-01858 BELYJ, Smolensk Province, Russia, . Bekkert, Doba. Notarized copy of the birth record on the letterhead of the Velizh District Rabbi. Signed by Velizh Rabbi I. L. Document 1914. BFC-00945 BELZ, Ukraine. Stone synagogue, built in the 18th century. View from the West. Photo 1930s. BFC-01871 BELZ, Ukraine. Stone synagogue, built in the 18th century. Exterior view. Photo 1920's. BFC-01872 BELZ, Ukraine. Funeral of the Belzer "Wonder" Rabbi. The coffin is being carried out of the Rabbis' mansion. Photo 1927. BFC-01873 BELZ, Ukraine. Funeral of the Belzer "Wonder" Rabbi. The coffin is being carried into the Belz synagogue. Photo 1927. BFC-03226 BELZ, Ukraine. The Rabbi of Belz with his followers in a park of Marienbad (modern day Mariansle Lazne in Czech Republic). Photo early 1900's. BFC-00921 BENDER (also Bendery, Tighina), Moldova, . Railroad station. Photo 1902. BFC-01996 BENDER (also Bendery, Tighina), Moldova, . Jewish summer camp. Children at play. Photo 1920's. BFC-02626 BENDER (also Bendery, Tighina), Moldova, . Rabinovici (variants Rabinovich, Rabinovitch, Rabinovitsch,Rabinowicz, Rabinowitz), Basheva. Diploma issued on the completion of the Bender Lyceum. Photograph is attached. Document 1921. BFC-01851 BERDYANSK (also Novonogajsk, Osipenko), Ukraine, .Blekher (variants: Blecher, Bleher), Mendel' Itsko-Yankelevich.Identification photograph, notarized by V. G. Ol'shankij (variants: Olshansky) in Berdyansk. Photo 1915. BFC-00600 BERDYCHIV (also Berdichev, Berdyczow), Ukraine.A city square in front of the Teachers' College during German occupation in World War II. Photo ca. 1942. BFC-00879 BERDYCHIV (also Berdichev, Berdyczow), Ukraine. Great Synagogue. Front view. Drawing after a 1890's photograph. BFC-01303 BERDYCHIV (also Berdichev, Berdyczow), Ukraine.German aerial reconnaissance photo. Photo July 1941. BFC-01536 BERDYCHIV (also Berdichev, Berdyczow), Ukraine.Street scene in the beginning of the Nazi occupation during World War II. Photo August 1941. BFC-01768 BERDYCHIV (also Berdichev, Berdyczow), Ukraine.Panoramic view of the city from the river. Photo early 1900s. BFC-01769 BERDYCHIV (also Berdichev, Berdyczow), Ukraine, .Yakhnis, Sus' Ikhilev, graduate of the Berdichev Commerce College. Certified photo, 1915. BFC-01789 BERDYCHIV (also Berdichev, Berdyczow), Ukraine. View of Makhnovskaya street from Sobornaya Square towards the Great Synagogue. The caption in Polish and Russian reads: Greetings from Berdichev! Choral Synagogue. Published as a postcard by Goldenberg's Books, Sheet Music and Office Supplies Store in Berdichev. Photo early 1900s. BFC-01796 BERDYCHIV (also Berdichev, Berdyczow), Ukraine. Bird's eye view of the town. Zhitomir Street houses are on the foreground. Photo early 1900's. BFC-01835 BERDYCHIV (also Berdichev, Berdyczow), Ukraine. bathing area on Gnilopyat' River. Great Synagogue of Berdichev is on the background on a hill. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02284 BEREZA (also Bereza Kartuska, Brzeza, Kartusskaya Bereza), Belarus. Group photograph of teachers and pupils of the Jewish public school. Photo ca. 1920's. BFC-02285 BEREZA (also Bereza Kartuska, Brzeza, Kartusskaya Bereza), Belarus. Wooden synagogue. Exterior view. Photo ca. 1910's. BFC-01088 BEREZHANY (also Berzhan, Brzezany, Brezan, Berson), Ukraine. Jewish cemetery. Carved gravestone, 19 century. Photo ca. 1931. BFC-03133 BEREZHANY (also Berzhan, Brzezany, Brezan, Berson), Ukraine. Panoramic view of the town. Photo 1910's. BFC-03270 BEREZHANY, (also Berzhan, Brzezany, Brezan, Berson), Ukraine. Bird’s eye view of the town toward market square. Photo 1915. BFC-03271 BEREZHANY, (also Berzhan, Brzezany, Brezan, Berson), Ukraine. Ruined houses in the center of the town. Photo 1916. BFC-01539 BEREZINO, Belarus. View of a town street in the beginning of the Nazi occupation during World War II. Photo July 1941. BFC-01540 BEREZINO, Belarus. View of the Lepel Street in the beginning of the Nazi occupation during World War II. Photo July 1941. BFC-01541 BEREZINO, Belarus. View of a street, deserted by its inhabitants in thebeginning of the Nazi occupation during World War II. Photo July 1941. BFC-03221 BEREZINO, Tarutino district, Ukraine. Postcard from attorney Marcel Ghinzberg (variants: Ginzberg, Gintsberg, Gintzberg) in Bucurest addressed to Iosif Smil Godstein in Berezino. Document 1931. BFC-03117 BERLIN, Germany. Postcard sent by the law firm of Aba Goniondskis (variant: Goniondzki) to firm Reinhold Wurach in Berlin, Germany. The correspondence concerns H. Gladshteinas (variants: Gladstein, Gladstejn, Gladshteyn, Gladsztejn) of Kaunas. Document 1936. BFC-00757 BESHENKOVICHI, Belarus. Jewish area of the town after a big fire. Yiddish inscription on the photo reads: Six people died in this house. Photo 1922. BFC-01531 BESHENKOVICHI, Belarus. View of the town in ruins during the Nazi occupation in World Ward II. Photo July 1941. BFC-01537 BESHENKOVICHI, Belarus. German troops crossing Zapadnaya Dvina river in the beginning of the Nazi occupation during World War II. Photo July 1941. BFC-01538 BESHENKOVICHI, Belarus. German troops crossing Zapadnaya Dvina river in the beginning of the Nazi occupation during World War II. Photo July 1941. BFC-01547 BESHENKOVICHI, Belarus. German troops crossing the Dvina river in the beginning of the Nazi occupation during World War II. Photo July 1941. BFC-01548 BESHENKOVICHI, Belarus. German Army Ammunition Transportation convoy driving through a mud-covered street in town. Beginning of the Nazi occupation during World War II. Photo July 1941. BFC-01900 BIALA, Poland. Joseph Square. Photo 1904. BFC-00922 BIALYSTOK, Poland. Stone Synagogue, exterior. Photo 1902. BFC-00923 BIALYSTOK, Poland. Barracks for victims of the Typhusoutbreak. Photo December 1921. BIALYSTOK, Poland. View of the Nicholas Street. Store sign on the left reads: I. Singer. Photo early 1900's. BFC-01298 BIALYSTOK, Poland. View in the city park. Photo early 1900's. BFC-01301 BIALYSTOK, Poland. View of the city. On the left is the Business School. Photo early 1900's. BFC-01302 BIALYSTOK, Poland. Railroad Station. Photo early 1900's. BFC-01357 BIALYSTOK, Poland. View of the Market Street and the clock tower. Store sign on the foreground reads: Children's Toys.Photo 1914. BFC-03063 BIALYSTOK, Poland. Advertisement for I. S. Ziman (variant: Zyman) rubber stamp factory. Document 1898. BFC-03101 BIALYSTOK, Poland. View of Market Square. Store sign read: Pharmacy Store; V. Frejdin’s (variants: Freidin, Freydin) Store; Book Store. Photo ca. 1915. BFC-00209 BIROBIDZHAN. Meeting of the Jewish resettlers in the Birobidzhan railroad station.Photo 1928. BFC-00684 BIRZHAI (also Birz, Birze, Birzh), Lithuania. Place of execution of 3000 local Jews by the Nazis and their Lithuanian collaborators in 1941. Photo 1983. BFC-00685 BIRZHAI (also Birz, Birze, Birzh), Lithuania. Place of execution of 3000 local Jews by the Nazis and their Lithuanian collaborators in 1941. Photo1983. BFC-00686 BIRZHAI (also Birz, Birze, Birzh), Lithuania. Gravestone on the place of murder of 3000 local Jews by the Nazis and their Lithuanian collaborators in 1941. Photo 1983. BFC-01422 BIRZHAI (also Birz, Birze, Birzh), Lithuania. Group photo of the Jewish Community leaders with the Rabbi. Photo ca. 1937. BFC-01423 BIRZHAI (also Birz, Birze, Birzh), Lithuania. Group photo of the kindergarten children on Lag B'Omer 5699, June 29, 1939. BFC-01424 BIRZHAI (also Birz, Birze, Birzh), Lithuania. Jewish Old-Aged Home. Photo ca. 1937. BFC-01425 BIRZHAI (also Birz, Birze, Birzh), Lithuania. View outside the Shoemakers' Prayer House. Photo ca. 1937. BFC-01426 BIRZHAI (also Birz, Birze, Birzh), Lithuania. Group of local residents outside the Torah Study House of the Beadles. Photo ca. 1937. BFC-02034 BIRZHAI (also Birz, Birze, Birzh), Lithuania. View of the market square in town. Photo 1920s. BFC-02584 BIRZHAI (also Birz, Birze, Birzh), Lithuania. Passport issued by the German administration to Tsuril (?) Melamed, born in Birzh. Photograph is enclosed. Document 1917. Copy price coefficient for eight pages: 3.0 BFC-02645 BIRZHAI (also Birz, Birze, Birzh), Lithuania. Passport issued by the German administration to Frida (?) Dimant, ne Bliden, born in Zhagory. Photograph is enclosed. Document 1918. Copy price coefficient for eight pages: 3.0 BFC-02656 BLAGOVESHCHENSK, Russia, . Sviderskaya (variant Svidersky, Swiderski), Lyudmila. Identification photograph. Photo early 1900's. BFC-00485 BLARAMBERG, P.I., Russian composer, portrait by V. Serov. 1888. Moscow, State Tretyakov Gallery. BFC-02320 BLOIS, France. Commerce Street. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02608 BOBRINETS, Ukraine, . Ovodenko, Berta. Studio portrait. Photographer: L. I. Ukrainsky Studio. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02076 BOBRUJSK (also Bobroisk, Borbuisk), Belarus. Street view in slobodka (Russian word for a part of a town traditionally populated by the Jews). Photo ca. 1910. BFC-02077 BOBRUJSK (also Bobroisk, Borbuisk), Belarus. Kh. Lazareva's Jewish Gymnasia. Photo early 1900's. BFC-01870 BOBRUJSK (also Bobroisk, Borbuisk), Belarus, . Henoch Zejgejmejster Affidavit issued to the resident of Shavlyany Henoch Zejgejmejster, based on the testimony of the Zhagare Rabbi Izrael Ryf, and the Shiauliai Rabbi Iozif Brewdo. Signed by G. Lorniski and A. Plotker. Document 1920. BFC-01982 BOBRUJSK (also Bobroisk, Borbuisk), Belarus, . Isaak Slez. Affidavit issued to Sholom-Ber Funk, authorizing him to receive Lithuanian visa and other documents. Signed by I. Slez. Document 1923. BFC-02482 BOBRUJSK (also Bobroisk, Borbuisk), Belarus. Studio portrait of an unidentified woman. Photographer: V. L. Katsenbogin (variants Kacenboin, Katzenbogin). Photo early 1900's. BFC-01998 BOCHNIA (also Bokhnya), Poland. View of the market square. Photo ca. 1915. BFC-01642 BOGORIA, Poland. Wooden synagogue, built in the late 18th century. Exterior, view from the North-West. Photo 1920's. BFC-02321 BOLBEC, France. Papavoine Street. Photo ca. 1920's. BFC-02155 BOMBAY, India. View of the city from the Clock Tower. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02156 BOMBAY, India. Taj Mahal Hotel from the river. Photo ca. 1950's. BFC-02157 BOMBAY, India. Marine Drive. Photo ca. 1950's. BFC-02158 BOMBAY, India. Street astrologer. Photo ca. 1950's. BFC-02159 BOMBAY, India. Taj Mahal Hotel. Photo ca. 1920's. BFC-02160 BOMBAY, India. Street scene in front of the General Post Office. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02161 BOMBAY, India. Colaba Causeway. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02162 BOMBAY, India. Esplanada Road. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02163 BOMBAY, India. View from Malabar Hill. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02164 BOMBAY, India. J. N. Tata’s Statue. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02165 BOMBAY, India. Cuff Parade. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02166 BOMBAY, India. The Parsi Tower of Silence. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02167 BOMBAY, India. The ritual of cremation. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02168 BOMBAY, India. A family of native Jews of India. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02169 BOMBAY, India. Keneseth Eliyahu Synagogue. Exterior view. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02170 BOMBAY, India. Second Beni-Israel Synagogue. Exterior view. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02171 BOMBAY, India. Magen David or Sha’ar Ha-Rahamim Synagogue. Exterior view. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02172 BOMBAY, India. A Parsee lady and her daughter. Woodcut 1869. BFC-02173 BOMBAY, India. Pagoda at Malabar Hill. Woodcut 1869. BFC-01383 BORDEAUX, France. View at the raid near the Stock Exchange. Photo early 1900's. BFC-01384 BORDEAUX, France. Map of the North-West section of the city, about 1450,showing the Jewish Street (Rua Judaica) and the Jewish Quarter (S. MartinDeu Mont Judec) outside the city walls. BFC-00007 BORISOV, Belarus. View of the town from the North-East. Photo ca. 1905. BFC-00401 BORISOV, Belarus. View of the city and Berezina River. Photo ca. 1905. BFC-00456 BORISOV, Belarus. Synagogue, destroyed by shrapnels. Photo ca. 1919. BFC-00632 BORISOV, Belarus. General view of the town. Photo ca. 1915. BFC-00633 BORISOV, Belarus. General view of the town. Photo ca. 1915. BFC-00634 BORISOV, Belarus. Russian Orthodox Church. Photo ca. 1915. BFC-02946 BORSHCHAGIVKA (also Borshchagovka) village near Bila Tserkva, Ukraine. View of the village. Engraving mid-19th century. BFC-01121 BOSCOWICE, Poland. Old Jewish cemetery. Tombstones from the 17th century. Photo 1930's. BFC-03290 BOSTON, MA, USA. Abe Singer (variant: Zinger), fourteen-year old helper at Wax Florists, 143 Tremont Street. Photo 1917. BFC-01530 BOTANOVKA village, Chudnovo region, Russia. View of the village in ruinsduring the Nazi occupation in World Ward II. Photo June 1942. BFC-00512 BOYARKA, Ukraine. View of the town with a pond. Photo ca.1911. Sent as postcard to Sofia Nevodnichansky in Vilna. BFC-00749 BRAILOV, Ukraine. Abraham Pechman, folklorist and a member of the 1911-1913 Jewish ethnographyc expedition, interviewing his grandfather. Photo ca. 1912. BFC-01335 BRANSK, Bialystok region, Poland. Hasidic prayer house. Exterior. Reconstruction based on the 1899 design drawing. BFC-01767 BRATISLAVA (also Pozsony, Pressburg), Slovakia. View of a city street with a synagogue, built 1893, and the St. Martin Cathedral. Photo ca. 1920. BFC-00871 BREST (also Brest-Litovsk), Belarus. View of one of the central streets in town ruined during World War I. Photo 1916. BFC-01292 BREST (also Brest-Litovsk), Belarus. View of an old Jewish cemetery. Photo ca. 1916. BFC-01542 BREST (also Brest-Litovsk), Belarus. Buildings destroyed by German bombs and artillery in the beginning of the Nazi occupation during World War II. Photo June 1941. BFC-02556 BREST (also Brest-Litovsk), Belarus. Studio portrait of an unidentified Jewish man. Photographer G. Linder’s Studio in Warsaw and Brest-Litovsk. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02661 BREST (also Brest-Litovsk), Belarus. Tombstones in the Jewish cemetery. Photo 1915. BFC-03269 BREST (also Brest-Litovsk), Belarus. Street scene in the Jewish area of the town. Drawing ca. 1915. BFC-01985 BRICHEVA (also Brichevo), Moldova, . Dr. A. I. Bermant. Studio portrait, inscribed to his nephew M. Glants (variants: Glantz, Glanz). Photographer: M.I. Shejngarts (variants: Sheingarts, Sheingartz, Shaingartz, Szejngartz) in Mogilev-Podolskij. Photo 1909. BFC-01429 BRODY, Ukraine. Stone synagogue, built in 1689-1742.Exterior, view from the South. Photo 1930's. BFC-01430 BRODY, Ukraine. Stone synagogue, built in 1689-1742.Interior, view at the Bimah. Photo1930's. BFC-01431 BRODY, Ukraine. Stone synagogue, built in 1689-1742.Interior, part of the Bimah. Ironwork.Photo 1930's. BFC-01432 BRODY, Ukraine. Stone synagogue, built in 1689-1742. Interior, brass menorah. Photo 1930's. BFC-01489 BRODY, Ukraine. Stone synagogue, built in 1689-1742. Exterior view. Photo early 1900's. BFC-01511 BRODY, Ukraine. Scene at the border crossing check point from Austro-Hungary into Russia, on the outskirts of the city. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02501 BROOKLYN, NY, USA, . Gorelik, Lejba. Studio portrait inscribed to Klewanski. Photo 1921. BFC-02445 BROWNSVILLE, PA, USA. Bird’s eye view of the town from East End Heights, with Monongahela River dividing South and West Brownsville. Photo ca. 1920's. BFC-00241 BRUNI, L.A. Portrait of a composer A. Lurie. 1915. State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg. BFC-02738 BRUXELLES (also Brussels), Belgium, . Eugene Ysaye (1858-1931), violinist. Photographer: Breitkopf and Hartel Studio, London. Photo ca. 1915. BFC-01503 BUCHACH (also Buczacz), Ukraine. City hospital. Photo early 1900's. BFC-01516 BUCHACH (Polish - Buczacz), Ukraine. General view of the city. Photo 1920's. BFC-01517 BUCHACH (Polish - Buczacz), Ukraine. View of the railroad bridge on theoutskirts of the city. Photo 1920's. BFC-01518 BUCHACH (Polish - Buczacz), Ukraine. Queen Jadwiga Catholic School. Photo 1920's. BFC-01552 BUCHACH (Polish - Buczacz), Ukraine. Chanukia (made in 1823) and a decorative copper plate (made in 1768) from a Buchach synagogue. Photo 1920's. BFC-02732 BUCKROE BEACH, VA, USA. Studio photo of three unidentified woman. Photographer: C. B. Wagoner Studio. Photo early 1900's. BFC-03205 BUCURESTI (also Bucarest, Bucuresti, Bukarest, Bucharest), Romania. Postcard from N. Luscalav in Orheiu to attorney Marcel Ghinzberg (variants: Ginzberg, Gintsberg, Gintzberg) in Bucurest. Document 1932. BFC-03206 BUCURESTI (also Bucarest, Bucuresti, Bukarest, Bucharest), Romania. Postcard from attorney Cesar Stoika to attorney Marcel Ginzberg (variants: Gintsberg, Gintzberg). Document 1931. BFC-03207 BUCURESTI (also Bucarest, Bucuresti, Bukarest, Bucharest), Romania. Postcard from Anton Ghijovsci (?) in Balti to attorney Marcel Ginzberg (variants: Gintsberg, Gintzberg) in Bucurest. Document 1929. BFC-03208 BUCURESTI (also Bucarest, Bucuresti, Bukarest, Bucharest), Romania. Postcard from M. Goldenberg in Cisinau to attorney Marcel Ghinzberg (variants: Ginzberg, Gintsberg, Gintzberg) in Bucurest. Document 1933. BFC-03215 BUCURESTI (also Bucarest, Bucuresti, Bukarest, Bucharest), Romania. Postcard from Orheiu to attorney Marcel Ghinzberg (variants: Ginzberg, Gintsberg, Gintzberg) in Bucurest. Document 1931. BFC-03216 BUCURESTI (also Bucarest, Bucuresti, Bukarest, Bucharest), Romania. Postcard from Cisinau (also Kishinev) addressed to attorney Marcel Ghinzberg (variants: Ginzberg, Gintsberg, Gintzberg) in Bucurest. Document 1936. BFC-03217 BUCURESTI (also Bucarest, Bucuresti, Bukarest, Bucharest), Romania. Postcard addressed to attorney Marcel Ghinzberg (variants: Ginzberg, Gintsberg, Gintzberg) in Bucurest. Document 1938. BFC-03218 BUCURESTI (also Bucarest, Bucuresti, Bukarest, Bucharest), Romania. Postcard from Cisinau (also Kishinev) addressed to attorney Marcel Ghinzberg (variants: Ginzberg, Gintsberg, Gintzberg) in Bucurest. Document 1935. BFC-03219 BUCURESTI (also Bucarest, Bucuresti, Bukarest, Bucharest), Romania. Postcard from P. Puriscura (?) in Orhei addressed to attorney Marcel Ghinzberg (variants: Ginzberg, Gintsberg, Gintzberg) in Bucurest. Document 1938. BFC-03221 BUCURESTI (also Bucarest, Bucuresti, Bukarest, Bucharest), Romania. Postcard from attorney Marcel Ghinzberg (variants: Ginzberg, Gintsberg, Gintzberg) in Bucurest addressed to Iosif Smil Godstein in Berezino. Document 1931. BFC-00636 BUDAPEST, Hungary. Kerepesi Street and the National Theatre. Photo 1900. BFC-02460 BUDAPEST, Hungary, . Passport issued to Feanne (Fanka) Grasz, born 1910s in Godollo. Photograph is enclosed. Document 1936. Copy price coefficient for ten pages: 3.0 BFC-02493 BUDAPEST, Hungary, . Foreign passport issued to Margit Kemeny. Photograph is enclosed. Nine pages of visa stamps. Document 1924. Copy price coefficient for 15 pages: 5.0 BFC-03128 BUDAPEST, Hungary. Café Ostende. Group of adult and children musicians. Photo ca. 1930's. Photographer: Artistica Foto in Budapest. BFC-01532 BUDENOVKA village, Mariupol region, Ukraine. View of the village during the Nazi occupation in World Ward II. Photo July 1942. BFC-03293 BUFFALO, NY, USA. Newsboy Albert Krieger (variants: Kriger, Krygier). Original caption reads: Albert Krieger, 10 years old, 673 Fillmore St., going into saloon at 10 P.M. to sell papers. Photo 1910. BFC-01502 BUKHARA, Uzbekistan. Jewish family outside their house. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02956 BUKHARA, Uzbekistan. Jewish wedding party. Photo ca. 1906. BFC-03298 BURLINGTON, VT, USA. Isidor Lipovsky (variants Lipovskij, Lipowski) of 24 Luck Street. Newspaper seller. Ten years old and been selling every day part of the time. Second year at it. Photo December 1916. BFC-00793 BUTRIMONYS (also Batrimonis, Baltrimantz), Lithuania. View of a town street in winter. Photo ca. 1937. BFC-00810 BUTRIMONYS (also Batrimonis, Baltrimantz), Lithuania. Rabbi Abraham Eliezerson. BFC-01658 BYKHOV, Belarus. View at the old part of the town from the Dnepr River. Photo ca. 1904. BFC-00119 BYKOVKA, near Zhitomir, Ukraine. Jewish cemetery in Zhitomir.A mass grave of the Jews from Bykovka and Sobolevka villages killed by the Nazis in 1941. Photo 1974. BFC-00550 CAHAN, Abraham, editor of the New York Yiddish daily "Forwaerts". Photo 1913. BFC-02267 California, USA. Sunset in Southern California. Photo ca. 1920s. BFC-02289 California, USA. Automobiling through South Mountain Reservation. Photo 1904. BFC-02259 CAMBRIDGE, MA, USA Harward University. Boat house, Eliot and Lowell House towers. Photo 1920s. BFC-01780 CAPE TOWN, South Africa. Scene at the harbour. Arrival of fishing boats. Photo 1910's. BFC-03001 CAPE TOWN, South Africa. South African Light Horse, coming down Adderly St., to entrain for the front. Photo ca. 1900. BFC-02279 CARACAS, Venezuela. Jose y Sara Lerner Jabad Lubavitch Synagogue. Group of American tourists inside the main sanctuary. Photo 2000. BFC-00239 CHAGALL, Marc (1888-1985).Red Jew. Oil painting. 1915 State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg. BFC-00240 CHAGALL, Marc (1888-1985). Head of a Boy (self-portrait?). Oil painting. Private collection, Moscow. BFC-01877 CHANDLERS, OK, USA, . Envelope, addressed by Chase Volpertene [Lithuanian form of the name Volpert/Wolpert for married women] from Rokishkis,Lithuania to Jim Mayer in Chandlers. 1925. BFC-01046 CHARLESTON, S.C., USA. Interior of the Old Synagogue of the Beth Elohim congregation. The synagogue was destroyed by fire April 27, 1838. Drawing early 1800's. BFC-01604 CHARLOTTENBURG, Germany. View of the Wittenberg Square and the Tauenzien Street. Photo early 1900's. BFC-01605 CHARLOTTENBURG, Germany. View of the Savigny Square. Photo early 1900's. BFC-01606 CHARLOTTENBURG, Germany. Police Headquarters. Photo early 1900's. BFC-01607 CHARLOTTENBURG, Germany. View at the Luisen Square and the Palace. Photo early 1900's. BFC-01608 CHARLOTTENBURG, Germany. Scene at the Reichkanzler Square. Photo early 1900's. BFC-01609 CHARLOTTENBURG, Germany. Technical School. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02326 CHARTRES, France. Le Pont Neuf. Photo 1904. BFC-03161 CHATTANOOGA, TN, USA Mocassin Bend and birds eye view of the city from Point Lookout Mountain. Photo early 1900's. BFC-00398 CHAUSY, Belarus. View at Zarechye area of the town. Photo ca. 1904. BFC-03003 CHAUSY (also Chos, Czausy), Belarus. St. George Church. Photo ca. 1904. BFC-03342 CHEKISHKE (also Chekishok, Chakishki), Lithuania. View of the town. Photo 1963. BFC-01646 CHELM, Poland. Stone synagogue, interior view. Photo 1920's. BFC-01647 CHELM, Poland. Stone synagogue, interior. View at the bimah. Pencil drawing1930's. BFC-01648 CHELM, Poland. Market place. Watercolor 1930's. BFC-02593 CHELYABINSK, Russia, . Miller, Efim. Letter of refusal to travel abroad, issued by Chelyabinsk Militia office. Document 1989. BFC-00390 CHERNIGOV, Ukraine. General view of the city. Photo 1880's. BFC-00774 CHERNIGOV, Ukraine. View of the city near the Torgovaya Square.Ink drawing from a ca. 1902 photograph. BFC-00775 CHERNIGOV, Ukraine. House of the Hetman Mazepa. (Mazepa defected from the Peter the Great's Court to Swedes and helped them in their war against Russia in the early 18th century).Photo ca. 1902. BFC-00776 CHERNIGOV, Ukraine. View of the city from the Strizhen river during spring flood. Photo ca. 1902. BFC-02418 CHERNIGOV, Ukraine, . Russian imperial passport issued in Ponevezh, Lithuania, 1911 to Khana/Anna Golombek, age 41. Resident permits from Chernigov, Moscow, Minsk, and Gomel were issued in various years. Copy price coefficient for 16 pages: 4.0 BFC-02524 CHERNIHIV (also Chernigov, Tschernigof) Ukraine, . Katsnelson (variants Katsenelson, Katznelson), Lev. Medical doctor, and literary editor. Died in St. Petersburg, Russia. Photo 1910's. BFC-03354 CHERNIHIV (also Chernigov, Czernihow), Ukraine Panorama of the city. Photo early 1900s. Photographer: V. E. Gol'dfajn (variants: Goldfain, Goldfayn). BFC-03384 CHERNIHIV (also Chernigov, Czernihow), Ukraine Anna Liberman - Naum Gorbulev engagement announcement. Document 1910. BFC-03386 CHERNIHIV (also Chernigov, Czernihow), Ukraine Grisha Minchin’s calling card. Document ca. 1910. 19140220057sc_Gorbulev_Stifelman_letter.jpg CHERNIGOV [Чернигов], Ukraine. Letter from Kiva Gorbulev (Горбулев) to Sophie Stifelman/Shtifelman (Стифельман/Штифельман) in Montreal, Canada. Document 1914. 19170314001s_Stifelman_Philadelphia_letter.jpg CHERNIGOV [Чернигов], Ukraine. Letter from Gorbulev (Горбулев) to Sophie and Boris Stifelman/Shtifelman (Стифельман/Штифельман) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Document 1917. 19230703001s_Kovalev_Stifelman_letter.jpg CHERNIGOV [Чернигов], Ukraine. Letter from Kovalev (Ковалев), ne Gorbulev (Горбулев) to Stifelman (nee Gorbulev) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Document ca. 1923. BFC-01375 CHERNIVTSI (also Cernauti, Chernovtsy, Chernovitse, Chernovitsy, Chernovitz, Czerniowce, Czernovitz, Czernowitz), Ukraine. Jewish cemetery. Carved tomb stone on the grave site of Israel ben Zvi, died in 1791. Photo 1930's. BFC-01376 CHERNIVTSI (also Cernauti, Chernovtsy, Chernovitse, Chernovitsy, Chernovitz, Czerniowce, Czernovitz, Czernowitz), Ukraine. View of the city square withthe Jewish Center (right) and the City Theatre (top center). Photo early1900's. BFC-01377 CHERNIVTSI (also Cernauti, Chernovtsy, Chernovitse, Chernovitsy, Chernovitz, Czerniowce, Czernovitz, Czernowitz), Ukraine. Street scene in front of the synagogue. Photo early 1900's. BFC-01766 CHERNIVTSI (also Cernauti, Chernovtsy, Chernovitse, Chernovitsy, Chernovitz, Czerniowce, Czernovitz, Czernowitz), Ukraine. Lively street scene in front of the synagogue. Photo 1909. BFC-03000 CHERNIVTSI (also Cernauti, Chernovtsy, Chernovitse, Chernovitsy, Chernovitz, Czerniowce, Czernovitz, Czernowitz), Ukraine. Jewish Center and the synagogue, Photo early 1900's. Published as postcard by Joseph Horowitz (variants Gorovits, Gorovets) in Czernowitz. BFC-01934 CHERNIVTSI (also Cernauti, Chernovtsy, Chernovitse, Chernovitsy, Chernovitz, Czerniowce, Czernovitz, Czernowitz), Ukraine, . Postcard in Yiddish from Leiser Ehrlich (variants: Erlich, Erlikh) to Jacob Bercovici (variants: Berkovich, Berkowicz, Berkowitz) in Bacau, Romania. Document 1907. BFC-01935 CHERNIVTSI (also Cernauti, Chernovtsy, Chernovitse, Chernovitsy, Chernovitz, Czerniowce, Czernovitz, Czernowitz), Ukraine, . Postcard in Yiddish from Leiser Ehrlich (variants: Erlich, Erlikh) to Jacob Bercovici (variants: Berkovich, Berkowicz, Berkowitz) in Bacau, Romania. Document 1908 BFC-01936 CHERNIVTSI (also Cernauti, Chernovtsy, Chernovitse, Chernovitsy, Chernovitz, Czerniowce, Czernovitz, Czernowitz), Ukraine, . Postcard in Yiddish from Leiser Ehrlich (variants: Erlich, Erlikh) to Jacob Bercovici (variants: Berkovich, Berkowicz, Berkowitz) in Bacau, Romania. Document 1907. BFC-01937 CHERNIVTSI (also Cernauti, Chernovtsy, Chernovitse, Chernovitsy, Chernovitz, Czerniowce, Czernovitz, Czernowitz), Ukraine, . Postcard in Yiddish from Leiser Ehrlich (variants: Erlich, Erlikh) to Jacob Bercovici (variants: Berkovich, Berkowicz, Berkowitz) in Bacau, Romania. Document 1907. BFC-01938 CHERNIVTSI (also Cernauti, Chernovtsy, Chernovitse, Chernovitsy, Chernovitz, Czerniowce, Czernovitz, Czernowitz), Ukraine, . Postcard in Yiddish from Leiser Ehrlich (variants: Erlich, Erlikh) to Jacob Bercovici (variants: Berkovich, Berkowicz, Berkowitz) in Bacau, Romania. Document 1909. BFC-01939 CHERNIVTSI (also Cernauti, Chernovtsy, Chernovitse, Chernovitsy, Chernovitz, Czerniowce, Czernovitz, Czernowitz), Ukraine, . Postcard in Yiddish from Leiser Ehrlich (variants: Erlich, Erlikh) to Jacob Bercovici (variants: Berkovich, Berkowicz, Berkowitz) in Bacau, Romania. Document 1909. BFC-01940 CHERNIVTSI (also Cernauti, Chernovtsy, Chernovitse, Chernovitsy, Chernovitz, Czerniowce, Czernovitz, Czernowitz), Ukraine, . Postcard in Yiddish from M. Ekstein (variants: Eksztejn, Ekshtein) to Jacob Bercovici (variants: Berkovich, Berkowicz, Berkowitz) in Bacau, Romania. Document 1911. BFC-01941 CHERNIVTSI (also Cernauti, Chernovtsy, Chernovitse, Chernovitsy, Chernovitz, Czerniowce, Czernovitz, Czernowitz), Ukraine, . Postcard in German from Abraham Engler to Jacob Bercovici (variants: Berkovich, Berkowicz, Berkowitz) in Bacau, Romania. Document 1914. BFC-01942 CHERNIVTSI (also Cernauti, Chernovtsy, Chernovitse, Chernovitsy, Chernovitz, Czerniowce, Czernovitz, Czernowitz), Ukraine, . Postcard in Yiddish from M. Ekstein (variants: Eksztejn, Ekshtein) to Jacob Bercovici (variants: Berkovich, Berkowicz, Berkowitz) in Bacau, Romania. Document 1917. BFC-00306 CHERVEN (also Igumen, Eidkunen), Belarus. Germam soldiers and the locals in the Market square. Photo ca. 1918. BFC-00138 CHERVONOARMEISK (also Pulin), Ukraine. High school teenagers. All of them except Manya Gofman (2nd row, 2nd from the left) and Abram Krupnik (1st row, 2nd from the right) were killed by the Nazis during World War II. Photo ca. 1932. BFC-00137 CHERVONOARMEISK (form. Pulin), Ukraine. The Gluzman family upon their return from evacuation in the end of World War II. The whole family emigrated to the USA in 1979-1991.Photo 1945. BFC-03138 CHEVY CHASE, MD, USA. Driving on a macadam road. Photo 1910. BFC-00476 CHICAGO, IL, USA. Orthodox Jewish home for the aged.Ogden & Albany Avenues. Photo ca. 1908. BFC-02265 CHICAGO, IL, USA. Lincoln Park. Flower garden from conservatory. Photo early 1900s. BFC-02382 Flight No. 2. After an early 1900's photo of Blue Island Avenue, Chicago, IL. BFC-02383 Flight No. 2. After an early 1900's photo of Grand Boulevard, Chicago, IL. BFC-02384 Rush Street Bridge, Chicago. After an early 1900's photo from Chicago, IL. BFC-02385 CHICAGO, IL, USA. View of Lake Shore Drive and Oak Street Beach. The Drake Hotel is in the center. Photo 1932. BFC-02386 CHICAGO, IL, USA. View of Oak Street Beach, Lake Shore Drive, and The Drake Hotel. Photo 1940's. BFC-02421 CHICAGO, IL, USA. Washington Park. Lagoon. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02619 CHICAGO, IL, USA, Dr. George Proudley. Studio portrait. Woloer & Platt. Studio. Photo 1900. BFC-02272 Chinese Motiff 1/2002. BFC-01828 CHITA, Russia, . Ass, Moisej Yankelevich. Identification photograph. Photographer: L. Eselevich.Notarized by P.A. Kuznetsov. Photo 1915. BFC-01366 CHMIELNIK, Poland. Stone synagogue, built ca. 1634, rebuilt in the 1850's. Interior, view at the bimah. Photo 1930's. BFC-01129 CHODOVA PLANA (also Kuttenplan), Czechoslovakia. Stone synagogue, built 1759. Interior, ceiling decor. Photo 1913. BFC-01510 CHORTKIV (also Czortkow). View in the center of the city towards the market square. Photo 1920's. BFC-00756 CHUDNIV (also Chudnov, Czudnow), Ukraine. Portraits of Ya. Brodsky, A.Fleisher and P. Gorvits, members of the Chudnov BUND self-defense who were killed during a pogrom in the town of Troyanov on 25-26 of April, 1905. Photo 1905. BFC-00220 CHUFUT-KALE, Ukraine (Crimea). Karaite Synagogue. Exterior view. Photo 1972. BFC-00221 CHUFUT-KALE, Ukraine (Crimea). Karaite Synagogue. Court-yard. Photo 1972. BFC-00222 CHUFUT-KALE, Ukraine (Crimea). Karaite Synagogue. Interior. Photo 1972. BFC-00223 CHUFUT-KALE, Ukraine (Crimea). Karaite Synagogue. Interior. Photo 1972. BFC-00224 CHUFUT-KALE, Ukraine (Crimea). Karaite Synagogue. Interior. Photo 1972. BFC-00225 CHUFUT-KALE, Ukraine (Crimea). Karaite Synagogue. A plaque with an inscription in Hebrew. Photo 1972. BFC-00954 CHUFUT-KALE, Ukraine (Crimea). Valley of Jehosaphat. Karaites' cemetery. There were about 4000 tombstones in the cemetery in the mid-XIX century, the oldest being from the 15th century. Woodcut 1850. BFC-01910 CIECHANOW (also Chekhanov, Chekhanove, Tschechanow, Ziechenau), Poland. Main street in town. Photo 1920's. BFC-01997 CIECHANOW (also Chekhanov, Chekhanove, Tschechanow, Ziechenau), Poland. Droshki driver with his horse. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02971 CIECHANOW (also Chekhanov, Chekhanove, Tschechanow, Ziechenau), Poland. German troops in the square in front of the Ratusza (Town Hall). Photo ca. 1915. BFC-02972 CIECHANOW (also Chekhanov, Chekhanove, Tschechanow, Ziechenau), Poland. German Uhlans in front of the military barracks. Photo ca. 1915. BFC-01047 CURACAO Island. Temple Emanu El (Reform). Founded in 1863. Drawing after a 1902 photograph. BFC-01048 CURACAO Island. Interior of the synagogue. Photo 1902. BFC-02303 Cypress Gardens, FL, USA. 1930's. BFC-00911 CZESTOCHOWA, Poland. Old Synagogue. Interior. Decorative painting by artist Willenberg. Photo 1930's. BFC-00912 CZESTOCHOWA, Poland. Old Synagogue. Interior. Bas-relief Hebrew letters as wall ornament by artist Willenberg. Photo 1930's. BFC-01315 CZESTOCHOWA, Poland. Street scene. Photo 1910's. BFC-01316 CZESTOCHOWA, Poland. New synagogue. View from the railroad tracks. Photo 1920's. BFC-02469 CZESTOCHOWA, Poland, . Picture ID issued in Lodz, Poland to Herszlik Herszon (variants Hershson, Gershzon). Born in Czestochowa. Document 1938. BFC-02955 CZESTOCHOWA, Poland. Jewish merchant offering his wares at a market. Photo ca. 1915. BFC-02266 DALLAS, TX, USA. Main Street looking West from the Post Office. Photo early 1900s. BFC-00621 DARBENAI, Lithuania. Jews leaving the Synagogue. Photo ca. 1937. BFC-00620 DARBENAI, Lithuania. Main Street. Photo ca. 1937. BFC-00622 DARBENAI, Lithuania. One of the central streets in town. Photo ca. 1937. BFC-02735 DARBENAI (also Dorbiany, Dorbyan), Lithuania, . David Wolfsohn (1856, Dorbyan-1914, Hambrg). President of the World Zionist Organization in 1905-1911. Studio photo. Photo ca. 1912. BFC-00380 DAUGAVPILS (also Dünaburg, Daugpils, Daugpilis, Dyneburg, Dzwinów, Dzwinsk), Latvia. View of the part of the town.On the foreground is a Catholic Cathedral. Photo ca. 1905. BFC-00379 DAUGAVPILS (also Dünaburg, Daugpils, Daugpilis, Dyneburg, Dzwinów, Dzwinsk), Latvia. View at the South-Eastern part of the city from the Military Cathedral's belfry. Photo ca. 1905. BFC-00661 DAUGAVPILS (also Dünaburg, Daugpils, Daugpilis, Dyneburg, Dzwinów, Dzwinsk), Latvia. View of the Riga Street towards the Riga-Oriol railroad station. Store signs read: on the left - Baiko's Wreaths; on the right - Colonial Fruit Store, Hotel Moscow; Saparov's Store. Photo 1915. BFC-00662 DAUGAVPILS (also Dünaburg, Daugpils, Daugpilis, Dyneburg, Dzwinów, Dzwinsk), Latvia. View of the Riga Street. Photo 1979. BFC-00663 DAUGAVPILS (also Dünaburg, Daugpils, Daugpilis, Dyneburg, Dzwinów, Dzwinsk), Latvia. Central square.Photo 1979. BFC-00664 DAUGAVPILS (also Dünaburg, Daugpils, Daugpilis, Dyneburg, Dzwinów, Dzwinsk), Latvia. View of the Riga Street towards the railroad station. Photo 1979. BFC-01571 DAUGAVPILS (also Dünaburg, Daugpils, Daugpilis, Dyneburg, Dzwinów, Dzwinsk), Latvia. Street scene with a synagogue. Photo 1902. BFC-01572 DAUGAVPILS (also Dünaburg, Daugpils, Daugpilis, Dyneburg, Dzwinów, Dzwinsk), Latvia. Market scene. Photo 1902. BFC-01848 DAUGAVPILS (also Dünaburg, Daugpils, Daugpilis, Dyneburg, Dzwinów, Dzwinsk), Latvia. Blondo, Zalman.Identification photograph, notarized by Director of the Marijampole MaleGymnazium. Photographer: Giluts in Dvinsk, Zelenaya Street, Gurevich's House. Photo 1916. BFC-01901 DAUGAVPILS (also Dünaburg, Daugpils, Daugpilis, Dyneburg, Dzwinów, Dzwinsk), Latvia. Certified extract from a 1890 Dvinsk marriage register, issued in Dvinsk. Listed: bridegroomYankel-Meer Rabinovich (also aslo Rabinowicz, Rabinowitz) from Antalepis; bride Mihklya Bruk; bride's parents. Signed by Dvinsk Rabbi. Document 1913. BFC-01983 DAUGAVPILS (also Dünaburg, Daugpils, Daugpilis, Dyneburg, Dzwinów, Dzwinsk), Latvia. Postcard in Russian, addressed to Gurvich (variants: Gurvitsch, Gurwicz, Gurwitz) in Dvinsk, Person’s House. Written by Mina Sammet (?) in Dubbeln, Shtejnberg's House (variants: Shteinberg, Stteinberg, Sztejnberg). Document 1904. BFC-02499 DAUGAVPILS (also Dünaburg, Daugpils, Daugpilis, Dyneburg, Dzwinów, Dzwinsk), Latvia. Studio portrait of an unidentified woman. Photographer: G. Klyatskin (variants Klachkin, Klatskin, Klaczkin, Klatzkin). Photo early 1900's. BFC-02594 DAUGAVPILS (also Dünaburg, Daugpils, Daugpilis, Dyneburg, Dzwinów, Dzwinsk), Latvia. Misroch, Raiza. Identity document in German and Latvian. Photograph is enclosed. Document 1920. BFC-02623 DAUGAVPILS (also Dünaburg, Daugpils, Daugpilis, Dyneburg, Dzwinów, Dzwinsk), Latvia. Ilja Press (variant Pres), born in Riga and Hiena Reiners (variant Reiner), born in Daugavpils. Marriage record issued in Riga, certified copy. Witnesses: Raele and Chaim Deic. Rabbi: M. Zak. Document 1939. BFC-02629 DAUGAVPILS (also Dünaburg, Daugpils, Daugpilis, Dyneburg, Dzwinów, Dzwinsk), Latvia. Rapoport, Yakov Isakovich. Studio portrait inscribed to Ella Kissin in 1929, in Elnya. Photographer: Rembrandt Studion in Dvinsk. Photo 1910. [see also BFC-02630] BFC-02668 DAUGAVPILS (also Dünaburg, Daugpils, Daugpilis, Dyneburg, Dzwinów, Dzwinsk), Latvia. Letter from M. Gurevich in Dvinsk to Isak Shajnovskij (variants Shainovsky, Szajnowski) in Moscow. Document 1884. BFC-01378 DAUJETAI, Lithuania. Fraternal grave of 5000 Jews from surrounding towns murdered by the Nazis and Lithuanian police in August, 1941. Place located 15 km East of Pasvalys, in Zhadeikiai forest. Photo 1983. BFC-01379 DAUJETAI, Lithuania. Monument on the place of murder of 5000 Jews from surrounding towns by the Nazis and Lithuanian police in August, 1941. Lithuanian inscription on the monument reads: On this place in August, 1941 5000 Soviet people from the towns of Pasvalys, Vabalninkas, Jonishkelis, Daujetai, Krinchiunai were brutally murdered by Hitler's fascists and Lithuanian bourgeois nationalists. This must not happen again. Place located 15 km East of Pasvalys, in Zhadeikiaiforest.Photo 1983. BFC-00990 DAVID-GORODOK (Polish - Dawidgrodek), Belarus. Wooden synagogue, built ca. 18-early 19th century. Exterior.View from the West. Photo 1929. BFC-01490 DEBRECZEN, Hungary. Stone Synagogue, exterior view. Photo early 1900s. BFC-02208 DELHI, India. Old Fort. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02209 DELHI, India. Golden Mosque. Photo 1905. BFC-02210 DELHI, India. Fort or Palaces of the Mugato. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02211 DELHI, India. Safder jang tomb. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02212 DELHI, India. Tombs of Sultan Nizamuddeen and jahanara Begum. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02213 DELHI, India. Diwan-i-Khas. Interior. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02214 DELHI, India. Juma Masjid. Courtyard. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02215 DELHI, India. Juma Masjid. Courtyard. Photo early 1920's. BFC-02216 DELHI, India. Juma Masjid. Photo early 1920's. BFC-02217 DELHI, India. Old Fort. Photo early 1920's. BFC-02218 DELHI, India. Iron Pillar. Photo early 1920's. BFC-02219 DELHI, India. Kashmir Gate. Photo early 1920's. BFC-02220 DELHI, India. Street brewers of alcohol. Photo early 1920's. BFC-02221 DELHI, India. Old Artillery Magazine. Photo early 1920's. BFC-02222 DELHI, India. John Nicholson Memorial. Photo early 1920's. BFC-01388 Denmark. Marriage ceremony among the Dutch Jews. Engraving 17th century. BFC-00772 DENVER, CO, USA. Temple Emanuel. Photo early 1900s. BFC-02963 DEREVNYA (also Globokoe, Gluboke in the Vilna province, Disna district), Belarus. Jewish children in Sabbath dress in fron of the Ber Kraut’s Store. Photo 1900. BFC-03335 DETROIT, MI, USA General Motors Building, 3044 West Grand Boulevard. Built in the early 1940s. Photo 1981. BFC-00136 DIKSHTEIN, Grigory, a Kharkov engineer and song writer. Photo 1978. BFC-02407 DISNA, Belarus, . Passport issued by the German administration in Panevezhys, Lithuania, to Ruth (?) Gelwan (variants: Gelvan), nee Ringe. Born in Disna. Photograph is enclosed. Document 1917. Copy price coefficient for eight pages: 3.0 BFC-02017 DISNA District in Vilna Province. Currently Belarus. Russian language map. Document 1863. BFC-00489 DNEPROGES, Ukraine. Kychkas colony. Main Street. Photo ca. 1930. BFC-01718 DNIPROPETROVS'K, Ukraine (also Dnepropetrovsk, Ekaterinoslav). Stone synagogue, built in 1880. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02031 DNIPROPETROVS’K, Ukraine (also Dnepropetrovsk, Ekaterinoslav). General view of the city. Publisher: A.S. Fidelman. Photo 1909. BFC-00391 DNIPROPETROVS’K, Ukraine (also Dnepropetrovsk, Ekaterinoslav), . Graduation photo of the students oft he 71st Secondary School for Women. Teachers: M. A. Mizhericher (variant Mezericzer), V. G. Surmach, N. K. Kimstach, V. F. Gerasimova, N. P. Kolesnikov, V. D. Druyan, A. I. Soya, N. I. Trofimova. Students: E. L. Sobkina, L. G. Marmer, V. I. Seroshtan, L. E. Klemushko, T. D. Al’bershtejn (variants Albershteyn, Alberstain, Alberstein, Albersztejn), A. M. Aranskya (variants Aronski, Aronsky), Zh. I. Bizuch, R. M. Borodkin, F. F. Lishchenko, A. E. Sokolova, L. Khodosh, A. D. Gejdman (variants Geidman, Geydman, Heidman), I. I. Lejfer (variants Leifer, Leyfer), S. E. Averbukh (variant Averbuch), E. E. Zakharchenko, S. K. Shumilina, L. A. Ladyagina, Yu. A. Moroz, L. F. Petrova, L. S. Lorman, V. I. Petrakova, S. M. Najsfel’d (variants Naisfeld, Naysfeld), L. L. Gol’dinberg (variants Goldinberg, Goldenberg), A. D. Sorkin, L. Kh. Rajkhman (variants Raikhman, Raichman, Raykhman), I. V. Shvartsgorn (variants Shwartzgorn, Shwartzhorn, Szwarchorn), R. Z. Aranovich (variants Aranowitz, Aronowicz), N. R. Pevzner, A. M. Trejvus (variants Treivus, Treyvus), A. I. Barmash, E. D. Krinfel’d (variants Krinfeld, Krynfeld). Photo 1953. BFC-03357 DOBROMIL (also Dobromil), Ukraine. Main street in town. Business signs read: Printing Shop; Isaak Warscher; Izak Bondy’s Haberdashery; M. Reich’s Warehouse of Agricultural Machines; Jakob Puretz’s Trading Company. Photo ca. 1920's. BFC-03124 DONETSK (also Donets’k, Hughsovka, Jousofka, Jusowka, Stalino,Yuzovka, Yuzovo), Ukraine. View of the town. Photo 1903. Published as postcard by E. Krechmer (variants: Kretchmer, Kreczmer) in Yusovka. BFC-03372 DOTNUVA, Lithuania. Akademija. Photo 1930's. BFC-03056 DRESDEN, Germany. Private school for girls advertisement by Henrietta Bernstein (variants: Bernshteyn, Bernsztejn). Document 1893. BFC-00381 DRISSA, Belarus. View of the town from the South-East. Photo ca. 1905. BFC-02595 DRISSA, Belarus, . Affidavit issued to Ponevezh residents Tsalel Mosenzhnik (variant Mosenznik) and his wife as war refugees. Signed by Drissa residents Frants Tuskevich, Grigory Shpak, Idel’ Izraelit, Timofej Lysenko, Khaim Karas’, Aleksander Yakubovich, Vladimir Mechnikov, and Itsik Riskin. Certified by the Drissa Town Council. Document 1923. BFC-02630 DRISSA, Belarus, . Rapoport, Yankel’ Itsikov. Identification photograph. Photo 1916. [see also BFC-02629] BFC-01373 DROHOBYCH (also Dobrowlany, Drobycz, Drogobych, Drohobycz), Ukraine. View of the city center. The large building in the center is the Ratush, or City Hall.Photo 1920s. BFC-01374 DROHOBYCH (also Dobrowlany, Drobycz, Drogobych, Drohobycz), Ukraine. View of the market square. Photo 1910s. BFC-01717 DROHOBYCH (also Dobrowlany, Drobycz, Drogobych, Drohobycz), Ukraine. Panoramic view of the city. Photo ca. 1915. BFC-03370 DROHOBYCH (also Dobrowlany, Drobycz, Drogobych, Drohobycz), Ukraine. Panoramic view. Photo 1920's. Synagogue is in upper left corner. Business sign reads: H. Bern. BFC-00788 DRUSKININKAI, Lithuania. Interior of a Catholic cathedral. Photo 1979. BFC-00789 DRUSKININKAI, Lithuania. Lithuanian artist Mikalojus Chiurlionis monument. Photo 1979. BFC-00966 DRUYA, Belarus. View of the town with the stone synagogue (built 1765-1766). Photo 1930s. BFC-00967 DRUYA, Belarus. Stone synagogue, built 1765-1766. Interior. View at the bimah. Photo 1930s. BFC-00968 DRUYA, Belarus. Detail of a curved Aron Hakodesh from a synagogue. Photo 1930s. BFC-02288 DRUZHKOPOL (also Droshkopol, Druszkopol, Druzkopol), Ukraine. Jewish maiden from the town. Photo ca. 1915. BFC-01983 DUBBELN, Latvia, . Postcard in Russian, addressed to Gurvich (variants: Gurvitsch, Gurwicz, Gurwitz) in Dvinsk, Person’s House. Written by Mina Sammet (?) in Dubbeln, Shtejnberg’s House (variants: Shteinberg, Stteinberg, Sztejnberg). Document 1904. BFC-00951 DUBNO, Ukraine. Stone synagogue, built in 1794. Exterior, view from the West. Photo 1930s. BFC-00952 DUBNO, Ukraine. Stone synagogue, built in 1794. Interior. Group of congregants in front of Aron-Hakodesh (Ark of the Law). Photo 1910s. BFC-00953 DUBNO, Ukraine. Stone synagogue, built in 1794. Woven curtain of the Ark of the Law, from 1727. Photo 1930s. BFC-01520 DUBNO, Ukraine. General view of the city. Photo 1920s. BFC-01521 DUBNO, Ukraine. Street scene. Photo 1920s. BFC-02701 DUBNO, Ukraine. Studio photo of two Cossacks. Photographer: M. O. Taborovskaya Studio. Photo early 1900's. BFC-01061 DUBROVA, Belarus,(formerly Dubrowa in Poland). A street in the Jewish agricultural settlement.Photo ca. 1931. BFC-01543 DUBROVNO village, Orsha region, Belarus. Construction of a wooden bridge by the German troops in the beginning of the Nazi occupation during World War II. Photo July 1941. BFC-00196 EHRENBURG, Ilya, a Soviet writer among the Jewish partisans near Vilnius, several days before Vilnius was liberated from the Nazis. Left to Right: 1, ?; 2, Chaim Zaidelson; 3, ?; 4, ?; 5,? 6, Shloime Kavarsky; 7, ?; 8, Ilya Ehrenburg; 9, 10, 11,12, ?; 13, Abram Resel; 14,15,16 ? [incl. Dr. & Emma Gorfinkel, Gurvich. Photo July 1944. BFC-00210 EHRENBURG, Ilya, a Soviet writer, visiting Albert Einstein in Princeton during Ehrenburg's trip to the United States.Photo 1947. BFC-00252 EHRENBURG, Ilya, a Soviet writer, portrayed on a bookplate. Ca. 1970s. BFC-00253 EHRENBURG, Ilya, A Soviet writer. Photo ca. 1962. BFC-02517 EISHISHKES (also Ejsziszki, Eishishok), Lithuania, . Postcard, sent to Lejzer Kozhevnik in Merech (Merkine in Lithauania). Document 1913. BFC-02629 ELNYA, Russia, . Rapoport, Yakov Isakovich. Studio portrait inscribed to Ella Kissin in 1929. Photographer: Rembrandt Studion in Dvinsk. Photo 1910. [see also BFC-02630] BFC-01904 ENAKIEVO, Ukraine. Bill of Sale of a photographic studio. Seller: Tatiyana Davidovna Borokhovich; buyer: David Pejsakhovich Brusilovskij; location: Aleksandro-Polonskoe (Bakhmut district, Ekaterinoslav province), Polyakov’s house. Prepared and signed by notary Ilya Marchenko in Enakievo. Document 1912. BFC-01895 England in World War I, . Five members of the 39th Battalion of the Royal Fusiliers. The battalion was the second battalion formed inJanuary 1918 from Jewish volunteers. Served in Egypt in April-September 1918, later transferred to Australia and New Zealand. Signed by Samuel P. Block. Photo 1918. BFC-01491 ESSEN, Germany. Stone Synagogue, exterior view. Photo early 1900's. BFC-01492 ESSEN, Germany. View of the stone synagogue and a hundred year old fountain. Photo early 1900s. BFC-00242 FALK, Raphail. Family Portrait.Oil painting 1911. A.F. Chudnovsky collection. St. Petersburg. BFC-00246 FALK, Raphail. Lisa in the Armchair.Oil painting. Private collection, Moscow. BFC-00244 FALK, Raphail. Portrait of an old man. Oil painting 1918. Private collection, Moscow. BFC-00243 FALK, Raphail. Portrait of E.S. Potekhina-Falk. 1915. S.A. Shuster collection, St. Petersburg. BFC-00245 FALK, Raphail. Self-portrait. 1917. State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow. BFC-00070 FARBER, Yuly, an engineer from Kiev, taken by the Germans as a prisoner during World War II. Was imprisoned in the Ponary concentration camp. Escaped in April, 1944. Photo 1977. BFC-00433 FEODOSIYA (form. Kafa), Ukraine, (Crimea). View of the city. Wood engraving 1846. BFC-02526 FEODOSIYA, Ukraine, . Postcard adressed to Mira Kulish. Sent from Yalta, Ukraine. Document 1914. BFC-00447 FERZIKOVO village, Russia. View of the village, property of Mr. Chirikov. Wood engraving 1846. BFC-02847 FEZ, Morocco Main street in the Jewish quarter. Photo 1913. BFC-01719 FRANKFURT, Germany. View of the Judengasse (Jewish Street) in the old town. Torah scribe's sign (name is illegible) is on the left. Photo 1860s. BFC-02991 FRANKFURT, Germany. View of the Judengasse (Jewish Street) in the old town. Stone synagogue is visible in the background. Photo 1860s. BFC-03006 FRANKFURT-am-Main, Germany. The Rothschild "Stammhaus". Photo early 1900's. BFC-03007 FRANKFURT-am-Main, Germany. Rothschild, Mayer Amschel. 1743-1812, Frankfurt-am-Main. Early 1900's drawing from a contemporary portrait. BFC-01007 FULDA, Germany. Cathedral. Photo 1932. BFC-01395 FURTH, Germany. Street scene in front of the Old and New Synagogues. Woodcut 1705. BFC-01396 FURTH, Germany. Three Jewish women in the holiday dress. On the background are the Old and New Synagogues. Woodcut 1705. BFC-00394 GAGARIN (also Gzhatsk), Russia. Kazan Cathedral and market square. Photo ca. 1905. BFC-01955 GAJSIN (also Gaisin, Gaysin), Ukraine. Market Square. Store signs from R to L: Dzhugastr's Groceries and Tobacco; Haberdashery and Shoe Store; Shuster's Tobacco, Groceries and Pastries; Pharmacy. Photo 1918. BFC-02463 GAJSIN (also Gaisin, Gaysin), Ukraine. Street scene. Period of German occupation of Ukraine in World War I. Photo 1918. BFC-01549 GALUZYNTSI village, Khmelnytsky region, Ukraine. View of the village as it was in the beginning of the Nazi occupation in World War II. Photo July 1941. BFC-01124 GARGZHDAI (also Garzhdaim Gorzd, Gorzhdy, Gorzdy), Lithuania. Old Jewish cemetery. Photo ca. 1937. BFC-02708 GARGZHDAI (also Garzhdaim Gorzd, Gorzhdy, Gorzdy), Lithuania, . Postcard in Yiddish sent from Shavli to Dora Uryashovich (variants Uriazshovic, Uryaszowicz). Document 1910. BFC-02942 GARGZHDAI (also Garzhdaim Gorzd, Gorzhdy, Gorzdy), Lithuania. View of the main street in town. Photo ca. 1937. BFC-01999 GDANSK (also Danzig), Poland. View of Langer Markt Street and the City Hall. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02000 GDANSK (also Danzig), Poland. View of Nowy Targ Street and the City Hall. Photo 1950's. BFC-02001 GDANSK (also Danzig), Poland. View of Jopen Street and the St. Mary Cathedral. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02002 GDANSK (also Danzig), Poland. Stock Exchange. Photo 1903. BFC-02003 GDANSK (also Danzig), Poland. View of the city. Photo 1930's. BFC-02004 GDANSK (also Danzig), Poland. View of the St. Mary Cathedral. Photo ca. 1945. BFC-02005 GDANSK (also Danzig), Poland. St. Mary Cathedral. Interior, view of the altar. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02006 GDANSK (also Danzig), Poland. No. 41 Lengemarkt Street. Ornate entrance. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02007 GDANSK (also Danzig), Poland. View on canal near the Green Bridge. Advertising banner of Albert Stoermer is on the right. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02008 GDANSK (also Danzig), Poland. Stone synagogue, built in 1881, destroyed by the Germans after Passover, 1939. Front view. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02009 GDANSK (also Danzig), Poland. Aerial view of the city. Stone synagogue is in the center.Photo ca. 1910's. BFC-02010 GDANSK (also Danzig), Poland. Group of Jewish emigrants at the railway station. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02719 GELVOANAI (also Gelvan, Gelvonis, Gielwany), Lithuania. Marriage record (certified copy) between Lejzeras Vodonas (varinats Vodon) from Ukmerge, and Roza Londoniene (variants London, Londonas). Issued in Ukmerge. Officiating Rabbi: Jeshiya Klevanskis (varinats Klevansky, Klewanski). Document 1923. BFC-02931 GENOVA, Italy. Piazza Corvetto. Photo early 1900's. BFC-01862 Germany, . Costumes of German Jews of the 13th Century. Book illustration ca. 16th century. BFC-02561 Germany, . Landa, Max , 1880-1933, movie actor. Studio portrait. Photo 1920's. BFC-03102 GNIEW (also Mewe), Poland. General view of the town. Photo 1929. Published as postcard by M. Busch in Tczew. BFC-02460 GODOLLO, Hungary, . Passport issued to RESIDENT OF Budapest Feanne (Fanka) Grasz, born 1910s in Godollo. Photograph is enclosed. Document 1936. Copy price coefficient for ten pages: 3.0 BFC-03025 GOLOBY (also Holoby), Ukraine. German troops in the town center. Photo 1916. BFC-03018 GOLTA, Ukraine. View of the town with a brewery. Photo 1912. BFC-00272 GOMEL, Belarus. Central Public Bath House. Photo 1900's. BFC-00273 GOMEL, Belarus. Irininskaya Street and a bank built in 1901. Photo early 1900's. BFC-00758 GOMEL, Belarus. Street scene in front of the synagogue. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02418 GOMEL, Belarus, . Russian imperial passport issued in Ponevezh, Lithuania, 1911 to Khana/Anna Golombek, age 41. Resident permits from Chernigov, Moscow, Minsk, and Gomel were issued in various years. Copy price coefficient for 16 pages: 4.0 BFC-02542 GOMEL, Belarus, . Levin, Fedor Isakovich. Certificated issued by the LesBel Coropration. Document 1928. BFC-02544 GOMEL, Belarus, . Levin, Fedor Isakovich. Note-attachment to a secret file sent by the Gomel City Council to Gomel Militia Headquarters, with a copy to Leningrad POB. Document 1933. BFC-00909 GORODOK (also Goruj, Grodek Jagiellonski), Ukraine. View of the town with three synagogues by the river. Photo 1930's. BFC-00910 GORODOK (also Goruj, Grodek Jagiellonski), Ukraine.Synagogue. Interior. View at the Aron-Hakodesh. Photo 1930's. BFC-02937 GOROKHIV (also Gorokhov, Horochow), Ukraine. Wooden synagogue, built in the late 18th century. Exterior. Photo ca. 1915. BFC-02938 GOROKHIV (also Gorokhov, Horochow), Ukraine. Market day in front of the synagogue. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02330 GRADIGNAN, France. Le Bourg (Cote Nord). Photo early 1900's. BFC-02331 GRADIGNAN, France, . Postcard written to "Dear Aunt" in America. Document 1919. BFC-03024 GRAJEWO, Poland. View of the town in winter. Photo 1915. BFC-03224 GRAJEWO, Poland. Street view in Jewish area of the town. Photo 1915. Published as postcard by August Schwartzkopff & Co. in Lotzen. BFC-03266 GRAJEWO, Poland. View of the market square and Catholic church. Photo ca. 1915. BFC-02281 GRAND RAPIDS, MI, USA. Crescent Park. Photo 1908. BFC-00246 GRIGORYEV. Portrait of V. E. Meyerhold. 1916. State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg. BFC-01223 GRINBERG, Roza, a 21 year old University student from Tashkent, sentenced to 10 years of hard labour for reading to friends a poem by M.Aliger about suffering of the Jewish people during World War II. Drawing made in the Kirovsk prison by an elderly prisoner for a spoon of sugar. Drawing May 1951. BFC-01224 GRINBERG, Roza, a 21 year old University student from Tashkent, sentenced to 10 years of hard labour for reading to friends a poem by M.Aliger about suffering of the Jewish people during World War II. Drawing made in the Kirovsk prison by an elderly prisoner for a spoon of sugar. Drawing May 1951. BFC-02943 GREENWICH, NY, USA. View of the Main Street (intersection of NY 29 and NY 372). Business signs read: Prescriptions, Western Union, L. M. Powell, The Florsheim Shoe, Economy 5 & 10 c Store. Photo 1940's. BFC-02944 GREENWICH, NY, USA. Bridge across the Battenkill River. Photo 1940's. BFC-03375 GRODZISK, Poland. Jewish orphanage. Photo ca. 1920's. BFC-01095 GROJEC (also Grodzecz, Grodziec, Gritza), Poland. Wooden synagogue, built in the late 18th century, interior. Polychrome painting by David Friedlander, artist, wood carver and builder from the 18th-early 19th century. Photo ca. 1931. BFC-01919 GROJEC (also Grodzecz, Grodziec, Gritza), Poland. Wooden synagogue, built in the late 18th century, interior view. Photo ca. 1920's. BFC-01545 GRUZINOV, Russia. German Army trucks crossing the Volkhov River on a ponton ferry during the Nazi occupation in World War II. Photo October 1941. BFC-00589 GURSHTEIN, Aron (1895-1941). Soviet literary critic. Died in World War II.Photo 1930's . BFC-03064 GURYEV, Russia. Personal advertisement by pharmacist Solomon Tiktiner Document 1898. BFC-00205 HAIFA, Israel. Former Moscow refusenick Alexander Luntz with his wife near the box with their luggage which arrived from the Soviet Union. Photo late 1970's. BFC-02636 HAIFA, Israel, . Letter addressed to J. Reich. Document 1952. BFC-02637 HAIFA, Israel, . Letter addressed to L. D. Caulk Company in Milford, DE from P. Rosenblatt in Haifa.. Document ca. 1950's. BFC-02664 HAIFA, Israel, . Postcard in Russian sent by Alexander Stavskij (variants Stavsky, Stawski, Stawsky) from Izhevsk to J. Stawsky in Haifa, Palestine. Document 1945. BFC-00229 HIRSCH, Moritz (Maurice), 1831, Munchen-1896, Ersek-Ijvar. Jewish philanthropist. BFC-01347 HAMBURG, Germany. Landing at Hamburg port, the single most important transition point in the trip of many thousands of Eastern European emigrants to America. Photo 1910's. BFC-01577 HAMBURG, Germany. Group of the Eastern European emigrants in front of the Depot. Photo 1902. BFC-03332 HAMILTON, ONT, Canada. View in the Gore park. Photo ca. 1905. BFC-02273 HANGCHOW, China. Pu Hsin Island from Wer Lan Ko. Photo ca. 1910s. BFC-02274 HANGCHOW, China. San-Tan Yin-Yuen Bower. Photo ca. 1910s. BFC-01649 HANNOVER, Germany. Stone synagogue, built 1864-1870.Exterior view. Photo 1903. BFC-01650 HANNOVER, Germany. View of the Market Street and the Residenz Theatre. Photo 1903. BFC-01651 HANNOVER, Germany. Railroad station. Photo early 1900's. BFC-01652 HANNOVER, Germany. View of the Earnst August Platz and Hotel Brisol from the railroad station. Photo 1912. BFC-01653 HANNOVER, Germany. City Theatre. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02540 HARBIN (also Charbin, Kharbin), China. Graduation photo of the students of the M. Oksakovskaya Kharbin Russian Women’s Gymnasium. Photographed: Z. Rabinovich, V. Shishin (teacher), V. Fon Sharenberg (teacher), S. Il’yinskij (teacher), M. Oksakovskaya (director), V. Anastasyev (teacher), O. Braduchan (priest), M. Molchanov (teacher), Ch. Vasilevskaya, A. Popova, M. Stronin (teacher), S. Starikov (teacher), D. Motsartov (teacher), N. Orlova (teacher), D. Kezin (teacher), A. fedotov (teacher), G. Kruchinin (teacher), A. Dzugaeva, E. Itenson. M. Shevchenko. L. Gerasimova, V. Oksakovskaya (teacher), R. Nagel’(teacher), E. Beme (teacher), S. Aleksandrova (teacher), A. Bragin (teacher), A. Bocharova, G. Luksha, V. Vologodskaya, E. Levina, E. Vlasova, G. Dombskaya. S. Ageeva, L. Kostromina, E. Lyutai, E. Vilimirovich, T. Ma, G. Mel’nikova, A. Sytaya. M. Yusupoav, N. Mesnyakina, N. Shil’nikova, L. Krasovskaya, F. Kagan, S. Volodchenko, M. Polezhaeva, A. Vlasova, T. Gintovt. Photo 1928. BFC-02734 HARRISBURG, PA, USA. Studio photo of a Jewish couple. Photographer: Wolfe Studio. Photo ca. 1920's. BFC-03187 HARTFORD, CT, USA. Three Jewish girls selling newspapers for two years. Left to right: Yedda (variant: Yetta) Welled, eleven years old; Rebecca Cohen, twelve years old; Rebecca Kirwin (variants: Kirvin, Krivin), fourteen years old. Photo March 1909. BFC-03282 HARTFORD, CT, USA. Charlie and Philip Gilstein (variants: Gilshtein, Gilshtejn, Gilshteyn, Gilsztejn) selling newspapers. Original photo caption reads: 8 P.M. Friday, March 5, 1909. Charlie Gilstein, 9 years old. Philip Gilstein, 12 years old. Photo 1909. BFC-03297 HARTFORD, CT, USA. Berman Katzman (variant: Katsman), a nine-year-old newspaper seller. Has been selling for two years. Sells until 8 P.M. at times. Photo March 1909. BFC-03302 HARTFORD, CT, USA. Dora Nevins, young Jewish newspaper seller. Original caption reads: Dora Nevins 12 years old. Been selling 1 year. Photo March 1909. BFC-02604 HELSINKI, Finland. Studio photo of an unidentified man. Photographer: Daniel Nyublin (variants Niublin, Nublin, Nyblin) Studio. Photo ca. 1890's. BFC-03115 HILDESHEIM, Germany. View of Jewish Street. Store signs read: Heinrich Voss; Ernst Schone. Photo early 1900's. BFC-03284 HOBOKEN, NJ, USA. Jewish girl selling newspapers. Original photo caption reads: 10 yr old girl tending stand at 4th and Garden Streets. On the right is entrance to bar room of saloon. Stand is owned by Mr. Rakoff [variant: Rakov], whose daughters, 11 yrs. and 13 yrs. old, take turns tending it. Fanny Rakoff, 11 yrs. old, often tends stand till 7:30 P.M. Photo 1912. BFC-03285 HOBOKEN, NJ, USA. Jewish girl selling newspapers. Original photo caption reads: 10 yr old girl tending stand at 4th and Garden Streets. On the right is entrance to bar room of saloon. Stand is owned by Mr. Rakoff [variant: Rakov], whose daughters, 11 yrs. and 13 yrs. old, take turns tending it. Fanny Rakoff, 11 yrs. old, often tends stand till 7:30 P.M. Photo 1912. BFC-02252 HOLLYWOOD, CA, USA. Grauman's Chinese Theatre. Photo 1930's. BFC-02269 HONGKONG, China. Fan, Variation 1. BFC-02270 HONGKONG, China. Fan, Variation 2. BFC-02271 HONGKONG, China. Street Scene, Variation 1. BFC-02058 HORODENKA (also Gorodenka), Ukraine. Group photo of the Histadrut of Horodenka members. Photo 1920. BFC-00277 HRODNA, Belarus (also Grodno, Gardinas) Wooden synagogue, built in the late 18th century. View from the Northwest. Photo 1932. BFC-00812 HRODNA, Belarus (also Grodno, Gardinas) Wooden synagogue, built in the late 18th century. View from the Northeast. Photo ca. 1936. BFC-00813 HRODNA, Belarus (also Grodno, Gardinas) Wooden synagogue, built in the late 18th century. View from the South. Photo ca. 1936. BFC-00814 HRODNA, Belarus (also Grodno, Gardinas) Wooden synagogue, built in the late 18th century. Part of the North wall and the roof, showing ornamental frieze and twin windows with segmented arches. Photo ca. 1936. BFC-00815 HRODNA, Belarus (also Grodno, Gardinas) Wooden synagogue, built in the late 18th century. Interior view looking towards the bima and the Ark. Photo ca. 1936. BFC-00816 HRODNA, Belarus (also Grodno, Gardinas) Wooden synagogue, built in the late 18th century. Interior view. Bima. Photo ca. 1936. BFC-00822 HRODNA, Belarus (also Grodno, Gardinas) Wooden synagogue, built in the late 18th century. Interior view, showing detail of the Ark and the cupola. Photo ca. 1936. BFC-00823 HRODNA, Belarus (also Grodno, Gardinas) Wooden synagogue, built in the late 18th century. Interior view, showing the cupola, crowned with a balustrade. Photo ca. 1936. BFC-00824 HRODNA, Belarus (also Grodno, Gardinas) Wooden synagogue, built in the late 18th century. View at the wooden curved ark. Photo ca. 1936. BFC-00825 HRODNA, Belarus (also Grodno, Gardinas) Wooden synagogue, built in the late 18th century. Three-dimensional, partially sectioned architectural drawing. Ca. 1920's. BFC-00826 HRODNA, Belarus (also Grodno, Gardinas) Wooden synagogue, built in the late 18th century. Ground plan, architectural drawing.Ca. 1920's. BFC-00827 HRODNA, Belarus (also Grodno, Gardinas) Wooden synagogue, built in the late 18th century. Longitudinal section view, architectural drawing. Ca. 1920's. BFC-00828 HRODNA, Belarus (also Grodno, Gardinas) Wooden synagogue, built in the late 18th century. Cross section view, architectural drawing, 1922. BFC-00829 HRODNA, Belarus (also Grodno, Gardinas) Wooden synagogue, built in the late 18th century. Outside view - front elevation.Architectural drawing, 1922. BFC-00830 HRODNA, Belarus (also Grodno, Gardinas) Wooden synagogue, built in the late 18th century. Outside view - side elevation.Architectural drawing, 1922. BFC-00831 HRODNA, Belarus (also Grodno, Gardinas) View of the Cathedral Street. Signs from R to L read: Commerce Hotel; G.Kulik's Laundry; Shoe store; Book Store of the Readers' Society (in Russian and French). Photo 1917. BFC-00832 HRODNA, Belarus (also Grodno, Gardinas) View of the Post Street. Big building on the left is the Post Office. Photo 1917. BFC-00833 HRODNA, Belarus (also Grodno, Gardinas) Parish Church, erected in the baroque style in 1610. Photo 1917. BFC-00834 HRODNA, Belarus (also Grodno, Gardinas) View at the outskirts of the city at the Niemen river and the Franciscan Monastery. Photo early 1900's. BFC-00835 HRODNA, Belarus (also Grodno, Gardinas) View at the Old Palace (Staryi Zamok), a XV century building, from the Niemen river. Photo early 1900's. BFC-01211 HRODNA, Belarus (also Grodno, Gardinas) View of the city by the Neman River. Woodcut 1893. BFC-01212 HRODNA, Belarus (also Grodno, Gardinas) Panorama of the central part of the city. From L to R: Ruins of the St.SophieCathedral, burned in May of 1892 (formerly Farny Catholic Cathedral, foundedin 1551 by the Polish queen Bonna); Zamkovaya (Castle) Street, Farny Jesuits'Cathedral, founded in 1616; Bridgites' Catholic Monastery, founded in 1643;Orthodox Convent, formerly Bazilians' Catholic Convent; Bernardines' Monastery, founded in 1695, Boris and Gleb Orthodox Monastery, formerly Bernardines' Convent, founded in 1620. Woodcut 1893. BFC-01213 HRODNA, Belarus (also Grodno, Gardinas) General view of the city with the Neman River on the foreground. Woodcut 1893. BFC-01214 HRODNA, Belarus (also Grodno, Gardinas) View of the Governor's Palace, formerly the Tizengauz's Palace. Woodcut 1893. BFC-01215 HRODNA, Belarus (also Grodno, Gardinas) View of the Novyi Zamok (New Castle), in which the last Polish Seim (Parliament) was located in 1793, before the partition of Poland between Austria-Hungary and Russia. Woodcut 1893. BFC-01216 HRODNA, Belarus (also Grodno, Gardinas) View of the town from the Neman River. On the foreground is the wooden bridge, destroyed by the moving ice in January, 1922. Photo 1922. BFC-01217 HRODNA, Belarus (also Grodno, Gardinas) View of the part of the town by the Neman River. On the foreground is the wooden bridge, destroyed by the moving ice in January, 1922. Photo 1922. BFC-01513 HRODNA, Belarus (also Grodno, Gardinas) Panoramic view of the city from the opposite bank of the Neman River. Photo 1931. BFC-01793 HRODNA, Belarus (also Grodno, Gardinas) Bird's eye view of the city with the Great Synagogue, built 1627. From a photo by L. Gelgor, published by E. Iber. Photo ca. 1920. BFC-02480 HRODNA, Belarus (also Grodno, Gardinas), . Studio portrait of an unidentified man. Photographer: Z. Ya. Karasik. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02575 HRODNA, Belarus (also Grodno, Gardinas), . Abram Marshak (also Marszak). Identification photographs, with A. Marshak’s signature and the seal of the Grodno Gymnasium. Photo 1912. BFC-02646 HRODNA, Belarus (also Grodno, Gardinas), . Passport issued by the German administration to Chaim (?) Prutsinowski (?), born in Indura. Photograph is enclosed. Document 1916. Copy price coefficient for eight pages: 3.0 BFC-03334 HRODNA, Belarus (also Grodno, Gardinas). Sculptor Ilya Gintsburg (variants: Gincburg, Gintzburg, Ginzburg), b. 1859 in Grodno, d. 1939 in Leningrad, in his studio in St. Petersburg. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02945 HUDSON FALLS, NY, USA. View of the Main Street at the Masonic Temple. Photo 1914. Postcard mailed to Mary Ditmer in Harrisburg, PA. BFC-01044 HUSYATYN (also Gusyatin), Ukraine. View of a city street in ruins at the end of World War I. The large building on the right is a fortified synagogue, built in 1692. Photo ca. 1920. BFC-02020 HUSYATYN (also Gusyatin), Ukraine. Market place. Photo ca. 1920's. BFC-02021 HUSYATYN (also Gusyatin), Ukraine. View of the city with a stone fortified synagogue, built in 1692. Photo ca. 1920's. BFC-02022 HUSYATYN (also Gusyatin), Ukraine. Textile merchant in town. Photo ca. 1920's. BFC-02332 HYERES, France. Le Portail Fenouillet. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02690 IASI (also Copu Targ, Jasi, Yassy), Romania, . Solomon, Ghizela. Certificate and a grade sheet issued by the Commerce Lycee. Photograph is attached. Document 1937. BFC-01925 ILYINTSY, Ukraine, . Postcard in Yiddish from B. M. Dontsker (variants: Donsker, Dontzker) to Elia Dontsker in the village of Medvin, Kanev district. Document 1918. BFC-02646 INDURA, Belarus, . Passport issued by the German administration in Grodno to Chaim (?) Prutsinowski (?), born in Indura. Photograph is enclosed. Document 1916. Copy price coefficient for eight pages: 3.0 BFC-03070 INKERMAN, Ukraine. View of the town and ruins of the fortress. Photographer: S. I. Rajnish (variants: Rajnisz, Rainish, Raynish,) Photo 1890's. BFC-03154 INKERMAN, Ukraine. View of the monastery and ruins of the fortress by the railroad. Photo early 1900's. BFC-01345 INOWLODZ, Poland. View of the town with a stone synagogue by Pilica river.Photo 1920's. BFC-03134 INOWROCLAW (also Hohensalza), Poland. Street view (Solbadstrasse). Photo 1910's. BFC-01225 INTA, Russia. Intlag (agricultural concentration camp). Roza Grinberg, a political prisoner, sentenced for 10 years of hard labour for reading to friends a poem by M. Aliger about suffering of the Jewish people during World War II, being visited by her niece. Photo 1955. BFC-02309 IRBIT, Russia. View of the city in winter. Photo ca. 1913. BFC-02310 IRBIT, Russia. City street in winter. Photo ca. 1913. BFC-00266 IRKUTSK. Entrance to the synagogue. Photo October 1982. BFC-00874 IRKUTSK. City map, 1913. Places of Jewish interest: Synagogue on Solomatovskaya Street (E-2). BFC-00422 IRKUTSK. View of the central square with a cathedral. Woodcut 1846. BFC-00423 IRKUTSK. View of the city. Woodcut 1846. BFC-00424 IRKUTSK. View of the city with a bridge and a cathedral. Woodcut 1846. BFC-01665 IRKUTSK, Russia. Panoramic view of the city with Rusinskaya Street on the foreground. Photo early 1900's. BFC-01666 IRKUTSK, Russia. View of the Solomatovskaya Street with the synagogue on the foreground. Photo early 1900's. BFC-01825 IRKUTSK, Russia. Synagogue on Solomatovskaya Street. Photo early 1900's. BFC-03088 IRKUTSK, Russia. Help wanted advertisement for R. A. Lejbovich’s (variants: Leibovich, Leybovich, Lejbowicz) printing shop. Document 1901. BFC-03135 IRKUTSK, Russia. Scene in a hospital. Helping soldiers injured in the Russo-Japanese war. Photo 1904. BFC-03280 IRKUTSK, Russia. An American tourist in front of the wooden synagogue. Photo 1982. BFC-03211 ISAKOGORKA, Arkhangelsk region, Russia. American Red Cross officials serving lunch to local children during the Red Cross mission to Russia. Photo ca. 1918. BFC-01546 ISBINNA village, Smolensk region, Russia. Group of the Russian women in front of the German prison camp for the captured Red Army troops. Beginning of the Nazi occupation during World War I Photo July 1941. BFC-00387 ISMAIL, Ukraine. View of the town with a fortress. Woodcut 1880's. BFC-00466 ISRAEL (Palestine). Group of a Gymnasium students at the Rachel's Tomb. Photo early 1900s. BFC-00468 ISRAEL (Palestine). Yemenite Jews-laborers.Photo early 1900's. BFC-00467 ISRAEL (Palestine). Harvesting in Kinereth. Photo early 1900s. BFC-02562 Israel, . Laskov (variant Laskow), Haim, 1919-1983. Born in Belarus. Chief of Staff of IDF in 1958-1961. Photo ca. 1958. BFC-02660 Israel, . Zalman Shazar, President of Israel, speaking to Lyndon Johnson, President of the United States, during Shazar’s state visit to the US. Photo 1966. BFC-03258 ISRAEL. The Sinai campaign. Moshe Dayan and a female soldier in an Arab town. Photo 1956. BFC-00309 ISRAILOVKA, Ukraine. A railroad station. (South-West Railroad, Zhmerinka-Mohilev section).Photo ca. 1904. BFC-02261 ISTANBUL (also Constantinople), Turkey. General view. Photo 1920s. BFC-01884 IVANIKI (also Iwaniki), Belarus.Bee-hives in the Jewish settlement. Photo 1920's. BFC-01277 IVANO-FRANKIVSK (also Stanislawow), Ukraine. View of the Kazimierowska Street. Business sign reads: Barber SHop. Photographic postcard, sent by Bernard Rubinstein from Stanislawow to Earle Lafean in Pittsburgh, PA. Photo 1915. BFC-01716 IVANO-FRANKIVSK (also Stanislawow), Ukraine. View of the Sapierzynska Street. Photo early 1920's. BFC-01278 IVANO-FRANKIVSK (also Stanislawow), Ukraine. View of the Karpinski Street. On the right is the Emil Stauber's Fashion Store. Photo 1915. BFC-02664 IZHEVSK, Russia, . Postcard in Russian sent by Alexander Stavskij (variants Stavsky, Stawski, Stawsky) from Izhevsk to J. Stawsky in Haifa, Israel. Document 1945. BFC-03222 IZYASLAV (also Izyaslavl, Zaslav, Zaslaw), Ukraine. Money transfer (US $15) return receipt signed by Iosif Kupershmid (variants: Kuperschmid, Kuperszmyd). Document 1926. BFC-02977 JAFFA, Israel, . Postcard from A. V. Apolchin to M. Grossman in Copenhagen, Denmark inquiring about Apolchin’s father in Jaffa. Document 1915. BFC-02223 JAIPUR, India. The Chief Palace. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02224 JAIPUR, India. Sanscrit College. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02225 JAIPUR, India. Wind Palace. Photo early 1920's. BFC-02226 JAIPUR, India. Palace. Photo early 1920's. BFC-02227 JAIPUR, India. Interior of a palace. Photo early 1920's. BFC-02228 JAIPUR, India. Interior of a palace. Photo early 1920's. BFC-02229 JAIPUR, India. Interior of a palace. Photo early 1920's. BFC-02230 JAIPUR, India. Interior of a palace. Photo early 1920's. BFC-02231 JAIPUR, India. Jagat Sheremani Temple, Amber. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02232 JAIPUR, India. Main Street. Wind Palace and College. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02233 JAIPUR, India. Amber. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02235 JAIPUR, India. Elephants’ fight. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02236 JAIPUR, India. Dasehra procession. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02237 JAIPUR, India. Bullock cart (Sagar). Photo early 1900's. BFC-02238 JAIPUR, India. State Elephant. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02239 JAIPUR, India. Maharaja’s Camel. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02240 JAIPUR, India. Monkeys. Photo early 1920's. BFC-02241 JAIPUR, India. Bullock cart with women and children. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02242 JAIPUR, India. Potter and his apprentice. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02243 JAIPUR, India. Jaipur woman. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02244 JAIPUR, India. Water carrier. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02245 JAIPUR, India. Woman with a water jar on her head. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02246 JAIPUR, India. Young women-dancers. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02247 JAIPUR, India. Street barber at work. Photo early 1900's. BFC-01971 JANOW SOKOLSKI, Poland. Wooden synagogue, built in the late 18th century. Ground plan. Architectural drawing, 1927. BFC-01972 JANOW SOKOLSKI, Poland. Wooden synagogue, built in the late 18th century. Exterior, view from the West. Photo ca. 1936. BFC-01973 JANOW SOKOLSKI, Poland. Wooden synagogue, built in the late 18th century. Side view, elevation. Architectural drawing, 1927. BFC-01974 JANOW SOKOLSKI, Poland. Wooden synagogue, built in the late 18th century. Exterior details, South side. Photo ca. 1936. BFC-01975 JANOW SOKOLSKI, Poland. Wooden synagogue, built in the late 18th century. Front view, elevation. Architectural drawing, 1927. BFC-01976 JANOW SOKOLSKI, Poland. Wooden synagogue, built in the late 18th century. Cross section. Architectural drawing, 1927. BFC-01977 JANOW SOKOLSKI, Poland. Wooden synagogue, built in the late 18th century. Exterior, view from the West. Photo ca. 1936. BFC-01978 JANOW SOKOLSKI, Poland. Wooden synagogue, built in the late 18th century. Interior, view of cupola. Photo ca. 1936. BFC-01979 JANOW SOKOLSKI, Poland. Wooden synagogue, built in the late 18th century. Interior, view of the Bimah. Photo ca. 1936. BFC-01980 JANOW SOKOLSKI, Poland. Wooden synagogue, built in the late 18th century. Interior, view towards Aron-Hakodesh. Photo ca. 1936. BFC-03310 JAUNJELGAVA (also Friedrichstadt, Naira), Latvia. Passport issued by the German administration to Riga resident Simon Brander, born in Friedrichstadt. Photograph is attached. Document 1917. Copy price coefficient for eight pages: 3.0 BFC-03264 JAROSLAW (also Jaroslau, Yaroslav), Poland. View of the Kolejowa Street. Lithograph 1897. Published as postcard by Herman Aker in Jaroslau. Mailed to Dora Glasscheib (?) in Zoppot. BFC-01722 JASLO, Poland. Stone synagogue. Painting ca. 1920s. BFC-03132 JASNA GORA, Poland. Aerial view of the town. Photo 1917. BFC-02453 JELGAVA (also Mitau, Mitava, Yelgava), Latvia, . Affidavit issued to Lithuanian citizen Lina Meerovna Gurlyand (also Gurland, Gurliand). Signed by Jelgava Rabbi L. Ovchinskij (variant Ovcinskis). Document 1925. BFC-02478 JELGAVA (also Mitau, Mitava, Yelgava), Latvia, . Personal identification issued to Minna Kahn (variants Cahn, Kagan, Kahan), born in Janischkes, Lithuania. Document 1920. BFC-03352 JELGAVA (also Mitau, Mitava, Yelgava), Latvia. Market Square. Photo ca. 1915. BFC-02551 JERSEY CITY, NJ, USA. . Letter addressed to Harold Yale Levine. Sent from Jerusalem, Israel. Document 1958. BFC-03348 JERSEY CITY, NJ, USA. Rabbi Eliezer Silver (1882, Obleliai, Lithuania-1968, Cincinnati, OH) pushing unlevened dough for the firsts baking of matza at the Manischewitz plant in Jersey City. Photo 1953. BFC-00435 JERUSALEM, Israel. King David's Palace.Russian Woodcut 1846. BFC-00436 JERUSALEM, Israel. King David's Palace and Bethesda's Pool. Russian Woodcut 1846. BFC-00441 JERUSALEM, Israel. View of the city from the Damascus road, near the prophet Jeremy's cave. Russian woodcut 1846. BFC-00474 JERUSALEM, Israel. Wailing wall, women's section. Photo early 1900s. BFC-00475 JERUSALEM, Israel. Three elderly Jews with prayer books. Photo early 1900s. BFC-00472 JERUSALEM, Israel. Wailing wall. Drawing 1890's. BFC-00747 JERUSALEM, Israel (Palestine). Wailing wall at the turn of the century. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02579 JERUSALEM, Israel, . Unidentified man playing chess. Shlomo Markus Studio. Photo ca. 1960's. BFC-02990 JOHANNESBURG, South Africa. Stone synagogue of the Witwatersrand Old Hebrew Congregation the oldest Synagogue in Transvaal. Photo ca. 1904. BFC-00687 JONISHKELIS, Lithuania. Monument on the place of murder of 5000 Jews from surrounding towns by the Nazis and Lithuanian police in August, 1941. Lithuanian inscription on the monument reads: On this place in August, 1941 5000 Soviet people from the towns of Pasvalys, Vabalninkas, Jonishkelis, Daujetai, Krinchiunai were brutally murdered by Hitler's fascists and Lithuanian bourgeois nationalists.This must not happen again. Place located 15 km East of Pasvalys, in Zhadeikiai forest. Photo 1983. BFC-00688 JONISHKELIS, Lithuania. Fraternal grave of 5000 Jews from surrounding towns murdered by the Nazis and Lithuanian police in August, 1941. Place located 15 km East of Pasvalys, in Zhadeikiai forest. Photo 1983. BFC-00732 JONISHKELIS, Lithuania. Gravestone at the place of of execution of 493local Jews by the Nazis and Lithuanian police during World during World War II. The inscription on the stone reads: On this place in the year of 1941, fascist butchers buried alive 493 Soviet citizens. Photo 1983. BFC-00733 JONISHKELIS, Lithuania. Fraternal grave at the place of execution of 493 local Jews by the Nazis and Lithuanian police during World during World War II. Photo 1983. BFC-00734 JONISHKELIS, Lithuania. Catholic cemetery near the town. Photo 1983. BFC-01867 JONISHKIS (also Yanishki, Yanishok), Lithuania, .Notarized affidavit issued to Riga, Latvia, resident Zalman Brider to confirm that he is a Lithuanian citizen registered in the Shavli (also Shiauliai) district, town of Yanishki (also Jonishkis, Yanishok).Signed by Aron Gelvan and Haim Levin. Photo of Zalman Brider is attached. Document 1924. BFC-02478 JONISHKIS (also Yanishki, Yanishok), Lithuania, . Personal identification issued in Jelgava, Latvia to Minna Kahn (variants Cahn, Kagan, Kahan), born in Janischkes, Lithuania. Document 1920. BFC-00950 JURBARKAS (also Jurbork, Jurburg, Yorburg, Yorvorig, Yurburg), Lithuania. Wooden synagogue, built in 1790. View from the southwest. Drawing 1850. BFC-00949 JURBARKAS (also Jurbork, Jurburg, Yorburg, Yorvorig, Yurburg), Lithuania. Group photo of the members of the the "Betar" organization in a summer camp.Photo 1930s. BFC-00948 JURBARKAS (also Jurbork, Jurburg, Yorburg, Yorvorig, Yurburg), Lithuania. View of the center of the town during spring flood. Photo 1930's. BFC-00947 JURBARKAS (also Jurbork, Jurburg, Yorburg, Yorvorig, Yurburg), Lithuania. Old Jewish cemetery. Photo 1930's. BFC-00946 JURBARKAS (also Jurbork, Jurburg, Yorburg, Yorvorig, Yurburg), Lithuania. Wooden synagogue, interior. View at the Torah Ark. Photo ca. 1930's. BFC-01865 JURBARKAS (also Jurbork, Jurburg, Yorburg, Yorvorig, Yurburg), Lithuania. Coat of Arms. Drawing 1920's. BFC-01866 JURBARKAS (also Jurbork, Jurburg, Yorburg, Yorvorig, Yurburg), Lithuania. Jewish Cemetery. Tombstone on the grave site of Kopl Freiman. Photo 1995. BFC-01899 JURBARKAS (also Jurbork, Jurburg, Yorburg, Yorvorig, Yurburg), Lithuania, . Internal Lithuanian passport issued to Benjaminas Bershtanskis (variants: Bershtanskij, Bershtansky), born in Jurbarkas, lived in Pagege, registered in Klaipeda and Panevezhys. Photograph is enclosed. Document ca. 1936. Copy price coefficient for ten pages: 3.0 BFC-01967 JURBARKAS (also Jurbork, Jurburg, Yorburg, Yorvorig, Yurburg), Lithuania, . Birth record (duplicate) of Abram-Naftoli Fisheris (variants: Fisher, Fischer). Father: Irme Fisher from Jurburg. Mohel: Mendel Krakinowski. Signed by Naumiestis Rabbi I. M. Lesin. Document 1927. BFC-02759 Rabbi Meir Kahane. Silver Spring Jewish Center in Maryland, USA. Photo October 1982. BFC-00267 KAISHIADORYS (also Kashedar, Koishedar, Koschedar, Koshedar, Koszedary), Lithuania. Jewish American tourist with his Soviet relatives visiting a sight of their grandparents' house in late 1800's - early 1900's. Photo 1974. BFC-00268 KAISHIADORYS (also Kashedar, Koishedar, Koschedar, Koshedar, Koszedary), Lithuania. Sign with the town's name in Lithuanian and Russian at the town's limit. Photo 1974. BFC-02519 KAISHIADORYS (also Kashedar, Koishedar, Koschedar, Koshedar, Koszedary), Lithuania, . Affidavit issued by the town’s Jewish community to an unnamed resident of Kibartai. Signed by G. Kowarskis (variants Kovarskij, Kovarsky, Kowarski) and B. Shneideris (variants Shneider, Shnejder), with an imprint of the Kaishiadorys Jewish community seal. Document 1920. BFC-01945 KAKHOVKA, Ukraine, . Farfel’ Sonya. Studio photograph inscribed to her sister Fenya Frejdin (variants: Freidin, Freydin). B. Gimmelshtejn (variants: Gimelshtein, Gimelstein) and Ya. Najdich (variants: Naidich, Naidych) Studio. Photo 1910. BFC-01946 KAKHOVKA, Ukraine, . Misha Zugman. Studio photograph inscribed to Fenya Frejdin (variants: Freidin, Freydin). B. Gimmelshtejn (variants: Gimelshtein, Gimelstein) and Ya. Najdich (variants: Naidich, Naidych) Studio.Photo 1910. BFC-00961 KALISZ, Poland. Plan of the city as it was in 1785. Dotted line shows boundaries of the Jewish quarters. 1-castle, 2-town square, 3-Horse Market, 4-synagogue. BFC-01346 KALISZ, Poland. View of the horse market in ruins during World War I.On the background is the stone synagogue.Photo 1914. BFC-00770 KALUGA, Russia. House in which Marina Mnishek, one of the central figures of the power struggle in early XVII cent., lived in 1609-1610. Photo 1896. BFC-00771 KALUGA, Russia. St. George church. Photo 1896. BFC-00769 KALUGA. View of the city. On the foreground is a chapel, built on the place of a 1510 battle against tartars. Photo 1896. BFC-02639 KALVARIJA, Lithuania, . Romberg (variant Rombergas), Moisha Judelio, resident of Kalvarija. Identity paper. Photograph is attached. Document 1924. BFC-02748 KALVARIJA, Lithuania, . Studio photo of an unidentified man. Photographer: A. Zilbershtejn (variants Zilberstein, Zylbersztejn). Photo early 1900's. BFC-03183 KAMEN' KASHIRSKIJ (also Kamen Kashirsky, Kamien Koszyrski), Ukraine. Scene in the shtetl. Photo ca. 1915. BFC-03184 KAMEN' KASHIRSKIJ (also Kamen Kashirsky, Kamien Koszyrski), Ukraine. Group of Jewish men standing. Photo ca. 1915. BFC-01010 KAMENETS (form. Kamieniec Litewski, in Poland), Belarus. Wooden synagogue, built 18 century. Exterior, West Front. Photo 1930s. BFC-00490 KAMYANETS PODILSKY, (also Kamenets Podolsky, Kamieniec Podolski), Ukraine. View of the city and the fortress from the North-West. Photo early 1900s. BFC-00491 KAMYANETS PODILSKY, (also Kamenets Podolsky, Kamieniec Podolski), Ukraine. View of the fortress. Photo early 1900s. BFC-00492 KAMYANETS PODILSKY, (also Kamenets Podolsky, Kamieniec Podolski), Ukraine. View of the city from Polish folwarks (farms). Photo early 1900s. BFC-00493 KAMYANETS PODILSKY, (also Kamenets Podolsky, Kamieniec Podolski), Ukraine. Karvasary suburb and Russian folwarks (farms). Photo early 1900s. BFC-00494 KAMYANETS PODILSKY, (also Kamenets Podolsky, Kamieniec Podolski), Ukraine. Turkish bridge and Turkish fortress. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02055 KAMYANETS PODILSKY, (also Kamenets Podolsky, Kamieniec Podolski), Ukraine. View of the city and Smotrich river from the South. Photo early 1900s. BFC-02056 KAMYANETS PODILSKY, (also Kamenets Podolsky, Kamieniec Podolski), Ukraine. View of the fortress. Polish Gates. Lithograph late 1800's. BFC-03016 KAMYANETS PODILSKY, (also Kamenets Podolsky, Kamieniec Podolski), Ukraine. View of the city from the New Bridge. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02929 KAMYANKA (also Kamenka), Cherkasy Oblast, form. Kiev Province, Ukraine. Village view. Drawing 1853. BFC-02930 KAMYANKA (also Kamenka), Cherkasy Oblast, form. Kiev Province, Ukraine. Pushkin Grotto. Photo late 19th century. BFC-00901 KAMYANKA BUGS’KA (also Kamenka Bugskaya, Kamionka Strumilowa), Ukraine. Wooden synagogue, late XVII-early XVIII century. Side view. Architectural drawing, 1927. BFC-00902 KAMYANKA BUGS’KA (also Kamenka Bugskaya, Kamionka Strumilowa), Ukraine. Wooden synagogue, late XVII-early XVIII century. Floor plan. Architectural drawing, 1927. BFC-00903 KAMYANKA BUGS’KA (also Kamenka Bugskaya, Kamionka Strumilowa), Ukraine. Old Jewish cemetery. Tombstone, 1770. Carved stone. Photo 1930s. BFC-00904 KAMYANKA BUGS’KA (also Kamenka Bugskaya, Kamionka Strumilowa), Ukraine. Old Jewish cemetery. Tombstone, XVII century. Curved stone. Photo 1930s. BFC-00905 KAMYANKA BUGS’KA (also Kamenka Bugskaya, Kamionka Strumilowa), Ukraine. Wooden synagogue, late XVII-early XVIII century. Ink drawing, copy of the 1730 polychrome painting. BFC-00637 KAPLAN, Anatoly. Motl. Illustration to the novel by Sholom- Aleihem. Lithograph 1960s. BFC-01488 KARLOVY VARY (also Karlsbad), Czech Republic. Synagogue and Cafe Elefant. Photo early 1900s. BFC-01336 KATOWICE (also Kattowitz, Stalinogrod), Poland. Street view with a stone synagogue. Photo 1920s. BFC-00032 KAUNAS (also Kovna, Kowno), Lithuania. View in the court-yard of a catholic seminary. Photo 1938. BFC-00211 KAUNAS (also Kovna, Kowno), Lithuania. "Shvabes" Hebrew Gymnasium (High School). Closed by the Soviet Government in 1940, soon after occupation of Lithuania by the Red Army. Housed a Vocational Training School during the Soviet years. Photo 1946. BFC-00212 KAUNAS (also Kovna, Kowno), Lithuania. Street in the Ghetto area. Photo 1946. BFC-00213 KAUNAS (also Kovna, Kowno), Lithuania. Jewish children playing in a yard,former Ghetto during Warld War II.Photo ca. 1946. BFC-00214 KAUNAS (also Kovna, Kowno), Lithuania. Jewish orphanage. Photo ca. 1946. BFC-00215 KAUNAS (also Kovna, Kowno), Lithuania. Jewish orphanage. Photo ca. 1946. BFC-00216 KAUNAS (also Kovna, Kowno), Lithuania. Jewish orphanage. Photo ca. 1946. BFC-00217 KAUNAS (also Kovna, Kowno), Lithuania. Jewish orphanage. Photo ca. 1946. Fisrt from the left is Tanya Mayerson (?). BFC-00269 KAUNAS (also Kovna, Kowno), Lithuania. Entrance to the IXth Fort where thousands of Lithuanian Jews were killed during World War II. Photo 1974. BFC-00270 KAUNAS (also Kovna, Kowno), Lithuania. IXth Fort where thousands of Lithuanian Jews were killed during World War II.Photo 1974. BFC-00271 KAUNAS (also Kovna, Kowno), Lithuania. IXth Fort. Shmuel Shadevichius, political prisoner in 1930's, who served time in the Fort, talking to a tour guide. Photo 1974. BFC-00382 KAUNAS (also Kovna, Kowno), Lithuania. View of the city on the right bank of the Neman River, near a floating bridge. Three story house in the center is the place where Napoleon stayed in 1812 during his invasion of Russia.Photo ca. 1905. BFC-00603 KAUNAS (also Kovna, Kowno), Lithuania. Nicholas Prospect (now Laisves Aleja).Photo early 1900's. BFC-00878 KAUNAS (also Kovna, Kowno), Lithuania. View of the city from the opposite side of the Niemen River. Photo 1890's. BFC-00982 KAUNAS (also Kovna, Kowno), Lithuania. Group photo of the Jewish students from the University of Kaunas. Photo ca. 1937. BFC-00983 KAUNAS (also Kovna, Kowno), Lithuania. View of the Jewish "Tachkemoni" school.Photo ca. 1937. BFC-00984 KAUNAS (also Kovna, Kowno), Lithuania. Hasidic prayer house. Photo ca.1937. BFC-00985 KAUNAS (also Kovna, Kowno), Lithuania. Synagogue in Slobodka area. Photo ca. 1937. BFC-00986 KAUNAS (also Kovna, Kowno), Lithuania. Street in the Jewish section of Slobodka area. Photo ca. 1937. BFC-01136 KAUNAS (also Kovna, Kowno), Lithuania. View of Vilkomir Street toward theformer Narodnyj Dom (Public House). Photo 1916. BFC-01138 KAUNAS (also Kovna, Kowno), Lithuania. Street in the Vilijampole area of the city, a predominantly Jewish area in the 19th-20th century, and a site of the Ghetto during World War II. Photo 1998. BFC-01139 KAUNAS (also Kovna, Kowno), Lithuania. Group of girl students in the "Tachkemoni"school. Photo ca. 1937. BFC-01140 KAUNAS (also Kovna, Kowno), Lithuania. Old Jewish cemetery. The tombstone on the left reads: Isaak Yulievich (son of Yuly) Mikhalevsky, died February 6, 1930; the tombstone on the right reads: Elias Lurie, died January 22, 1930. Photo 1985. BFC-01859 KAUNAS (also Kovna, Kowno), Lithuania, . Brener, Borukh. Hand-written notarized affidavit, authorizing Khonon Sverdlov to obtain exit visa from Vitebsk, Belarus to Kovno, Lithuania. Document 1924. BFC-01956 KAUNAS (also Kovna, Kowno), Lithuania. Street scene in front of the building at 16 Laisves Aleja. Signs read: Sh. Bajer’s Photography (variants: Baer, Bayer); Michal Levin’s Bank Office, at 58 N. Novichovicius Street ; A. Perkowski’s Candy Store (variants: Perkovskij, Perkovsky); Movies; Coffee Shop. Advertising on the horse tramway: Alphonse Schick’s Cognacs, Liquers, Wines; Advertising posters on the right: Canadian Pacific Ship Line at 43 Laisves Aleja; Lietuva Insurance Co.; Waves of Lifeand Love (Yiddish play); Falkovsky's Shoe Store. The third floor was added in 1927-1928. The building was owned by Dr. Abel Lapin in the 1920's-1930's. The tenants in the 1920's-1930's were: Mrs. Arnstaam; Dembovitch family (also Dembovich, Dembovicius, Dembowicz); Kurkowsky, Retired Russian Tsarist Army General with wife and daughter; A. Merkiss, Mayor of Kaunas in the last years before Soviet invasion, with wife and son; Simon Rachmilevitch family (also Rakhmilevich, Rachmilevicius, Rachmielewicz); Dr. Yaakov Robinson with wife, two daughters, and brother Nehemia. Rusteika, Minister of Interior of Lithuania. Other commercial tenants: Yasvoin’s Photography equipment store, ground floor; Nord Deutsche Lloyd Brehmen offices. Photo 1924. BFC-01968 KAUNAS (also Kovna, Kowno), Lithuania. Internal Lithuanian passport issuedto Leja Fishmanaite (variants: Fishman, Fiszman). Born in Ukmerge, lived in Ukmerge and Kaunas. Photograph is enclosed. Document 1929. BFC-02402 KAUNAS (also Kovna, Kowno), Lithuania, . Studio photo of two Jewish boys. Two inscriptions on the reverse read: To Moisej from Miron and To friend with memories from Al. Ginzburg. Studio I. Bielodoubrovsky in Kovna. Photo 1907. BFC-02062 KAUNAS (also Kovna, Kowno), Lithuania, . Advertisement of a Sanatorium of Dr. O. Portnov. Document 1938. BFC-02515 KAUNAS (also Kovna, Kowno), Lithuania, . Postcard, sent to Lejzer Kozhevnik in Merech (Merkine in Lithauania) from O. Zinger (variant Singer). Document 1913. BFC-02537 KAUNAS (also Kovna, Kowno), Lithuania, . Milejkovskaya (variants Mileikovsky, Milejkowska, Mileykovsky) nee Allenberg (variant Alenberg) Elena. Studio portrait, inscribed to cousin Fanya. Photographer W. Latorski. Photo 1909. BFC-02559 KAUNAS (also Kovna, Kowno), Lithuania, . Postcard in Yiddish from Yakov Lipshits (variants Lipszic, Lipshitz) to an illegible address in Paris, France. Document 1890. BFC-02589 KAUNAS (also Kovna, Kowno), Lithuania, . Certificate issued to Jona Merjasz (variants Merasz, Merash, Merashas) from Kovno as Minsk, Bealrus temporary resident. Imprint of the Minsk Jewish Committee of Help to War Refugees. Document 1920. BFC-02591 KAUNAS (also Kovna, Kowno), Lithuania, . Affidavit issued by the Interior Ministry to Khava Girshvna Mikhles (variant Michles). Lists her brothers and sisters. On reverse, there is partial text of signature certification of Shejna-Risya Nejman (variants Neiman, Neyman) by a Simpheropol, Ukraine, notary Stanislav Kolyashinskij. Document 1922. BFC-02652 KAUNAS (also Kovna, Kowno), Lithuania, . Serman, Salomon, resident of Kowno. Certificate issued by the Regional Jewish Committee EKOPO to Assist War Refugees. Document 1920. BFC-02718 KAUNAS (also Kovna, Kowno), Lithuania, . Marriage record (certified copy) between Jakubas Vidzeris (varinats Vidzer, Widzer), and Sara-Ester Shriraite (variants Shrir, Schrir, Szryr). Officiating Rabbi: Z. Margolis. Witnesses: N. Menachemskis and A. Zaicas. Signed by Rabbi L. Rubinas. Document 1929. BFC-03104 KAUNAS (also Kovna, Kowno), Lithuania. General view of the city. Photo 1920's. BFC-03105 KAUNAS (also Kovna, Kowno), Lithuania. General view of the city with the steam boat Laisve. Photo 1920's. BFC-03117 KAUNAS (also Kovna, Kowno), Lithuania. Postcard sent by the law firm of Aba Goniondskis (variant: Goniondzki) to firm Reinhold Wurach in Berlin, Germany. The correspondence concerns H. Gladshteinas (variants: Gladstein, Gladstejn, Gladshteyn, Gladsztejn) of Kaunas. Document 1936. BFC-03118 KAUNAS (also Kovna, Kowno), Lithuania. Business letter (cover only) sent by the firm of A. M. Goron (variant: Goronas) in Kaunas to paper factory Wran, Limited Partnership Schuster & Co. in Vrane n/Vltava in Czechoslovakia. Document 1939. BFC-03228 KAUNAS (also Kovna, Kowno), Lithuania. German troops moving through Bolshaya Vilenskaya Street. Store signs read: Honorary Citizen I. Kh. Kaplan’s (variant: Caplan ) Firm; Borukh Al’perovich’s (variants: Alperovich, Alperowicz) Kitchenware and Lamps Warehouse. Photo 1915. Publisher: Pudel in Berlin. BFC-03257 KAUNAS (also Kovna, Kowno), Lithuania. Landing. Photo early 1920s. BFC-01392 KAVARSKAS, Lithuania. Torah Study House. Photo ca. 1937. BFC-01393 KAVARSKAS, Lithuania. Rabbi of Kavarskas, surroundedby community elders. Photo ca. 1937. BFC-01394 KAVARSKAS, Lithuania. Jewish Bath House. Photo ca. 1937. BFC-00538 KAZAN, Russia. View of the city and the Kaban Lake. Photo early 1900s. BFC-00539 KAZAN, Russia. Siumbeki Tower. Photo early 1900s. BFC-00540 KAZAN, Russia. Maritime Engineering College. Photo early 1900s. BFC-00541 KAZAN, Russia. Residence of the Commander of the Military District. Photo early 1900s. BFC-00542 KAZAN, Russia. Bauman Street. Photo 1935. BFC-00543 KAZAN, Russia. Hotel Kazanskoye Podvorye. Photo 1935. BFC-00544 KAZAN, Russia. Municipal Services Engineering College. Photo 1935. BFC-02574 KAZAN’, Russia, . Business letter sent to Itsek-Yankel’ Maleshkevich in Vilna from Kazan’ University. Document 1907. BFC-02651 KAZAN', Russia, Sandler, Natan Mikhajlovich. Certificate issued by the Kazan Military Aviation Technical School. Signed by Tyumin and I. Blank. Document 1955. BFC-01887 KAZANLIK, Bulgaria, . Postcard, written by M. Babinski in Warsaw, Poland to M. V. Rochlin. Document 1939. BFC-01986 KAZATIN, Ukraine. View of Bolshaya Street. Signs read: Photography Studio; Pharmacy Warehouse; A. Birman's Sawing Machines “Singer” and Gramophones “Victoria”; Ostrovsky’s Furniture Store. Photo 1911. BFC-01720 KAZIMIERZH DOLNY (also Kazimierz nad Wisla, Kuzmir), Poland. Scene at a Jewish market. Photo late 1930s. BFC-02970 KAZIMIERZH DOLNY (also Kazimierz nad Wisla, Kuzmir), Poland. Street crowd follows a klezmer band that has just arrive in town. Photo ca. 1920's. BFC-02843 KECSKEMÉT, Hungary. Stone synagogue, after the 1911 earthquake. Built between 1864-1871 in Moresque-Romantic style. Converted into House of Science and Technics in the 1970's. Contains genuine plaster-casts of 15 sculptures by Michelangelo Bounarroti. Photo 1911. BFC-01350 KEDAINIAI (also Kiejdany, Keidan, Kedahnen, Kaidan, Keidany, Keydan, Kiejdany, Kidainiai), Lithuania. Rabbi Abraham Shimon Traub, rabbi of Kedainiai.Photo ca. 1937. BFC-01351 KEDAINIAI (also Kiejdany, Keidan, Kedahnen, Kaidan, Keidany, Keydan, Kiejdany, Kidainiai), Lithuania. Stone synagogue, exterior view. Photo ca. 1937. BFC-01352 KEDAINIAI (also Kiejdany, Keidan, Kedahnen, Kaidan, Keidany, Keydan, Kiejdany, Kidainiai), Lithuania. Children in a town square, outside of the Great Torah Study House. Photo ca. 1937. BFC-01353 KEDAINIAI (also Kiejdany, Keidan, Kedahnen, Kaidan, Keidany, Keydan, Kiejdany, Kidainiai), Lithuania. Great Torah Study House. Exterior, view from the South-West. Photo ca. 1937. BFC-01354 KEDAINIAI (also Kiejdany, Keidan, Kedahnen, Kaidan, Keidany, Keydan, Kiejdany, Kidainiai), Lithuania. The sun dial at the entrance to the Great Torah Study House. Photo ca. 1937. BFC-01433 KEDAINIAI (also Kiejdany, Keidan, Kedahnen, Kaidan, Keidany, Keydan, Kiejdany, Kidainiai), Lithuania. Group of Jewish Girl-Scouts. Photo ca. 1937. BFC-01434 KEDAINIAI (also Kiejdany, Keidan, Kedahnen, Kaidan, Keidany, Keydan, Kiejdany, Kidainiai), Lithuania. Group photo of the local residents celebrating 10th anniversary of the "OZE" Society. Photo 1937. BFC-01060 KELME (also Kelm, Kelmy), Lithuania. Old Synagogue. Interior.View at the curved wooden Aron-Hakodesh (Ark of the Law). Photo ca. 1937. BFC-01755 KELME (also Kelm, Kelmy), Lithuania. Wooden synagogue, exterior view. Photo ca. 1930s. BFC-01756 KELME (also Kelm, Kelmy), Lithuania. View of a town street. Photo ca. 1930s. BFC-03274 KELME (also Kelm, Kelmy), Lithuania. Street scene. Store signs read: I. Dat’s Printing Shop and Books; Pharmacy. Photo 1915. Published as postcard by Kahan & Co. in Konigsberg. BFC-01087 KEPNO, Poland (also Kempen, Kempno). Stone synagogue, built in the 1810s. Exterior view. Photo ca. 1913. BFC-00432 KERTCH, Ukraine,(Crimea). View of the city. Wood engraving 1846 BFC-00325 KHARKIV, Ukraine. Kupechesky (Merchant) Lane. Photo ca. 1910. BFC-00326 KHARKIV, Ukraine. General view from the Kholodnaya Hill. Photo ca. 1910. BFC-00327 KHARKIV, Ukraine. Blagoveshchenskaya (Annunciation) Square near Kupechesky (Merchant) Bridge. Photo ca. 1910. BFC-00328 KHARKIIV, Ukraine. Torgovaya (Merchants') Square. Photo ca. 1910. BFC-00329 KHARKIV, Ukraine. Torgovaya (Merchants') Square. Photo ca. 1910. BFC-00330 KHARKIV, Ukraine. University Hill. Photo ca. 1910. BFC-00331 KHARKIV, Ukraine. Nicholas Square. Photo ca. 1910. BFC-00332 KHARKIV, Ukraine. Technology Institute. Photo ca. 1910. BFC-00333 KHARKIV, Ukraine. Nicholas Square. Store signs read: Clothing Store [to the left of the St. Nicholas Cathedral]; I. Shilinger; Geodesic Supplies; Notary Shchavinskij; Dentist. Photo ca. 1910. BFC-00334 KHARKIV, Ukraine. Yekaterinoslavskaya Street near Gendarmes Square. Photo ca. 1910. BFC-00335 KHARKIV, Ukraine. Moscow Street. Photo ca. 1910. BFC-00336 KHARKIV, Ukraine. Railroad Station. Photo ca. 1910. BFC-00337 KHARKIV, Ukraine. Moscow Street. Photo ca. 1910. BFC-00338 KHARKIV, Ukraine. Sumskaya Street. Photo ca. 1910. BFC-00425 KHARKIV, Ukraine. "Zalopan'" area of the city (behind the Lopan' river). Wood engraving 1846. BFC-00426 KHARKIV, Ukraine. View of the city from Kholodnaya hill. Wood engraving 1846. BFC-00427 KHARKIV, Ukraine. Yarmarochnaya Square. Vine store is on the left. Wood engraving 1846. BFC-00428 KHARKIV, Ukraine. View from Kulikovsky Park at Zakharkovsky area of the city.Wood engraving 1846 BFC-00429 KHARKIV, Ukraine. Nikolsky Square. Wood engraving 1846. BFC-00430 KHARKIV, Ukraine. View of the Zalopan part of the city (behind the Lopan'river). Wood engraving 1846. BFC-01528 KHARKIV, Ukraine. German troops in the streets of Kharkiv in the beginning of the Nazi occupation. Photo August 1941. BFC-01890 KHARKIV, Ukraine, . Transcript, issued to Abram Belkin, Cadet of the Kharkiv Military Flight Technical School. Document 1959. BFC-01987 KHARKIV (also Kharkov, Charkov, Harkov), Ukraine. View of Sergievskaya Square. Signs read: S. Gejntsel. Photo 1911. BFC-02398 KHARKIV (also Charkow, Kharkoff, Kharkov), Ukraine. View of the Ekaterinoslav Street and Museum. Photo 1904. BFC-02399 KHARKIV (also Charkow, Kharkoff, Kharkov), Ukraine. Entrance to University Hill. Store signs read: A. I. Korovin’s Shoe Store; M. I. Zamorskij’s Toy Store; [illegible] Book Store; Zamorskij’s [illegible] Sugar Trade; Perevej..os’ Odessa Clothing Store. Photo 1912. BFC-02400 KHARKIV (also Charkow, Kharkoff, Kharkov), Ukraine. Osnova suburb. View of the Lopan’ river. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02666 KHARKIV (also Charkow, Kharkoff, Kharkov), Ukraine, . Postcard in Russian sent to Boris Shmujlov (variant Shmuilov) from Mokraya Kaligorka, Kiev oblast. Document 1941. BFC-02721 KHARKIV (also Kharkov, Charkow), Ukraine, . Certificate issued by the Talmud-Torah No. 4 to Mordukh Gimpelevich Volk (variant Wolk). Document 1920. BFC-02977 KHARKIV (also Kharkov, Charkow), Ukraine, . Postcard from A. V. Apolchin to M. Grossman in Copenhagen, Denmark inquiring about Apolchin’s father in Jaffa. Document 1915. BFC-00448 KHARLEYEVKA, Zhitomir region, Ukraine. Jewish cemetery in Zhitomir. Fraternal grave of the Jews accused in Pavoloch blood libel case and executed in 1753. Two victims were from Kharleyevka. Photo 1903. BFC-01855 KHERSON, Ukraine, . Bikhshtejn (variants: Bikstein, Bichstein), Israeil'-Shmul'.Identification photograph. Photographer: G. Mozharovskij (variants: Mozarowski, Mozharovsky) in Kherson. Photo 1915. BFC-01947 KHERSON, Ukraine, . Yakov Frejdin (variants: Freidin, Freydin) with son. Studio photograph inscribed to his relatives Boris and Revekka Frejdin. Photo 1912. BFC-01659 KHMELNITS’KYJ (also Proskurov, Ploskirow), Ukraine. Street scene on the outskirts of the town. Photo early 1900s. BFC-00448 KHODORKOV, Zhitomir region, Ukraine. Jewish cemetery in Zhitomir. Fraternal grave of the Jews accused in Pavoloch blood libel case and executed in 1753, including two from Khodorkov. Photo 1903. BFC-01092 KHODORIV (also Khodorov, Chodorow, Choderev), Ukraine. Wooden synagogue, buit between 1642-1652. Interior. Entrance to the prayer room. Photo ca.1933. BFC-01554 KHODORIV (also Khodorov, Chodorow, Choderev), Ukraine. Wooden synagogue, buit between 1642-1652. Exterior, view from the North-West, before 1909-1910 reconstruction. Photo early 1900's. BFC-01555 KHODORIV (also Khodorov, Chodorow, Choderev), Ukraine. Wooden synagogue, buit between 1642-1652. Cross- section view. Architectural drawing, 1920's. BFC-01556 KHODORIV (also Khodorov, Chodorow, Choderev), Ukraine. Wooden synagogue, buit between 1642-1652. Interior, view at the Eastern Wall and Aron Ha-Kodesh. Photo 1920's. BFC-01557 KHODORIV (also Khodorov, Chodorow, Choderev), Ukraine. Wooden synagogue, buit between 1642-1652. Interior, part of the ceiling. Polychrome painting (mid-17th cent.) by Israel ben Mordechai Lisnicki. Photo 1920's. BFC-01558 KHODORIV (also Khodorov, Chodorow, Choderev), Ukraine. Wooden synagogue, buit between 1642-1652. Interior, part of the ceiling. Polychrome painting (mid-17th cent.) by Israel ben Mordechai Lisnicki. Photo 1920's. BFC-01559 KHODORIV (also Khodorov, Chodorow, Choderev), Ukraine. Wooden synagogue, buit between 1642-1652. Floor Plan. Architectural Drawing 1920's. BFC-01560 KHODORIV (also Khodorov, Chodorow, Choderev), Ukraine. Wooden synagogue, buit between 1642-1652. Interior, Aron Ha-Kodesh. Photo 1913. BFC-01561 KHODORIV (also Khodorov, Chodorow, Choderev), Ukraine. ooden synagogue, buit between 1642-1652. Interior, View at the Western Wall by the entrance door. Photo 1913. BFC-01562 KHODORIV (also Khodorov, Chodorow, Choderev), Ukraine. Wooden synagogue, buit between 1642-1652. Cross- section,floor plan and details of the ornament. Architectural drawing 1913. BFC-01959 KHOROL, Ukraine, . I. Fajnberg (variants: Fainberg, Faynberg). Studio portrait, inscribed to her friend Zina. Photographer: Khaim Evseev (variants: Evseyev, Yevseev, Yevseyev). Photo 1900. BFC-01960 KHOROL, Ukraine, . I. Fajnberg (variants: Fainberg, Faynberg). Studio portrait, inscribed to her teacher Vladimir Aleksandrovich. Photographer: Khaim Evseev (variants: Evseyev, Yevseev, Yevseyev). Photo 1901. BFC-01961 KHOROL, Ukraine, . Zh. Gel’fand (variants: Gelfand). Studio portrait, inscribed to her teacher Vladimir Aleksandrovich. Photographer: Khaim Evseev (variants: Evseyev, Yevseev, Yevseyev). Photo 1901. BFC-01962 KHOROL, Ukraine, . B. Fejfets (variants: Feifets, Feifetz, Feyfetz). Studio portrait, inscribed to her teacher Vladimir Aleksandrovich. Photographer: Khaim Evseev (variants: Evseyev, Yevseev, Yevseyev). Photo 1901. BFC-01963 KHOROL, Ukraine, . A. Fajnshtejn (variants: Fainshtein, Fainstein).Studio portrait, inscribed to her teacher Vladimir Aleksandrovich. Photographer:Khaim Evseev (variants: Evseyev, Yevseev, Yevseyev). Photo 1901. BFC-01964 KHOROL, Ukraine, . L. German. Studio portrait, inscribed to her teacher Vladimir Aleksandrovich. Photographer: Khaim Evseev (variants: Evseyev, Yevseev, Yevseyev). Photo ca. 1901. BFC-01965 KHOROL, Ukraine, . D. Shejnkman (variants: Sheinkman, Sheynkman). Studio portrait, inscribed to her friend Zina. Photographer: Khaim Evseev (variants: Evseyev, Yevseev, Yevseyev). Photo ca. 1901. BFC-00384 KHOTIN , Ukraine. View of the town with an old Italian fortress.Wood engraving 1880s. BFC-01082 KHOTIN, Ukraine. Ruins of the old Italian fortress. Courtyard. Photo 1902. BFC-01083 KHOTIN, Ukraine. Ruins of the old Italian fortress. Minaret. Photo 1902. BFC-01084 KHOTIN, Ukraine. Ruins of the old Italian fortress. View at a tower and a Harem. Photo 1902. BFC-01544 KHOTONOGA village, Minsk region, Belarus. German Army Engineering unit during short rest on a mud covered street of the village. Beginning of the Nazi occupation during World War II. Photo July 1941. BFC-01522 KIELCE, Poland. View of the Sienkiewicz Street. Photo 1920's. BFC-03359 KIELCE, Poland. Duża Street. Photo 1910's. BFC-00094 KIEV, Ukraine. Apartment house on Yurkovskaya (Юрковская) Street where Mendel Beilis (Мендель Бейлис) lived in 1912. Photo 1974. BFC-00095 KIEV, Ukraine. A house on Yurkovskaya (?) Street where Mendel Beilis lived in 1912. Backyard. Photo 1974. BFC-00096 KIEV, Ukraine. Old deserted Jewish cemetery near Babi Yar. Gravestones from here were used by the Nazi to crash bones of the burned Jewish victims. Photo 1971. [see also BFC-97 through BFC-111] BFC-00133 KIEV, Ukraine. Semyon Kaplan, Kiev artist, at a meeting in a public library. Photo 1975. BFC-00218 KIEV, Ukraine. A 1935 city map from a Soviet encyclopedia indicating several Jewish institutions. BFC-00263 KIEV, Ukraine. Monument at Babi Yar. Photo 1976. BFC-00354 KIEV, Ukraine. City Hall. Photo 1910. BFC-00355 KIEV, Ukraine. Bolshaya Vasilkovskaya Street. Photo 1910. BFC-00356 KIEV, Ukraine. Askold's grave site. Photo ca. 1910. BFC-00357 KIEV, Ukraine. L. Idzikovsky's Book Store on 20 Kreshchatic Street. Photo ca. 1910. BFC-00495 KIEV, Ukraine. City museum. Photo early 1900s. BFC-00496 KIEV, Ukraine. Tsar Alexander II monument.Photo early 1900s. BFC-00497 KIEV, Ukraine. Bibikov Boulevard (presently Shevchenko Boulevard.) Photo early 1900s. BFC-00498 KIEV, Ukraine. Count Bobrinsky monument on the Bibikov Boulevard. Photo 1900s. BFC-00499 KIEV, Ukraine. Bogdan Khmelnitsky monument. Photo 1930s. BFC-00500 KIEV, Ukraine. Bogdan Khmelnitsky monument and St. Sophie Square. Photo1930s. BFC-00501 KIEV, Ukraine. Opera theatre. Photo 1930s. BFC-00502 KIEV, Ukraine. Hotel Continental on the Karl Marx Street. Photo 1930s. BFC-00503 KIEV, Ukraine. Chervonoarmiiska Street. Photo 1930s. BFC-00504 KIEV, Ukraine. Polytechnic Institute. Photo 1900s. BFC-00505 KIEV, Ukraine. Cable car towards Podol area.. Photo 1930s. BFC-00506 KIEV, Ukraine. Kreshchatic Monument, built in 1802. Photo 1930s. BFC-00507 KIEV, Ukraine. Prince Vladimir Monument.Photo early 1900s. FC-00508 KIEV, Ukraine. Askold's Grave. Photo early 1900s. BFC-00509 KIEV, Ukraine. The Sampson's Fountain in Podol Area. Store signs on the background read: D.Nevezhin, S.Karpukhin. Photo 1930. BFC-00510 KIEV, Ukraine. Nicholas' bridge over Dnepr. Photo 1900's. BFC-00511 KIEV, Ukraine. Dnepr river in Podol area. Photo early 1900s. BFC-00669 KIEV, Ukraine. City map, in English. Document 1914. BFC-01126 KIEV, Ukraine. Interfaith cemetery. Jewish section. The tombstone on the foreground reads: Aron, son of Pinkhas Gutgarts, died May 3, 1949, was 51 year old. Photo 1987. BFC-01127 KIEV, Ukraine. Interfaith cemetery. On the foreground is a part of Jewishsection and the Christian section is on the background. Photo 1987. BFC-01506 KIEV, Ukraine. Podol area. View of the Aleksandrovskaya Street and the Nativity church. Photo early 1900's. BFC-01509 KIEV, Ukraine. View of the City Trade School. Photo early 1900's. BFC-01515 KIEV, Ukraine. View of the Railroad Station. Photo early 1900's. BFC-01550 KIEV, Ukraine. Part of the railroad station destroyed by fire in the beginning of the Nazi occupation in World War II. Photo October 1941. BFC-01580 KIEV, Ukraine. Apartment houses in ruins after being blown up by the mines,planted by the Red Army during its retreat. Beginning of the Nazi occupation. Photo October 1941. BFC-01581 KIEV, Ukraine. City street in ruins after being blown up by the mines, planted by the Red Army during its retreat. Beginning of the Nazi occupation. Photo October 1941. BFC-01601 KIEV, Ukraine. St. Vladimir University, built in the first half of the 19th century. Photo early 1900's. BFC-01602 KIEV, Ukraine. Brodsky Synagogue, built in the 1880's. Was converted into a Puppet Theatre by the Soviet Government. Photo 1987. BFC-01603 KIEV, Ukraine. Karaite Synagogue (Kinassa), built in the 1890's. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02842 KIEV, Ukraine. Stone synagogue on Malo-Vasilkovskaya Street. Exterior view. Built ca. 1880's. Was converted into a puppet theater during the Soviet years. Photo early 1900's. BFC-00133 TUROVSKY, Michael, a Kiev artist at a meeting in a library. Photo 1975. BFC-00135 KIEV, Ukraine, . Yelena Symakhodsky, Jewish folk singer and songwriter. Photo 1978. BFC-01830 KIEV, Ukraine, . Group portrait of sisters Ganya, Fira, and Sonya Abramson. Studio Rembrandt, photographer I. E. Shapiro. Photo 1914. BFC-01847 KIEV, Ukraine, . Bejzman (variants: Beizman), Borukh-Yakov Bentsinovich. Identification photograph, notarized by G. A. Ostrovsky inKiev.Photo 1914. BFC-01889 KIEV, Ukraine, . Military Oath, signed by Abram Belkin, Cadet of the Kiev Military Flight Technical School. Document 1956. BFC-01933 KIEV, Ukraine, . Group photo of three Jewish men, most probably a son, a father, and a grandfather. I. Epshtejn’s Studio. Photo ca. 1890's. BFC-01969 KIEV, Ukraine, . Studio photo of five friends. Moisej Grunis (possibly Grupis), Stanislav Klembovskij (variants: Klembovsky), Samuil Ushits, Erik Fejt (variants: Feit, Feyt), Dima Yudin (variants: Udin). Photo 1917. BFC-02449 KIEV, Ukraine, . Studio portrait of M. Grinberg (also Greenberg), inscribed to Ilya Mironovich Baranov. N. Ouzemsky’s (also Uzemskij) Studio; Photo 1898. BFC-02527 KIEV, Ukraine, . Oscar Kamionsky, opera singer (baritone). 1869-1917. Born in Kiev, died in Yalta. Studio portrait. Photographer: E.L. Photo 1910's. BFC-02560 KIEV, Ukraine, . Lazarev, Aron Aleksandrovich. Identification photograph. Certified by Notary Pashkevich. Photo 1914. BFC-02720 KIEV, Ukraine, . Notification issued by the Jewish Emigration Society in Kiev to Kiev Province Governor in connection of the appointment of Yudel’-Lejb Vilfand from Uman as the Society’s representative. Document 1911. BFC-03065 KIEV, Ukraine. Advertisement for S. Gelfand (variant: Helfand) bookkeeping classes. Document 1898. BFC-03069 KIEV, Ukraine. Advertisement for S. Gelfand (variant: Helfand) bookkeeping classes. Document 1898. BFC-03150 KIEV, Ukraine. Panoramic view of Alekseevskij Park and the city. View from the South-East. Photo 1918. BFC-03151 KIEV, Ukraine. Panoramic view of the city from the South-East, across the railroad. Photo 1918. BFC-03368 KIEV, Ukraine. Karaite Synagogue (Kinassa), built in the 1890's. Photo early 1900's. BFC-00761 KIROVOGRAD (form. Yelisavetgrad), Ukraine. Stone synagogue, Moscow Street. Photo ca. 1900's. BFC-00934 KIROVOGRAD (form. Yelisavetgrad), Ukraine. View of a city street (Gorodskoi Bulvar). Ink drawing after a 1908 photograph. BFC-00933 KIROVOGRAD (form. Yelisavetgrad), Ukraine. View of the Dvortsovaya Street. Ink drawing after a 1908 photograph. BFC-02684 KIROVOGRAD (also Yelisavetgrad), Ukraine, . Studio portrait of an unidentified Jewish man, possibly Evsej Shtejn. Photographer: S. A. Gorelnikov’s Studio. Photo 1886. [see also BFC-02683] BFC-00388 KISHINEV, Moldova. Alexander Street and a Cathedral. Wood engraving 1880s. BFC-00389 KISHINEV, Moldova. Mazaraky Church and fountain. Wood engraving 1880s. BFC-00755 KISHINEV, Moldova. General view of the city. Photo early 1900s. BFC-00887 KISHINEV, Moldova. First Classic Gymnasium for boys. Photo 1902. BFC-00889 KISHINEV, Moldova. Street scene near Realnoe Uchilishche (Secondary Schoolwith emphasis on mathematics and science). On the left is Konka (horse driven street car), on the right is Droshki (small carriage) Photo 1902. BFC-00890 KISHINEV, Moldova. Street scene. Two Jewish men on the horse driven carriage are in the center of the photo. Big building on the background is the Eparchial (Orthodox religious) School for girls. Photo 1902. BFC-00891 KISHINEV, Moldova. Panoramic view of the Alexander II Prospect (Avenue) and Tsar Nicholas Boulevard. Store sign on the left reads: Real Singer [sewing machines]. Photo 1902. BFC-00892 KISHINEV, Moldova. Group of Jewish merchants in the market. Photo 1902. BFC-00893 KISHINEV, Moldova. Jewish bagel-peddler. Photo 1902. BFC-00894 KISHINEV, Moldova. Jewish water-carrier. Photo 1902. BFC-00895 KISHINEV, Moldova. Shvartsman's House on Pushkin Street. Photo 1902. BFC-00896 KISHINEV, Moldova. Dr. Tumarkin's Mineral Waters Clinic. Photo 1902. BFC-01024 KISHINEV, Moldova. Second Classic Gymnazium for boys. Exterior view. Photo 1902. BFC-01025 KISHINEV, Moldova. View at the Grand Hotel on the Alexander II Prospect (Avenue). Store sign on the first floor reads: M.Chumachenko. Photo 1902. BFC-01026 KISHINEV, Moldova. District Court building. Photo 1902. BFC-01027 KISHINEV, Moldova. View of the Kishinev prison castle. Photo 1902. BFC-01028 KISHINEV, Moldova. Pautynsky's Drug Store on the Alexandr II Prospect (Avenue). Photo 1902. BFC-01029 KISHINEV, Moldova. Brick-making factory on the outskirts of the city. Drying bricks in the sun. Photo 1902. BFC-01322 KISHINEV, Moldova. City theatre. Photo 1902. BFC-01323 KISHINEV, Moldova. Swiss Hotel. Alexander II Avenue. Photo 1902. BFC-01324 KISHINEV, Moldova. Russian poet Alexander Pushkin monument in the Alexander Gardens. Photo 1902. BFC-01325 KISHINEV, Moldova. City Hall on the Alexander II Avenue. Photo 1902. BFC-01926 KISHINEV, Moldova, . Postcard in Russian written to M. G. Dukhovnyj (also Dukhovny, Duchowny), employee of a Kishinev Jewish orphanage. Document 1909. BFC-01927 KISHINEV, Moldova, . Postcard in Yiddish written to M. G. Dukhovnyj (also Dukhovny, Duchowny). Document 1912. BFC-01928 KISHINEV, Moldova, . Postcard in Yiddish written to M. G. Dukhovnyj (also Dukhovny, Duchowny). Document 1913. BFC-02466 KISHINEV, Moldova, . Barbel’, Fishel’. Notarized copy of the birth record with the seal and the signature of the Kishinev City Rabbi. Father is listed as registered resident of Ostrog, Ukraine A stamp of an Argentinian immigration service dated 1913 was added later. Document 1907. BFC-03208 KISHINEV (also Cisinau), Moldova. Postcard from M. Goldenberg in Cisinau to attorney Marcel Ghinzberg (variants: Ginzberg, Gintsberg, Gintzberg) in Bucurest. Document 1933. BFC-03216 KISHINEV (also Cisinau), Moldova. Postcard addressed to attorney Marcel Ghinzberg (variants: Ginzberg, Gintsberg, Gintzberg) in Bucurest. Document 1936. BFC-03218 KISHINEV (also Cisinau), Moldova. Postcard from Cisinau addressed to attorney Marcel Ghinzberg (variants: Ginzberg, Gintsberg, Gintzberg) in Bucurest. Document 1935. BFC-03220 KISHINEV (also Cisinau), Moldova. Postcard from S. Tiusadu (?) in Balti to attorney Ghinzburg (variants: Gintsberg, Gintzberg) in Cisinau. Document 1932. BFC-03383 KISHINEV (also Cisinau), Moldova. Stone synagogue, exterior. Photo early 1900's. BFC-03123 KISLOVODSK, Russia. View of the city with the hotel and the Krasnye Kamni observation deck. Photo ca. 1912. Postcard sent to Dr. Boris Abramovich Reznikov in Rostov-na-Donu. BFC-00935 KLAIPEDA (also Klajpeda, Memel), Lithuania. Friedrich-Wilhelm Street, general view. Photo 1910's. BFC-00936 KLAIPEDA (also Klajpeda, Memel), Lithuania. View of the Alexander Street. Big sign on the right reads: Men's Hair Cuttery.Photo 1910's. BFC-00937 KLAIPEDA (also Klajpeda, Memel), Lithuania. Ober-Lyceum (High School). Photo 1910's. BFC-00938 KLAIPEDA (also Klajpeda, Memel), Lithuania. View of the waterfront and the Stock-Exchange. Photo 1910's. BFC-00939 KLAIPEDA (also Klajpeda, Memel), Lithuania. View of the city and the harbor.Photo March, 1938. BFC-01899 KLAIPEDA (also Klajpeda, Memel), Lithuania, . Internal Lithuanian passport issued to Benjaminas Bershtanskis (variants: Bershtanskij, Bershtansky), born in Jurbarkas, lived in Pagege, registered in Klaipeda and Panevezhys. Photograph is enclosed. Document ca. 1936. Copy price coefficient for ten pages: 3.0 BFC-01641 KLETSK (also Kleck, Kletzk), Belarus. Stone synagogue, built in 1796 by Prince Radziwil. Exterior, West front. Photo 1920's. BFC-03153 KLETSK (also Kleck, Kletzk), Belarus. Main Street in town. Photo 1920's. BFC-02705 KLINTSY, Bryansk district, Russia, . Tsivkin, Israil’ Anatolleyvich. High School diploma. Document 1955. BFC-00134 KLYACHKIN, Evgeny, a St. Petersburg engineer and a songwriter, singing his songs. Photo 1974. BFC-01294 KOBRIN (also Kobryn), Belarus. Street scene. Photo early 1900's. BFC-03032 KOBRIN (also - Kobryn), Belarus. German troops marching through the town center. Photo ca. 1915. BFC-01578 KOCHANOVO, Belarus. Construction of a temporary bridge by the German troops in the beginning of the Nazi occupation. Photo July 1941. BFC-03265 KOLNO (also Kolna, Kolne), Poland. View of the main street in town during World War I. Photo ca. 1915. Sent as postcard to Anna Warmboldt in Hildesheim. BFC-01288 KOLOMYYA (also - Kolomea, Kolomyja), Ukraine. View of the market in the center of the city. The tall tower on the background is the Ratusz, or the City Hall.Photo early 1900s. BFC-01289 KOLOMYYA (also - Kolomea, Kolomyja), Ukraine. Railroad Station. Photo early 1900s. BFC-01290 KOLOMYYA (also - Kolomea, Kolomyja), Ukraine. View of the Market Square. Photo early 1900s BFC-01810 KOLOMYYA (also - Kolomea, Kolomyja), Ukraine. Elderly Jewish man in traditional Galitzian costume. Drawing after a 1890s photograph. BFC-01811 KOLOMYYA (also - Kolomea, Kolomyja), Ukraine. Market day in town. Photo 1920s. BFC-01812 KOLOMYYA (also - Kolomea, Kolomyja), Ukraine. Stone synagogue, exterior view. Photo early 1900s. BFC-01813 KOLOMYYA (also - Kolomea, Kolomyja), Ukraine. Jagielonska Nizsza Street.G. Gottleb publisher. Photo 1914. BFC-01886 KOLOMYYA (also - Kolomea, Kolomyja), Ukraine, . Postcard, written by Abraham Aszkenazy (variants: Ashkenazi, Askenazi) to Jacob Bercovici (variants: Berkovich, Berkowicz) in Bacau, Romania. Document 1907. BFC-01943 KOLOMYYA (also - Kolomea, Kolomyja), Ukraine, . Postcard in German from Israel Eifermann to Jacob Bercovici (variants: Berkovich, Berkowicz, Berkowitz) in Bacau, Romania. Document 1905. BFC-02557 KOLOMYYA (also - Kolomea, Kolomyja), Ukraine, . Postcard in Yiddish from Moses Chaim Lachs to Jacob Bercovici (variants: Berkovich, Berkowicz, Berkowitz) in Bacau, Romania. Document 1914. BFC-02558 KOLOMYYA (also - Kolomea, Kolomyja), Ukraine, . Postcard in Yiddish from Moses Chaim Lachs to Jacob Bercovici (variants: Berkovich, Berkowicz, Berkowitz) in Bacau, Romania. Document 1914. BFC-01533 KOLONKA village, Kertch region, Ukraine. View of the village set on fire by the Nazis during World Ward II. Photo May 1942. BFC-02280 KONSKIE (also Konsk), Poland. Wooden synagogue, built in mid-18th century. Exterior, view from the North.Photo ca. 1920's. BFC-02757 KOPYCHINTSI (also Kopichintsy, Kopychinets, Kopyczynce), Ukraine. Street scene. Photo ca. 1920s. BFC-02758 KOPYCHINTSI (also Kopichintsy, Kopychinets, Kopyczynce), Ukraine. Market square. Photo ca. 1920. BFC-00396 KOPYS, Belarus. View of the town. Photo ca. 1905. BFC-01551 KOPYS, Belarus. View of the town in smoke during the battles between retreating Red Army and the German troops during World War II. Photo July 1941. BFC-01593 KOPYS, Belarus. German troops crossing the Dnepr river near the town in the beginning of the Nazi occupation in World War II. Photo July 1941. BFC-02041 KORNIK (also Kurnik), Poland. Wooden Synagogue, built in 1767. Interior, view at the “Ner Tomid”. Photo 1913. BFC-02042 KORNIK (also Kurnik), Poland. Wooden Synagogue, built in 1767. Interior, view at the Eastern wall and the Ark of the Law. Photo 1913. BFC-02043 KORNIK (also Kurnik), Poland. Wooden Synagogue, built in 1767. Interior, view at the Ark of the Law. Photo 1913. BFC-02044 KORNIK (also Kurnik), Poland. Wooden Synagogue, built in 1767. Exterior view. Photo 1913. BFC-02045 KORNIK (also Kurnik), Poland. Wooden Synagogue, built in 1767. Floor plan and women’s gallery. Architectural drawing 1913. BFC-02046 KORNIK (also Kurnik), Poland. Wooden Synagogue, built in 1767. Cross-section and “Ner Tomid”. Architectural drawing 1913. BFC-02047 KORNIK (also Kurnik), Poland. Wooden Synagogue, built in 1767. View of cupola. Photo 1913. BFC-02048 KORNIK (also Kurnik), Poland. Wooden Synagogue, built in 1767. Cross-section. Architectural drawing 1913. BFC-02049 KORNIK (also Kurnik), Poland. Wooden Synagogue, built in 1767. Exterior view, front and side elevations. Architectural drawing 1913. BFC-02050 KORNIK (also Kurnik), Poland. Wooden Synagogue, built in 1767. Exterior view. Photo 1954. BFC-02051 KORNIK (also Kurnik), Poland. Wooden Synagogue, built in 1767. Exterior view. Photo 1907. BFC-00481 KOROLENKO V.G., Russian writer. Portrait by the Russian artist I.E. Repin. 1912. Moscow, Tretyakov Gallery (Korolenko defended in press Mendel Beilis, accused of murdering a christian boy in 1912). BFC-00804 KOROSTYSHIV (also Korostyshev, Korostyszow, Korshev, Krostchov), Ukraine. An early 1900 wealthy landowner's estate, location of a Soviet government office in the 1970s. Photo 1975. BFC-00805 KOROSTYSHIV (also Korostyshev, Korostyszow, Korshev, Krostchov), Ukraine. Two stone lions that used to decorate an entrance to an early 1900s landowner's estate. Photo 1975. BFC-00806 KOROSTYSHIV (also Korostyshev, Korostyszow, Korshev, Krostchov), Ukraine. Ruins of a fountain in a park of an early 1900s landowner's estate. Photo 1975. BFC-00807 KOROSTYSHIV (also Korostyshev, Korostyszow, Korshev, Krostchov), Ukraine. View on the outskirts of the town. Photo 1975. BFC-00808 KOROSTYSHIV (also Korostyshev, Korostyszow, Korshev, Krostchov), Ukraine. A peasant's house on the outskirts of the town. Photo 1975. BFC-03119 KOROSTYSHIV (also Korostyshev, Korostyszow, Korshev, Krostchov), Ukraine. Postcard in Yiddish sent by Sh. Kaufman in Korostyshev to S, N. Margulies (variants: Margulis, Morgulis) in Antwerpen (also Antwerp, Anvers), Belgium. Document 1891. BFC-01218 KOSIV (also Kosov, Kosow, formerly in Austro-Hungary and Poland), Ukraine. Old deserted Jewish cemetery. Partially legible inscription on the first (from the left) tombstone reads: ... Miriam, daughter of Mohar (?), Kapil (?) ... Photo 1977. BFC-01219 KOSIV (also Kosov, Kosow, formerly in Austro-Hungary and Poland), Ukraine. Old deserted Jewish cemetery. Partially legible inscription on the first (from the left) tombstone reads: ... Aaron... Photo 1977. BFC-01512 KOSIV (also Kosov, Kosow, formerly in Austro-Hungary and Poland), Ukraine. General view of the town. Photo 1920's. BFC-00448 KOTLIARKA, Zhitomir region, Ukraine. Jewish cemetery in Zhitomir. Fraternal grave of the Jews accused in Pavoloch blood libel case and executed in 1753, including Moses, son of reb Avraham, from Kotliarka. Photo 1903. BFC-03026 KOTSYUBYNTSI (also Kociubince, Kotsyubintsty), Ukraine. View of a street in town. Photo ca. 1916. BFC-01504 KOVEL (also Kowel), Ukraine. View at the grain mill and the Lutsk street prospective. Photo early 1900's. BFC-01507 KOVEL (also Kowel), Ukraine. Street scene at the Market Street. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02032 KOVEL (also Kowel), Ukraine. Small market by the railroad station. Photo ca. 1915. BFC-02307 KOVEL (also Kowel), Ukraine. Street scene during German occupation of the town in World War I. German soldiers and local Jews. Photo ca. 1915. BFC-02308 KOVEL (also Kowel), Ukraine. Street scene during German occupation of the town in World War I. Austrain soldiers looking for their quarterts. Photo September 1915. BFC-02311 KOVEL (also Kowel), Ukraine. View of the Jewish Street in town. Photo ca. 1915. BFC-02312 KOVEL (also Kowel), Ukraine. View of a street in the Jewish section of the town. Photo ca. 1915. BFC-02313 KOVEL (also Kowel), Ukraine. Group of Jewish children. Photo ca. 1915. BFC-02314 KOVEL (also Kowel), Ukraine. Jewish hospital in town. Photo ca. 1915. BFC-03027 KOVEL (also Kowel), Ukraine. Magazinnaya Street. Photo 1916. BFC-03103 KOVEL (also Kowel), Ukraine. View of Lutsk Street. Store sign on the left reads: Tobacco. Photo ca. 1915. <0br>Published as postcard by A. Pfeiffer in Berlin. BFC-03110 KOVEL (also Kowel), Ukraine. Brest-Litovsk Street. Photo 1915. BFC-03179 KOVEL (also Kowel), Ukraine. Lively Market Street. Photo 1917. BFC-03361 KOVEL (also Kowel), Ukraine. World War I period. German soldiers walking along "Kaiserstrasse", renamed from Lutsko-Shossejnaya street. Business signs read: B. Rabinersohn (variant: Rabinerzon); Haberdashery. Photo ca. 1915. BFC-01142 KOZHANGORODOK, Belarus. Wooden synagogue, built late 18th century. Exterior, view from the South-West. Photo 1929. BFC-01143 KOZHANGORODOK, Belarus. Wooden synagogue, built late 18th century. Interior, view towards Aron-Hakodesh. Photo 1929. BFC-01144 KOZHANGORODOK, Belarus. Wooden synagogue, built late 18th century. Ground plan. Architectural drawing 1930. BFC-01145 KOZHANGORODOK, Belarus. Wooden synagogue, built late 18th century. Second floor plan. Architectural drawing 1930. BFC-01146 KOZHANGORODOK, Belarus. Wooden synagogue, built late 18th century. Side elevation. Architectural drawing 1930. BFC-01147 KOZHANGORODOK, Belarus. Wooden synagogue, built late 18th century. Front elevation. Architectural drawing 1930. BFC-01897 KRAKES (also Krok, Kroki), Lithuania, . Postcard sent to Khaya Milner from Boston, Massachusets. Document 1910. BFC-00681 KRAKIAI, Lithuania. Monument at the place of murder of 1125 Jews by the Nazis and Lithuanian police on September 5th, 1941. Monument and grave located in a wheat field near Krakiai (Kedainiai area). Photo 1983. BFC-00682 KRAKIAI, Lithuania. Place of murder of 1125 local Jews by the Nazis and Lithuanian police on September 5, 1941. Grave located in a wheat field near Krakiai (Kedainiai area). Photo 1983. BFC-00683 KRAKIAI, Lithuania. Row of trees in the middle of the wheat field marks the place of murder of 1125 Jews by the Nazis and their Lithuanian collaborators, in September 5, 1941.Photo 1983. BFC-01237 KRAKINUVA, Lithuania. View of a town street with a Torah Study House. Photo 1937. BFC-00275 KRAKOW (also Cracow), Poland. View of the city. Ca. 1880's. Wood engraving. BFC-00301 KRAKOW (also Cracow), Poland. Two Hasidic Jews on the streets of Krakow. Photo early 1900s. BFC-00836 KRAKOW (also Cracow), Poland. Aerial view of the central part of the city. Photo ca. 1973. BFC-00837 KRAKOW (also Cracow), Poland. Old synagogue, built in the end of 14th century. Interior, view towards the Bimah. Photo ca. 1928. BFC-00838 KRAKOW (also Cracow), Poland. Old synagogue, built in the end of XIV century. Treasure safe from 1407, built in the wall. Photo 1928. BFC-00839 KRAKOW (also Cracow), Poland. "High" synagogue, built in 1633. View of the Ark with curved wooden doors, closed. Photo ca. 1910. BFC-00840 KRAKOW (also Cracow), Poland. "High" synagogue, built in 1663. View of the Ark with opened curved wooden doors and showing the Torah scrolls. Photo 1910. BFC-00841 KRAKOW (also Cracow), Poland. Old synagogue, built in the end of XIV century. Interior view with the bima. Drawing after a ca. 1880s photograph. BFC-00842 KRAKOW (also Cracow), Poland. Types of Krakow Jews. Drawing ca. 1880s. BFC-00844 KRAKOW (also Cracow), Poland. Plan of Krakow and Kazimierz from the end of XVIII century.1) Jewish area around the Jewish Street in the early XIV century (now - St. Anne Street); 2) Krakow university; 3) Szczepanska Street and 4) St. Thomas Street - Jewish area until 1469; 5) Jewish area in Kazimierz, after expulsion from Krakow in 1469; 6) The Old Synagogue (built end XIV century). BFC-01111 KRAKOW (also Cracow), Poland. Old Jewish cemetery. Tombstone on the graveof the Rabbi Yom Tow Lipman Heller (1579-1654).Photo 1932. BFC-01119 KRAKOW (also Cracow), Poland. Old Jewish cemetery. Tombstones from the 17th century. Photo 1930's. BFC-01230 KRAKOW (also Cracow), Poland. Old synagogue in Kazimierz, built in the end of 14th century. Exterior, view from the East. Photo early 1900's. BFC-01272 KRAKOW (also Cracow), Poland. Old synagogue, interior. Entrance hall. Photo ca. 1931. BFC-01273 KRAKOW (also Cracow), Poland. View in the old Jewish ghetto. Courtyard. Photo ca. 1931. BFC-01274 KRAKOW (also Cracow), Poland. View of the city in the end of 16th century. Engraving 1590's. BFC-01275 KRAKOW (also Cracow), Poland. Marriage scene. Engraving early 1800's. BFC-01344 KRAKOW (also Cracow), Poland. Street scene in front of the Old Synagogue in Kazimierz suburb of the city. Photo 1920's. BFC-01397 KRAKOW (also Cracow), Poland. Old Synagogue in Kazimierz, built in the end of 14th century. Exterior, view from the West. Photo early 1900's. BFC-01563 KRAKOW (also Cracow), Poland. Street scene with two Hasidic Jews. Photo 1902. BFC-01564 KRAKOW (also Cracow), Poland. View of the city with the Castle. Photo 1902. BFC-01565 KRAKOW (also Cracow), Poland. Group of the Jewish children in a court yard in a poor Jewish area of the city. Photo 1902. BFC-01566 KRAKOW (also Cracow), Poland. Street scene in a poor Jewish area of the city. Photo 1902. BFC-01993 KRAKOW (also Cracow), Poland. View of Grodzka Street. Photo 1914. BFC-02462 KRAKOW (also Cracow), Poland. Newspaper advertisement, with a photograph, of the Jakob Gross’ fine China store. BFC-02733 KRAKOW (also Cracow), Poland, . Business postcard from Majer Weinstein in Krakow to Josef Dressler in Groslovowiz (?) in Czechoslovakia. Document 1927. BFC-02928 KRAKOW (also Cracow), Poland. View of the Cathedral, Market Square and Sukiennica (Cloth Hall). Photo ca. 1960. BFC-02845 KRALOVSKI CHLMEC (also Kiraly Chelmecs), Slovakia. Stone synagogue, exterior view. Photo 1992. BFC-01772 KRASNIK (also Krasznik, Krosznik, Krusznik), Poland. Jewish shoemaker in his shop. Photo 1930s. BFC-00249 KRAVTSOV, Grigory. A bookplate made for a Soviet movie producer Grigory (Hirsh) Roshal. Ca. 1970's. BFC-01238 KRAZHIAI, Lithuania. Catholic Cathedral. Photo 1920's. BFC-00289 KREMENCHUG, Ukraine. German press photo, period World War II. BFC-00969 KREMENCHUG, Ukraine. View of the city. Photo ca. 1902. BFC-00970 KREMENCHUG, Ukraine. Market square. Ink drawing after a photograph, ca. 1902. BFC-00971 KREMENCHUG, Ukraine. City Hall. Ink drawing after a photograph, ca. 1902. BFC-01988 KREMENCHUG, Ukraine. Panoramic view of the eastern part of the city. Photo ca. 1912. BFC-02447 KREMENCHUG, Ukraine, . Studio portrait of a young woman. Goldynskij’s (also Goldynsky) Studio; Ekaterininskaya Street, Chumachenko’s House. Photo 1880's. BFC-02448 KREMENCHUG, Ukraine, . Studio portrait of a young man. Goldynskij’s (also Goldynsky) Studio; Ekaterininskaya Street, Chumachenko’s House. Photo 1880's. BFC-02699 KREMENCHUG, Ukraine, . Postcard sent to Michel Tartakovskij (variant Tartakovsky, Tartakowski). Document 1905. BFC-01089 KREMENETS, Ukraine,(Polish - Krzemieniec). Stone synagogue, built ca. 18 century. Interior. View at the Bimah and Aron-Hakodesh. Photo 1930s. BFC-02951 KREMENETS (also Kremenitz, Krzemieniec), Ukraine. Vocational School ORT. Group photograph of teachers and students. Photo 1920's. BFC-00392 KRESLAVKA (near Daugavpils), Latvia. Spring flood in the shtetl. Photo ca. 1905. BFC-00818 KRETINGA, Lithuania. General view of the palace of count A. Tyszkiewicz (Tyshkevich). Photo early 1900s. BFC-00819 KRETINGA, Lithuania. General view of the town. Photo ca. 1937. BFC-00817 KRETINGA, Lithuania. General view of the town. On the foreground is the Akmene (Danga) river. A church on the horizon (center of the photo) housed one of the biggest organs in Lithuania. Photo 1920s. BFC-00821 KRETINGA, Lithuania. Palace of count A. Tyszkiewicz.Main entrance. Photo ca. 1937. BFC-00820 KRETINGA, Lithuania. Panoramic view of the town from the opposite bank of the river Akmene (Danga). A church on the left housed one of the biggest organs in Lithuania. Photo ca. 1937. BFC-00399 KRICHEV, Belarus. Photo ca. 1905. BFC-00688 KRINCHIUNAI, Lithuania. Fraternal grave of 5000 Jews from surrounding towns murdered by the Nazis and Lithuanian police in August, 1941. Place located 15 km East of Pasvalys, in Zhadeikiai forest. Photo 1983. BFC-00687 KRINCHIUNAI, Lithuania. Monument on the place of murder of 5000 Jews from surrounding towns by the Nazis and Lithuanian police in August, 1941. Lithuanian inscription on the monument reads: On this place in August, 1941 5000 Soviet people from the towns of Pasvalys, Vabalninkas, Jonishkelis, Daujetai, Krinchiunai were brutally murdered by Hitler's fascists and Lithuanian bourgeois nationalists.This must not happen again. Place located 15 km East of Pasvalys, in Zhadeikiai forest. Photo 1983. BFC-01856 KRONSHTADT (also Cronstadt, Kronstadt), Russia, . Britanishskij (variants: Britanisky), Avraam-Iosif.Identification photograph. Photographer: I. Yakovlev in Kronshtadt. Photo 1910. BFC-02614 KRONSHTADT (also Cronstadt, Kronstadt), Russia, . Studio photo of an unidentified man. Photographer: Perl Studio. Photo ca. 1890's. BFC-01579 KRYVYI RIG, Ukraine. An armored regiment of the German army drives into the city in the beginning of the Nazi occupation. Photo August 1941. BFC-01656 KUDIRKOS-NAUMIESTIS, Lithuania. Street scene outside the synagogue. Photo1930's. BFC-01657 KUDIRKOS-NAUMIESTIS, Lithuania. View of the town square. Photo 1930's. BFC-00703 KUPISHKIS (also Kupishki, Kupishok, Kupiszki), Lithuania. Place of execution of the local Jews by the Nazis and Lithuanian police in 1941-1944. Jewish cemetery. Grass rectangles mark trenches where the victims were killed and buried. Photo 1983. BFC-00704 KUPISHKIS (also Kupishki, Kupishok, Kupiszki), Lithuania. Monument on the place of execution of the local Jews by the Nazis and Lithuanian police in 1941-1944. Jewish cemetery. Photo 1983. BFC-00705 KUPISHKIS (also Kupishki, Kupishok, Kupiszki), Lithuania. Cemetery, place of execution of the local communists and the Jews by the Nazis and Lithuanian in 1941-1944. Photo 1983. BFC-00706 KUPISHKIS (also Kupishki, Kupishok, Kupiszki), Lithuania. Cemetery, place of execution of the local communists and the Jews by the Nazis and Lithuanian police in 1941-1944. Ten grass rectangles mark trenches where about 1000 people were killed and buried. Photo 1983. BFC-00707 KUPISHKIS (also Kupishki, Kupishok, Kupiszki), Lithuania. Monument at a cemetery, where local communists and Jews were killed by the Nazis and Lithuanian police in 1941-1944. Plaque in Lithuanian reads: To Victims of the Nazi Terror. Photo 1983. BFC-00708 KUPISHKIS (also Kupishki, Kupishok, Kupiszki), Lithuania. Stone synagogue, exterior view. Was used as Culture House during the Soviet period. Photo 1983. BFC-00709 KUPISHKIS (also Kupishki, Kupishok, Kupiszki), Lithuania. Ghetto area during the World War II, near the Kupe river. Jews arrested by the Nazis were kept in the smaller house on the foreground. During the Soviet period. were used as warehouses of a local cooperative. Photo 1983. BFC-02754 KUPISHKIS (also Kupishki, Kupishok, Kupiszki), Lithuania, . Zilber, Iosel. Certificate issued by the Military Representative of Lithuania in Latvia. Photograph is attached. Document 1919. BFC-01096 KUROW, Poland. Stone synagogue. Exterior, view from the South. Photo ca. 1931. BFC-00295 KUTNO, Poland. Old man and a boy in the Jewish Ghetto; period of German occupation of Poland. Photo 1942. BFC-00588 KVITKO, Leib. Soviet Yiddish poet. Murdered in Moscow in August 1952 with a group of Yiddish writers. Photo ca. 1940's. BFC-00026 KYBARTAI (also Kibarty), Lithuania. Senapiges Street.Photo 1920's. BFC-00027 KYBARTAI-VIRBALIS, Lithuania. Border-guards' practice. Published as a postcard by M. Yasvoin (variants Jasvoin, Jaswoin) in Igumen. Photo 1910's. BFC-02063 KYBARTAI (also Kibarty), Lithuania. Stone synagogue, exterior view. Photo 1930's. BFC-02064 KYBARTAI (also Kibarty), Lithuania. German delousing station in a residential area of the town. Worls War I period. Photo 1915. BFC-02037 LAKEWOOD, NJ, USA. The Sunken Garden, Georgian Court. Photo 1912. BFC-01615 LANCUT, Poland. Interior of a synagogue.Woodcut from an early 1800's painting by Zygmunt Fogl. BFC-00463 LASKER, Edward, leader of the German National Liberals in 1880's. Engraving 1882. BFC-02989 LAUSANNE, Switzerland. Le Grand Pont. A. Ecoffey’s Business signs read: Materiaux de Constrauctions (Building Materials); Garde Meubles; Getaz & Romang; Pension Famille; Vetements du Hommes (Men’s Clothing); Photo early 1900's. BFC-00782 LAZDIJAI, Lithuania. General view of the town. Photo ca. 1937. BFC-00783 LAZDIJAI, Lithuania. View of a street in winter. Photo ca. 1937. BFC-02435 LAZDIJAI (also Lazdej, Lazhdai, Lezdi, Lozdee, Lozdzieje), Lithuania. Boys’ group of the Jewish sports club Ha-Koah. Photo late 1920's. BFC-02436 LAZDIJAI (also Lazdej, Lazhdai, Lezdi, Lozdee, Lozdzieje), Lithuania. Jewish high school students. Photo late 1920's. BFC-02437 LAZDIJAI (also Lazdej, Lazhdai, Lezdi, Lozdee, Lozdzieje), Lithuania. Girls’ group of the Jewish sports club Ha-Koah. Photo 1929. BFC-02438 LAZDIJAI (also Lazdej, Lazhdai, Lezdi, Lozdee, Lozdzieje), Lithuania. Group of Jewish high school students and their teachers. Photo late 1920's. BFC-02439 LAZDIJAI (also Lazdej, Lazhdai, Lezdi, Lozdee, Lozdzieje), Lithuania. Group photo of the Jewish sports club Ha-Koah. Photo late 1920's. BFC-02440 LAZDIJAI (also Lazdej, Lazhdai, Lezdi, Lozdee, Lozdzieje), Lithuania. Group photo of the Jewish youth from the town. Photo late 1920's. BFC-02441 LAZDIJAI (also Lazdej, Lazhdai, Lezdi, Lozdee, Lozdzieje), Lithuania. Jewish amateur theatre group, after the production of the play Moishe The Soldier, directed by Sh. Kantorovich (also Kantorowicz). Photo 1926. BFC-02442 LAZDIJAI (also Lazdej, Lazhdai, Lezdi, Lozdee, Lozdzieje), Lithuania. Group photo of the Jewish youth from the town. Photo late 1920's. BFC-02443 LAZDIJAI (also Lazdej, Lazhdai, Lezdi, Lozdee, Lozdzieje), Lithuania. Group of Jewish high school students. Photo late 1920's. BFC-01008 LEIPUNIAI, Lithuania. Group photo of the members of the Jewish Volunteer Fire Fighters Brigade. Photo 1934. BFC-01009 LEIPUNIAI, Lithuania. Imprint of a seal of the local Jewish National Fund committee, in Yiddish and Lithuanian. Ca. 1930's. BFC-02572 LEIPZIG, Germany, Studio portrait of an unidentified Jewish man. Photographer: Herrmann Studio. Photo ca. 1890's. BFC-01970 LENTSIN (also Lenczyn), Ukraine, . Postcard in Yiddish from B. Meisel to M. P. Filher in Warsaw. Document 1884. BFC-02565 LEONIDOVO, Russia, Lerman, Yakov Borisovich. Military identification photograph. Photo 1951. BFC-01349 LEPEL, Belarus. Soldiers of a German reconnaissance unit in front of the Lepel railroad station. World War II period. Photo 1941. BFC-01592 LEPEL, Belarus. Advance detachment of a German armored regiment in front of the Lepel military barracks. Beginning of the Nazi occupation in World War II. Photo July 1941. BFC-01122 LESHNIV (Polish - Leszniow), Ukraine. Old Jewish cemetery. Tombstones from 17-18 century. Photo 1930's. BFC-01123 LESHNIV (Polish - Leszniow), Ukraine. Old Jewish cemetery. Tombstone from 17 century. Photo 1930's. BFC-00484 LEVITAN, Isaac, a Russian Artist, by V.A. Serov. BFC-00572 LEVITAN, Isaac, a Russian Artist, portrait by V.A. Serov. BFC-00575 LEVITAN, Isaac. A Jewess in an Oriental Shawl. Watercolor 1884. V.D.Polenov State Museum. Tarusa(?) BFC-00573 LEVITAN, Isaac. Sculpture portrait by M. Rys. 1896. BFC-00574 LEVITAN, Isaac. Self-portrait. Watercolor 1880's. BFC-02395 LIBREVILLE, Gabon. View of the Marina. Photo ca. 1920's. BFC-00370 LIDA, Belarus. Vilna Street. Photo 1918. BFC-00371 LIDA, Belarus. View of the Vilna Street. Photo 1918. BFC-00372 LIDA, Belarus. Grodno Street. Photo 1918. BFC-00395 LIDA, Belarus. View on the outskirts of the town. Remains of the castle built by the Dike Gediminas in 1323 and destroyed by the army of the Swedish King Karl XII in 1710.Drawing 1700's. BFC-01957 LIDA, Belarus. Jewish Street in town. Photo 1915. BFC-02013 LIDA District in Vilna Province. Currently Belarus. Russian language map. Document 1863. BFC-01891 LIDA, Belarus, . Postcard, sent to pharmacist Baran in Voronovo by her daughter from Lida. Document 1914. BFC-02489 LIDA, Belarus, . Identification paper issued in Alytus, Lithuania to Rakhil, daughter of Motel, Karchmariene (variants Karchmar, Karczmar, Karczmarz, Korczmarz), nee Berenshtejn (variants Berensztejn, Bernshtayn, Berenstain, Berenstein, Bernstein), born in Lida. Photograph is attached. Document 1931. BFC-03141 LIGOVO, Russia. Dernovaya Street perspective. Grocery store sign reads: Fruits, Tea, Salami. Photo early 1900's. BFC-00303 LIEPAJA (also Libava, Libau), Latvia. Simpheropolsky Avenue. Store signs, from Left to Right: Watch Store, Fruits and Delicatessen,Tobacco Store, Scheffer's Office Supplies. Photo ca. 1918. BFC-00604 LIEPAJA (also Libava, Libau), Latvia. Ulikhovsky Street. Photo early 1900's. BFC-01573 LIEPAJA (also Libava, Libau), Latvia. Market scene. Jewish grain traders. Photo 1902. BFC-01574 LIEPAJA (also Libava, Libau), Latvia. Market scene. Photo 1902. BFC-01674 LIEPAJA (also Libava, Libau), Latvia.1912 German map of the city withEnglish captions. BFC-01724 LIEPAJA (also Libava, Libau), Latvia. Panorama of the city with the Petrovskymarket. The two dominant structures are the synagogue on the left and the St. Peter’s Church in the center. Bookbinding shop is on the left; Robert Fritzsche billboard is visible above it. Photo early 1900s. BFC-01991 LIEPAJA (also Libava, Libau), Latvia. Departure of steam ship Burma for New York. Photo 1910. BFC-02454 LIEPAJA (also Libava, Libau), Latvia. Lippert, Garri Abramovich. Identification photograph. Photographer: Yurij Bokum in Libava. Drej’s house. Photo 1916. BFC-03145 LIEPAJA (also Libava, Libau), Latvia. View of the market at Zernovaya (Korn) Street. Hotel Imperial is on the left. Photo 1909. Published as postcard by C. R.Dembo in Libau. BFC-03223 LIEPAJA (also Libava, Libau), Latvia. View of the Sennoj Market (Hay Market). Photo 1908. Published as postcard by Joseph Neuburger in Libau. Sento by E. Tolstoy (?) to to Anna Balgukova in Arkhangelsk. BFC-00702 LINKUVA, Lithuania. Decorated tablet in the Torah Study House. Photo ca. 1937. BFC-00701 LINKUVA, Lithuania. Torah Study House. Photo 1937. BFC-01110 LIPKANY, Moldova (Bessarabia). Ancient Jewish cemetery. Photo 1950's. BFC-03365 LIPSK, Poland. Two Jewish boys studying the Torah. Photo 1920's. BFC-00991 LIPSKO, Poland. Wooden Synagogue, built end of 18th century Exterior, view from the South-East. Photo 1920's. BFC-00992 LIPSKO, Poland. Wooden Synagogue, built end of 18th century. Floor plan. Architectural drawing, 1911. BFC-03366 LIPSKO, Poland. Map of the town and vicinity. 1938. BFC-00461 LITHUANIA. Jewish family. Wood engraving ca. 1880's. BFC-02624 Lithuania, . Pun (variant Puhn), Liba. Passport issued by the Lithuanian Representative in America. Photograph is attached. Numerous Lithuanian and Latvian visa stamps. Document issued 1922. Copy price coefficient for four pages: 2.8 BFC-03019 Lithuania, . Jewish beggar. Photo ca. 1890's. BFC-02605 Lithuania, . Affidavit issued to Lejb Okunebtskij (variant Okunetsky, Okunetzky) to act as a representative of Itsik Verblyunskij (variant Verblunsky), Lithuanian citizen temporary residing in Vitebsk. Document 1923. BFC-00025 Lithuanian army. A battery of Lithuanian artillery which took part in the capture of Memel (presently - Klaipeda) during the 1923 attempt by Franceand Germany to occupy the city. Photo January 1923. BFC-00024 Lithuanian Army. A detachment of a volunteers composed of former Russian and German soldiers who fought in the World War I and lived in Memel (presently - Klaipeda) at the time of the 1923 attempt by France and Germany to occupy the city. Photo February 7, 1923. BFC-01226 Five Jewish soldiers from the 16th Lithuanian Division which fought the Nazis in 1943-1944. Bottom row: 1) ?-killed in battles; 2)-emigrated to Israel; top row: 3,5) ? - killed in battles; 4) Kopl Lifshtein. Photo ca. 1943. BFC-03162 LITTLE ROCK, AR, USA New senior high school. Photo 1920's. BFC-01635 LIVERPOOL, England. View at the Harbour Board Offices. Photo 1907. BFC-01636 LIVERPOOL, England. View at the Landing Stage with an ocean liner. Photo 1910's. BFC-01637 LIVERPOOL, England. View at the Landing Stage and the River Mersey. Photoca. 1917. BFC-02068 LJUBLJANA, Slovenia. View of the city with the Stone Alps. Photo early 1900's. BFC-00924 LODZ, Poland. Textile factory owned by the Joint Stock company "N. Ejtigon& Co". Photo 1920's. BFC-00925 LODZ, Poland. Textile factory owned by the Joint Stock company "N. Ejtigon& Co".Stocking manufacturing area. Photo 1920's. BFC-01355 LODZ, Poland. Stone synagogue at Wolczanska Street. Exterior view. Photo 1939. BFC-01356 LODZ, Poland. View of the city from the East. Market square is on theforeground and textile factories are on the background. Photo 1920's. BFC-01575 LODZ, Poland. Jewish Technical School ORT. Photo 1902. BFC-01576 LODZ, Poland. Street scene in a poor Jewish neighbourhood of the city. Photo 1902. BFC-01617 LODZ, Poland. Talmud-Torah Building. Photo 1910's. BFC-01618 LODZ, Poland. Street scene in front of the synagogueon Spacerowa Street. Photo early 1900's. BFC-01619 LODZ, Poland. Group of Jewish men chatting with aGerman soldier. Photo ca. 1915. BFC-01620 LODZ, Poland. Interior of a tinker's shop. From a watercolor by L. Reiss, 1930's. BFC-01621 LODZ, Poland. Street scene in front of a bakery in the Jewish quarters. Photo ca. 1916. Published as a postcard by M. L. Richner in Lodz. BFC-01622 LODZ, Poland. Jewish cemetery surrounded by Russian trenches. Photo ca. 1916. BFC-01842 LODZ, Poland, . Berlin, Yakov. Identification photograph. Photographer: Bernardi Studio in Lodz. Photo 1914. BFC-02469 LODZ, Poland, . Picture ID issued to Herszlik Herszzon (variants Hershson, Gershzon). Born in Czesochowa, Poland. Document 1938. BFC-02682 LODZ, Poland, . Stein (variants Shtejn, Shtein, Shteyn, Stejn, Sztejn), Sura-Golda. Born in Lodz. Foreign passport. Photographs is attached. Document 1931. Copy price coefficient for 16 pages: 4.0 BFC-02948 LODZ, Poland. Types of Jewish tradesmen. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02959 LODZ, Poland. Group of Jewish men and boys in a synagogue. Photo ca. 1916. BFC-02961 LODZ, Poland. Jewish man with a tool box and a saw. Photo ca. 1916. BFC-03100 LODZ, Poland. View of Piotrkowska Street. Store signs on the left read: Taylor Nadel Men’s Ware; Izraelovich’s (variants: Israelowitz, Izraelowicz, Izraelowitsch) Fish Market. Photo ca. 1915. BFC-03374 LODZ, Poland. Piotrkowska Street. Photo 1929. BFC-03388 LODZ, Poland. Old market and the Synagogue on Wolborska 20 Street. Photo 1914. BFC-01802 LOKACHI (also Lokacz), Ukraine. Scene at the Jewish market in town. Photoca. 1910. BFC-00416 LOKOTKI village near Glukhov, Ukraine. General view. Wood engraving 1846. BFC-01293 LOMZA, Poland. Street crowd in front of the central synagogue of Lomza. Rabbi Malchiel Zebi Tennenbaum, author of "Dibre Malkiel" was the Rabbi of Lomza at the time. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02423 LOMZA, Poland. View of the town wih the Narew River. Photo ca. 1930. BFC-02424 LOMZA, Poland. Scene at the Old Market square. People waiting for a bus. Photo ca. 1930. BFC-02425 LOMZA, Poland. Horse drive "cabbies" lining up along the New Market. Photo ca. 1930. BFC-02426 LOMZA, Poland. Group photo of local members of the Jewish Street Carrier Union. Photo ca. 1930. BFC-02427 LOMZA, Poland. In fron of the Talmud Torah. Photo ca. 1930. BFC-00843 LONDON, England. View of the Petticot Lane market on the turn of the century.(Petticot Lane in the East End of the city was for several decades predominantly Jewish). Photo ca. 1900's. BFC-00906 LONDON, England. Bevis Marks Synagogue, established by the Sephardic Jews in 1698. Interior. Ink drawing after a photograph ca. 1904 BFC-00908 LONDON, England. Bevis Marks Synagogue, established by the Sephardic Jews in 1698. Interior. Engraving ca. 1850s BFC-00907 LONDON, England. View in the Great Synagogue during a cervice. Engraving 1800. BFC-01567 LONDON, England. Group of the Jewish children in a street in the Stepney area of the city. Photo 1902. BFC-01568 LONDON, England. Group of the Jewish children in front of the Foreign club in the Stepney area of the city. Photo 1902. BFC-01569 LONDON, England. Group of the Jewish butchers in the Stepney area of the city. Photo 1902. BFC-01570 LONDON, England. Jewish women selling fish in the Stepney area of the city.Photo 1902. BFC-02306 LONDON, England. Shop window. Photo 1987. BFC-02740 LONDON, England, . Zangwill, Isarael (1864-1926). Jewish writer. Studio photo ca. 1900. BFC-03260 LONDON, England. Rabbi Wolf Gold speaking at a meeting at St. Pancras Town Hall to demand the release of Jews arrested by the British authorities in Mandate Palestine. The meeting was organized by the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland. Photo 1946. BFC-02853 LONG ISLAND, NY, USA. Oldfiled Point Lighthouse near Stony Brook. Photo early 1900's. BFC-00443 LOPASNIA village, south of Moscow, Russia. General view. Wood engraving 1846. BFC-02251 LOS ANGELES, CA, USA. Broadway, View North from 49th Street. Photo 1908. BFC-02294 LOS ANGELES, CA, USA. Oil wells near Los Angeles. Photo ca. 1910. BFC-03230 LOWICZ (also Lovich, Loyvitch), Poland. Street scene during World War I. Store sign reads: P. Brajtshtejn (also Braitstein, Brajtsztejn). Photo 1915. BFC-01861 LOZOVAYA PAVLOVKA, Ukraine, . Invoice from the Iosif Pokornyj Photographic Accessories Warehouse in Odessa to David Pejsakhovich Brusilovskij in Lozovaya Pavlovka. Document 1909. BFC-01112 LUBLIN, Poland. Old Jewish cemetery. Tombstone on the grave of Rabbi Abraham Haimowitz Heilperin (d. 1762), one of the leaders of the Jewish community in 18th century Poland. Photo 1932. BFC-01120 LUBLIN, Poland. Old Jewish cemetery. Tombstones from the 17th century. Photo 1930s. BFC-01093 LUBLIN, Poland. Old Jewish cemetery. Drawing ca. 1913. BFC-00294 LUBLIN, Poland. Old women in the Jewish Ghetto; period of German occupation of Poland. Photo 1939. BFC-01125 LUBLIN, Poland. Jewish cemetery. Two oldest tombstones (16 century). The stone on the left is on the grave site of cantor Abraham, son of Uzi, erected in 1543. Photo 1924. BFC-01523 LUBLIN, Poland. View of the Magistrate on Krakowskie Przedmiescie Street. Store sign in Russian and Polish reads: B. Hertzman's Furniture Store. Photo early 1900s. BFC-01524 LUBLIN, Poland. Street scene on Krakowskie Przedmiescie Street. Photo early 1900s. BFC-01525 LUBLIN, Poland. Corner of Krakowskie Przedmiescie and Poczatkowska Streets. Photo early 1900s. BFC-01526 LUBLIN, Poland. Krakow Gate and the Tower. Photo early 1900s. BFC-01527 LUBLIN, Poland. View of the city by the old King's Castle. Photo early 1900s. BFC-03008 LUBLIN, Poland. Panoramic view of the city. Woodcut 1914 after a photograph. BFC-00513 LUBNY, Ukraine. Piryatin Street. Store signs read: Clothes Store; CandyStore; I. Zaretsky Store... Photo 1913 BFC-02751 LUDZA (also Lyutsin, Luchin), Latvia, . Zarkhin, Iosif Mendelovich. World War II death notice sent to wife Valentina Sosnovskaya (variant Sosnovsky) in Leningrad. Document 1942. BFC-01239 LUOKE (also Lavkov, Loknik, Luknik, Lujekve) Lithuania. The New Synagogue, built ca. 1920s-1930s. Interior. An old man and a boy, standing on the bimah. Photo 1937. BFC-01881 LUOKE (also Lavkov, Loknik, Luknik, Lujekve) Lithuania. Certified extract from a 1928 Luoke marriage register, issued in Telshiai. Listed: bridegroom Izrael Gertsberg (also Gercberg, Gercbergas); bride Ide Upin (also Upinaite, Upinas); Rabbi Efraim Kravitski (also Kravickis); witnesses Z. Olshvang (also Olshvangas, Olsvang), M. Sher (also Seras, Sheras). Signed by A. Blacher. Document 1938. BFC-00799 LUNNA (also Lunavolya, Lunna Wola, Lunno), Belarus. Wooden synagogue, built ca. late 18th-early 19th century). View from the Southwest. Photo ca. 1936. BFC-00800 LUNNA (also Lunavolya, Lunna Wola, Lunno), Belarus. Wooden synagogue, built ca. late 18th-early 19th century). Fragment of the interior showing ceiling and carved windows. Photo ca. 1936. BFC-00801 LUNNA (also Lunavolya, Lunna Wola, Lunno), Belarus. Wooden synagogue, built ca. late 18th-early 19th century). Architectural drawing (L to R: South side, Front view). 1927. BFC-00802 LUNNA (also Lunavolya, Lunna Wola, Lunno), Belarus. Wooden synagogue, built ca. late 18th-early 19th century). Architectural drawing (L to R: Cross Section, Longitudinal Section). 1927. BFC-00803 LUNNA (also Lunavolya, Lunna Wola, Lunno), Belarus. Wooden synagogue, built ca. late 18th-early 19th century). Ground plan, Architectural drawing, 1927. BFC-00241 LURIE, A., Russian composer. Oil painting by L. Bruni, 1915. BFC-00877 LUTSK (also Luck), Ukraine. Stone synagogue, built 1627. Interior. View at the bimah. Photo early 1900's. BFC-00876 LUTSK (also Luck), Ukraine. Stone synagogue, built 1627. East front. Photo early 1900's. BFC-01591 LUTSK (also Luck), Ukraine. View of a street in town in the beginning of the Nazi occupation in World War II. Photo July 1941. BFC-01989 LUTSK (also Luck), Ukraine. View of Dominikanskaya Street. Photo 1916. BFC-02662 LUTSK, Ukraine. Stone synagogue, built 1627. South front. Photo early 1900's. BFC-00514 LVIV (also Lvov, Lwow, Lemberg), Ukraine. Church of Transfiguration. Photo 1900's. BFC-00515 LVIV (also Lvov, Lwow, Lemberg), Ukraine. St. Bernardine Cathedral andBernardines' square. Photo 1930's. BFC-00516 LVIV (also Lvov, Lwow, Lemberg), Ukraine. Central market, East side. Photo 1938. BFC-00517 LVIV (also Lvov, Lwow, Lemberg), Ukraine. Lubelsky Union Monument. Photo1907. BFC-00518 LVIV (also Lvov, Lwow, Lemberg), Ukraine. Opera Theatre, built in 1900. Architect: Z. Gorgolewski. Photo 1920's. BFC-00519 LVIV (also Lvov, Lwow, Lemberg), Ukraine. Galitsky Square.Bernardines' Cathedral and Monastery, built in the 17-18th centuries, are in the background. The sign across the third floor of the building on the left reads: Technical Dentistry Laboratory. Photo 1920's. BFC-00520 LVIV (also Lvov, Lwow, Lemberg), Ukraine. Maryatsky Square and A. Mitskevich monument. G. Stark's store sign is on the foreground. Photo 1920's. BFC-00845 LVIV (also Lvov, Lwow, Lemberg), Ukraine. Plan of the Jewish Quarter of the city as it was in the late XVIII cent. Zydowska (Jewish) and Zydowska Nowa (New Jewish) Streets are shown on the map. BFC-00846 ASHKENAZY (also Askenazy, Askenazi, Aszkenazi), Zevi Hirsch ben Yakov (1658-1718). Distinguished rabbi from 17th-18th century. Was born in Moravia, educated in Salonika, Greece. Served as rabbi in Sarajevo, Altona, Amsterdam, and Lemberg (Lvov). Was also a member of a judicial body in Hamburg. From a XVIII century portrait. BFC-0084 LVIV (also Lvov, Lwow, Lemberg), Ukraine. A Jewish husband and wife. Drawing 1795. BFC-00848 LVIV (also Lvov, Lwow, Lemberg), Ukraine. A Coat of arms of the city. Drawing early 1900's. BFC-00849 LVIV (also Lvov, Lwow, Lemberg), Ukraine. Coat of arms of the city from the house No. 30 Boimow (early 1900s) Street.Boimow was New Jewish Street in the XVIII cent. Drawing 1908. BFC-00850 LVIV (also Lvov, Lwow, Lemberg), Ukraine. View of the east side of theBlacharska (in early 1900's), formerly Zydowska (Jewish) Street. No 17-Michalewicz,19-Menachem, 21-Krochmal, 23-Leizor, 25-Krywesow, 29-Cymeles, 31-Czopownik. Drawing 1904. BFC-00851 LVIV (also Lvov, Lwow, Lemberg), Ukraine. Jewish stores, No. 20 Blacharska (early 1900s), formerly Zydowska (Jewish) Street. Drawing 1904. BFC-00852 LVIV (also Lvov, Lwow, Lemberg), Ukraine. House of the Dr. Simche Menachem, No. 19 Blacharska (early 1900s), formerly Zydowska (Jewish) Street. Drawing 1904. BFC-00853 LVIV (also Lvov, Lwow, Lemberg), Ukraine. House of the Dr. Simche Menachem,No. 19 Blacharska (early 1900s), form Zydowska (Jewish) Street. Architecturaldetail - rosette. Drawing 1904. BFC-00854 LVIV (also Lvov, Lwow, Lemberg), Ukraine. House of the Dr. Simche Menachem, No. 19 Blacharska (early 1900's), form. Zydowska (Jewish) Street. Architectural detail - console. Drawing 1904. BFC-00855 LVIV (also Lvov, Lwow, Lemberg), Ukraine. House of the Dr. Simche Menachem, No. 19 Blacharska (early 1900s), form. Zydowska (Jewish) Street. Architectural detail - window ornament. Drawing 1904. BFC-00856 LVIV (also Lvov, Lwow, Lemberg), Ukraine. View of the Boimow (early 1900's), form. Zydowska Nowa (New Jewish) Street. L to R: Blacharska Str., No. 35,37 Boimow Str., No. 41- Bet Hamidrash, Baths Lane view, No. 43-Abr. Kohn School. Drawing 1904. BFC-00857 LVIV (also Lvov, Lwow, Lemberg), Ukraine. View of the No. 30 Boimow (early 1900's), form. Zydowska Nowa (New Jewish) Street - house of Jacob Gombrycht. Drawing 1904. BFC-00858 LVIV (also Lvov, Lwow, Lemberg), Ukraine.Dr. Solomon Frydman's house, No. 34 Boimow (early 1900's), form. Zydowska Nowa (New Jewish) Street. Architectural drawing 1904. BFC-00859 LVIV (also Lvov, Lwow, Lemberg), Ukraine.Dr. Solomon Frydman's house, No. 34 Boimow (early 1900's), form. Zydowska Nowa (New Jewish) Street. Room on the ground floor with a cathedral ceiling. Architectural drawing 1904. BFC-00860 LVIV (also Lvov, Lwow, Lemberg), Ukraine. Dr. Solomon Frydman's house, No. 34 Boimow (early 1900's), form. Zydowska Nowa (New Jewish) Street. Architectural ornament from a room on the ground floor. Architectural drawing 1905. BFC-00861 LVIV (also Lvov, Lwow, Lemberg), Ukraine.The Big City Synagogue, No. 54 Boimow (in early 1900's), formerly Zydowska Nowa (New Jewish) Street. Exterior view facing Sobieski Street. Photo 1909. BFC-00862 LVIV (also Lvov, Lwow, Lemberg), Ukraine.The Big City Synagogue, No. 54 Boimow (early 1900's), form. Zydowska Nowa (New Jewish) Street. Interior, looking towards the Torah Ark. Drawing 1909. BFC-00863 LVIV (also Lvov, Lwow, Lemberg), Ukraine.The Big City Synagogue, No.54 Boimow (early 1900's), form. Zydowska Nowa (New Jewish) Street. Candelabrum. Drawing 1909. BFC-00864 LVIV (also Lvov, Lwow, Lemberg), Ukraine.The Big City Synagogue, No. 54 Boimow (early 1900's), form. Zydowska Nowa (New Jewish) Street. Silver Torah decoration, made in 1778. Photo 1909. BFC-00865 LVIV (also Lvov, Lwow, Lemberg), Ukraine.The Big City Synagogue, No. 54 Boimow (early 1900's), form. Zydowska Nowa (New Jewish) Street. Silver crown, Torah decoration, made in 1848. Photo 1909. BFC-00866 LVIV (also Lvov, Lwow, Lemberg), Ukraine.The Big City Synagogue, No. 54 Boimow (early 1900's), form. Zydowska Nowa (New Jewish) Street. Silver crown, Torah decoration, made in 1691. Photo 1909. BFC-00867 LVIV (also Lvov, Lwow, Lemberg), Ukraine.The Big City Synagogue, No. 54 Boimow (early 1900's), form. Zydowska Nowa (New Jewish) Street. Silver Torah decoration, made in 1654, depicting Moses and Aaron. Photo 1909. BFC-00868 LVIV (also Lvov, Lwow, Lemberg), Ukraine.The Big City Synagogue, No. 54 Boimow (early 1900's), form. Zydowska Nowa (New Jewish) Street. Silver Torah decorations, made in the 18th century. Photo 1909. BFC-00869 LVIV (also Lvov, Lwow, Lemberg), Ukraine.The Big City Synagogue, No. 54 Boimow (early 1900's), form. Zydowska Nowa (New Jewish) Street. Wall candlestick (deer head). Drawing 1909. BFC-00870 LVIV (also Lvov, Lwow, Lemberg), Ukraine.The Big City Synagogue, No. 54 Boimow (early 1900's), form. Zydowska Nowa (New Jewish) Street. Decoration from the charity box, made in 1730. Drawing 1909. BFC-00977 LVIV (also Lvov, Lwow, Lemberg), Ukraine.Jewish cemetery. Tombstone, erected in 1618 on the grave site of Nachman Izakowicz. Photo 1912. BFC-00978 LVIV (also Lvov, Lwow, Lemberg), Ukraine. Jewish cemetery.Tombstones on the grave of brothers Nachman and Mark Izakowicz, erected in 1618. Epitaph to Nachman's ife, Rosa, died 1637, was on the back of the tombstone. Photo ca. 1908. BFC-00979 LVIV (also Lvov, Lwow, Lemberg), Ukraine. Street scene in front of theBig Synagogue in the suburb of the city. Photo ca. 1908. BFC-00980 LVIV (also Lvov, Lwow, Lemberg), Ukraine.Nachmanovich's synagogue, view of the court yard. Drawing 1904. BFC-00981 LVIV (also Lvov, Lwow, Lemberg), Ukraine.Nachmanovich's synagogue, interior.View towards the bimah and Aron-Hakodesh. Photo ca. 1908. BFC-01094 LVIV, (also Lvov, Lwow, Lemberg), Ukraine. View of the old Jewish cemetery. Photo ca. 1908. BFC-01117 LVIV (also Lvov, Lwow, Lemberg), Ukraine. Old Jewish cemetery. Tombstone from 17 century. Photo 1930's. BFC-01118 LVIV (also Lvov, Lwow, Lemberg), Ukraine. Old Jewish cemetery. Tombstones from 17-18 century. Photo 1930's. BFC-01300 LVIV (also Lvov, Lwow, Lemberg), Ukraine.Cemetery of the defenders of Lvov in WWI. Tomb of the Frenchmen. Photo 1930's. BFC-01343 LVIV (also Lvov, Lwow, Lemberg), Ukraine.Nachmanovich's synagogue. View in the court yard.Photo 1920's. BFC-01501 LVIV (also Lvov, Lwow, Lemberg), Ukraine. Stone synagogue, exterior view. Photo early 1900's. BFC-01519 LVIV (also Lvov, Lwow, Lemberg), Ukraine. View of the railroad station. Photo early 1900's. BFC-01534 LVIV (also Lvov, Lwow, Lemberg), Ukraine. Local population greets German troops entering the city during World WarII. Photo June 1941. BFC-01535 LVIV (also Lvov, Lwow, Lemberg), Ukraine. Local population greets German troops entering the city during World WarII. Photo June 1941. BFC-01582 LVIV (also Lvov, Lwow, Lemberg), Ukraine. Jews being forced to dig mass graves OF murdered [by the Soviet GPU] German nationals and Ukrainians in the cemetery of Lviv. Photo July 1941. BFC-01583 LVIV (also Lvov, Lwow, Lemberg), Ukraine. Jews being forced to dig mass graves for murdered [by the Soviet GPU] German nationals and Ukrainians in the cemetery of Lviv. Photo July 1941. BFC-01584 LVIV (also Lvov, Lwow, Lemberg), Ukraine. GPU (Russian for Main Political Headquarters; predecessor of the KGB) officebuilding smoking after the fire in the beginning of the Nazi occupation. Photo July 1941. BFC-01585 LVIV (also Lvov, Lwow, Lemberg), Ukraine. GPU (Russian for Main Political Headquarters; predecessor of the KGB) officebuilding, partially destroyed by the fire in the beginning of the Nazi occupation.Photo July 1941. BFC-01586 LVIV (also Lvov, Lwow, Lemberg), Ukraine. GPU (Russian for Main Political Headquarters; predecessor of the KGB) prisonbuilding. Beginning of the Nazi occupation. Photo July 1941. BFC-01587 LVIV (also Lvov, Lwow, Lemberg), Ukraine. General view of the city in the beginning of the Nazi occupation in World War II. Photo June 1941. BFC-01714 LVIV (also Lvov, Lwow, Lemberg), Ukraine. City square with the Holy SpiritCathedral. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02583 LVIV (also Lvov, Lwow, Lemberg), Ukraine. Letter addressed to Ch. Auerbach (variants Averbukh, Awerbuch) from Tsalel Morgulis in Zhitomir. Document 1889. BFC-01726 LYGUMAI (also Ligum, Ligem, Lymgumai, Lygumiai), Lithuania. View on the outskirts of the town. Two men and a boy near a Jewish house. Photo 1930s. BFC-02334 LYON, France. Veuw generale de Vaise et Entree de la Saone dans Lyon. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02504 LYSYANKA, Ukraine, . Postcard, sent to Ovsej Korsunskij (variant Korsunsky) from N. Korsunskij in Uman’. Document 1913. BFC-02505 LYSYANKA, Ukraine, . Postcard, sent to Ovsej Korsunskij (variant Korsunsky) from N. Korsunskij in Uman’. Document 1913. BFC-02506 LYSYANKA, Ukraine, . Postcard, sent to Ovsej Korsunskij (variant Korsunsky) from N. Korsunskij in Uman’. Document 1913. BFC-02507 LYSYANKA, Ukraine, . Postcard, sent to Ovsej Korsunskij (variant Korsunsky) from N. Korsunskij in Uman’. Document 1913. BFC-02508 LYSYANKA, Ukraine, . Postcard, sent to Ovsej Korsunskij (variant Korsunsky) from Uman’. Document 1913. BFC-02509 LYSYANKA, Ukraine, . Postcard, sent to Ovsej Korsunskij (variant Korsunsky) from I. Korsunskaya in Uman’. Document 1913. BFC-02510 LYSYANKA, Ukraine, . Postcard, sent to Nekhama Korsunskaya (variant Korsunsky) from Novovorontsovka. Document 1913. BFC-00313 MAIKOP. Plaster sculptures of Lenin and Stalin dumped on the grass. German photo, 1941. BFC-00314 MAIKOP. Plaster sculptures of Lenin and Stalin dumped on the grass. German photo, 1941. BFC-01141 MAKOW, Poland. Hebrew prayer ornamented with the Polish eagle and signs of Zodiac, made in 1815. Was in Makow synagogue in 19th century. Was in Solomon Muntz's collection in Warsaw in 1922. Photo ca. 1930. BFC-02498 MALAKHOVKA, Russia, . Klyachkin (variants Klachkin, Klatskin, Klaczkin, Klatzkin, Klyatskin), Lazar Iosifovich. Case file from the Odessa Artillery school. Born in Warsaw; lived in Malakhovka, Sarapul, and Shuya, Russia. Indicated family ties to Levins and Klyackins "abroad". Photograph is enclosed. Copy price coefficient for 16 pages: 5.0 BFC-00397 MALIATYCHY, Belarus. General view. Photo ca. 1905. BFC-03163 MANCHESTER, NH, USA Panoramic view of the city. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02974 MANILA, Philippines. Rosario Street and Binondo Church, from the Pasig River. Photo ca. 1898. BFC-03226 MARIANSKE LAZNE (also Marienbad), Czech Republic. The Rabbi of Belz (Ukraine) with his followers in a park. Photo early 1900's. BFC-00028 MARIJAMPOLE (also Kapsukas, Mariampole), Lithuania. Bird's-eye view of the town. Photo 1920's. BFC-00029 MARIJAMPOLE (also Kapsukas, Mariampole), Lithuania. Catholic cathedral, exterior. Photo 1920's. BFC-01876 MARIJAMPOLE (also Kapsukas, Mariampole), Lithuania. Railroad station. Photo 1932. BFC-01848 MARIJAMPOLE (also Kapsukas, Mariampole), Lithuania, . Blondo, Zalman. Identification photograph, notarized by Director of the Marijampole Male Gymnazium. Photographer: Giluts in Dvinsk, Zelenaya Street, Gurevich's House. Photo 1916. BFC-02536 MARIJAMPOLE (also Kapsukas), Lithuania, . Studio portrait of an unidentified Jewish man. Photographer: M. Bukhgalter (variants Buchalter, Bugalter). Photo early 1900's. BFC-00792 MARIUPOL (also Zhdanov), Ukraine. General view of the city. Ink drawing from a 1909 photograph. BFC-02401 MARIUPOL (also Zhdanov), Ukraine. Aerial view of the city - South side. Store sign read: Furniture Store; Apothecary Store. Photo early 1900's. BFC-00448 MARKOVA VOLITSA, Zhitomir region, Ukraine. Jewish cemetery in Zhitomir. Fraternal grave of the Jews accused in Pavoloch blood libel case and executed in 1753, including Jacob, sonof reb Ruvim from Markova Volitsa. Photo 1903. BFC-00473 Morocco, . Moroccan Jews, studying the Torah. Lithograph 1890's. BFC-01382 Morocco, . Moroccan Jews in a Torah Study House. Lithograph early 1900's. BFC-00482 MARSHAK, Samuel, Soviet Poet. Portrait by the Soviet artist A.M. Gerasimov. Painting 1954. BFC-02059 MAZHEIKIAI (also Mazhejki, Mozejki, Mozyk, Muravyevo), Lithuania. View of the Stoties Street. Photo ca. 1920's. BFC-02060 MAZHEIKIAI (also Mazhejki, Mozejki, Mozyk, Muravyevo), Lithuania. Group photo of the Maccabi football team of Mazheikiai. Photo ca. 1930's. BFC-02061 MAZHEIKIAI (also Mazhejki, Mozejki, Mozyk, Muravyevo), Lithuania. View of the Laisves Street. Photo ca. 1920's. BFC-01925 MEDVIN, Kanev district, Ukraine, . Postcard in Yiddish from B. M. Dontsker (variants: Donsker, Dontzker) in the town of Ilyintsy to Elia Dontsker. Document 1918. BFC-01253 MEDZHIBOZH (also Miedzyborz), Ukraine. Synagogue of Baal-Shem-Tov (Israel ben Eliezer, 1700-1760), founder of the Hasidim sect. Photo early 1900's. BFC-01990 MEDZHIBOZH (also Miedzyborz), Ukraine. View of the town. Photo 1911. BFC-00754 MELITOPOL, Ukraine. Out-patient clinic, subsidized by the JOINT Distribution Committee. Photo ca. 1920's. BFC-01922 MERKINE (also Merech, Meretz, Mertsch), Lithuania, . Marriage record for Jacob Rogers from New York and Rachilia Cicelskaite. Witnesses: Jakob Altshuler and Jakob Sinkevich. Signed by Merkine Rabbi M. D. Stupel and sealed by the Merkine Jewish Vital Records Seal. Document, in Lithuanian and Hebrew, 1931. BFC-02511 MERKINE (also Merech, Meretz, Mertsch), Lithuania, . Postcard, sent to Lejzer Kozhevnik from Shaya Gofenshefer (variant Hofenszefer) in Vitebsk. Document 1913. BFC-02512 MERKINE (also Merech, Meretz, Mertsch), Lithuania, . Postcard, sent to Ajzik Kozhevnik from Girsh Garbarskij (variant Garbarski) in Suvalki (Suwalki in Poland). Document 1913. BFC-02513 MERKINE (also Merech, Meretz, Mertsch), Lithuania, . Postcard, sent to Lejzer Kozhevnik from Hirsch [illegible surname] at 222 E. 64 Street, New York. Document 1913. BFC-02514 MERKINE (also Merech, Meretz, Mertsch), Lithuania, . Postcard, sent to Lejzer Kozhevnik from Shaya Gofenshefer (variant Hofenszefer) in Vitebsk. Document 1913. BFC-02515 MERKINE (also Merech, Meretz, Mertsch), Lithuania, . Postcard, sent to Lejzer Kozhevnik from O. Zinger (variant Singer) in Kovno (Kaunas in Lithuania). Document 1913. BFC-02516 MERKINE (also Merech, Meretz, Mertsch), Lithuania, . Postcard, sent to Shevel Gofenshefer (variant Hofenszefer) c/o Lejzer Kozhevnik from N. Z. Gofenshefer in Odessa. Zorekh Bashkin of Odessa is mentioned. Document 1913. BFC-02517 MERKINE (also Merech, Meretz, Mertsch), Lithuania, . Postcard, sent to Lejzer Kozhevnik from Ejshishki (Ejsiskes in Lithuania). Document 1913. BFC-02683 MERV, Turkmenistan, . Shtein (variants Shtein, Shteyn, Stejn, Stein, Sztejn), Evsej. Studio portrait in Circassian costume. Inscribed in Russian to friends or relatives, possibly in Elisavetgrad, Ukraine. Photo 1883. [see also BFC-02684] BFC-03181 MEXICO CITY, Mexico Palacio Nacional (National Palace). Photo 1920's. BFC-03182 MEXICO CITY, Mexico Avenida Juarez and Carlos IV statue. Street signs read: Regis; Autos Merono; Kodak; Cognac Martell. Photo 1920's. BFC-03307 MEXICO CITY, Mexico View at "Pergolas" and Palacio de Bellas Artes. Photo 1940's. BFC-00246 Meyerhold, V. E., Soviet theatre producer. Portrait by Grigoryev. 1916.State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg. BFC-00483 MEYERHOLD, Vsevolod, Soviet theatre producer. Portrait by A. Golovin. 1917. State Theatre Museum, St. Petersburg. (V.Meyerhold was killed by the Stalin's order in 1938) BFC-01291 MIKHALPOL (Polish - Michalpol), Ukraine. Wooden synagogue, built ca. 17th-18thcentury. Exterior, East front. Photo 1930's. BFC-00595 MIKHOELS (VOVSI), Solomon. Soviet Yiddish actor, as Benjamin in the Journey of The Benjamin The IIIrd play by M.Moiher-Sforim BFC-00593 MIKHOELS (VOVSI), Solomon. Soviet Yiddish actor, as Gotzmah in The Witchplay by A. Goldfaden. BFC-00597 MIKHOELS (VOVSI), Solomon. Soviet Yiddish actor, as Lear in the King Learplay by Sheakspeare. BFC-00596 MIKHOELS (VOVSI), Solomon. Soviet Yiddish actor, as Menahem- Mendel in ............... by Sholom-Aleihem BFC-00592 MIKHOELS (VOVSI), Solomon. Soviet Yiddish actor, as Reb Alter in Mazel-Tov play by Sholom-Aleihem. BFC-00594 MIKHOELS (VOVSI), Solomon. Soviet Yiddish actor, as Shimele Soroker in 200,000 play by Sholom-Aleihem BFC-00598 MIKHOELS (VOVSI), Solomon. Soviet Yiddish actor, as Tevye in Tevye TheMilhiker play by Sholom-Aleihem. BFC-00599 MIKHOELS (VOVSI), Solomon. Soviet Yiddish actor, speaking at an anti-fascist rally in New-York. Photo 1943. BFC-00590 MIKHOELS (VOVSI), Solomon. Soviet Yiddish actor. Brutally murdered by the order of Stalin in January 1948. Photo ca. 1947 BFC-00591 MIKHOELS (VOVSI), Solomon. Soviet Yiddish actor. Brutally murdered by the order of Stalin in January 1948. Photo 1939 BFC-01090 MIKULOW (old-Mikolow, German - Nikolsburg, Nikolai), Poland. Stone synagogue, built early 19 century. Interior. View at the Bimah and Aron-Hakodesh. Photo ca. 1930s. BFC-01091 MIKULOW (old-Mikolow, German - Nikolsburg, Nikolai), Poland. Stone synagogue, built early 19 century. Interior. Perspective aspect of Bimah. Photo ca. 1930s. BFC-02260 MILANO, Italy. View of the Plaza and the Cathedral. Photo 1921. BFC-02606 MILFORD, DE, USA, . Letter from B. Libshtejn (variant Livshtein) in Tel-Aviv, Israel, addressed to Isaac Orkin. Document ca. 1960's. BFC-00362 MINSK, Belarus. Zakhar'yevsky Street. Photo ca. 1917. BFC-00363 MINSK, Belarus. Zakhar'yevskaya Street near the Department of Agriculture (on the right). Store sign on the left reads: Mars, Military Supply Articles. Photo 1917. BFC-00364 MINSK, Belarus. Preobrazhenskaya Street. Photo ca. 1917. BFC-00365 MINSK, Belarus. Peter and Paul Street. Photo 1918. BFC-00773 MINSK, Belarus. View of the Cathedral (Sobornaya) Square. Second house on the left is the Governor's House, farther away are the Roman Catholic Cathedral, Greek Catholic Cathedral of SS. Peter and Paul, District Courts. Photo 1918. BFC-01337 MINSK, Belarus. City Theatre. Photo 1909. BFC-01338 MINSK, Belarus. Zakhar'yevskaya Street during business hours. Store signs read: on the left, Laundry; on the right, Odessa Restaurant; on the first floor of the four story building, Pharmacy. Photo 1920's. BFC-01414 MINSK, Belarus. 3rd Jewish School for Girls. Photo early 1900's. BFC-01415 MINSK, Belarus. Refugee with their belongings on theoutskirts of Minsk. Beginning of the German occupation during World War II. Photo July 1941. BFC-01416 MINSK, Belarus. View on the outskirts of the city. Beginning of the German occupation during World War II. Photo July 1941. BFC-01417 MINSK, Belarus. Refugees returning to the city. Beginning of the German occupation during World War II. Photo July 1941. BFC-01427 MINSK, Belarus. Street scene in front of the Vilna Railroad Station. Photo ca. 1917. BFC-01428 MINSK, Belarus. Street scene in front of the Mutual Credit Society building. Photo 1911. BFC-01588 MINSK, Belarus. Street scene with a destroyed Soviet tank as a road sign. Beginning of the Nazi occupation in World War II. Photo July 1941. BFC-01589 MINSK, Belarus. Bird's eye view of the city in the beginning of the Nazioccupation in World War II. Photo July 1941. BFC-01590 MINSK, Belarus. View of the city from the Dom Sovetov in the beginning of the Nazi occupation in World War II. Photo July 1941. BFC-01792 MINSK, Belarus. Street scene in front of the synagogue. Photo early 1900's. BFC-01832 MINSK, Belarus. Choral Synagogue as a State Jewish Theatre of Soviet Belarussia.Yiddish posters advertise current repertoire. Photo ca. 1930. BFC-01903 MINSK, Belarus. Karl Marks Street. Photo late 1930's. BFC-01843 MINSK, Belarus, . Bernshtejn, Saul (variants Bernstein, Bernsztejn). Identification photograph on occasion of graduating from the E. Khajnkin's (variants Khaikin, Haikin, Chaikin) Private Jewish School in Minsk. Photographer: I. A. Rivkin in Misnk. Photo 1910's. BFC-02039 MINSK, Belarus, miscellanies. Shmul Gertsman, head of the Jewish community with his grandson Issak (name variants Gertzman, Giercman). Studio photo. Photographer: L. Epshtejn in Misnk (name variants Epstein, Epsztejn). Photo June 1909. BFC-02418 MINSK, Belarus, . Russian imperial passport issued in Ponevezh, Lithuania, 1911 to Khana/Anna Golombek, age 41. Resident permits from Chernigov, Moscow, Minsk, and Gomel were issued in various years. Copy price coefficient for 16 pages: 4.0 BFC-02471 MINSK, Belarus, . Isar, Boris Markovich. Military identification photograph. Photo 1953. BFC-02589 MINSK, Belarus, Certificate issued to Jona Merjasz (variants Merasz, Merash, Merashas) from Kovno as Minsk temporary resident. Imprint of the Minsk Jewish Committee of Help to War Refugees. Document 1920. BFC-02615 MINSK, Belarus, . New Year card sent by Nekhama Piker to R. Lapidus, c/o Kimel in New York. Document 1910. BFC-02691 MINSK, Belarus, . Certificate issued to Rachil Szugam (variants Sugam Shugam) from Wilki, Lithuania as Minsk, temporary resident. Imprint of the Minsk Jewish Committee of Help to War Refugees. Form printed in the B. L. Kaplan’s printing shop. Document 1919. BFC-02692 MINSK, Belarus, . Certificate issued to Golda Szugam (variants Sugam Shugam) from Wilki, Lithuania as Minsk, temporary resident. Imprint of the Minsk Jewish Committee of Help to War Refugees. Form printed in the B. L. Kaplan’s printing shop. Document 1919. BFC-03031 MINSK, Belarus. View of Cathedral Square. Store signs read: Credit; M. Tsyrkin’s (variants Cyrkin, Tzirkin) Clocks and Instruments; Behm Window Glass Trade; G. L. Oksenkrug’s Fabric Trade; M. Ekelchik’s (variant Ekelczik) Fur Trade; Dishes; Haberdashery. Photo 1912. BFC-00302 MLAWA, Poland. City Hall square. Photo ca. 1915. BFC-01508 MLAWA, Poland. View of Plocka Street. Store signs read, from Left to Right: Ya. Blyum's Book Store; Frenkel's ...Photo early 1900's. BFC-01600 MLAWA, Poland. Market scene. Group of Jewish women factory workers. Photo ca. 1915. BFC-01994 MLAWA, Poland. View of Niborska Street. Photo 1914. BFC-03002 MLAWA, Poland. German troops and local inhabitants in the central town square. Store sign on the right reads K. Baburin. Photo ca. 1915. BFC-03009 MLAWA, Poland. Group of Jewish street peddlers. Photo ca. 1915. BFC-03010 MLAWA, Poland. Group of Jewish men and boys posing with German soldiers. Photo ca. 1915. BFC-03011 MLAWA, Poland. Group of Jewish men and boys. Photo ca. 1915. BFC-00926 MOGIELNICA, Poland. Wooden synagogue, early XIX cent.Floor plan, cross-sectionwith a view at the Bimah andfront outside view. Architectural drawing,1927. BFC-00530 MOGILEV (also Mohylew, Mohylew nad Dnieprem), Belarus. Corner of Dvoryanskaya and Bolshaya Sadovaya Streets.Photo 1913. BFC-00531 MOGILEV (also Mohylew, Mohylew nad Dnieprem), Belarus. View of the city by the Dnepr river. From a photographic postcard published by the M. Sh. De-Notkin Office Supplies Store. Photo 1913. BFC-00532 MOGILEV (also Mohylew, Mohylew nad Dnieprem), Belarus. Bykhovsky Street (Descent to the Dnepr river). Photo 1916. BFC-00533 MOGILEV (also Mohylew, Mohylew nad Dnieprem), Belarus. Vokzalny Street. Photo 1916. BFC-00534 MOGILEV (also Mohylew, Mohylew nad Dnieprem), Belarus. Dembovetsky's Park. The sign reads: Love Parks and Preserve Them). Photo 1916. BFC-00535 MOGILEV (also Mohylew, Mohylew nad Dnieprem), Belarus. Railroad Station. Photo 1982. (The old Railroad Station building, restored). BFC-00536 MOGILEV (also Mohylew, Mohylew nad Dnieprem), Belarus. City Theatre. Photo 1982. (The old building, restored and freshly painted). BFC-00537 MOGILEV (also Mohylew, Mohylew nad Dnieprem), Belarus. Panoramic view of the city with several turn of the century buildings on the foreground. Photo 1982. BFC-00790 MOGILEV (also Mohylew, Mohylew nad Dnieprem), Belarus. Interior of a synagogue, showing the cupola with paintings and biblical quotations. Photo early 1900s. BFC-00791 MOGILEV (also Mohylew, Mohylew nad Dnieprem), Belarus. Wooden synagogue, built in the early 18th century, destroyed by the Soviets in 1938. Drawing 1867. BFC-01327 MOGILEV (also Mohylew, Mohylew nad Dnieprem), Belarus. Street view with a stone synagogue, built late 19th century. 1903 drawing after a photograph. BFC-01328 MOGILEV (also Mohylew, Mohylew nad Dnieprem), Belarus. Stone synagogue, built late 19th century. Interior, view towards the Bimah. 1903 drawing after a photograph. BFC-01329 MOGILEV (also Mohylew, Mohylew nad Dnieprem), Belarus. Wooden synagogue, built in the early 18th century, destroyed by the Soviets in 1938. Interior, mural painting by Chaim, son of Isaac Segal from Slutsk (great-grandfather of M.Chagal). The painting depicts the city of Worms, hometown of Rashi. Photograph 1923. BFC-01418 MOGILEV (also Mohylew, Mohylew nad Dnieprem), Belarus. Wooden synagogue, built early 18th century. Interior, mural painting on the ceiling by Chaim Segal (great-grandfather of M. Chagal). Photo 1920's. BFC-01419 MOGILEV (also Mohylew, Mohylew nad Dnieprem), Belarus. Panoramic view of the city by the Dnepr river. Photo 1901. BFC-01794 MOGILEV (also Mohylew, Mohylew nad Dnieprem), Belarus. View of Pozharny Lane from Bolshaya Sadovaya Street.Signs on the left read: "Warsaw Jewish Sausage by D. Ruvin"; "Nadezhda" Insurance Agency; "Shneider's Printing Shop".Sign on the right reads: "Hotel". Photo ca. 1911. BFC-02454 MOGILEV (also Mohylew, Mohylew nad Dnieprem), Belarus, . Studio photo of E. Rabinovich (also Rabinowicz, Rabinowitz), inscribed to Sonya Gintsburg (also Ginsburg, Gintzburg, Gyncburg). L. Perelman Studio. Photo 1900. BFC-02455 MOGILEV (also Mohylew, Mohylew nad Dnieprem), Belarus, . Studio photo of Sonya K, inscribed to Sonya Gintsburg (also Ginsburg, Gintzburg, Gyncburg). L. Perelman Studio. Photo 1900. BFC-02456 MOGILEV (also Mohylew, Mohylew nad Dnieprem), Belarus, . Studio photo of Z. Ashkenazi (also Askinasi, Ashkenasi), inscribed to Sonya Gintsburg (also Ginsburg, Gintzburg, Gyncburg). L. Perelman Studio. Photo 1900. BFC-02457 MOGILEV (also Mohylew, Mohylew nad Dnieprem), Belarus, . Studio photo of Raya Genina, inscribed to Sonya Gintsburg (also Ginsburg, Gintzburg, Gyncburg). L. Perelman Studio. Photo 1900. BFC-02458 MOGILEV (also Mohylew, Mohylew nad Dnieprem), Belarus, . Studio photo of Efim [no surname] inscribed to Sonya Gintsburg (also Ginsburg, Gintzburg, Gyncburg). L. Perelman Studio. Photo 1900. BFC-02033 MOGILEV (also Mohylew, Mohylew nad Dnieprem), Belarus. View of the Shklov market. Photo 1914. BFC-03126 MOGILEV (also Mohylew, Mohylew nad Dnieprem), Belarus. View of Dvoryanskaya Street. Store signs read: Clocks; Hats; K. M. Shur’s (variants: Schur, Szur) Furniture Store; Sh. E. Avno’s Fish Trade; Shoe Store; Notary. Photo early 1900's. Published as postcard by Ya. G. Syrkin’s book store. BFC-03127 MOGILEV (also Mohylew, Mohylew nad Dnieprem), Belarus. View of Bykhovskaya Street with Russian Orthodox Religious Seminary. Photo early 1900's. Published as postcard by L. Shik’s (variants: Schik, Shyk, Szyk) paper goods store. BFC-01252 MOGILEV-PODOLSKIJ, Ukraine. Railroad bridge on the Dnestr River from the townlet of Ataki into Mogilev. Photo 1902. BFC-02078 MOGILEV-PODOLSKIJ, Ukraine. Jewish School. Photo early 1900's. BFC-01985 MOGILEV-PODOLSKIJ, Ukraine, . Dr. A. I. Bermant. Studio portrait, inscribed in Brichevo to his nephew M. Glants (variants: Glantz, Glanz). Photographer: M.I. Shejngarts (variants: Sheingarts, Sheingartz, Shaingartz, Szejngartz) in Mogilev-Podolskij. Photo 1909. BFC-03373 MOHILIV-PODIL’SKYJ, Ukraine (also Mogilew Podolski, Mogilev-Podol'sky). View of the town, Kaptsanovka suburb. Photo 1900. Published as postcard by L. I. Gokhman (variants Gochman, Gohman) store. Mailed from Bar to E. Klapproth in Berlin. BFC-02666 MOKRAYA KALIGORKA, Kiev oblast, Ukraine, . Postcard in Russian sent to Boris Shmujlov (variant Shmuilov) from Mokraya Kaligorka, Kiev oblast. Document 1941. BFC-01314 MOLETAI, Lithuania. View of the Synagogue Street. First from the left is the New Synagogue, second - is the Old Synagogue, the last building is a Hasidic Synagogue. Photo ca. 1937. BFC-02067 MONACO. Cathedral. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02973 MONTEGO BAY, Jamaica. View of the town. Photo ca. 1898. 19140220057sc_Gorbulev_Stifelman_letter.jpg MONTREAL, Canada. Letter from Kiva Gorbulev (Горбулев) in Chernigov [Чернигов], Ukraine to Sophie Stifelman/Shtifelman (Стифельман/Штифельман). Document 1914. BFC-01382 Moroccan Jews in a Torah Study House. Lithograph early 1900's. BFC-00677 MOSCOW, Russia. Dr. Alexander Ioffe, a long term refusenick with his daughter Anna and wife Roza in their apartment. Photo May 1985. BFC-00698 MOSCOW, Russia. Long term refusenicks Igor Uspenski, Joseph Zaretski, Alexander Ioffe. (J.Zaretsky was allowed to emigrate later in 1986). Photo August 1986. BFC-00670 MOSCOW, Russia. Professor Valery Soifer and his wife, Dr. Nina Soifer, long term refusenicks, in their apartment. Photo May 1987. BFC-00671 MOSCOW, Russia. Zoologist Igor Uspensky and Dr. Lev Goldfarb, long term refusenicks. (Lev Goldfarb emigrated later in 1985). Photo May 1985. BFC-00255 MOSCOW, Russia. Anatoly Scharansky with two friends-refusenicks Photo October 1976. BFC-00254 MOSCOW, Russia. Anatoly Scharansky, prisoner of conscience in 1977-1986. Photo ca. 1975. BFC-00258 MOSCOW, Russia. Friends meet at the apartment of the long term refusenick Professor Valery Soifer. L to R: V. Soifer, an american tourist, Prof. AlexanderLerner, Prof. Golenko, his wife and son, Dr. Nina Yakovleva-Soifer, M.Soifer, a tourist, Prof. B.Goldman from South California University. Moscow, December30, 1983. BFC-00259 MOSCOW, Russia. L to R: Dr. Nina Yakovleva-Soifer, Lev P. Ovsishcher from Minsk (an old friend of Prof. A. Lerner) and Prof. Alexander Lerner. Photo 1983. BFC-00260 MOSCOW, Russia. Professor Alexander Lerner, a long term refusenick. Photo 1983 BFC-00262 MOSCOW, Russia. Professor Alexander Lerner. Photo 1983 BFC-00360 MOSCOW, Russia. Salamansky's Circus. Photo ca. 1910. BFC-00587 MOSCOW, Russia. Scene from the Earth play by P. Markish in the State Jewish Theatre, Moscow. Photo 1930. BFC-00581 MOSCOW, Russia. Scene from The Witch play by A. Goldfaden in the State Jewish Chamber Theatre. Photo 1922. BFC-00204 MOSCOW, Russia. Succot celebration in a forest near Moscow. Rusakov and Alexander Lerman are playing clarinet and guitar while somebody is waving the flag of Israel on the background. Photo September 1975. BFC-00257 MOSCOW, Russia. Victor Brailovsky, a long term Moscow refusenick. Photo1982. BFC-00256 MOSCOW, Russia. Yuly Kosharovsky, a long term Moscow refusenick Photo October 1982. BFC-00203 MOSCOW, Russia. Everyday life of a Jewish refusenick family. Alina Tsitovskywith her daughter Sveta being followed by two Secret Police agents, two days after the KGB threatened the girl's life. Photo 1978. BFC-00261 MOSCOW, Russia. Professor Alexander Lerner, a long term refusenick (right)with a friend. Photo 1983. BFC-00128 MOSCOW/BIROBIDZHAN Chamber Music Theatre on it's tour to Vilnius. Scene from the opera A Black Bridle for a White Mare by Yury Sherling. Photo November 1978. BFC-00129 MOSCOW/BIROBIDZHAN Chamber Music Theatre on it's tour to Vilnius. Scene from the opera A Black Bridle for a White Mare by Yury Sherling. Photo November 1978. BFC-00130 MOSCOW/BIROBIDZHAN Chamber Music Theatre on it's tour to Vilnius. Scene from the opera A Black Bridle for a White Mare by Yury Sherling. Photo November 1978. BFC-01826 MOSCOW, Russia, . Bill of Sale of a pharmacy in the Moscow district.Seller: Karl-Victor Blumental' (variants: Blumental); buyer: Ajzik Lejbovich Morokhovskij (varinats: Morokhovsky, Morochovsky, Morochowski, Marakhovsky); notary: P. Memorsky; previous owner: Leya Zelikovna Giller; landlords: Kamzolkin, Matteisen. Document 1915. BFC-02418 MOSCOW, Russia, . Russian imperial passport issued in Ponevezh, Lithuania, 1911 to Khana/Anna Golombek, age 41. Resident permits from Chernigov, Moscow, Minsk, and Gomel were issued in various years. Copy price coefficient for 16 pages: 4.0 BFC-02472 MOSCOW, Russia, . Western tourist visiting Soviet refusenicks. Left to right: Unidentified man; Alexander Ioffe (variants Iofe, Yofe, Yoffe, Jofe, Joffe), Iosif Zaretskij (variant Zaretsky), Igor Uspenskij (variants Ouspensky, Uspensky). Photo 1986. BFC-02523 MOSCOW, Russia, . Registered letter sent by J. Kogan to A. Abramowitz in Swampscott, MA, USA. Document 1969. BFC-02576 MOSCOW, Russia, . Magidson, Leon Isidorovich. Identification photographs, with L. Magidson’s signature. Photo 1913. BFC-02577 MOSCOW, Russia, . A. M. Balashova and Mikhail Mordkin. Stage photo. Bolshoi Theatre. Photo 1910's. BFC-02578 MOSCOW, Russia, . A. M. Balashova and Mikhail Mordkin. Stage photo. Bolshoi Theatre. Photo 1916. BFC-02592 MOSCOW, Russia, . Playbill of the Moscow State Jewish Theatre. Play: Freilechs, by Z. Shneer (Okun’). Names listed: V. Zuskin, G. Lyampe, Z. Kaminskij, M. Kotlyarova, E. Tajblina. E. Kislova, M. Leenzon, D. Rojtkop, R. Srulevich, M. Gorovets, F. Fridman, T. Khazak, Ya. Tsibulevskij, Shikhter, A. Blinchevskaya, R. Skidelskaya, G. Lukovskij, Yu. Minkova, Z. Mejman, E. Epshtejn, E. Spivak, N. Sirotina, G. Levinzon, B. Soroka, L. Rozina, E. Zhabotinskij, E. Berkovksaya, L. Traktovenko, Rojzman, S. Binik, A. Shmaenok, L. Rom, R. Kurts, A. Gertsberg, S. Latner, O. Gol’dburg, R. Kurts, L. Kolina, E. Kovenskaya, E. Bezverkhnyaya, N. Vovsi, S. Mikhoels, L. Pul’ver, A. Tyshler, E. Mej, Ya. Kukles, O. Likhtenshtejn, Yu. Tikhonov, A. Stepanov, S. Zverev, A. Namiot, D. Finkelshtejn, A. Alekseev, A. Volkova, R. Vinnikova, M. Askinazi, Z. Galperin, B. Rejner. Document 1948. BFC-02597 MOSCOW, Russia, . Studio photo of an unidentified Jewish man. Inscribed to "Manya and Nama". Signed: Isaak. Photographer: O. Mayer Studio. Photo ca. 1926. BFC-02598 MOSCOW, Russia, . Studio photo of an unidentified Jewish man. Signed: Isaak. Photographer: O. Mayer Studio. Photo 1926. BFC-02668 MOSCOW, Russia, . Letter from M. Gurevich in Dvinsk to Isak Shajnovskij (variants Shainovsky, Szajnowski) in Moscow. Document 1884. BFC-02688 MOSCOW, Russia, . Stupel’ (variants Stupel, Sztupel) Mikhel Shaiovich. Passport. Issued in Telshiai, Lithuania. Residence listed in Riga, Moscow, Pavlograd ( rented in Talaganov’s and Makhmyrshtejn’s houses), Podolsk. Document 1914. Copy price coefficient for 16 pages: 4.0 BFC-03060 MOSCOW, Russia, . Advertisement by G. M. Levinson (variant: Lewinsohn) rubber stamp factory at Tverskaya Street, D. Savvinsky’s House. Document 1890. BFC-01667 MOZYR, Belarus. Funeral of a worker Kagan, murdered in prison on the day the Russian Constitution was announced. Photo 1905. BFC-00764 MSTISLAVL (also Amchislav, Mscislow), Belarus. Group of children in frontof a wooden synagogue. Photo early 1900's. BFC-01368 MSTISLAVL (also Amchislav, Mscislow), Belarus. View on the outskirts of the city. Photo ca. 1904. BFC-01369 MSTISLAVL (also Amchislav, Mscislow), Belarus. View of the city. Photo ca. 1904. BFC-01370 MSTISLAVL (also Amchislav, Mscislow), Belarus. View of the city from the Troitskaya (Trinity) Hill. Photo ca. 1904. BFC-01930 Khaya-Leya Abramova Elkonin. Identification photograph. Signed by Khaya-Leya Elkonin. Certified by the Police Commissioner of Mstislavl. Photo 1916. BFC-01493 MUNCHEN, Germany. View of the Lenbach Square with the Artists House and the Synagogue. Photo early 1900's. BFC-01850 MUROM, Russia, . Breger, Manya Meer-Zalmanovna. Identification photograph. Photographer: M. Sazhin in Murom. Photo 1912. BFC-00250 MYSTETSKY, Abram. A bookplate for N. Levykh, depictingSholom-Aleihem. Engraving 1970's. BFC-00226 NADSON, Semion (1862-1887). Russian poet of Jewish descent. Photo 1880's. BFC-03022 NARACH (also Kobylnik, Kobyl'nik, Kobylniki, Naroch), Belarus. Winter scene with water well. Photo 1916. BFC-03003 NAROVLYA (also Narowla), Belarus. Wooden synagogue, built in the 18th century. Exterior, side view. Photo ca. 1906. BFC-03004 NAROVLYA (also Narowla), Belarus. Wooden synagogue, built in the 18th century. Exterior, front view. Photo ca. 1906. BFC-03005 NAROVLYA (also Narowla), Belarus. Wooden synagogue, built in the 18th century. Exterior view. Photo 1920's. BFC-00940 NASIELSK, Poland. Wooden synagogue, exterior. Built in the 18th century, dismantled in 1880. According to a legend, the synagogue was built by Simche, Salomon's son Weiss from the town of Slutsk. Drawing ca. 1870s. BFC-02975 NAUJOJI VILNIA (also Novaya Vilejka, Novo Vilejsk, Nowa Wilejka), Lithuania. Group of hunters in the fields near the town. Photo 1922. BFC-01967 ZEMAICIU NAUMIESTIS (also Neishtat Sugind, Neustadt Tavrig), Lithuania. Birth record (duplicate) of Abram-Naftoli Fisheris (variants: Fisher, Fischer). Father: Irme Fisher from Jurburg. Mohel: Mendel Krakinowski. Signed by Naumiestis Rabbi I. M. Lesin. Document 1927. BFC-02969 ZEMAICIU NAUMIESTIS (also Neishtat Sugind, Neustadt Tavrig), Lithuania. Market square. Photo ca. 1937. BFC-03136 NEMIROV (also Niemirow), Ukraine. Majdanik family (variants: Maidanic, Maidanik, Maydanik). Sent to Maidanic relatives in Brooklyn, NY. Photographer: S. Fridman (variants: Friedman, Frydman). Photo 1926. BFC-01017 NESVIZH, Belarus,(form. Nieswiez in Poland). Stone synagogue, built 17th century. Exterior, view from the West. Photo 1930's. BFC-02461 NESVIZH (also Nieswiez), Belarus, . Russian imperial passport issued to Nesvizh resident Moisej Grinval’d (also Grinvald), age 31. Resident permits from Nizhnij Novgorod and St. Petersburg were issued in various years. Document 1895. Copy price coefficient for 24 pages: 5.0 BFC-02543 NOVAYA BELITSA, Belarus, . Levin, Fedor Isakovich. Certificated issued by the Novaya Belitsa District Executive Committee.. Document 1933. BFC-02548 NOVAYA BELITSA, Belarus, . Levin, Fedor Isakovich. Secret request from the Interior Ministry office to the Gomel City Council asking information on F. Levin residing in Novaya Belitsa. Document 1933. BFC-02495 NEVEL’ (also Newel), Russia, . Letter addressed to Ann Khanin (variants Chanin, Hanin). Document 1894. BFC-02339 NEVERS, France. Commerce Street and belfry. Photo early 1900s. BFC-03170 NEW ROCHELLE, NY, USA United Home for Aged Hebrews. Exterior view. Photo 1957. BFC-02500 NEWARK, NJ, USA, . Klivanskij (variant Klivansky, Kliwanski), Ya. A. Studio portrait inscribed in Russian to Sh. Shapiro (variants Sapiro, Shapir, Szapiro). Photographer: Unterman Stuidio. Photo 1915. BFC-03195 NEWARK, NJ, USA. Joseph Weiss (variants: Vajs, Vais), age eleven, sells newspapers until 11 P.M. on Saturdays. Then the Sunday papers come over, and another "crew" comes on. Photo December 1912. BFC-00550 New York, NY, USA. Abraham Cahan, editor of the Yiddish daily "Forwaerts". Photo 1913. BFC-00548 New York, NY, USA. Dr. Solomon Schechter, a distinguished scholar and rabbi, President of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America. Photo 1913. BFC-00549 New York, NY, USA. Eliezer Malachi, 18 yrs. old. Came to New York from Jerusalem in August 1912. Photo 1913 BFC-00551 New York, NY, USA. Ethel Zbarsch, a little orphan whose parents were massacred in Kiev during pogrom. Photo 1913. BFC-00552 New York, NY, USA. Nissin Sini, push-cart peddler, a Jewish immigrant from Constantinople, Turkey.Photo 1913. BFC-00488 NEW YORK, USA. Immigrants from Europe at Ellis Island. Photo 1920's. BFC-01348 NEW YORK, NY, USA. Vew of the Hester street on the Lower East Side in Manhattan. Photo early 1900's. BFC-01449 NEW YORK, NY, USA. View of the Registry Hall at Ellis Island after renovation un the late 1980's. Photo 1991. BFC-01473 NEW YORK, NY, USA. View of the Ellis Island from the Hudson river. Photo 1902. BFC-02065 New York, NY, USA View of the Ellis Island. Photographic postcard. The note in Italian writtenby Joni Carpita to his mother Giovannina in Chicago. Photo 1906. BFC-02256 NEW YORK, NY, USA Flat Iron building. Fifth Avenue and Broadway. Photo 1902. BFC-01897 NEW YORK, NY, USA, . Solomon Bloomgarden (variants: Blumengarten), Yiddish-American writer, 1870-1927, Lithuania-New York. Photo ca. 1909. BFC-01922 NEW YORK, USA, . Marriage record for Jacob Rogers from New York and Rachilia Cicelskaite from Merkine, Lithuania. Witnesses: Jakob Altshuler and Jakob Sinkevich. Signed by Merkine Rabbi M. D. Stupel and sealed by the Merkine Jewish Vital Records Seal. Document, in Lithuanian and Hebrew, 1931. BFC-02477 NEW YORK, NY, USA, . Letter (envelope) from Israel addressed to Mirjam Jaron (variant Yaron) in New York. Document ca. 1960's. BFC-02513 NEW YORK, NY, USA, . Postcard, sent to Lejzer Kozhevnik in Merech (Merkine in Lithauania) from Hirsch [illegible surname] at 222 E. 64 Street. Document 1913. BFC-02615 NEW YORK, NY, USA. . New Year card sent by Nekhama Piker from Minsk to R. Lapidus, c/o Kimel. in New York. Document 1910. BFC-02625 NEW YORK, NY, USA. . Rabinowitz (variants Rabinovich, Rabinovitch, Rabinovitsch, Rabinowicz), Solomon. Letter in Yiddish on the S. Rabinowitz’s Book Store letterhead. Document 1937. BFC-02749 NEW YORK, NY, USA, . Hasband and wife Zaleznak. Greater New York area. Inscribed in Yiddish to "dear sister and her husband". Photo ca. 1920's. BFC-02750 NEW YORK, NY, USA. Jewish school. Children in a classroom. Photo ca. 1920's. BFC-03164 NEW YORK, NY, USA East River front. Photo early 1900's. BFC-03171 NEW YORK, NY, USA Residents of Home of the Daughters of Jacob in the Bronx preparing for Jewish New Year ceremonies. Left to right: Abraham Cohen, age 78; Louis Worstadt, age 76; Hyman Geller (variant: Heller), age 86, and Jacob Weinstok (variants: Vajnshtok, Vainshtok, Wajnsztok), age 76. Photo 1937. BFC-03172 NEW YORK, NY, USA Residents of Home of Old Israel at 70 Jefferson Street, Elukim Waldman (variant: Valdman), age eighty eight, raises the shofar. Photo 1953. BFC-03188 NEW YORK, NY, USA. Family of Adolph Weiss (variants: Vajs, Vais) of 422 E. 3rd Street, along with neighbors, making garters for Berger store. Original caption reads: This happens several nights in the week when there is plenty of work, the youngest children working until 9 P.M. and the rest until 11:00 or later. Seven-year-old Sarah, next is eleven yr. old sister. Next is thirteen yr. old brother. On left is seven-year-old Mary and ten-year-old Sam, and next the mother is a twelve yr. old boy. The last three are neighbors children who come in regularly to work. "It's better than running the streets" the father said. He was a grocery clerk but has been out of work for some months and works at home on the garters. Photo February 27, 1912. BFC-03189 NEW YORK, NY, USA. Making neckties in the kitchen of Mrs. Rothenberg (variant: Rotenberg), 170 Allen St., Room 15. The eleven year old girl and thirteen year old boy work on the ties every day after school. It is exceptional to find Jewish children doing homework. The mother on the right works steadily. Girl and woman in middle distance come here from their home on another street every day, as does a woman across the hall on this floor. Photo February 1912. BFC-03190 NEW YORK, NY, USA. Selling the "Warheit", a Jewish newspaper, at midnight on Delancey Street. Left to right: H. Brown of 247 Monroe Street, age twelve; Scheer of 263 Stanton Street, age fourteen; M. Brown of 247 Monroe Street, age ten. Photo March 1913. BFC-03193 NEW YORK, NY, USA. Mr. Rothenberg (variant: Rotenberg) of 170 Allen St., Room, stitching neckties in a small inner bedroom. Photo February 1912. BFC-03194 NEW YORK, NY, USA. Mrs. Abrams of 15 E. 118th St., (ground floor). Makes hair-puffs and switches in her parlor. Dresses hair also. The neighbors, in dark inner bedroom, converse as she works. Husband (photo on the wall) is a painter. Many so-called Hair Dressing Parlors, are of this type. Photo February 1912. BFC-03209 NEW YORK, NY, USA. Pamela Harriman, Mrs. Leland Hayward at the time in the offices of Jensen Interior Decorating firm at 42 E. 57th Street. Photo 1963. BFC-03210 NEW YORK, NY, USA. Striking employees of the Busch Jewelry Co. demonstrating at 42nd Street and Broadway. Photo 1938. BFC-03234 NEW YORK, NY, USA. News photo of Mrs Pesche Malka Urdang taken at hew her 114th birthday. Five weeks later, she closed her eyes in sleep at the Harlem Home for the Daughters of Israel. Photo ca. 1925. BFC-03235 NEW YORK, NY, USA. Court of Honor and Victory Arch at Broadway and 5th Avenue at Madison Square. Wood shavings and plaster arch, erected to honor Admiral George Dewey, hero of Manila in Spanish-American War. Was later transferred Charleston, SC, for its 1902 Inter-State and West Indian Exposition. Photo 1898. BFC-03237 NEW YORK, NY, USA. Portrait of James J. May, designer. Photographer: Alfredo Valente. Photo 1949. BFC-03259 NEW YORK, USA. Menachem Begin, leader of the newly established Herut Party, upon his arrival at LaGuardia airport in New York. Photo 1948. BFC-03261 NEW YORK, NY, USA. Louis Rubin proprietor of Rubin's Prominent Matrimonial Bureau who arranged hundreds of marriages in New York area. Photo ca. 1935. BFC-03277 NEW YORK, NY, USA. Isaac Schusterman (variants: Shusterman, Szusterman), Louis Gorelick, and Joseph Rose are shown in the District Attorney’s office. Caption text: Ownership dispute deepens mystery of "Stolen Jewels". District Attorney Geoghan expected to piece together today the jog-saw puzzle of the disappearance of a fortune in diamonds, which Joseph Rose, a Brooklyn dealer, who has been on home relief for the past two years, claimed had been stolen from him. Photo by B. Stein, 1936. BFC-03278 NEW YORK, NY, USA. Schweitzer Butcher shop. Photographer: Strong. Photo early 1900s. BFC-03281 NEW YORK, NY, USA. Group of Jewish newsboys on Brooklyn bridge. Original photo caption reads: 3 A.M. Sunday, February 23rd, 1908. Newsboys selling on Brooklyn Bridge. Harry Ahrenpreiss, 30 Willet Street. (Said was 13 years old). Abe Gramus. 37 Division Street. Photo 1908. BFC-03286 NEW YORK, NY, USA. Group of Jewish newsboys. . Original photo caption reads: Waiting for morning papers. On steps of World Building. 1 A.M. February 12,1908. Small boy in centre of group is Joseph Levite, 83 Hester Street, 13 years old. Small boy on his right and below is Abraham Jachnes (variants: Yachnes, Yakhnes). Photo 1908. BFC-03291 NEW YORK, NY, USA. Newsboy Abraham Jachnes (variants: Yachnes, Yakhnes) and a friend. Original caption reads: One A.M. near the World Building, ready to start out. Two of the sleepers. Larger boy Abraham Jachnes, 13 years old. Newsboys Lodging House, 14 Chambers St. Has not been home for 6 months because step-mother has been trying to put him into a House of Refuge. Could not get name of smaller boy, but he was younger, probably 11 years old. These boys are hanging about and snatching and occasionally sleep in sheltered spots. Photo 1908. BFC-03294 NEW YORK, NY, USA. Violin maker Tony Wons with four child violinists chosen by the National Federation of Music in nation-wide auditions. Left to right: Stuart Canin of Edgemore, LI, Gloria Perkins of Winston-Salem, NC, Harry Cykman of Philadelphia, PA, and Dolores Miller of Richmond, CA. Photo 1938. BFC-03299 NEW YORK, NY, USA. Newsboys Charles Rosenhaus of 31 Monroe St., eleven years old and Morris Brond of 286 Monroe St., nine years old. 9 P.M., Frankfurt St. near Park Row. Photo February 1908. BFC-03303 NEW YORK, NY, USA. Dr. Felix Adler, Chairman, National Child Labor Committee. Photo ca. 1913. BFC-03305 NEW YORK, NY, USA. Group of children newspaper sellers, including one "newsgirl" Mary Malchade (variants: Malchadsky, Molchadsky, Malczadski, Molczadski). Getting afternoon papers, Park Row. Photo July 1910. BFC-02340 NICE, France. Outdoor café. Photo ca. 1931. BFC-00521 NIKOLAEV, Ukraine. View of the port and the grain elevator. Photo 1913. BFC-01829 NIKOLAEV, Ukraine, . Adler, Vigdor Itskovich, Ochakov resident.Identification photograph. Photographer: M. M. Krimmer in Nikolaev, BolshayaMorskaya Street, Davidzon's House. Photo 1915. BFC-01849 NIKOLAEV, Ukraine, . Blekher (variants: Blecher, Bleher), Khana Shmulevna. Identification photograph. Photographer: M. M. Krimmer in Nikolaev, Bolshaya Morskaya Street, Davidzon's House. Photo 1915. BFC-03148 NIKOLAEV, Ukraine. Railroad station. Photo ca. 1918. BFC-03149 NIKOLAEV, Ukraine. View of the market square. Store signs read: Tobacco; Flouer and Bran Trade; Z. T. Umanskij’s (variants: Umansky, Oumanski) Fabric Store. Photo ca. 1911. Published as postcard by Ya. V. Popovskij (variant Popovsky). BFC-00972 NIZHNIJ NOVGOROD (also Gor'kij), Russia. View of the city from the Volga river. Photo early 1900s. BFC-00973 NIZHNIJ NOVGOROD (also Gor'kij), Russia. View of the lower part of the city, by the Volga river. Photo 1920s. BFC-00974 NIZHNIJ NOVGOROD (also Gor'kij), Russia. View by the Kremlin walls. Grain elevator is on the right. Cable-car line from under the Kremlin walls to the lower part of the city is on the background. Photo by M. Dmitriev, 1900s. BFC-00975 NIZHNIJ NOVGOROD (also Gor'kij), Russia. Bird's eye view of the Ilyinskaya Street towards the Volga river. Photo by M. Dmitriev, 1911. BFC-00976 NIZHNIJ NOVGOROD (also Gor'kij), Russia. View of the city from the Southernbank of the Oka river. Woodcut from a 1885 photograph. BFC-01902 NIZHNIJ NOVGOROD (also Gor’kij), Russia, . Cietrified copy of a Cetrificate issued in Petrokov to Stafania Burland, nee Tuvim. Cetrified photograph, made in A. Samarin's Studio in Nizhnij Novgorod is attached. Document 1902. BFC-02461 NIZHNIJ NOVGOROD (also Gor’kij), Russia, . Russian imperial passport issued to Nesvizh resident Moisej Grinval’d (also Grinvald), age 31. Resident permits from Nizhnij Novgorod and St. Petersburg were issued in various years. Document 1895. Copy price coefficient for 24 pages: 4.0 BFC-01130 NOVE SEIDLISHTE (German - Neuzedlisch), Czechoslovakia. Stone synagogue, built 1786. Exterior view. Photo 1913. BFC-00121 NOVGOROD. Deserted Jewish cemetery. The cemetery wasfrequently dececrated by the students of a nearby high school. It was completely destroyed by the local Soviet authorities in early 1980's in order to build a bypass road. Photo 1975. BFC-00122 NOVGOROD. Deserted Jewish cemetery. The cemetery wasfrequently dececrated by the students of a nearby high school. It was completely destroyed by the local Soviet authorities in early 1980's in order to build a bypass road. Photo 1975. BFC-00123 NOVGOROD. Deserted Jewish cemetery. The cemetery wasfrequently dececrated by the students of a nearby high school. It was completely destroyed by the local Soviet authorities in early 1980's in order to build a bypass road. Photo 1975. BFC-00124 NOVGOROD. Deserted Jewish cemetery. The cemetery wasfrequently dececrated by the students of a nearby high school. It was completely destroyed by the local Soviet authorities in early 1980's in order to build a bypass road. Photo 1975. BFC-00125 NOVGOROD. Deserted Jewish cemetery. The cemetery wasfrequently dececrated by the students of a nearby high school. It was completely destroyed by the local Soviet authorities in early 1980s in order to build a bypass road. Photo 1975. BFC-02248 NOVI SAD (also Ujvidek), Yugoslavia. Futaki Street. Photo early 1900's. BFC-01441 NOVOGRAD VOLYNSKY, Ukraine. German aerial reconnaissance photograph. World War II period. Photo July 1944. BFC-00873 NOVOGRUDOK (also Navaredok, Novohorodok, Novradok, Nowogrodek), Belarus. View of the market square. Photo 1916. BFC-01015 NOVOGRUDOK (also Navaredok, Novohorodok, Novradok, Nowogrodek), Belarus. Stone synagogue, built 1648. Exterior, view from the West. Photo ca. 1930s. BFC-01016 NOVOGRUDOK (also Navaredok, Novohorodok, Novradok, Nowogrodek), Belarus. Stone synagogue, built 1648. Interior. View at the Bimah. Photo ca. 1930s. BFC-01018 NOVOGRUDOK (also Navaredok, Novohorodok, Novradok, Nowogrodek), Belarus. Market square. Signs read: on the far left, Treasury; the right, Hotel "Warszawa". Photo ca. 1916. BFC-01019 NOVOGRUDOK (also Navaredok, Novohorodok, Novradok, Nowogrodek), Belarus. Russian School. Photo ca. 1916. BFC-01132 NOVOGRUDOK (also Navaredok, Novohorodok, Novradok, Nowogrodek), Belarus. Ruins of the old castle. Photo 1904. BFC-01133 NOVOGRUDOK (also Navaredok, Novohorodok, Novradok, Nowogrodek), Belarus. Ruins of the old castle. Photo 1904. BFC-01134 NOVOGRUDOK (also Navaredok, Novohorodok, Novradok, Nowogrodek), Belarus. Ruins of the old castle. Photo 1921. BFC-01623 NOVOGRUDOK (also Navaredok, Novohorodok, Novradok, Nowogrodek), Belarus. View of the Jewish Street. Photo ca. 1915. BFC-00324 NOVOROSSIISK, Russia. Classic Gymnasium (High School) for Boys. Photo ca. 1910. BFC-00323 NOVOROSSIISK, Russia. Sea port. Photo ca. 1910. BFC-00308 NOVOSELITSA, Ukraine. Railroad station. (South-West Railroad, Lipkany-Novoselitsa section). Photo ca. 1904. BFC-00310 NOVOSELITSA, Ukraine. Railroad station. (South-West Railroad, Lipkany-Novoselitsa section). Photo ca. 1904. BFC-02510 NOVOVORONTSOVKA, Ukraine, . Postcard, sent to Nekhama Korsunskaya (variant Korsunsky). Document 1913. BFC-03040 NOVYJ YARYCHIV (also Jaryczow, Jaryczow Nowy, Novyj Yarychev, Yartchev), Ukraine. Wooden synagogue, built late 17th-early 18th century. Exterior, view from the North-East. Photo 1920's. BFC-01330 NOWOGROD, Poland. Wooden synagogue, built in the 18th century, rebuilt in the 19th century. Exterior, view from the South-West. Photo 1919. BFC-01331 NOWOGROD, Poland. Wooden synagogue, built in the 18th century, rebuilt in the 19th century. Exterior, view from the North-East. Photo 1930's. BFC-01805 NOWY DWOR, Poland. Demonstration by Zukunft socialist youth organization in town. Photo 1930s. BFC-01276 NOWY SACZ, Poland. View of the Krakowska Street. Photo 1915. BFC-01466 NOWY SACZ, Poland. View of the Krakowska Street. Photo 1920's. BFC-00672 NUDEL, Ida. A long term refusenick form MOSCOW, Russia. Was exiled in Siberia for several years in late 1970's-early 1980's. Upon completion of the exile term was not allowed to return to Moscowand assigned to live in Moldova. Granted permission to leave Soviet Unionin October, 1987. Photo early 1980's. BFC-00557 NÜRNBERG (also Nuremberg), Germany. Egidien Square with the Pellerhouse, Kaiser Wilhelm Monument and St. Egidien Church. Photo ca. 1900. BFC-00558 NÜRNBERG (also Nuremberg), Germany. Schutt Island. Photo 1906. BFC-01892 NÜRNBERG (also Nuremberg), Germany, . Letter (envelope) from the E. Berkowitz’s Metal Works in Riga, Latvia to H. Hillmann. Document 1929. BFC-00724 OBELIAI, Lithuania. Mass graves near the town, where 1160 people, mainly Jews were murdered in 1941 by the Nazis and Lithuanian police. Photo 1983. BFC-00725 OBELIAI, Lithuania. Gravestone at the mass graves near the town, where 1160 people, mainly Jews were murdered in 1941 by the Nazis and Lithuanian police. The Lithuanian inscription on the stone reads: Here, in Antanoshy, on 25th of August, 1941 German Fascists and bourgeois nationalists executed 1160 people, including 112 men, 627 women and 421 children. Photo 1983. BFC-01829 OCHAKIV, (also Ochakov), Ukraine, .Adler, Vigdor Itskovich. Identification photograph. Photographer: M. M. Krimmer in Nikolaev, Bolshaya Morskaya Street, Davidzon's House. Photo 1915. BFC-00348 ODESSA, Ukraine. Alexander Pushkin Street. Photo 1910. BFC-00462 ODESSA, Ukraine. Group of Jewish merchants. Engraving ca. 1861. BFC-00897 ODESSA, Ukraine. Cover of the Takkanot (Rules) of the Hebra Kaddisha. 1795. BFC-00898 ODESSA, Ukraine. Group photo of the students of the Technical School. Photo ca. 1904 BFC-00899 ODESSA, Ukraine. Brodsky Synagogue. Photo 1904. BFC-00900 ODESSA, Ukraine. Synagogue on Richelyevsky Street. Photo 1904. BFC-00341 ODESSA, Ukraine. Catherine the Great Street and Robinat Cafe. Photo 1910. BFC-00340 ODESSA, Ukraine. Catherine the Great Street. Photo ca. 1910. BFC-00342 ODESSA, Ukraine. Grecheskaya (Greece) Street from the corner of Catherine the Great Street. Photo ca. 1910. BFC-00343 ODESSA, Ukraine. Nicholas' Boulevard. Photo ca. 1910. BFC-00344 ODESSA, Ukraine. Opera Theatre. Photo ca. 1910. BFC-00345 ODESSA, Ukraine. Duma (Municipal Council). Photo ca. 1910. BFC-00346 ODESSA, Ukraine. Opera Theatre from Pushkin Street. Photo ca. 1910. BFC-00347 ODESSA, Ukraine. De Ribas' Street. Photo ca. 1910. BFC-00349 ODESSA, Ukraine. Kondratenko (Policemen's) Street. Photo ca. 1910. BFC-00350 ODESSA, Ukraine. Justice Palace. Photo ca. 1910. BFC-00352 ODESSA, Ukraine. Longeron Street at house number 24 toward Richelieu Street. Signs read: Miniatures’ Theatre, Russian Commercial and Industrial Bank. Photo ca. 1910. BFC-00643 ODESSA, Ukraine. City map. (English). 1913. Three synagogues (Chief, New and Karaite) are marked on the map. BFC-00644 ODESSA, Ukraine. View of the Richelieu Street and the Opera Theatre. Photo 1897. BFC-00645 ODESSA, Ukraine. Harbour area. Wagons with wheat, ready for export. Photo ca. 1900's. BFC-00646 ODESSA, Ukraine. View of the city from the commercial harbour. Wood engraving ca. 1850's. BFC-00522 ODESSA, Ukraine. Shopping arcade. Photo ca. 1930 BFC-00523 ODESSA, Ukraine. City park. Photo 1938. BFC-00524 ODESSA, Ukraine. Hotel London. Photo 1938. BFC-00525 ODESSA, Ukraine. Lassal Street. Pay phone and the information booth. Photo ca. 1930. BFC-00526 ODESSA, Ukraine. Potemkin Stairs on the Primorsky boulevard (Feldman Boulevard in 1930's). Photo ca. 1930. BFC-00351 ODESSA, Ukraine. Railroad Station. Photo ca. 1910. BFC-00359 ODESSA, Ukraine. Richelieu's Monument on Nicholas' Boulevard. Photo ca. 1910. BFC-00358 ODESSA, Ukraine. Richelieu's Street. Photo ca. 1910. BFC-00304 ODESSA, Ukraine. View of the city near the port. Photo ca. 1918. BFC-00339 ODESSA, Ukraine. View of the Sabaneyev Bridge from Catherine the Great Square. Photo ca. 1910. BFC-00353 ODESSA, Ukraine. Zhukovsky Street, view from the Ditman's Cafe. Photo ca. 1910. BFC-01109 ODESSA, Ukraine. Main synagogue (corner Richilieu and Jewish streets). Exterior view. Photo 1894. BFC-01156 ODESSA, Ukraine. Jewish Hospital. Photo 1900s. BFC-01157 ODESSA, Ukraine. Jewish trade school ORT. Photo 1900s. BFC-01158 ODESSA, Ukraine. One of the buildings of the Summer Colony for children sick with tuberculosis in the Lustdorf suburb of Odessa. The colony was run by the Jewish Society for Sanatorium Colonies. Photo early 1900s. BFC-01874 ODESSA, Ukraine. Brodsky Synagogue, on the corner of Pochtovaya and Pushkinskaya Streets. Built in 1847; architect Kolovich. Photo 1901. BFC-01954 ODESSA, Ukraine. Marazlievskaya Street. Photo 1890's. BFC-02030 ODESSA, Ukraine. Jews on a Sabbath stroll. Woodcut 1846. BFC-01874 ODESSA, Ukraine. Brodsky Synagogue, on the corner of Pochtovaya and Pushkinskaya Streets. Built in 1847; architect Kolovich. Photo 1901. BFC-01846 ODESSA, Ukraine, . Blekher (variants Bleher, Blecher), Gershon Mojshe-Mendelevich. Identification photograph, notarized by N. I. Pasto in Odessa. Photographer: Shnejder and Co. in Odessa. Photo 1915. BFC-02498 ODESSA, Ukraine, . Klyachkin (variants Klachkin, Klatskin, Klaczkin, Klatzkin, Klyatskin), Lazar Iosifovich. Case file from the Odessa Artillery school. Born in Warsaw; lived in Malakhovka, Sarapul, and Shuya, Russia. Indicated family ties to Levins and Klyackins "abroad". Photograph is enclosed. Copy price coefficient for 16 pages: 5.0 BFC-02516 ODESSA, Ukraine, . Postcard, sent to Shevel Gofenshefer (variant Hofenszefer) c/o Lejzer Kozhevnik in Merech (Merkine in Lithauania) from from N. Z. Gofenshefer (variant Hofenszefer). Zorekh Bashkin of Odessa is mentioned. Document 1913. BFC-02581 ODESSA, Ukraine, Mil’dov (variants Mildov, Mildow), Arkady Aleksandrovich. Military identification photograph. Photo ca. 1960's. BFC-02585 ODESSA, Ukraine, Unidentified Jewish man. Photographer: L. M. Malkus Studio. Photo ca. 1890's. BFC-02586 ODESSA, Ukraine, Unidentified Jewish couple. Photographer: L. M. Malkus Studio. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02587 ODESSA, Ukraine, Unidentified couple. Wedding photo. Photographer: L. M. Malkus Studio. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02600 ODESSA, Ukraine, Graduation photo of the Odessa Music School. Identified graduates: Katzman, Lyuboshits, Ostrovskij, Volfzon, Sandik, Lashevich, Britanitskij, Tsejtlin, Kojfman, Tsivin, Kir-Ivanov, Gordon, Polishchukov, Maksimenko, Mostovoj, Koltun. Photographer: Balaban and Shapiro Studio. Also shown twelve teachers and professors, none identified. Photo 1904. BFC-02613 ODESSA, Ukraine, Studio photo of an unidentified boy in school uniform. Photographer: N. N. Prakhnitskij. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02620 ODESSA, Ukraine, Plotkin, Samuil Abramovich. Military service history. Document 1948. BFC-02621 ODESSA, Ukraine, Plotkin, Samuil Abramovich. Military Oath of Allegiance. Document 1941. BFC-02659 ODESSA, Ukraine, . Shnaper (variant Shnapper, Snaper, Snapper), Fishel Gershovich. Newspaper clipping with a photograph. Document 1995. BFC-02681 ODESSA, Ukraine, . Shtejnberg (variants Steinberg, Sztejnberg), Dima Bentsionovich. Invitation to visit Poland. Document 1990. BFC-02713 ODESSA, . Vajsman (also Vaisman, Vaysman, Waisman), Godel’ Vol’kovich. Military identification photograph. Photo 1953. BFC-03042 ODESSA, Ukraine. View of Deribasovskaya Street at Rishelyevskaya. The Opera Theatre is in the distance. Photo ca. 1916. BFC-03054 ODESSA, Ukraine. Advertisement of "Professor of Mnemonics" S. Fajnshtejn (variants Fainshtein, Faynshteyn, Fajnsztejn). Document 1898. BFC-03092 ODESSA, Ukraine. View of Malyj Fontan. Photo 1899. Postcard edition, sent by Leon Baranowski (variants: Baranovskij, Baranovsky) from Odessa to August Schmidt in Sofiental prez Wekelsdorf in Austria. Thumbnail photo of L. Baranowski is attached, made in Sh. Likhtenberg’s (variant: Lichtenberg) studio. BFC-03312 ODESSA, Ukraine. Street car depot at the corner of Nezhin and Tiraspol Streets. Photo early 1900's. Street car route: Slobodka-Romanovka. Business sign reads: Ladies' Fashions. BFC-03340 ODESSA, Ukraine. Sadovaya Street from the Corner of Preobrazhenskaya and Deribasovskaya. Business sign reads: Nurik Medical Supplies Trading Company. Photo Early 1900's. BFC-00989 OGINSKY CANAL (Pinsk area), Belarus. View at the canal (built late 18 cent.) and Vygonovskoye lake. Photo 1904. Villages Oginskaya and Telekhany were situated by the canal. BFC-01085 OLYKA, Ukraine. Wooden synagogue, built in the 19th century. Exterior view. Photo 1925. BFC-02689 OMAHA, NE, USA, . Letrer addressed to Milton L. Shurr. Document 1938. BFC-01309 OPOCHKA, Russia. View of the town by the river. Woodcut after a 1899 photograph. BFC-03114 ORADEA (also Nagyvarad), Romania. Panoramic view of the city toward the synagogue. Store signs read: Gazdasagi Iparbank; Jan Kyantal; Strohmayer. Photo early 1900's. BFC-01461 ORAN, Algeria. Stone Synagogue, exterior. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02417 OREL, Russia, . Gel’fon, D. Studio portrait. Inscribed to O. Sladkina; mailed to Orel via G. Lipmanovich. Photo 1908. BFC-02675 OREL, Russia, . Shik, Izrail’. Military identification photograph. Photo ca. 1950's. BFC-03205 ORHEI (also Orkhey, Orgeyev, Orheiu), Moldova. Postcard from N. Luscalav in Orheiu to attorney Marcel Ghinzberg (variants: Ginzberg, Gintsberg, Gintzberg) in Bucurest. Document 1932. BFC-03215 ORHEI (also Orkhey, Orgeyev, Orheiu), Moldova. Postcard from Orheiu to attorney Marcel Ghinzberg (variants: Ginzberg, Gintsberg, Gintzberg) in Bucurest. Document 1931. BFC-03219 ORHEI (also Orkhey, Orgeyev, Orheiu), Moldova. Postcard from P. Puriscura (?) in Orhei addressed to attorney Marcel Ghinzberg (variants: Ginzberg, Gintsberg, Gintzberg) in Bucurest. Document 1938. BFC-02268 ORLANDO, FL, USA. View at City Park and Cathedral School. Photo early 1900s. BFC-00404 ORSHA (Polish - Orsza), Belarus. View of the city from the Dnepr river. Photo ca. 1905. BFC-01104 ORSHA (Polish - Orsza), Belarus. Wooden synagogue, built 18 century. Exterior, view from the South-East. Photo ca. 1930's. BFC-01135 ORSHA (Polish-Orsza),Belarus. View of the town from the opposite bank of the Dnepr river. Photo 1904. BFC-02011 OSHMYANY (also Asmena, Oszmiana), Belarus. Main street in town during German occupation in World War I. Photo ca. 1915. BFC-02012 OSHMYANY (also Asmena, Oszmiana), Belarus. Street peddlers. Photo ca. 1915. BFC-02019 OSHMYANY (also Asmena, Oszmiana) District in Vilna Province. Currently Belarus. Russian language map. Document 1863. BFC-00528 OSTER, Ukraine. View of a water-mill and a dam. Photo by Lipnitsky, early 1900's. BFC-02466 OSTROG (also Ostra, Ostraha, Ostre, Ostroh), Ukraine. Barbel’, Fishel’. Notarized copy of the birth record with the seal and the signature of the Kishinev City Rabbi. Father is listed as registered resident of Ostrog, Ukraine A stamp of an Argentinian immigration service dated 1913 was added later. Document 1907. BFC-03377 OSTROG (also Ostra, Ostraha, Ostre, Ostroh), Ukraine. View in the center of the town. Photo 1920's. BFC-03378 OSTROG (also Ostra, Ostraha, Ostre, Ostroh), Ukraine. Market place. Photo 1920's. BFC-01249 OSTROPOL, Ukraine. Wooden synagogue, exterior. From a drawing by J. Matejko,1870. BFC-01250 OSTROPOL, Ukraine. Wooden synagogue, exterior. Drawing 1890's. BFC-01251 OSTROPOL, Ukraine. Wooden synagogue, exterior. Architectural drawing 1890's. BFC-01465 OSTROV, near Pskov, Russia. 1911 photographic postcard depicting views of the Main Street and the market square in front of the Holy Trinity Cathedral. BFC-03267 OSTROW WIELKOPOLSKI (also Ostrowo), Poland. View of Raszkowska Street. Store sign on the left read: Jacob Muller. Jewish synagogue on Kolejowa Street is on the right. Photo 1917. BFC-02704 OSTRYNA (also Ostrin), Lida district, Belarus, . Tkhornitskaya (varinats Tkhornitsky, Tchornitzki), Eidlya Lejbovna. Passport. Document 1916. BFC-01005 PAJURIS (old Pajure), Lithuania. A wooden Torah Study House.Exterior view. A man with a bucket of water on the foreground stands next to a water-well.Photo 1930's. BFC-01899 PAGEGE, Lithuania, . Internal Lithuanian passport issued to Benjaminas Bershtanskis (variants: Bershtanskij, Bershtansky), born in Jurbarkas, lived in Pagege, registered in Klaipeda and Panevezhys. Photograph is enclosed.Document ca. 1936. Copy price coefficient for ten pages: 3.0 BFC-01006 PAJURIS (old Pajure), Lithuania. A wooden Torah Study House.Interior, view at the Aron-Hakodesh (Ark of the Law). Photo 1930's. BFC-01004 PAJURIS (old Pajure), Lithuania. General view of the town with a bridge over the Jura River. Photo 1930's. BFC-01727 PAKRUOJIS (also Pakroj, Pokroj, Pakroujas, Pakroujis), Lithuania. Wooden synagogue, interior. Lecterns in the Torah study room. Photo 1930s. BFC-01728 PAKRUOJIS (also Pakroj, Pokroj, Pakroujas, Pakroujis), Lithuania. Wooden synagogue, interior. Fragment of the wall mural: resting lion. Photo 1930s. BFC-01729 PAKRUOJIS (also Pakroj, Pokroj, Pakroujas, Pakroujis), Lithuania. Wooden synagogue, interior. Fragment of the wall mural: train. Photo 1930s. BFC-01730 PAKRUOJIS (also Pakroj, Pokroj, Pakroujas, Pakroujis), Lithuania. Wooden synagogue, interior. Fragment of the wall mural: a fish and a house. Photo 1930s. BFC-01400 PALANGA, Lithuania. View at the beach after storm. Photo 1930's. BFC-01401 PALANGA, Lithuania. Main building at a resort complex. Photo 1930's. BFC-01402 PALANGA, Lithuania. Bath house at a resort complex. Photo 1930's. BFC-02295 PALERMO, Italy. Il Monte Pellegrino. Photo 1925. BFC-00465 PALESTINE map in Hebrew, published on a postcard in Russia. Early 1900's. BFC-00608 PANEVEZHYS (also Ponavezh, Ponevetz, Ponevezh, Poniewiez), Lithuania. Group photo of the Yeshiva graduates.Photo ca. 1937. BFC-00609 PANEVEZHYS (also Ponavezh, Ponevetz, Ponevezh, Poniewiez), Lithuania. Helkomir Street. M. Birman's store sign is on the left.Photo ca. 1937. BFC-00610 PANEVEZHYS (also Ponavezh, Ponevetz, Ponevezh, Poniewiez), Lithuania. Yeshiva students during Purim. Photo ca. 1937. BFC-00611 PANEVEZHYS (also Ponavezh, Ponevetz, Ponevezh, Poniewiez), Lithuania. View of the Great Synagogue with the Sun Dial. Photo ca. 1937. BFC-00612 PANEVEZHYS (also Ponavezh, Ponevetz, Ponevezh, Poniewiez), Lithuania. Great Synagogue. Photo ca. 1937. BFC-00613 PANEVEZHYS (also Ponavezh, Ponevetz, Ponevezh, Poniewiez), Lithuania. BFC-00614 PANEVEZHYS (also Ponavezh, Ponevetz, Ponevezh, Poniewiez), Lithuania. Great Synagogue of the Psalm Reciters Society. Photo ca. 1937. BFC-00678 PANEVEZHYS (also Ponavezh, Ponevetz, Ponevezh, Poniewiez), Lithuania. Monument on the fraternal grave of Panevezhys Jews killed by the Nazis and their Lithuanian collaborators in August, 1941. Cemetery in Panevezhys area forest. Photo 1983. BFC-00679 PANEVEZHYS (also Ponavezh, Ponevetz, Ponevezh, Poniewiez), Lithuania. Remnants of a trench, place of murder of Panevezhys Jews by the Nazis and their Lithuanian collaborators in August, 1941.Cemetery in Panevezhys area forest. Photo 1983. BFC-00680 PANEVEZHYS (also Ponavezh, Ponevetz, Ponevezh, Poniewiez), Lithuania. Remnants of a trench, place of murder of Panevezhys Jews by the Nazis and their Lithuanian collaborators in August, 1941.Cemetery in Panevezhys area forest. Photo 1983. BFC-00689 PANEVEZHYS (also Ponavezh, Ponevetz, Ponevezh, Poniewiez), Lithuania. Monument on the fraternal grave of the Jews from Panevezhys and surroundings, murdered by the Nazis and the Lithuanian police in August, 1941.Located outside the town. Photo 1983. BFC-00690 PANEVEZHYS (also Ponavezh, Ponevetz, Ponevezh, Poniewiez), Lithuania. A trench, fraternal grave of the Jews from Panevezhys and surroundings, murdered by the Nazis and the Lithuanian police in August, 1941. Located outside the town. Photo 1983. BFC-00691 PANEVEZHYS (also Ponavezh, Ponevetz, Ponevezh, Poniewiez), Lithuania. Two trenches, fraternal graves of the Jews from Panevezhys and surroundings, murdered by the Nazis and the Lithuanian police in August, 1941.Located outside the town. Photo 1983. BFC-00692 PANEVEZHYS (also Ponavezh, Ponevetz, Ponevezh, Poniewiez), Lithuania. View from a field at a cemetery, where the Jews from Panevezhys and surroundings were murdered by the Nazis and the Lithuanian police in August, 1941. Locatedoutside the town. Photo 1983. BFC-00710 PANEVEZHYS (also Ponavezh, Ponevetz, Ponevezh, Poniewiez), Lithuania. Memorial in the Zelioji Giria (Green Woods) forest near the town, where 4000 people, mainly Jews were killed in 1941 by the Nazis and Lithuanian police. Photo 1983. BFC-00711 PANEVEZHYS (also Ponavezh, Ponevetz, Ponevezh, Poniewiez), Lithuania. Monument, a part of the Memorial in Zelioji Giria (Green Woods) forest near the town, where 4000 people, mainly Jews were killed in 1941 by the Nazis and Lithuanian police. Photo 1983. BFC-00712 PANEVEZHYS (also Ponavezh, Ponevetz, Ponevezh, Poniewiez), Lithuania. Stone, part of the Memorial in Zelioji Giria (Green Woods) forest near the town, where 4000 people, mainly Jews were killed in 1941 by the Nazis and Lithuanian police. Lithuanian inscription on the stone reads: In this forest in 1941 Fascists executed 4000 people. Photo 1983. BFC-00721 PANEVEZHYS (also Ponavezh, Ponevetz, Ponevezh, Poniewiez), Lithuania. Stanunu (form. Kiezenlingo) forest near the city. Memorial at the place of execution of local Jews and communists during World War II.Photo 1983. BFC-00722 PANEVEZHYS (also Ponavezh, Ponevetz, Ponevezh, Poniewiez), Lithuania. Stanunu (form. Kiezenlingo) forest near the city. Memorial at the place of execution of local Jews and communists during World War II. Inscription reads: We Remember Them In Or Deeds. Photo 1983. BFC-00723 PANEVEZHYS (also Ponavezh, Ponevetz, Ponevezh, Poniewiez), Lithuania. Stanunu (form. Kiezenlingo) forest near the city. Memorial at the place of execution of local Jews and communists during World War II. Memorial meeting on May 9, 1983. Photo 1983. BFC-00944 PANEVEZHYS (also Ponavezh, Ponevetz, Ponevezh, Poniewiez), Lithuania. View of the Laisves (Freedom) Square. Store signs read, left to right: Ch. Kissin Fabrics, since 1897; L. Hofschowitsch's Pharmacy; Shus..[illegible] Brothers' Fabric Store, since 1874 (in Yiddish); Hotel (one of two signs on the big building on the background, center; J. Gu..vich [partially illegible]; Fabric Shop (dark store sign, first on the right).Photo ca. 1920. BFC-02035 PANEVEZHYS (also Ponavezh, Ponevetz, Ponevezh, Poniewiez), Lithuania. City hospital on Theatre Street during German occupation in World War I. Store sign on the left reads: A. Gurvich (also Gurwicz, Gurvitch, Gurwitsch). Photo ca. 1915. BFC-01899 PANEVEZHYS (also Ponavezh, Ponevetz, Ponevezh, Poniewiez), Lithuania, . Internal Lithuanian passport issued to Benjaminas Bershtanskis (variants: Bershtanskij, Bershtansky), born in Jurbarkas, lived in Pagege, registered in Klaipeda and Panevezhys. Photograph is enclosed. Document ca. 1936. Copy price coefficient for ten pages: 3.0 BFC-02407 PANEVEZHYS (also Ponavezh, Ponevetz, Ponevezh, Poniewiez), Lithuania, . Passport issued by the German administration to Ruth (?) Gelwan (variants: Gelvan), nee Ringe. Born in Disna. Photograph is enclosed. Document 1917. Copy price coefficient for eight pages: 3.0 BFC-02418 PANEVEZHYS (also Ponavezh, Ponevetz, Ponevezh, Poniewiez), Lithuania, . Russian imperial passport issued in 1911 to Khana/Anna Golombek, age 41. Resident permits from Chernigov, Moscow, Minsk, and Gomel were issued in various years. Copy price coefficient for 16 pages: 4.0 BFC-02450 PANEVEZHYS (also Ponavezh, Ponevetz, Ponevezh, Poniewiez), Lithuania, . Passport issued by the German administration in Panevezhys, Lithuania, to Wolf (?) Gordon. Born in Vishnevo (also Wisznewo), Sventsyany District. Photograph is enclosed. Document 1917. Copy price coefficient for eight pages: 3.0 BFC-02584 PANEVEZHYS (also Ponavezh, Ponevetz, Ponevezh, Poniewiez), Lithuania, . Passport issued by the German administration to Tsuril (?) Melamed, born in Birzh. Photograph is enclosed. Document 1917. Copy price coefficient for eight pages: 3.0 BFC-02590 PANEVEZHYS (also Ponavezh, Ponevetz, Ponevezh, Poniewiez), Lithuania, . Vulf Mikhel (variants Michel, Michelis). Birth record (certified copy). Father: Ponevezh registered resident Movsh Mikhel. Signed by Shavli Rabbi L. Geller. Document 1912. BFC-02595 PANEVEZHYS (also Ponavezh, Ponevetz, Ponevezh, Poniewiez), Lithuania, . Affidavit issued to Ponevezh residents Tsalel Mosenzhnik (variant Mosenznik) and his wife as war refugees. Signed by Drissa residents Frants Tuskevich, Grigory Shpak, Idel’ Izraelit, Timofej Lysenko, Khaim Karas’, Aleksander Yakubovich, Vladimir Mechnikov, and Itsik Riskin. Certified by the Drissa Town Council. Document 1923. BFC-02596 PANEVEZHYS (also Ponavezh, Ponevetz, Ponevezh, Poniewiez), Lithuania, . Certificate of the Soviet People’s Commissariat of Interior issued to Lithuanian Citizen Tsalel Mosenzhnik. Signed by Asev and Buyanover. Document 1923. BFC-03020 PANEVEZHYS (also Ponavezh, Ponevetz, Ponevezh, Poniewiez), Lithuania, . Decision of the Ponevezh Town Hall regarding the conflict between home owners Gita Zelmanovna Girshova (variant Hirszow) and Ruve-Manka Eliashevich (variants Elyashevich, Eliaszsewicz). Document 1856. Copy price coefficient for four pages: 3.0 BFC-03273 PANEVEZHYS (also Ponavezh, Ponevetz, Ponevezh, Poniewiez), Lithuania. Market. Store signs read: Pharmacy of B. Subotsky (variant: Subocki); B. A. Kyakub’s Trade; Thatre Modern. Photo 1915. Published as postcard by Pawlowski in Tilsit. BFC-01981 PAPILE (also Popielany, Popelyany), Lithuania, . Postcard in Yiddish addressed to Sonya Frum in Popelyany. Document 1907. BFC-02253 PARIS, France. The Gate and Boulevard St. Denis. Photo 1911. BFC-02257 PARIS, France. View at the Eiffel Tower and the Trocadero. Photo early 1900s. BFC-02262 Eiffel Tower. Fantasy No. 2. 2002 BFC-02263 Eiffel Tower. Fantasy No. 3. 2002 BFC-02264 PARIS, France. Allee des Acacias. Variation No. 1. 2002 BFC-02346 PARIS, France. Avenue de l’Opera. Photo 1904. BFC-02347 PARIS, France. Avenue des Champs-Elysees. Photo ca. 1920's. BFC-02348 PARIS, France. Avenue des Champs-Elysees. Photo ca. 1920's. BFC-02349 PARIS, France. La Conciergerie. Tour de l’oHorloge. Photo 1912. BFC-02350 PARIS, France. Saint-Severin Church. Photo 1903. BFC-02351 PARIS, France. Eiffel Tower. Photo ca. 1920. BFC-02352 PARIS, France. Eiffel Tower. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02353 PARIS, France. Francis Garnier Monument. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02354 PARIS, France. Gambeta Monument. Photo 1904. BFC-02355 PARIS, France. Le Louvre. Photo ca. 1890's. BFC-02356 PARIS, France. Pantheon. Photo 1905. BFC-02357 PARIS, France. Le Moulin Rouge Restaurnat. Photo ca. 1890's. BFC-02358 PARIS, France. Column and Place de la Bastille. Photo ca. 1890's. BFC-02359 PARIS, France. Statue of the Republic. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02360 PARIS, France. Arc de Triomphe. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02361 PARIS, France, . Postcard addressed to Jean Bossu in Crans. Document 1923. BFC-02362 PARIS, France. Corner of Boulevard des Italiens and Boulevard Montmartre. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02363 PARIS, France. Old print merchants on the banks of the Seine River . Photo ca. 1920's. BFC-02364 PARIS, France. Champs-Elysees Avenue. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02365 PARIS, France. Vendome Column. Photo ca. 1920's. BFC-02366 PARIS, France. St. Augustine Church. Photo 1904. BFC-02367 PARIS, France. Flood on Seine. Photo 1910. BFC-02368 PARIS, France. Group of tourists. Photo 1954. BFC-02369 PARIS, France. World Exhibition of 1900. The Palace of Fine Arts. Photo 1900. BFC-02370 PARIS, France. Le Grand Palais. Photo 1907. BFC-02371 PARIS, France. The Saint-Deis Boulevard and Gate. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02372 PARIS, France. Notre-Dame Cathedral. Photo 1906. BFC-02373 PARIS, France. Le Dome Café. Photo ca. 1920's. BFC-02374 PARIS, France. The Bastille Square. Photo 1902. BFC-02375 PARIS, France. Opera. Photo ca. 1920's. BFC-02376 PARIS, France. The Pasteur Monument and The Invalides. Photo 1905. BFC-02377 PARIS, France, . Postcard, addressed to Mrs. Shaw in Cleveland, OH. Document 1910. BFC-02379 PARIS, France. Café de la Paix. Photo ca. 1932. BFC-02599 PARIS, France, . Lewinsohn (variant Lewinson) né Simon, Frida. Born in Breslau (also Wroclaw). Identity paper issued in Paris. F. Lewinsohn’s photographs is attached. Document 1934. BFC-03236 PARIS, France. Studio portrait of Jean Charles Worth (1881-1962), head of the maison de couture, photographed soon after being awarded with the order of Chevalier of the Legion of Honour. Stevens Rockwell Studio, Paris. Photo ca. 1930. BFC-00699 PASVALYS, Lithuania. View of the town by the river. Photo ca. 1937. BFC-00700 PASVALIS, Lithuania. View of the town in winter. Photo. 1920's. BFC-00688 PASVALYS, Lithuania. Fraternal grave of 5000 Jews from surrounding towns murdered by the Nazis and Lithuanian police in August, 1941. Place located 15 km East of Pasvalys, in Zhadeikiai forest. Photo 1983. BFC-00687 PASVALYS, Lithuania. Monument on the place of murder of 5000 Jews from surrounding towns by the Nazis and Lithuanian police in August, 1941. Lithuanian inscription on the monument reads: On this place in August, 1941 5000 Soviet people from the towns of Pasvalys, Vabalninkas, Jonishkelis, Daujetai, Krinchiunaiwere brutally murdered by Hitler's fascists and Lithuanian bourgeois nationalists.This must not happen again. Place located 15 km East of Pasvalys, in Zhadeikiai forest. Photo 1983. BFC-02688 PAVLOGRAD, Ukraine, . Stupel’ (variants Stupel, Sztupel) Mikhel Shaiovich. Passport. Issued in Telshiai, Lithuania. Residence listed in Riga, Moscow, Pavlograd (rented in Talaganov’s and Makhmyrshtejn’s houses), Podolsk. Document 1914. Copy price coefficient for 16 pages: 4.0 BFC-00448 PAVOLOCH, Ukraine, .Jewish cemetery in Zhitomir. Fraternal grave of Pavoloch Jews accused blood libel and executed in 1753, including Rabbi Sender, son of Rabbi Solomon from Pavoloch.Photo 1903. BFC-01390 PAVOLOCH, Ukraine. Monument on the place of slaughter of Pavoloch Jews during World War II. The inscription in Russian and Yiddish reads: Victims of the Hitler's terror in 1941, all Jewish population of Pavoloch, are resting here. We, your friends always pray [for you] and shed bitter tears. Photo 1960s. BFC-02925 PAVOLOCH, Ukraine, . View of the Skvira town square. On the foreground are Mrs. Bondarenskaya and police officer Rozvadovskij (also Rozvadovsky, Rozwadowski), in a carriage. Photographer: N. P. Gol’fman (also Golfman) from Pavoloch. Photo 1912. BFC-01103 PECHINIZHIN (Polish-Peczyniezyn), Ukraine. Wooden synagogue, built 1750. Interior. View at the Western wall and the staircase leading to the women's gallery. Mural painting is of 1795. Photo 1933. BFC-00198 PECHIURA, V.(VILNIUS, Lithuania). Vilna Ghetto, oil painting. The painting was in the exhibition in Vilnius in 1978. Photo 1978. BFC-00199 PECHIURA, V. (Vilnius, Lithuania).Report to the Boss.Oil painting. The painting was in the exhibition in Vilnius in 1978. Photo 1978. BFC-02497 PENZA, Russia, . Affidavit from Rogovo resident Yankel’ Khait (variants Chait, Hait), living in Baltimore, MD, USA to allow his wife Vikhna Khait, ne Shapiro (variants Sapiro, Shapir, Szapiro), a World War I refugee residing in Penza, Russia, to request a passport. Document 1917. BFC-00529 PEREMYSHL, Ukraine. Benedyknines' Convent. Photo ca. 1914. BFC-01106 PEREMYSLIANY, Ukraine. Stone Synagogue, West front. Photo 1930s. BFC-01610 PEREMYSHLIANY, Ukraine. Stone synagogue, interior. Arcades and wall painting. Photo 1930's. BFC-01893 PEREYASLAV KHMEL’NITSKIJ (also Perejaslaw, Pereyaslavl’), Ukraine, . Application to the City Bank from Zelman, Ruvin’s son Bershtejn (variants: Bershtein, Bersztejn). Document 1892. BFC-01894 PEREYASLAV KHMEL’NITSKIJ (also Perejaslaw, Pereyaslavl’), Ukraine, . Application to the City Bank from Zelman, Ruvin’s son Bershtejn (variants: Bershtein, Bersztejn), related to his purchase of Shaya Koganovskij's property. Document 1886. BFC-02573 PEREYASLAV KHMEL’NITSKIJ (also Perejaslaw, Pereyaslavl’), Ukraine, . Letter addressed to Moisej Samojlovich Malkin, related to his purchase of Ester-Tovba Malkin’s property. Document 1879. BFC-02452 PETAH-TIQVA, Israel, . Envelope, addressed to Benyamin Goter in Petah-Tiqva. Document 1965. BFC-03178 PHILADELPHIA, PA, USA. Two Jewish boys selling newspapers Phila. & Reading Terminal 10:30 A.M. Monday June 13th. Willie Cohen, of 1210 So. 6th St., 8 years of age, attends John Hay School. Max Rafalovizh (variants Rafalovitz, Rafalovich, Rafalovitch, Rafalowicz), 1300 So. 6th St, 8 years old, attends John Hay School. Photo 1910. BFC-03387 PHILADELPHIA, PA, USA. Sam Aronoff’s business card. Handwritten note on verso related to B. Kupersmith. Document 1910's. 19170314001s_Stifelman_Philadelphia_letter.jpg PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania. Letter from Gorbulev (Горбулев) in Chernigov [Чернигов], Ukraine to Stifelman/Shtifelman (Стифельман/Штифельман) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Document 1917. 19230703001s_Kovalev_Stifelman_letter.jpg PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania. Letter from Kovalev (Ковалев), ne Gorbulev (Горбулев) in Chernigov [Чернигов], Ukraine to Stifelman (nee Gorbulev) in Philadelphia. Document ca. 1923. BFC-02342 PIERREFONDS, France. Le Chateau, Escalier d’honneur. Photo 1905. BFC-02419 PIERREFONDS, France. Le Chateau. Photo early 1900's. BFC-01160 PESKI (Piaski, Piesk), Belarus. Wooden synagogue, built in the late 18th century. Exterior, view from the South-East. Photo 1936. BFC-01161 PESKI (Piaski, Piesk), Belarus. Wooden synagogue, built in the late 18th century. Exterior, view from the South-West. Photo 1936. BFC-01162 PESKI (Piaski, Piesk), Belarus. Wooden synagogue, built in the late 18th century. Interior, view towards Aron-Hakodesh. Photo 1936. BFC-01163 PESKI (Piaski, Piesk), Belarus. Wooden synagogue, built in the late 18th century. Cross section. Architectural drawing 1920's. BFC-01164 PESKI (Piaski, Piesk), Belarus. Wooden synagogue, built in the late 18th century. Front elevation. Architectural drawing 1920's. BFC-01165 PESKI (Piaski, Piesk), Belarus. Wooden synagogue, built in the late 18th century. Side elevation. Architectural drawing 1920s. BFC-00883 PILICA, Poland. Wooden synagogue. XVIII century. View from the North-West. Photo ca. 1900s. BFC-00884 PILICA, Poland. Wooden synagogue. XVIII century. Interior. View at the gallery. Photo ca. 1900s. BFC-01740 PILVISHKIAI (also Pilvishok, Pil’vishki, Pilvishkis, Pilwiszki), Lithuania. Purim celebration in a kindergarten. Group photo of two teachers and fourteen children. Photo 1930s. BFC-01741 PILVISHKIAI (also Pilvishok, Pil’vishki, Pilvishkis, Pilwiszki), Lithuania. Torah Study House. Exterior view. Photo 1930s. BFC-01742 PILVISHKIAI (also Pilvishok, Pil’vishki, Pilvishkis, Pilwiszki), Lithuania. Stone synagogue. Exterior view. Photo 1930s. BFC-01743 PILVISHKIAI (also Pilvishok, Pil’vishki, Pilvishkis, Pilwiszki), Lithuania. Group photo of Jewish youth, 1930s. BFC-01744 PILVISHKIAI (also Pilvishok, Pil’vishki, Pilvishkis, Pilwiszki), Lithuania. Market day in town. Photo 1930s. BFC-01745 PILVISHKIAI (also Pilvishok, Pil’vishki, Pilvishkis, Pilwiszki), Lithuania. Members of the “Gordonia” organization. Photo 1930s. BFC-1098 PINCZOW, Poland. Street scene in front of the Jewish synagogue (built 1720-1730).Photo 1930's. BFC-00033 PINSK, Belarus. Street scene at Oginsky Street. Photo 1920's. BFC-00276 PINSK, Belarus. An open air market. Photo 1920's. BFC-00421 PINSK, Belarus. 3rd May Street, one of the central streets. Photo 1920's. BFC-01154 PINSK, Belarus. Stone synagogue, built 1640. Exterior, West front. Photo ca. 1930. BFC-01155 PINSK, Belarus. Stone synagogue, built 1640. Cross-section view and ground plan. Architectural drawing 1930. BFC-01468 PINSK, Belarus. Jewish workers rolling logs in the Halpern's Match Factory. Photo 1902. BFC-01469 PINSK, Belarus. Jewish family in front of their house. Photo 1902. BFC-01470 PINSK, Belarus. Scene on the banks of the river in town. Photo 1902. BFC-01471 PINSK, Belarus. A Jewish owned Inn (Postoyaly Dvor) on the outskirts of the town. Photo 1902. BFC-01472 PINSK, Belarus. Group of Jewish workers in the Halpern's (also Galperin, Gal'perin, Galpern) match-making factory. Photo 1902. BFC-02640 PINSK, Belarus. . Letter addressed to Samuil Rabinovich (variants Rabinovitch, Rabinovitsch, Rabinowicz, Rabinowitz). Document 1880. BFC-03021 PINSK, Belarus. Group of Jewish men on Kiev Street. Store sign on the left reads Furs. Photo 1914. BFC-03093 PINSK, Belarus. Street view. Group of Jewish inhabitants posing for a German army photographer. Photo 1916. BFC-03121 PINSK, Belarus. Postcard in Yiddish sent from Pinsk to Shimen Belogus in Slonim. Document 1887. BFC-01902 PIOTRKOW TRYBUNALSKI (aslo Petrikau, Petrikov, Petrokov), Poland, . Cietrified copy of a Cetrificate issued to Stafania Burland, nee Tuvim. Cetrified photograph, made in A. Samarin’s Studio in Nizhnij Novgorod is attached. Document 1902. BFC-00715 PIRCHIUPIS, Lithuania. Entrance to the Memorial, built on the place of a village, destroyed with its inhabitants by the Nazis during the World War II. Photo 1983. BFC-00717 PIRCHIUPIS, Lithuania. Memorial, built on the place of a village, destroyed with its inhabitants by the Nazis during World War II. Photo 1983. BFC-00718 PIRCHIUPIS, Lithuania. Memorial, built on the place of a village, destroyed with its inhabitants by the Nazis during World War II. Photo 1983. BFC-00716 PIRCHIUPIS, Lithuania. Monument, part of the Memorial, built on the placeof a village, destroyed with its inhabitants by the Nazis during the WorldWar II. Photo 1983. BFC-02601 PITTSBURGH, PA, USA, . Postcard sent by Sid Kornhauser from Washington to his mother in Pittsburgh. Document 1908. BFC-03233 PITTSBURGH, PA, USA. Mrs Sol Rosenbloom (variants Rosenblum, Rozenblium, Rozenblyum), widow of noted Jewish philanthropist and Zionit leader who has just announced a gift of $500.000 to the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. It will be used to construct a building for the Institute of Jewish Studies of the Hebrew University as a memorial to Mr. Rosenbloom who had previously contributed to the University. Photo ca. 1928. BFC-00315 PLOCK, Poland. View of the city from the Vistula river. Photo 1920's. BFC-00635 PLUNGE, Lithuania. Nobleman's estate. Photo 1920s. BFC-01757 PLUNGE, Lithuania. The Great Synagogue of Plunge, exterior view. Photo 1930s. BFC-01758 PLUNGE, Lithuania. Moishe Reizes, a synagogue beadle. Photo 1930s. BFC-01759 PLUNGE, Lithuania. Torah Sudy House, exterior view. Photo 1930s. BFC-01760 PLUNGE, Lithuania. Jewish houses in winter. Photo 1930s. BFC-01761 PLUNGE, Lithuania. View of the Bath-House Street. Photo 1930s. BFC-01762 PLUNGE, Lithuania. Burial of Holy Books damaged in a big fire. Photo July 1931. BFC-01763 PLUNGE, Lithuania. Group photo of eight members of the Khevra Kadisha (Burial Society). Photo 1930s. BFC-01764 PLUNGE, Lithuania. Group photo of six members of the Jewish fire brigade. Photo 1930s. BFC-01765 PLUNGE, Lithuania. View of the town, devastated by a fire. Photo 1931. BFC-02023 POCHAYIV (also Pochaev, Poczajow, Potschaew), Ukraine. Ancient Eastern Orthodox Lavra (Monastery), founded ca. 1240. General view.Engraving 1891. BFC-02024 POCHAYIV (also Pochaev, Poczajow, Potschaew), Ukraine. Ancient Eastern Orthodox Lavra (Monastery), founded ca. 1240. Uspenskij Cathedral, built in 1771-1782 and the Belfry. View from the South. Engraving 1887. BFC-02025 POCHAYIV (also Pochaev, Poczajow, Potschaew), Ukraine. Ancient Eastern Orthodox Lavra (Monastery), founded ca. 1240. View from the East. Engraving 1887. BFC-00914 PODKAMEN, Ukraine. Market square in town at the end of World War I. Photo 1918. BFC-00915 PODKAMEN, Ukraine. Synagogue. Candelabrum, mid-XVII century. Photo early1900s. BFC-00444 PODOLSK, near MOSCOW, Russia. Coach-house. Wood engraving 1846. BFC-02688 PODOLSK, Russia, . Stupel’ (variants Stupel, Sztupel) Mikhel Shaiovich. Passport. Issued in Telshiai, Lithuania. Residence listed in Riga, Moscow, Pavlograd ( rented in Talaganov’s and Makhmyrshtejn’s houses), Podolsk. Document 1914. Copy price coefficient for 16 pages: 4.0 BFC-01367 PODVOLOCHISK (also Podwoloczysk), Ukraine. Border crossing point from Russia to Austria on the outskirts of the town.The town of Podvolochisk is on the background. Photo 1913. BFC-01781 POHREBISHCHE (also Pogrebishche, Pohorbyshch, Pohrebyszcze, Probishta), Ukraine. Wooden synagogue, built 1690-1730. Exterior view. Drawing ca. 1870s. BFC-01782 POHREBISHCHE (also Pogrebishche, Pohorbyshch, Pohrebyszcze, Probishta), Ukraine. Wooden synagogue, built 1690-1730. Floor plan. Architectural drawing ca. 1899. BFC-01783 POHREBISHCHE (also Pogrebishche, Pohorbyshch, Pohrebyszcze, Probishta), Ukraine. Wooden synagogue, built 1690-1730. Second floor plan. Architectural drawing ca. 1899. BFC-01784 POHREBISHCHE (also Pogrebishche, Pohorbyshch, Pohrebyszcze, Probishta), Ukraine. Wooden synagogue, built 1690-1730. Interior. Wooden curved Aron Ha-Kodesh (Ark of the Law).Drawing ca. 1899. BFC-01785 POHREBISHCHE (also Pogrebishche, Pohorbyshch, Pohrebyszcze, Probishta), Ukraine. Wooden synagogue, built 1690-1730. Interior. Brass Hanukiah from the 17-18th century. Drawing ca. 1899. BFC-01786 POHREBISHCHE (also Pogrebishche, Pohorbyshch, Pohrebyszcze, Probishta), Ukraine. Wooden synagogue, built 1690-1730. Interior. Brass candlestick from the 17-18th century. Drawing ca. 1899. BFC-01787 POHREBISHCHE (also Pogrebishche, Pohorbyshch, Pohrebyszcze, Probishta), Ukraine. Wooden synagogue, built 1690-1730. Interior. Silver and gold Torah Crow. Drawing ca. 1899. BFC-01788 POHREBISHCHE (also Pogrebishche, Pohorbyshch, Pohrebyszcze, Probishta), Ukraine. Wooden synagogue, built 1690-1730. Interior. Silver Torah Pointer. Drawing ca. 1899. BFC-02381 POITIERS, France. Statue of Liberty replica cast by Auguste Bartholdi. Funded by Free Masons, erected in 1903 in the Place de la Guillotine, which was then renamed Place de la Liberté. Photo early 1900's. BFC-00274 POLAND. 18th century French map. BFC-00278 POLAND. An elderly Polish Jew in tales with a prayer book. German photo, ca. late 1939. BFC-01869 Poland, . Soviet transit visa, issued to Polish citizen JosephBurganski.Photo of Joseph Burganski is attached. Document 1941. BFC-01795 Poland-Russia in World War I. Jewish refugees fleeing Russian troops. Accident. Colorized photographic postcard. Photo ca. 1915. BFC-01863 Poland, . Polish Jewess and Jew of the mid-18th Century. Drawing ca. 1765. BFC-01864 Poland, . Hasidic Jew and his wife. Early 19th Century. Drawingca. 1845. BFC-01869 Poland, . Transit Soviet visa, issued to Polish citizen Joseph Burganski. Photo of Joseph Burganski is attached. Document 1941. BFC-02278 Poland, . 18th century Jews in traditional garb. BFC-02533 Poland, . Soviet transit visa, issued in Kaunas, Lithuania to Polish citizen Samuil Kurlandzki. Photo of Samuil Kurlandzki is attached. Document 1941. BFC-02550 Poland, . Soviet transit visa, issued in Kaunas, Lithuania to Polish citizens Meer-Khaim and Roza Likhtenshtejn (variants Lichtensztejn, Lichtenshteyn). Photographs are attached. Document 1941. BFC-02612 POLAND, Peretz, Yitskhak Leibush. Linocut ca. 1920's. BFC-02958 Poland, . Jewish knife and scissor grinder. Photo ca. 1916. BFC-02960 Poland, . Jewish day laborer. Photo ca. 1916. BFC-02962 Poland, . Jewish fiddle player with a boy. Photo early 1900's. BFC-01442 POLANIEC, Poland. Wooden synagogue, built in the end of the 18th century. Exterior, view from the West. Photo 1930's. BFC-01443 POLANIEC, Poland. Wooden synagogue, built in the end of the 18th century. Exterior, view from the South-West. Photo ca. 1936. BFC-01444 POLANIEC, Poland. Wooden synagogue, built in the end of the 18th century. Exterior, view from the South-East.Photo ca. 1936. BFC-01445 POLANIEC, Poland. Wooden synagogue, built in the end of the 18th century. Interior, detail of the ceiling painting. Photo ca. 1936. BFC-00462 Polish Jewish Merchants. Engraving1880's. BFC-02725 POLONNE (also Polonoe), Ukraine, . Postcard in Yiddish sent by Mihkel Karlik to Nisel Winer in Springfield, MA, USA. Document 1940. BFC-02726 POLONNE (also Polonoe), Ukraine, . Postcard in Yiddish sent by Mihkel Karlik to Nisel Winer in Springfield, MA, USA. Document 1940. BFC-02727 POLONNE (also Polonoe), Ukraine, . Postcard in Yiddish sent by Mihkel Karlik to Nisel Winer in Springfield, MA, USA. Document 1941. BFC-02728 POLONNE (also Polonoe), Ukraine, . Postcard in Yiddish sent by Mihkel Karlik to Nisel Winer in Springfield, MA, USA. Document 1939. BFC-02729 POLONNE (also Polonoe), Ukraine, . Postcard in Yiddish sent by Mihkel Karlik to Nisel Winer in Springfield, MA, USA. Document 1940. BFC-02730 POLONNE (also Polonnoe), Ukraine, . Postcard in Yiddish sent by Mihkel Karlik to Nisel Winer in Springfield, MA, USA. Document 1937. BFC-00001 POLOTSK (also Polock, Polotzk), Belarus. Panoramic view of St. Nicholas Cathedral from the left bank of Zapadnaya Dvina river. BFC-00002 POLOTSK (also Polock, Polotzk), Belarus. Panoramic view of the city from Zapadnaya Dvina river. In the center is St. Nicholas Cathedral. Photo ca. 1915 BFC-00003 POLOTSK (also Polock, Polotzk), Belarus. Bird’s-eye view of the North-Western part of the city. Photo ca. 1905. BFC-00004 POLOTSK (also Polock, Polotzk), Belarus. Bird’s-eye view of the city, view from the North-East. Photo ca. 1905. BFC-00005 POLOTSK (also Polock, Polotzk), Belarus. 1812 War Monument on the square near St. Nicholas Cathedral. Photo ca. 1905. BFC-00006 POLOTSK (also Polock, Polotzk), Belarus. A mill and a dam on the Polot' river. Photo ca. 1905. BFC-00008 POLOTSK (also Polock, Polotzk), Belarus. Spaso-Evfrosinyevskii women's Convent, located three versts from the town. Photo ca. 1905. BFC-01595 POLOTSK (also Polock, Polotzk), Belarus. View of the city in smoke as the Red Army retreated before the advancing German troops. Photo June 1941. BFC-01624 POLOTSK (also Polock, Polotzk), Belarus. Jewish grave digger from Polotsk. Photo ca. 1911. BFC-01625 POLOTSK (also Polock, Polotzk), Belarus. Heder classroom during a lesson. Photo ca. 1911. BFC-01626 POLOTSK (also Polock, Polotzk), Belarus. Scene at the Wood Market. Photo ca. 1911. BFC-01627 POLOTSK (also Polock, Polotzk), Belarus. No. 11, Tabachnaya Street - a tipical house in a provincial town. The signs read: Tabachnaya 11; The F. Zlatkin's Grpcery Store. Photo ca. 1911. BFC-01628 POLOTSK (also Polock, Polotzk), Belarus. Scene at the Meat Market. Photo ca. 1911. BFC-01629 POLOTSK (also Polock, Polotzk), Belarus. Scene at the Bread Market. The store signs read: A. N. Zhirkovskij's ConfectionaryStore (variants: Zhirkovsky, Zyrkowski); Shulkin's Grocery Store (variants:Szulkin). Photo ca. 1911. BFC-01630 POLOTSK (also Polock, Polotzk), Belarus. Winter scene on the Dvina River. Women washing clothes in the ice-hole. Photo ca. 1911. BFC-01896 POLOTSK (also Polock, Polotzk), Belarus. Jewish family photo, unidentified. Photographer: I. Bernshtejn (variants Berensztejn, Bernshtayn, Berenstain, Berenstein, Bernstein) Studio in Poltsk. Photo early 1900's. BFC-00784 POLTAVA, Ukraine. View of the Sobornaya (Cathedral) Square and the Cathedral, built in 1770. Photo 1912. BFC-00785 POLTAVA, Ukraine. Petrovskaya (Peter the Great) Street. Ink drawing aftera 1902 photograph. BFC-00786 POLTAVA, Ukraine. Column of Glory, commemorating the battle between Swedish and Russian armies on June 27, 1709. Built in 1809. Photo 1908. BFC-00918 POLTAVA, Ukraine. View at the outskirts of the city with the Krestovozdvizhensky Monastery. Photo 1890's. BFC-00919 POLTAVA, Ukraine. Building of the Public Education Society, opened in 1901. Photo 1901. BFC-00920 POLTAVA, Ukraine. Panoramic view of the central part of the city. Bigbuilding in the foreground is the City Gymnasium (Secondary School) whichRussian writer Nicholas Gogol attended in 1819-1820. Photo 1901. BFC-01365 POLTAVA, Ukraine. Stone synagogue, exterior. Photo 1904. BFC-01836 POLTAVA, Ukraine. Talmud-Torah School. Photo 1901. BFC-01854 POLTAVA, Ukraine, . Braudo, Menakhem-Mendel'. Identification photograph. Photographer: D. Meerovich in Poltava. Photo 1912. BFC-03043 POLTAVA, Ukraine. View of the railroad station with a water tower. Photo 1901. BFC-00082 PONARY, Lithuania. Cabin of railroad maintenance employees - silent witness of the tragedy of the Lithuanian Jews during the World War II. Photo 1977. BFC-00080 PONARY, Lithuania. Ceramic insulator on a pine tree. High volume electric wires surrounding the concentration camp in Ponary during the World War II were mounted on such insulators. Photo 1977. BFC-00742 PONARY, Lithuania. A blackboard with inscription in Lithuanian and Russian near the remains of a pit in which about 15,000 Jews were slaughtered bythe Nazis and Lithuanian police during World War II. The inscription reads:In this place in 1941-1942 Fascists executed more than 15,000 Soviet people. During excavations in August, 1944 about 12,000 unburned bodies were uncovered. Photo 1983. BFC-00744 PONARY, Lithuania. Blackboard with an inscription in Lithuanian and Russian near the pit in which patients and personnel of a hospital, children from an orphanage, other 25,000 Jews were killed by the Nazis during World War II. The inscription reads: On this place Fascists shot to death patients and personnel of a hospital, also children from an orphanage as well as thousands of other Soviet citizens. During excavations in August, 1944 about 25,000 bodies were uncovered. Photo 1983. BFC-00738 PONARY, Lithuania. Monument at the place of slaughter of about 100,000 Lithuanian Jews by the Nazis and Lithuanian police during World War II. Photo 1983 BFC-00739 PONARY, Lithuania. Monument at the place of slaughter of about 100,100 Lithuanian Jews by the Nazis and Lithuanian police during World War II. The inscription reads: To Victims of the Nazi Terror, 1941-1944. Photo 1983. BFC-00740 PONARY, Lithuania. Monument at the place of slaughter of about 100,000 Lithuanian Jews by the Nazis and Lithuanian police during World War II. Photo 1983. BFC-00745 PONARY, Lithuania. Remains of a large pit in which patients and personnel of a hospital, children from an orphanage and other 25,000 Jews were killed by the Nazis and Lithuanian police during World War II. Photo 1983 BFC-00746 PONARY, Lithuania. Remains of a large pit in which between 15 and 26 thousand Lithuanian Jews were killed by the Nazis and Lithuanian police during World War II. Photo 1983. BFC-00741 PONARY, Lithuania. Remains of a large pit, in which about 15,000 Jews were slaughtered by the Nazis and Lithuanian police during World War II. Photo 1983. BFC-00743 PONARY, Lithuania. Remains of a large pit in which about 26,000 Jews were slaughtered by the Nazis and Lithuanian police during World War II. Photo 1983. BFC-00083 PONARY, Lithuania. Memorial complex under construction on the place of a pit in which Lithuanian Jews were slaughtered during the World War II. Photo January, 1978. BFC-00084 PONARY, Lithuania. Memorial complex under construction on the place of a pit in which Lithuanian Jews were slaughtered during the World War II. Photo January, 1978. BFC-00048 PONARY, Lithuania. Monument on the place of slaughter of about 100,000 Lithuanian Jews during World War II. Photo 1977. BFC-00073 PONARY, Lithuania. A pit, place of slaughter of Lithuanian Jews during World War II. Photo 1978. BFC-00081 PONARY, Lithuania. Road towards the city of Baranovichi in Belarus washere during the World War II.Escapees from the concentration camp in Ponary in April 1944 crossed it on their way to freedom.Photo 1977. BFC-00052 PONARY, Lithuania. Ceramic souvenir medal, 2.75" DIA with the inscription in Lithuanian "Ponary, 1941-1944". Photo 1983. BFC-00049 PONARY, Lithuania. Entrance to the museum. Photo 1978. BFC-00050 PONARY, Lithuania. Entrance to the museum. Bronze bas-relief with the inscription in Lithuanian "Be damned, murderers!" Photo 1978. BFC-00051 PONARY, Lithuania. Entrance to the museum. Bronze bas-relief with the inscription in Lithuanian "Ponary, 1941-1944". Photo 1978. BFC-00071 PONARY, Lithuania. View of the forest, in which concentration camp anda place of slaughter of 100,000 Lithuanian Jews were during World War II. Photo 1977. BFC-00073 PONARY, Lithuania. View of the forest in which the concentration camp and the place of slaughter of Lithuanian Jews was during the World War II. Photo 1977 BFC-00079 PONARY, Lithuania. Forest. Photo 1977. BFC-00069 PONARY, Lithuania. Front cover of the small book in Yiddish "The Ponary Museum", 1966, the only Yiddish publication in Vilnius after the World War II. BFC-00065 PONARY, Lithuania. Museum. Stick of a Ghetto policeman. Photo 1978. BFC-00060 PONARY, Lithuania. Museum. Part of the display. Four photographs, one of them is of a wall with an inscription in Yiddish: "Tomorrow we will be driven to Ponary" and signatures of Svirsky and another, illegible. Photo 1978. BFC-00058 PONARY, Lithuania. Museum. Part of the display. Six photographs and a sieve used by the Nazis in 1943-1944 to sieve ash of burned bodies of murdered Jews in search for gold. Photo 1978. BFC-00059 PONARY, Lithuania. Museum. Part of the display. Several photographs of the Soviet prisoners of war killed by the Nazis in the Ponary extermination camp.Photo 1978. BFC-00061 PONARY, Lithuania. Museum. Part of the display. A piece of a plywood wall with an inscription in Yiddish "I was in the Ghetto prison. Sh." Photo 1978. BFC-00062 PONARY, Lithuania. Museum. Part of the exhibition displaying German orders and portraits of several leaders of the anti-Nazi resistance in Vilnius during World War II. Photo 1978. BFC-00063 PONARY, Lithuania. Museum. Part of the exhibition with German orders issued during German occupation of Vilnius in 1941-1944. Photo 1978. BFC-00064 PONARY, Lithuania. Museum. Part of the display. Three Stars of David found in mass graves. Photo 1978. BFC-00066 PONARY, Lithuania. Museum. Part of the exhibition displaying materials about post war trials of the Nazi war criminals in the Soviet Union. Photo1978. BFC-00053 PONARY, Lithuania. Museum. Map of Lithuania, showing all places where the Jews were murdered by the Nazis and the Lithuanian police during World War II.Photo 1978. BFC-00068 PONARY, Lithuania. Museum. A book in which visitors describe their impressionof the museum. Photo 1978. BFC-00054 PONARY, Lithuania. Museum. Part of the display. Photograph of the Ponary forest enclosed with the barbed wire fence, personal belongings of Jews killed in Ponary by the Nazis in 1941-1944. Photo 1978. BFC-00056 PONARY, Lithuania. Museum. Personal belongings of the Nazi victims foundin mass graves (scissors, keys, etc.).Photo 1978. BFC-00057 PONARY, Lithuania. Museum. Personal belongings of the Nazi victims foundin mass graves (fork, spoons, coins, etc.).Photo 1978. BFC-00055 PONARY, Lithuania. Museum. Wire which was used by the Nazis to bind hands of people before executing them during World War II. Photo 1978. BFC-00070 PONARY, Lithuania. Yuly Farber, an engineer from Kiev, taken by the Germansas a prisoner of war. Was kept in the concentration camp in the Ponary exterminationcamp. Escaped in April, 1944. Photo 1977, Moscow. BFC-00067 PONARY, Lithuania. Interior of the museum. Photo 1978. BFC-00442 PORKHOV. V.G. Zhukov paper- and linen spinning factory and soap and candle factories. Wood engraving 1846. BFC-03185 PORITSK (also Poryck) Ukraine. Wooden synagogue, built ca. 18th century. View from the North East. Photo ca. 1936. BFC-01131 PORZHEJOV (also Purschau), Czech Republic. Stone synagogue, built 18th century.Exterior view. Photo 1913. BFC-02927 POTOMAC, MD, USA. Beth Sholom Synagogue, built 1990's. Architects Levin/Brown & Associates, Inc. Interior, Bobrow Chapel. Photo 2003. BFC-00787 POZNAN, Poland. City Hall (Ratusz). Photo-lithograph 1901. Publisher: Antoni Rose in Poznan. Sent as postcard to Maria Bogenska (variant: Bogenski, Bogensky) in Vilna, Russia (currently Vilnius, Lithuania). BFC-00931 POZNAN, Poland. Nehemia's Synagogue (burned down in 1928). Interior view, looking towards Aron-Hakodesh.Photo 1914. BFC-00932 POZNAN, Poland. Old and New Synagogues, sectional views. Architectural drawing, 1908. BFC-01480 POZNAN (also Posen), Poland. View of the Old Market in front of the Ratusz (Town Hall). Store signs read: L. Kruk, Julius Latz, A. Szczerbinski (variants Scherbinski, Shcherbinsky). Photo 1910's. BFC-02053 POZNAN (also Posen), Poland. New Synagogue, exterior view. Photo early 1900's. BFC-00560 PRAHA (also Prague), Czech Republic. Old Jewish Cemetery. Photo 1947. BFC-01114 PRAHA (also Prague), Czech Republic. Old Jewish cemetery. Photo ca. 1950s. BFC-00559 PRAHA (also Prague), Czech Republic. Old-New Synagogue, originally built in XVIII century. Photo 1947. BFC-01049 PRAHA (also Prague), Czech Republic. Street scene in front of the Great Court Synagogue. Photo 1890s. BFC-03238 PRAHA (also Prague), Czech Republic Vecerni Ceske Slovo building. Photo 1930s. BFC-03239 PRAHA (also Prague), Czech Republic Palace of the Archbishop at Hradcany Square. Photo 1930s. BFC-03240 PRAHA (also Prague), Czech Republic Hradcany. Photo 1930s.. BFC-03241 PRAHA (also Prague), Czech Republic City at night. Photo 1930s.. BFC-03242 PRAHA (also Prague), Czech Republic Hradcany. Photo 1930s.. BFC-03243 PRAHA (also Prague), Czech Republic Czech Banque at night. Photo 1930s.. BFC-03244 PRAHA (also Prague), Czech Republic Staromestska Tower at night. Photo 1930s.. BFC-03245 PRAHA (also Prague), Czech Republic City at night. Photo 1930s.. BFC-03246 PRAHA (also Prague), Czech Republic City at night. Photo 1930s.. BFC-03247 PRAHA (also Prague), Czech Republic City at night. Photo 1930s.. BFC-03248 PRAHA (also Prague), Czech Republic Venceslas Square at night. Photo 1930s.. BFC-03249 PRAHA (also Prague), Czech Republic Staromestska Tower and bridge at night. Photo 1930s.. BFC-03250 PRAHA (also Prague), Czech Republic Karlov Bridge and Hradcany at night. Photo 1930s.. BFC-03251 PRAHA (also Prague), Czech Republic Karlov Bridge and Hradcany at night. Photo 1930s.. BFC-03252 PRAHA (also Prague), Czech Republic Karlov Bridge and Hradcany at night. Photo 1930s.. BFC-03253 PRAHA (also Prague), Czech Republic City at night. Photo 1930s.. BFC-03254 PRAHA (also Prague), Czech Republic City at night. Photo 1930s.. BFC-03255 PRAHA (also Prague), Czech Republic Elektricke Podniky Company. Photo 1930s.. BFC-03256 PRAHA (also Prague), Czech Republic City at night. Photo 1930s. BFC-03156 PRESHOV (also Eperies, Eperjes, Presov, Preszow), Slovakia Stone synagogue, exterior view. Photo 1890's. BFC-02846 PRIBENIK (also Perbenyik), Slovakia. Stone synagogue, exterior view. Photo 1992. BFC-01055 PRIENAI (also Pren, Preny), Lithuania. View of the town in winter. Photo ca. 1937. BFC-01056 PRIENAI (also Pren, Preny), Lithuania. Wooden synagogue, built ca. early 19th century. Exterior, view from the South. Photo 1920's. BFC-01909 PRIENAI (also Pren, Preny), Lithuania. View in town with the wooden synagogue, built ca. early 19th century. Photo early 1920's. BFC-00759 PRILUKI, Ukraine. Stone synagogue, exterior. Photo early 1900s. BFC-00210 PRINCETON, N.J. Soviet writer Ilya Ehrenburg visiting Albert Einstein during a trip to the United States. Photo 1947. BFC-03191 PROVIDENCE, RI, USA. Irene Cohen (variants: Kogan, Kogen), ten-year-old newspaper vendor. Photo November 1912. BFC-03192 PROVIDENCE, RI, USA. Irene Cohen (variants: Kogan, Kogen), ten-year-old newspaper vendor. Photo November 1912. BFC-02286 PRUZHANY (also Pruzana, Pruzany, Pruzin), Belarus. Street scene. Photo 1930's. BFC-02287 PRUZHANY (also Pruzana, Pruzany, Pruzin), Belarus. Women chatting. Photo 1930's. BFC-02029 PRZASNYSZ (also Praschnitz, Prashnits, Prossnitz), Poland. General view of the town. Photo 1941. BFC-01676 PRZEDBORZ, Poland. Wooden synagogue, built ca. 1760.Exterior, view from the North-West. Photo ca. 1936. BFC-01677 PRZEDBORZ, Poland. Wooden synagogue, built ca. 1760.Exterior, view from the North-East. Photo ca. 1936. BFC-01678 PRZEDBORZ, Poland. Wooden synagogue, built ca. 1760.Interior, view at the South wall. Photo ca. 1936. BFC-01679 PRZEDBORZ, Poland. Wooden synagogue, built ca. 1760.Interior, view at the Bimah. Photo ca. 1936. BFC-01680 PRZEDBORZ, Poland. Wooden synagogue, built ca. 1760.Interior, view at the Ark. Photo ca. 1936. BFC-01478 PRZEMYSL, Poland. View of a city square at an intersection of Mickiewicz and Dworski Streets. Photo 1920's. BFC-01256 PRZEWORSK, Poland. Stone synagogue, built 1760. View at the West entrance. Photo 1920's. BFC-01257 PRZEWORSK, Poland. Stone synagogue, built 1760. Interior, view at the Bimah. Pencil drawing 1930's. BFC-01258 PRZEWORSK, Poland. Stone synagogue, built 1760. Interior, view at the Bimah. Pencil drawing 1914. BFC-02470 PSKOV, Russia, . Iofe (variants Ioffe, Yofe, Yoffe, Jofe, Joffe), Aron Vul’fovich. Identification photograph. Photographer: M. Gerasimov. Notarized by P. Proskur. Photo 1912. BFC-02602 PSKOV, Russia, . Invoice issued by the Semen Nemtsov Fabric and Fur Store to N. Poshlin. Document 1893. BFC-02293 PUEBLO, CO, USA. Colorado Fuel and Iron Co. Steel Plant. Photo ca. 1906. BFC-01479 PULAWY (formerly Novaya Aleksandriya), Poland. Street scene in the Lubelsky (Lublin) Street. Photo 1920's. BFC-02052 PUNIA, Lithuania. Old water mill. Water color, 1902. BFC-02465 PUNTA GORDA, FL, USA. Marion Avenue, looking South-West. Photo 1910's. BFC-03046 QUEBEC CITY, Canada. View of the harbor on St. Lawrence ( Saint-Laurent) river. Hand-coloured etching 1770's. BFC-03047 QUEBEC CITY, Canada. View of Rue des Recolets in the upper town of Quebec. Hand-coloured etching 1770's. BFC-03048 QUEBEC CITY, Canada. City Hall. Photo early 1900's. BFC-03049 QUEBEC CITY, Canada. The Basilica. Store sigh on the left reads: La Roche & Co., Druggists. Photo 1905. BFC-03050 QUEBEC CITY, Canada. St. Louis Gate (La Porte St. Louis). . Photo early 1900's. BFC-03051 QUEBEC CITY, Canada. Breakneck steps. Photo early 1900's. BFC-00578 RABINOVICH, Isaac. Costume design to The Witch play by Adolph Goldfaden in the State Jewish Chamber Theatre, Moscow. 1922. BFC-00576 RABINOVICH, Isaac. Soviet theatre artist. Photo early 1920's. BFC-00577 RABINOVICH, Isaac. Stage design to the G-d of Revenge play by Sholem Ash in the State Jewish Theatre, Moscow. 1921. BFC-00579 RABINOVICH, Isaac. Stage design to The Witch play by Adolph Goldfaden in the State Jewish Chamber Theatre, Moscow, 1922. BFC-00580 RABINOVICH, Isaac. Stage scale model to The Witch play by Adolph Goldfaden in the State Jewish Chamber Theatre, Moscow, 1922. BFC-00586 RABINOVICH, Isaac. Stage design to The Earth play by P.Markish in the State Jewish Theatre, Moscow. 1930. BFC-00587 RABINOVICH, Isaac. Stage design to The Earth play by P.Markish in the State Jewish Theatre, Moscow, Russia. Photo 1930. BFC-00582 RABINOVICH, Isaac. Costume design to the Holiday in Kasrilevka play by Sholom-Aleihem in the Belarusn State Jewish Theatre. Minsk, 1926. BFC-00583 RABINOVICH, Isaac. Costume design to the Holiday in Kasrilevka play by Sholom-Aleihem in the Belarusn State Jewish Theatre. Minsk, 1926. BFC-00584 RABINOVICH, Isaac. Costumes design to the Court in Session play by I. Dobrushin in the State Jewish Theatre, Moscow. 1928. BFC-01342 RADOM, Poland. View of a city square with the synagogue. Photo 1920. BFC-03139 RADOMSKO (also Nowo Radomsko, Novoradomsk), Poland. Certificate issued by the Magistrate of Novoradomsk to owners of a furniture factory Yakov and Iosif Kon (variant: Kohn). Document 1892. BFC-01412 RADOMYSHL, Ukraine. View of the city hospital. Photo 1975. BFC-01413 RADOMYSHL, Ukraine. Private house, formerly Jewish school. Photo 1975. BFC-00695 RADVILISHKIS (also Radvilishok, Radziwiliszki), Lithuania. Monument, marking the place of execution of 4650 town Jews in 1941 by the Nazis and Lithuanian police. Photo 1983. BFC-00696 RADVILISHKIS (also Radvilishok, Radziwiliszki), Lithuania. Place of execution of 4650 town Jews in 1941 by the Nazis and Lithuanian police. Photo 1983. BFC-01435 RADVILISHKIS (also Radvilishok, Radziwiliszki), Lithuania. Railroad Station. Photo ca. 1917. BFC-03028 RADVILISHKIS (also Radvilishok, Radziwiliszki), Lithuania. View of the town in winter. Photo 1915. BFC-03029 RADVILISHKIS (also Radvilishok, Radziwiliszki), Lithuania. View of Railroad Station street. Photo 1915. BFC-03030 RADVILISHKIS (also Radvilishok, Radziwiliszki), Lithuania. View of Shavlyany street, corner of Post street. Group of Jewish residents posing for a camera with a German officer. Photo 1915. BFC-03289 RADVILISHKIS (also Radvilishok, Radziwiliszki), Lithuania. Vokzal’naya Street. Store sign reads: Barber shop. Photographer: Alfred Hirsch, Charlottenburg, Germany. Photo ca. 1916. BFC-01806 RAGUVA (also Ragova, Rogov, Rogova, Rogow, Rogove, Roguva), Lithuania. Crossing over the Neviazha river in town. Photo 1930s. BFC-01807 RAGUVA (also Ragova, Rogov, Rogova, Rogow, Rogove, Roguva), Lithuania. Beth Hamidrash (Torah Sudy House). Photo 1930s. BFC-01808 RAGUVA (also Ragova, Rogov, Rogova, Rogow, Rogove, Roguva), Lithuania. Wooden synagogue, exterior. Photo 1930s. BFC-02497 RAGUVA (also Ragova, Rogov, Rogova, Rogovo, Rogow, Rogove, Roguva), Lithuania, . Affidavit from Rogovo resident Yankel’ Khait (variants Chait, Hait), living in Baltimore, MD, USA to allow his wife Vikhna Khait, ne Shapiro (variants Sapiro, Shapir, Szapiro), a World War I refugee residing in central Russia, to request a passport. Document 1917. BFC-01207 RASEINIAI, Lithuania. View of the Vilna Street. Photo 1937. BFC-01208 RASEINIAI, Lithuania. Rabbi Moshele Markowitz. Photo 1937. BFC-01209 RASEINIAI, Lithuania. View of the Synagogue Lane. Photo 1937. BFC-01210 RASEINIAI, Lithuania. View of a street in town. Photo 1937. BFC-00248 RATNER, Herman. Bookplate in memory of an artist Marek Galperin, made for his daughter. M. Galperin was killed duringStalin's purges in 1938. The bookplate depicts a church in Kolomenskoye suburb of Moscow where M. Galperin spent his last weekend with the family. Ca. 1977. BFC-03268 RAWA MAZOWIECKA (also Rava), Poland. View of Post Street during World War I. Photo ca. 1915. Published as postcard by German army. BFC-03129 REHOVOT, Israel. Tombstone of the grave site of Chaim Weizmann. Sculptor: Moshe Tzipper. Photo 1950's. BFC-00247 REISNER, Larisa, Russian writer. Portrait by V.I Shukhaev. State Literary Museum. BFC-00132 RETSEPTER, Vladimir, St. Petersburg actor.Photo 1974. BFC-00009 REZEKNE (also Rezhitsa), Latvia. View of the town and the lake Kovshovo. Photo 1912. Postcard sent to A. Martynov in St. Petersburg. BFC-00010 REZEKNE (also Rezhitsa), Latvia. Ruins of the old castle of Rozita. Photo 1910's. BFC-00011 REZEKNE (also Rezhitsa), Latvia. A square in the center of the city with a monument to soldiers who died in the World War II. Photo May 1979. BFC-00012 REZEKNE (also Rezhitsa), Latvia. View of the old town by the river. New part of the town (built in 1950's) and the radio tower are on the horizon. Photo May 1979. BFC-00013 REZEKNE (also Rezhitsa), Latvia. View in the old town with the river and a sidewalk along it. Photo 1979. BFC-00014 REZEKNE (also Rezhitsa), Latvia. View of the old town along the river; ruins of the old castle of Rozita and the new part of the town on the horizon. Photo May 1979. BFC-00015 REZEKNE (also Rezhitsa), Latvia. View in the old town. Old unpaved road,ruins of the old Rozita castle, catholic cathedral... Photo May 1979. BFC-00016 REZEKNE, (form Rezhitsa),Latvia. View in the old town. Group of boys walking towards ruins of the old Rozita castle. Photo May 1979. BFC-00017 REZEKNE (also Rezhitsa), Latvia. View the old town. Lake Kovshovo and a panoramic view of the town with "mostki", or small pier and a wooden boat. Photo May 1979. BFC-00018 REZEKNE (also Rezhitsa), Latvia. View in the old town. Lake Kovshovo and a panoramic view of the town with "mostki", or small pier. Photo May 1979. BFC-02841 REZEKNE (also Rezhitsa), Latvia. Pasta [Post] Street. Photo 1932. Postcard sent to A. Druzinskis (also Druzhinskij, Druzhinsky) in Riga. BFC-00477 REZINA, Moldova (Bessarabia). Postcard in Yiddish sent by Moishe Belotserkovskyfrom Odessa prison to his father and brother to Rezina in Bessarabia. Dated May 24, 1910. BFC-00913 REZINA, Moldova. View of town and the Dnestr River from the West. Photo1902. BFC-03197 RICHMOND, VA, USA. Looking up Main Street. Photo 1865. BFC-01240 RIETAVAS, Lithuania. View of a town street in summer. Photo 1920's. BFC-01241 RIETAVAS, Lithuania. View of a town street with a group of children and cows. Photo 1937. BFC-01242 RIETAVAS, Lithuania. View of a town street with a group of people in front of the stores. Photo 1937. BFC-00885 RIGA, Latvia. An alley in the old town. Store sign on the left reads: Butter, Cheese, Sour cream, Honey: Ya. Vulf.Photo early 1900's. BFC-01231 RIGA, Latvia. Panoramic view of the city with the pontoon bridge across the Daugava River. Photo 1920's. BFC-01232 RIGA, Latvia. Polytechnic Institute. Photographic postcard.Signature in the upper left corner is of Alfonse Blechstein. Early 1900's. BFC-01233 RIGA, Latvia. Photograph of the central part of the city with a tall ship on the foreground, as a part of a greeting card from Riga. Russian handwriting is a greeting note to countess Helen Tolstaya. 1901. BFC-01234 RIGA, Latvia. Group of local Jews marching in parade, following annexation of Latvia by the Soviet Union. The Yiddish Banner reads: Long Live Latvian Communist Party. Photo 1940. BFC-01235 RIGA, Latvia. Isaak Buchinsky's case from the archives of the Latvian criminal police. A page with Buchinsky' photograph.1930's. BFC-01236 RIGA, Latvia. Group of Jewish men being deported to Nazi death camps. Photo 1942. BFC-01259 RIGA, Latvia. Stone synagogue on Bahhoffstrasse, built 1868-1871. Exterior view. Photo 1904. BFC-01260 RIGA, Latvia. Night view at the city on fire (St. Petersburg suburb) during the Russo-French war of 1812. Lithograph 1820's. BFC-01643 RIGA, Latvia. View of the city from the Daugava River. Photo 1901. BFC-01992 RIGA, Latvia. View of Theatre Boulevard. The street was renamed Padomju Boulevard in 1945-1990, and Aspazijas Boulevard after 1990. The building on the right is the Latvian University, School of Economics; the building at the distance is the Theatre. Photo early 1900's. BFC-01867 RIGA, Latvia, . Notarized affidavit issued to Zalman Brider to confirm that he is a Lithuanian citizen registered in the Shavli (also Shiauliai) district, town of Yanishki (Jonishkis, Yanishok).Signed by Aron Gelvan and Haim Levin. Photo of Zalman Brider is attached. Document 1924. BFC-01868 RIGA, Latvia, . Luba Brisk. Notarized copy of the birth record on the letterhead of the Riga Rabbi. Parents: Joseph Brisk from Zhagare, Lithuania, and Gita Shapiro. Document 1936. BFC-01882 RIGA, Latvia, . Certificate issued to Motel Karis, registered resident of Telshiai, Lithuania as unfit for military service. Issued by the Lithuanian Representative in Latvia and Estonia, possibly in Riga. Document 1919. BFC-01888 RIGA, Latvia, . Meer Barbakov. Notarized copy of the birth record on the letterhead of the Riga Rabbi. Parents: Abel’ Barbakov from Belarus and Luba Gofman. Signed by Riga Rabbi M. Zak. Document 1921. BFC-01892 RIGA, Latvia, . Letter (envelope) from the E. Berkowitz’s Metal Works to H. Hillmann in Nürnberg, Germany. Document 1929. BFC-01898 RIGA, Latvia, . Marriage contract (Ketubah) from Petrograd between Rabbi Israel, son of Rabbi Itzhak Mordechaj Rabinovich and Badana, daughter of Tsadok HaCohen Berkovich. Witnesses: Ephraim Katz (?) son of Rabbi Dov Ber Lejb, and Braukh son of Shalom Belitskij (?). Certified later by Riga Rabbi M. Zak. Document 1919-1927. BFC-02409 RIGA, Latvia, . Godes (also Godess, Hodes), Nokhum. Notarized copy of the birth record on the letterhead of the Riga Rabbi. Parents: Berel Godes and Mera Zelda nee Itsikson (also Itzikoson). Signed by Riga Rabbi M. Zak. Document 1923. BFC-02410 RIGA, Latvia, . Notarized copy of a marriage record on the letterhead of the Riga Rabbi. Bridegroom: Godes (also Godess, Hodes), Izrael; bride: Gelbarts (also Gelbartz), Roza . Signed by Riga Rabbi M. Zak. Document 1934. BFC-02411 RIGA, Latvia, . Godess (also Godess, Hodes), Estere. Notarized copy of the birth record on the letterhead of the Riga Rabbi. Parents: Izraelis and Roza. Signed by Riga Rabbi M. Zak. Document 1935. BFC-02467 RIGA, Latvia, . Postcard to Emile Horowitz (variants Gorovits, Gorovets) from Laon, France. Document 1900. BFC-02479 RIGA, Latvia, . Affidavit issued to Sholim Kanter (variants Canter, Cantor, Kantor) to confirm his poor eyesight. Signed by Dr. Kudener. Sh. Kanter’s photo is attached. Document 1919. BFC-02532 RIGA, Latvia, . Affidavit issued to Iosif-Mikhel Kurin to confirm his permanent residence in Utena, Kovno Province. Signed by Public Notary E. Trautsolt. Document 1919. BFC-02623 RIGA, Latvia, . Ilja Press (variant Pres), born in Riga and Hiena Reiners (variant Reiner), born in Daugavpils. Marriage record, certified copy. Witnesses: Raele and Chaim Deic. Rabbi: M. Zak. Document 1939. BFC-02638 RIGA, Latvia, . Ruzhanskij (variants Ruzansky, Rusansky), Semen Davidovich. Communist Party membership card. Photograph is attached. Document 1974. BFC-02644 RIGA, Latvia, . Unidenfied Jewish man in military uniform. Inscribed to Samuil and Manya from Isaak. Photo 1900. BFC-02649 RIGA, Latvia, . Passport issued by the German administration to Betty Sacks, ne Hellstein. Photograph is enclosed. Document 1917. Copy price coefficient for eight pages: 3.0 BFC-02688 RIGA, Latvia, . Stupel’ (variants Stupel, Sztupel) Mikhel Shaiovich. Passport. Issued in Telshiai, Lithuania. Residence listed in Riga, Moscow, Pavlograd ( rented in Talaganov’s and Makhmyrshtejn’s houses), Podolsk. Document 1914. Copy price coefficient for 16 pages: 4.0 BFC-02717 RIGA, Latvia, . Vagengejm (variant Wagenheim), Abram from Zhagory, Lithuania, and Girshfeld (variants Hirshfeld, Hirschfeld), Fejga. Marriage record. Signed by Riga Rabbi M. Zak. Document 1920. BFC-02722 RIGA, Latvia, . Passport issued by the German administration to Sunder (?) Wagenheim, ne Morschot. Photograph is enclosed. Document 1917. Copy price coefficient for eight pages: 3.0 BFC-02752 RIGA, Latvia, . Certificate issued to Movsha Zelbovich (variants Zelbovitz, Zelbowicz) and Sheina Lanesman. Signed by Riga Rabbi M. Zak. Document 1929. BFC-02754 RIGA, Latvia, . Zilber, Iosel, borkn in Kupishkis, Lithuaania. Certificate issued by the Military Representative of Lithuania in Latvia. Photograph is attached. Document 1919. BFC-03113 RIGA, Latvia. Panoramic view of the city from Daugava, with steamers Norra Finland and Deutschland anchored. Photo 1908. BFC-03173 RIGA, Latvia. Aspazijas Boulevard. Photo ca. 1929. BFC-03174 RIGA, Latvia. View of the Eastern part of the city from the belfry of the cathedral. Banner advertisement reads: Baltijskaya Mirror Factory and Retail Store. Photo ca. 1917. BFC-03175 RIGA, Latvia. Street scene in fron of the Stock Exchange. Store sign reads: C. Jansohn (variant: Yanson); Photo ca. 1917. BFC-03176 RIGA, Latvia. Old Town in ruins. Photo 1941. BFC-03177 RIGA, Latvia. Street scene in front of the Dunaburg (also Dvinsk, Daugavpils) Railroad Station. Photo 1917. BFC-03310 RIGA, Latvia. Passport issued by the German administration to Riga resident Simon Brander, born in Friedrichstadt. Photograph is attached. Document 1917. Copy price coefficient for eight pages: 3.0 BFC-00487 RIJEKA (also Fiume), Croatia. Emigrants in line waiting to go on board of the Steam Ship Carpathia. Photo 1906. BFC-03165 ROCHESTER, NY, USA The Aqueduct from Court Street Bridge. Business signs read: The Lawyers Cooperative Publishing Company; Burke & White Bookbinders; E. R. Andrews Printing Company; Rochester Dental Mfg. Co.; Show Case Works; Undermills Phonography. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02939 ROCKVILLE, MD, USA. DoubleTree Hotel. Interior view, atrium. Photo January 2003. BFC-02940 ROCKVILLE, MD, USA. DoubleTree Hotel. Interior view, front lobby area. Photo January 2003. BFC-01380 ROGACHEV, Belarus. View of the town from the Dnepr river. Photo 1904. BFC-01381 ROGACHEV, Belarus. Castle of the Polish Queen Bona. Photo 1904. BFC-00311 ROGOZHENY, Moldova. A railroad station. (South-West Railroad, Rybnitsa-Beltsy section).Photo ca. 1904. BFC-00713 ROKISHKIS (also Rakishik, Rakishki, Rakishok, Rakiszki, Rokishki, Rokishok), Lithuania. Monument to Yakov Smushkevich, a native from the town. Smushkevich was fighter pilot, twice awarded with the highest Soviet award - golden Star of the Hero of the Soviet Union. Photo 1983. BFC-00714 ROKISHKIS (also Rakishik, Rakishki, Rakishok, Rakiszki, Rokishki, Rokishok), Lithuania. Monument to Yakov Smushkevich, a native from the town. Smushkevich was fighter pilot, twice awarded with the highest Soviet award - golden Star of the Hero of the Soviet Union. Photo 1983. BFC-00726 ROKISHKIS (also Rakishik, Rakishki, Rakishok, Rakiszki, Rokishki, Rokishok), Lithuania. Mass graves in the Iodupe forest near the town, where on 15-16 of August, 1941 several thousand Jews were murdered by the Nazis and Lithuanian police. Photo 1983. BFC-00727 ROKISHKIS (also Rakishik, Rakishki, Rakishok, Rakiszki, Rokishki, Rokishok), Lithuania. Monument at the mass graves in the Iodupe forest near the town, where on 15-16 of August, 1941 several thousand Jews were murdered by the Nazis and Lithuanian police. Photo 1983. BFC-00728 ROKISHKIS (also Rakishik, Rakishki, Rakishok, Rakiszki, Rokishki, Rokishok), Lithuania. Monument at the mass graves in the Iodupe forest near the town, where on 15-16 of August, 1941 several thousand Jews were murdered by the Nazis andLithuanian police. The inscription in Russian, Lithuanian and Yiddish reads: Here found rest those killed by Lithuanian-German nationalists on 15-16 of August, 1941. Photo 1983. BFC-01877 ROKISHKIS (also Rakishik, Rakishki, Rakishok, Rakiszki, Rokishki, Rokishok), Lithuania, . Letter from Chasse Volpertene (variants Volpert, Wolpert) to JM Mayer in Chandler, OK, USA. Document 1925. BFC-02492 ROKISHKIS (also Rakishik, Rakishki, Rakishok, Rakiszki, Rokishki, Rokishok), Lithuania, . Passport issued by the German administration to Sprintza Katz (variants Kac, Kats), nee Melach (variants Melakh, Melech). Born in Janusilishki (?) Photograph is enclosed. Document 1917. Copy price coefficient for eight pages: 3.0 BFC-00374 ROMAIN. A nobleman's house. Photo ca. 1910. BFC-00373 ROMAIN. A street. Photo ca. 1910. BFC-00375 ROMAIN. Main Street. Photo ca. 1910. BFC-01387 ROME, Italy. Street in the old Jewish Ghetto. Photo 1979. BFC-02420 ROME, Italy. Titus’ Arch. Photo early 1900's. BFC-01923 ROMNY, Ukarine, . Studio photo of two Jewish friends, inscribed by one of them to his sister Anna and signed I. Drubetskoj. L. Sanin’s studioin Romny. Photo 1902. BFC-02459 ROMNY, Ukarine, . Studio photo of four young ladies: Anya Novosladnaya (?), Yulia Kuzes, Sofiya Ginzburg (also Ginsburg, Gintzburg), Khana Mendel. Photo 1918. BFC-02315 ROMORANTIN, France. La Rue de Venise. Photo early 1900's. BFC-00605 ROSNOVSKY, Anna, an Israeli violinist at a concert on behalf of her sister, who has been refused emigration from the Soviet Union since 1974. Washington, DC. 3 October 1985. BFC-01440 ROSTOV (Yaroslavl' region), Russia. Uspenskii Cathedral built in the 10th century. Exterior. Photo 1898. BFC-00317 ROSTOV-NA-DONU, Russia. Taganrog Avenue. Photo ca. 1910. BFC-00318 ROSTOV-NA-DONU, Russia. General view. Photo ca. 1910. BFC-00319 ROSTOV-NA-DONU, Russia. Sadovaya Street. Photo ca. 1910. BFC-00320 ROSTOV-NA-DONU, Russia. Bolshaya Sadovaya Street. Photo ca. 1910. BFC-00321 ROSTOV-NA-DONU, Russia. Moscow Street and the Tsar Alexander II monument. Photo ca. 1910. BFC-00322 ROSTOV-NA-DONU, Russia. Moscow Street and a Cathedral. Photo ca. 1910. BFC-03123 ROSTOV-na_DONU, Russia. View of Kislovodsk with the hotel and the Krasnye Kamni observation deck. Photo ca. 1912. Postcard sent to Dr. Boris Abramovich Reznikov in Rostov-na-Donu. BFC-00958 ROTTERDAM, Netherlands. Heubrug area of the city. Photo 1910's. BFC-00959 ROTTERDAM, Netherlands. View at the Nieuwe Schiebrug (New Schiebrug) and Delftsche Poort (Delfts Gate). Photo 1906. BFC-00219 RIVNE (also Rovno, Rowno), Ukraine. Synagogue. Exterior. Photo 1915. BFC-01464 RIVNE (also Rovno, Rowno), Ukraine. Scene at the railroad station. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02994 RIVNE (also Rovno, Rowno), Ukraine. Jewish street on a Sunday. Photo 1920's. BFC-02995 RIVNE (also Rovno, Rowno), Ukraine. Shossejna Street. Crowds strolling on a Saturday evening. Street signs read: Kawiarnia (Coffee Shop), Futer’s Store. Photo 1920's. BFC-02996 RIVNE (also Rovno, Rowno), Ukraine. Market scene soon after Soviet occupation of Western Ukraine. Photo September 1939. BFC-02997 RIVNE (also Rovno, Rowno), Ukraine. Main Post Office. Photo 1930's. BFC-03344 ROZAN (also Rizan, Rozhan, Ruzan, Ruzhan), Poland. Jewish children and a German officer near the ruins of the Russian fortress. 1915. BFC-01815 ROZDOL (also Rozdul), Ukraine. Wooden synagogue, built in the 18th century. Exterior view. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02992 ROZHISHCHE (also Rozistchov, Rozishts, Rozyszcze), Ukraine. Street scene. On the foreground is coachman Shimon Yosef. Photo ca. 1920's. BFC-02709 RUDNYA, Mogilev Province, Belarus, . Vilenkin, Mikhel’ Shmerkov. Identification photograph. Photographer: A. Makovsky in Vitebsk. Photo 1916. BFC-00471 RUSNE (also Russ, Pamarys), Lithuania. View in town with a synagogue. Photo early 1900's. BFC-00393 Russia, . Scene from Jewish life. Group of Jews currying. Photo ca. 1905. BFC-00408 Russia, . Scene from Jewish life. Call for Prayer. Wood engraving 1846. BFC-00409 Russia, . Scene from Jewish life. Cheder. Wood engraving 1846. BFC-00410 Russia, . Scene from Jewish life. Greeting the new moon. Wood engraving 1846. BFC-00411 Russia, . Scene from Jewish life. Celebrating Sukkot. Wood engraving 1846. BFC-00412 Russia, . Scene from Jewish life. Tashlich. Wood engraving 1846. BFC-00413 Russia, . Synagogue, interior. Wood engraving 1846. BFC-00414 Russia, . Scene from Jewish life. Wedding. Wood engraving 1846. BFC-00415 Russia, . Scene from Jewish life. Celebrating Purim. Wood engraving 1846. BFC-00479 Russia, . Portrait of a Jewess by the famous Russian poet Alexander Pushkin (Drawing from Pushkin's notebook No. 2365). Inc drawing, 1821. BFC-00480 Russia, . Praying old Jewish man. Painting by a Russian artist Ilya Repin. 1875. BFC-00486 Russia, . Portrait of a young Jew by the Russian artist V.D. Polenov. 1884. BFC-01885 Russia, . Angret, Danill Moiseevich. Military identification photograph. Photo 1951. BFC-02403 Russia, . Gol’denberg (also Goldenberg), Vladimir Petrovich. Military identification photograph. Photo 1956. BFC-02404 Russia, . Gol’denberg (also Goldenberg), Vladimir Petrovich. Military identification photograph. Photo 1957. BFC-02405 Russia, . Gorelik, Abram L’vovich. Military identification photograph. Photo 1957. BFC-02406 Russia, . Glinberg Ya. D. Military identification photograph. Photo 1952. BFC-02412 Russia, . Gol’dzberg (aslo Goldzberg) I. E. Military identification photograph. Photo 1948. BFC-02413 Russia, . Glozman L. L. Military identification photograph. Photo 1951. BFC-02414 Russia, . Gamburg R. L. Military identification photograph. Photo 1982. BFC-02415 Russia, . Gartsman (also Gartzman) N. L. Military identification photograph. Photo 1948. BFC-02416 Russia, . Ginberg I. A. Military identification photograph. Photo ca. 1950's. BFC-02417 Russia, . Gel’fon, D., (also Gelfon). Studio portrait. Inscribed to O. Sladkina; mailed to Orel via G. Lipmanovich. Photo 1908. BFC-02484 Russia, . Kalika, Favel’ Moiseevich. Military identification photograph. Photo 1951. BFC-02485 Russia, . Kats (variants Kac, Katz), Grogorij Mikhajlovich. Military identification photograph. Photo ca. 1950's. BFC-02486 Russia, . Kogan, Pinkhus Abramovich. Military identification photograph. Photo 1952. BFC-02487 Russia, . Khesin (variant Chesin), Lejb-Yankel’. Military identification photograph. Photo 1962. BFC-02490 RUSSIA . V. Shelomovich (?). Studio photograph. Photo 1928. BFC-02491 Russia, . Khais (variants Chais, Hais), Mikhail Abramovich. Military identification photograph. Photo ca. 1950's. BFC-02527 RUSSIA, Oscar Kamionsky, opera singer (baritone). 1869-1917. Born in Kiev, died in Yalta. Studio portrait. Photographer: E.L. Photo 1910's. BFC-02528 RUSSIA, Krasnovskij (variant Krasnovsky), Naum Isaakovich. Military identification photograph. Photo 1957. BFC-02529 RUSSIA, Krichman, Aleksandr Naumovich. Military identification photograph. Photo 1959. BFC-02530 RUSSIA, Krishtal (variants Crystal, Kristal, Krysztal). Military identification photograph. Photo ca. 1950s. BFC-02531 RUSSIA, Krutier, Yuzya Abramovich. Military identification photograph. Photo 1951. BFC-02534 Russia, . Kubelsky (variants Kubelski, Kubelskij) family photograph. The inscription reads "From Samuil, Paulina, and Khanya Kubelsky, with good memories". Photo 1908. BFC-02541 Russia, . Landa, Lev Borisovich. Certificate issued on completion of the courses for the Black Sea Fleet Reserve officers. Lev Landa’s photograph is attached. Document 1948. BFC-02545 Russia, . Levin, Fedor Isakovich. Certificate issued by the People’s Commissar (Ministry) of Defense to give F. Levin the rank of major. Levin’s photographs is attached. Document 1942. BFC-02546 Russia, . Levin, Fedor Isakovich. Certificate issued by the People’s Commissar (Ministry) of Defense to give F. Levin the rank of Sr. Political Commissar. Signed by Brigade Commander Shakht. Levin’s photographs is attached. Document 1938. BFC-02549 Russia, . Levin, Fedor Isakovich. Certificate issued by the Tactical Aviation School of the Red Army to give F. Levin the rank of Junior Technician. Signed by Brigade Commander Shakht. Levin’s photographs is attached. Document 1938. BFC-02555 Russia, . Lurye (variants Lurie, Lur’ye), Sara-Goda. Identification photograph for the S. L. Zalesskaya’s Private School. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02563 Russia, . Levi (variants Levy, Lewi), E. and F. Studio portrait. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02564 RUSSIA, Lebedinskij (variant Lebedinsky), Izrail’ Naumovich. Military identification photograph. Photo 1952. BFC-02566 RUSSIA, Likhovetskij (variant Lichovetsky, Lichowecki), Mikhail Efimovich. Military identification photograph. Photo 1963. BFC-02567 RUSSIA, Levit (variants Levitt, Lewit)’ Yakov Vul’fovich. Military identification photograph. Photo 1958. BFC-02568 RUSSIA, Lifshits (variants Lifshitz, Lifszyc) Naum Zalmanovich. Military identification photograph. Photo 1951. BFC-02571 RUSSIA, . Lisavetskij (variants Lisovetsky, Lisowiecki), Meer Nusimovich. Certificate issued by the 5th Army on completion a course in military tactics by Lisavetsky. Document 1943. BFC-02582 RUSSIA, Matles, Ilya Yakovlevich. Military identification photograph. Photo 1960. BFC-02603 RUSSIA, Nemets, Lev Lazarevich. Military identification photograph. Photo ca. 1950's. BFC-02610 RUSSIA, Ojstrakh (variants Oistrach, Oystrakh), Miosej Shliomovich. Military identification photograph. Photo 1959. BFC-02611 RUSSIA, Ostrovskij (variants Ostrovsky, Ostrowski), Zel’man Aronovich. Military identification photograph. Photo 1956. BFC-02616 RUSSIA, Pastel, Lev Abramovich. Military identification photograph. Photo ca. 1950's. BFC-02617 RUSSIA, Pekelis, Lev Yakovlevich. Military identification photograph. Photo ca. 1950's. BFC-02618 RUSSIA, Pliner, Grigorij Solomonovch. Meerovich. Military identification photograph. Photo 1958. BFC-02628 RUSSIA, . Rabinovich (variants Rabinovitch, Rabinovitsch, Rabinowicz, Rabinowitz), Iosif Abramovich. Military identification photograph. Photo 1958. BFC-02634 RUSSIA, . Rojzin (variants Roizin, Roisin), Ovsej Bentsionovich. Military identification photograph. Photo 1953. BFC-02635 RUSSIA, . Rakhlin (variant Rachlin), Leonid Sulimovich. Military identification photograph. Photo 1957. BFC-02647 RUSSIA, . Sankin, Arkadij Semenovich. Military identification photograph. Photo 1951. BFC-02650 Russia, Sandler, Natan Mikhajlovich. Military Oath of Allegiance. Document 1939. BFC-02657 Russia, . Serlin, Boris Ilyich. Military identification photograph. Certified by S. German. Photo ca. 1950's. BFC-02658 Russia, . Snarskij (variant Snarski, Snarsky), Noj Isakovich. Military identification photograph. Certified by N. Lubkovsky. Photo 1950. BFC-02667 Russia, . Shaposhnikov family. Studio photograph. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02669 Russia, . Sharkanskaya (variants Sharkansky, Szarkanski), Tsetsiliya Iosifovna. Military identification photograph. Certified by A. Beltyukov. Photo 1959. BFC-02676 Russia, . Shor, Shmul’ Pinevich. Military identification photograph. Photo ca. 1950's. BFC-02677 Russia, . Shmidt, Sun’ Grigoryevich. Military identification photograph. Photo 1951. BFC-02685 Russia, . Shtern (variants Stern, Sztern), Gdal’ Shaevich. Military identification photograph. Photo 1950. BFC-02686 Russia, . Shvartsman (variants Shwartzman, Szwarcman), Lev Emmanuilovich. Military identification photograph. Photo 1966. BFC-02687 Russia, . Shrajber (variants Shraiber, Szrajber), Leonid Arkadyevich. Military identification photograph. Photo 1959. BFC-02697 Russia, . Tentser (variants Tenser, Tenzer), Yuly Grigoryevich. Military identification photograph. Photo 1957. BFC-02703 Russia, . Teplitskij (variants Teplitsky, Teplitzky), Nikolaj Emanuilovich. Certificate of Gratitude for participation on World War II battles. Document 1945. BFC-02707 Russia, . Usharenko, Shulim Moiseevich. Military identification photograph. Photo ca. 1950's. BFC-02710 Russia, . Vajner (also Vayner, Wajner, Wayner), Moisej Naumovich. Military identification photograph. Photo 1950. BFC-02712 Russia, . Viner (also Vyner, Wyner), Vladimir Mikhajlovich. Military identification photograph. Photo 1949. BFC-02714 Russia, . Vajsman (also Vaisman, Vaysman, Waisman), Nasandr Abramovich. Military identification photograph. Photo 1952. BFC-02715 Russia, . Vajs (also Vais, Waiss, Weiss), Khaim Gershkovich. Military identification photograph. Signed by A. Kotlyarov. Photo 1960. BFC-02716 Russia, . Vasserman (variants Vaserman, Waserman), Mikhail Aronovich. Military identification photograph. Photo 1952. BFC-02739 Russia, . Yazhbin, Shaya Moiseevich. Certificate to the medal “40 Years of Victory in Great Patriotic War". Document 1985. BFC-02741 Russia, . Zeldovich, Liba-Ester Yankelevna. Identification photograph. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02743 Russia, . Zamoshch (variant Zamoszcz), Lev Moiseevich. Military identification photograph. Photo ca. 1950's. BFC-02744 Russia, . Zeldes, Boris Isaevich. Military identification photograph. Photo 1947. BFC-02745 Russia, . Zints (variant Zintz), Samuil Mikhajlovich. Military identification photograph. Photo 1947. BFC-02746 Russia, . Zejlinger (Zeilinger, Zejlinger), Lev Kharitonovich. Military identification photograph. Photo 1951. BFC-02747 Russia, . Zejlinger (Zeilinger, Zejlinger), Lev Kharitonovich. Military identification photograph. Photo 1951. BFC-02964 Russia, . Jewish glazier and merchant. Photo ca. 1899. BFC-02978 Russia, . Yudl Zunshtein (variant: Zunshtejn, Zunsztejn). Studio portrait taken in the German internment camp Haltzminden. Inscribed to "good friend" R. Mendelson (variant: Mendelsohn). Photo dated 27 Tishrei 5677 (24 October 1916). BFC-03152 RUSSIA / USSR, . Portrait of Hero of the Soviet Union, Senior Lieutenant, Artillery regiment, unidentified. Photo 1940's. BFC-03198 RUSSIA (USSR), . Taubin, Yakov Grigoryevich. 1900-1941. Soviet weapons designer. Executed by Stalin’s order. Article from a Soviet magazine. Two photographs, daughter L. Bessonov listed. Document 1990. 19091117001_Lyudmila_Lisitsky Russia. Lyudmila Lisitsky (Людмила Лисицкая). Studio photo, inscribed to Semen Iudovich Rif (Семен Иудович Риф). Photo 1909. BFC-01086 RYMANOW, Poland. View at the market square, burned down during World War I. Photo ca. 1915. BFC-00880 RZESZOW, Poland. General view of the city. Photo ca. 1970. BFC-00881 RZESZOW, Poland. Architectural measurements of the two synagogues. Top: Floor plan of the Old Synagogue; Bottom: Section view (through the Bimah) and the floor plan of the Old-New Synagogue. 1905. BFC-01611 RZESZOW, Poland. Stone synagogue, interior. View at the Bimah. Drawing 1930's. BFC-01660 RZESZOW, Poland. View of the central square with the City Hall.Store sign on the left reads: APTEKA (Pharmacy). Photo 1920's. BFC-01661 RZESZOW, Poland. View of Jewish Street. Photo 1920's. BFC-01662 RZESZOW, Poland. View at the Market Square. Store sins read: Obadia Kalter, Herman Spielman, Chaim Teitelbaum. Photo 1920's. BFC-01663 RZESZOW, Poland. Two Yeshiva boys studying Talmud. Photo 1920's. BFC-01664 RZESZOW, Poland. Classroom in a Rzeszow Yeshiva.1) Zalman Nussbaum, later settled in Israel; 2) Dovid Miller, died in Holocaust; 3) Reb Yosef Reich, the Melamed, died in Holocaust; 4) Moshe Mintz, died in Holocaust; 5) Shlomo ?, died in Holocaust; 6) ?; 7) ?; 8)? ; 9) Rafael ?, died in Holocaust; 10) ?; 11) Berisz/Bernard Goldman, lives in Bayonne, NJ (February 1997); 12) Tuvia Halberstam, died in the U.S. ca. 1980. Photo ca. 1925. BFC-03199 RZESZOW, Poland. Stone synagogue. Exterior view. Photo 1911. BFC-03200 RZESZOW, Poland. Street scene in the Jewish part of the town. Photo 1900. BFC-03201 RZESZOW, Poland. Market square. Photo early 1900s. BFC-03202 RZESZOW, Poland. Kosciszko Street. Street signs reads: Susie Lerner; Jejsef Finks’ Factory (Yiddish sign, partially legible). Photo early 1900s. BFC-03203 RZESZOW, Poland. Krakowska Street. Photo 1902. BFC-03204 RZESZOW, Poland. Novomejska Synagogue. Exterior view. Drawing 1930s. BFC-00767 RZHYSHCHIV (also Rzyshchev, Rzyszczow), Ukraine. Market. Store sign reads: [R. M.] Rybalskaya’s Fabric Trade. Photo early 1900's. BFC-00768 RZHYSHCHIV (also Rzyshchev, Rzyszczow), Ukraine. Street scene in the Jewish area of the town. Advertisement on the lower right reads: Warsaw Barber; Yiddish handwriting with an arrow reads: A house where [Yiddish writer] Lamed Shapiro was born and grew up. Photo early 1900's. BFC-01821 SADGURA (also Sadagora, Sadagura, Sadgora), Ukraine. Residence of the Tzaddiks. Destroyed in World War I. Photo early 1900's. BFC-01822 SADGURA (also Sadagora, Sadagura, Sadgora), Ukraine. Palace of the dynasty of the Tzaddiks. Destroyed in World War I. Photo early 1900's. BFC-03196 SADGURA (also Sadagora, Sadagura, Sadgora), Ukraine. Palace of the "Wonder Rabbi". Photo early 1900's. BFC-01371 SALAKAS, Lithuania. View of a Hasidic Prayer House with a group of children. Photo ca. 1937. BFC-01372 SALAKAS, Lithuania. The Prayer House, exterior. Photo ca. 1937. BFC-01269 SALANTAI, Lithuania. View of the town with the market square.Photo ca. 1937. BFC-01270 SALANTAI, Lithuania. Gabriel Feinberg, Rabbi of Salantai in 1930's. Photo 1930's. BFC-02609 SALEM, NY, USA, . Opperman, Robert. Studio portrait. Photographer: Compton’s Studio. Photo ca. 1920's. BFC-01389 SALONIKA, Greece. Street scene in the old Jewish Quarters. Photo 1903. BFC-00762 SAMARA (also Kujbyshev), Russia. Stone synagogue, exterior view. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02632 SAMARA (also Kujbyshev), Russia, . Rozenberg (variant Rosenberg). Photograph inscribed to wife Raya. Postmarked in Samara. Photo 1914. BFC-02954 SAMARKAND, Uzbekistan. Jewish school children with a teacher. Photo early 1900's. BFC-01481 SAMBOR (also Altshtot, Altstadt, Samber, Stary Sambor), Ukraine. View of the railroad Station destroyed by the Russian troops in World War I .Photo ca. 1918. BFC-01482 SAMBOR (also Altshtot, Altstadt, Samber, Stary Sambor), Ukraine. Street view in town. On the foreground is the Savings Bank, on the backgroundis the Elementary School for Girls. Alter Lieberman publisher. Photo ca. 1915. BFC-01814 SAMBOR (also Altshtot, Altstadt, Samber, Stary Sambor), Ukraine. Stone synagogue, interior. Photo early 1900s. BFC-02291 SAN DIEGO, CA, USA. Harbor. Photo ca. 1930. BFC-02277 SAN FRANCISCO, CA, USA. Street scene in front of the Sing Fat Co., Inc. Lithograph ca. 1910s. BFC-02434 SAN FRANCISCO, CA, USA. Golden Gate Park. 2002. BFC-02290 SAN JOSE, CA, USA. Santa Clara Street. Photo 1905. BFC-01875 SAN REMO, Italy. La Citta Vecchia. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02393 SANTIAGO DE CUBA, Cuba. Una Calle con Lomos. Photo early 1900's. BFC-01052 SAO PAOLO, Brazil. Sinagoga Centro Israelita De Sao Paolo at 76 Rua Newton Prado. Main entrance and the small chapel. Rebuilt on the place of the old building in 1979-1985.Photo 1988. BFC-01053 SAO PAOLO, Brazil. Sinagoga Centro Israelita De Sao Paolo at 76 Rua Newton Prado. Interior. Marble plaque from 1916 with the names of the members of the congregation. Photo 1988. BFC-01476 SARAJEVO, Bosnia. View of the town with the stone synagogue. Photo ca.1913. BFC-02498 SARAPUL, Russia, . Klyachkin (variants Klachkin, Klatskin, Klaczkin, Klatzkin, Klyatskin), Lazar Iosifovich. Case file from the Odessa Artillery school. Born in Warsaw; lived in Malakhovka, Sarapul, and Shuya, Russia. Indicated family ties to Levins and Klyackins "abroad". Photograph is enclosed. Copy price coefficient for 16 pages: 5.0 BFC-01398 SARATOV, Russia. General view of the city. Photo 1900. BFC-01399 SARATOV, Russia. City map from 1900. BFC-01837 SARNY, Ukraine. Town square. Jewish family in a horse-driven cart, coming home froam a fair. Photo 1915. BFC-01553 SASIV (also Sasov, Sassow), Ukraine. Wooden synagogue, exterior.Ink drawing 1902. BFC-00753 SATANOV, Ukraine. View of the town with a synagogue. Photo early 1900's. BFC-03367 SATANOV, Ukraine. Town square with market stalls. Sign in the window reads: Restaurant. Photo ca. 1917. BFC-01634 SATORALJAUJHELY, Hungary. View at the Elizabeth Hospital. Photo 1911. BFC-00548 SCHECHTER, Dr. Solomon, a distinguished scholar and rabbi, President of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America in New York. Photo 1913. BFC-01058 SCHILDBERG, Germany. Synagogue. Decorated chests for musical instruments. Photo ca. 1914. BFC-00279 SCHMORKAU, Germany(?). Military barracks. Photo 1938 BFC-00286 SCHMORKAU, Germany. German artillery. 1938. BFC-03140 SEATTLE, WA, USA. Second Avenue and Cherry Street. View at Hoge Building and Union Saving & Trust Company. Bekins Warehouse on First Avenue is on the background. Photo ca. 1905. BFC-00434 SEVASTOPOL, Ukraine. View of the city. Wood engraving 1846. BFC-03155 SEVASTOPOL, Ukraine. Panoramic view of the city with the Defense of Sevastopol 1854-1855 Diorama. Photo early 1900's. BFC-01403 SEDA, Lithuania. Torah Study House. Photo 1937. BFC-01404 SEDA, Lithuania. Street scene. Photo 1937. BFC-00665 SEIRIJAI (also Saray, Sarheya, Serai, Seree, Serehai, Serey, Serheya, Serijai, Seyriay, Sierijai), Lithuania. Wooden synagogue in the ancient Jewish community. Photo ca. 1937. BFC-00666 SEIRIJAI (also Saray, Sarheya, Serai, Seree, Serehai, Serey, Serheya, Serijai, Seyriay, Sierijai), Lithuania. Torah study house. Photo 1937. BFC-00667 SEIRIJAI (also Saray, Sarheya, Serai, Seree, Serehai, Serey, Serheya, Serijai, Seyriay, Sierijai), Lithuania. Five seals of different Jewish institutions.Ca. 1937. BFC-00794 SEIRIJAI (also Saray, Sarheya, Serai, Seree, Serehai, Serey, Serheya, Serijai, Seyriay, Sierijai), Lithuania. M. Finkel's Hotel on 24, Langegasse (Long St.) Big sign on the right reads: Dentist M.Finkelene, lives on Rynkos St. in the Eiman's house; small sign on the left is the advertisement of a Beer Store. Photo 1930's. BFC-00795 SEIRIJAI (also Saray, Sarheya, Serai, Seree, Serehai, Serey, Serheya, Serijai, Seyriay, Sierijai), Lithuania. Ancient Jewish cemetery on the outskirts of the town.Frida Ruderman, whose family lived in Seirijai until World War II, pays her last visit to the cemetery before emigrating from the Soviet Union. Photo ca. 1976. BFC-00796 SEIRIJAI (also Saray, Sarheya, Serai, Seree, Serehai, Serey, Serheya, Serijai, Seyriay, Sierijai), Lithuania. A place near the town where 1900 Jews of Seirijai and local villages were slaughtered by the local Lithuanian police in September, 1941. Photo ca. 1976. BFC-00797 SEIRIJAI (also Saray, Sarheya, Serai, Seree, Serehai, Serey, Serheya, Serijai, Seyriay, Sierijai), Lithuania. Grave stone on the place near the town where 1900 Jews of Seirijai and local villages were slaughtered by the local Lithuanian police in September, 1941. Photo ca. 1976. BFC-00798 SEIRIJAI (also Saray, Sarheya, Serai, Seree, Serehai, Serey, Serheya, Serijai, Seyriay, Sierijai), Lithuania. A plaque from the grave stone on the place near the town where in September, 1941 1900 Jews of Seirijai and local villageswere slaughtered by the local Lithuanian police. Lithuanian inscription on the plaque reads: On this place in September, 1941 Hitler's occupants and bourgeois nationalists killed 1900 inhabitants of Seirijai and surroundings - men, women and children.Photo ca. 1976. BFC-03120 SEJNY (also Seiny, Senya), Poland. Postcard in Yiddish sent by Szapiro (variant Shapiro) in Sejny to Yudel Shejman (variants: Szejman, Sheiman, Sheyman) in Suvalki (also Suwalki). One Rosenberg is mentioned in the letter. Document 1911. BFC-03343 SEREDZHIUS (also Srednik), Lithuania. View from the Castle Hill toward Nemunas River. Photo 1920's. BFC-00445 SERPUKHOV. Moscow Street. Wood engraving 1846. BFC-00312 SEVERINOVKA, Ukraine. A railroad station. (South-West Railroad, Zhmerinka-Mohilev section). Photo ca. 1904. BFC-01462 SEVILLE, Spain. Street scene in the old Jewish Ghetto. Photo early 1900's. BFC-01308 SHADRINSK, Russia. View of the city from the Iset' river. Photo 1913. BFC-03122 SHADRINSK, Perm’ Region, Russia. Postcard sent by V.V. Morits (variant: Moritz) in Shadrinsk to V. Tsimerman (variants: Tsimmerman, Tsimmermann, Tzimerman, Tzimmermann) in the village of Tomakulskoe, Perm’ Region. Document 1916. BFC-01453 SHAKIAI (also Sakai, Schaken, Shaki, Suidine, Szaki), Lithuania. Gabbai (treasurer) of the town synagogue collects challah for distribution among the poor. Photo ca. 1937. BFC-02275 SHANGHAI, China. Front gate to the Great Wall. Photo ca. 1910s. BFC-02935 SHANGHAI, China. Nankin Road. Photo ca. 1920. BFC-01069 SHAUKENAI (also Saukenai, Szawkiany), Lihtuania. View of a street with a wooden synagogue, built in the second half of the 18th century. Drawing by M. Dobuzhinsky, early 1900s. BFC-01070 SHAUKENAI (also Saukenai, Szawkiany), Lihtuania. Wooden synagogue, built in the second half of the 18th century. Drawing early 1900's. BFC-01071 SHAUKENAI (also Saukenai, Szawkiany), Lihtuania. Wooden synagogue, built in the second half of the 18th century. Photo 1937. BFC-01072 SHAUKENAI (also Saukenai, Szawkiany), Lihtuania. An old woman in the Synagogue Lane. Photo 1937. BFC-02753 SHAUKENAI (also Saukenai, Szawkiany), Lihtuania, . Certificate issued by the Shaukenai Jewish Council to Lejba son of Abel Zivas (varinats Ziv, Ziw); mother’s maiden name listed as Merkelaite (variant Merkel). Witnesses: C. Nisselevicene and Ch. Zak. Signed by Chairman F. Girsovich and Secretary M. Lipshic. Document 1923. BFC-00251 SHCHETNEV. An artist from Vologda. A bookplate for Kohen-Cedek from Jerusalem.Ca. 1970's. BFC-00694 SHEDUVA, Lithuania. Monument on a cemetery, where on August 25, 1941, 400 Jews from the town were murdered by the the Nazis and Lithuanian police. Located in the Levanishki forest, 25 km from Sheduva, near the quarry. Photo 1983. BFC-00693 SHEDUVA, Lithuania. Small cemetery, where on August 25, 1941, 400 Jews from the town were murdered by the Nazis and Lithuanian police. Located in the Levanishki forest, 25 km from Sheduva, near the quarry. Photo 1983. BFC-02474 SHENANDOAH, VA, USA, . Studio portrait of an unidentified man. Photographer: Rippel & Israel. Photo ca. 1890's. BFC-00777 SHETA, Lithuania. Main Street in town. Photo ca. 1937. BFC-00778 SHETA, Lithuania. Leaving the Torah Study House. Photo ca. 1937. BFC-00779 SHETA, Lithuania. Jewish Cemetery. Photo ca. 1937. BFC-00780 SHETA, Lithuania. Portrait of Nahum the Scribe and his wife, well known figures in the shtetl. Photo ca. 1937. BFC-00781 SHETA, Lithuania. An elderly couple with a Talmud outside their hovel. Photo ca. 1937. BFC-01870 SHIAULENAI (also Shavlyany, Szawlany), Lithuania, . Henoch Zejgejmejster Affidavit issued to the resident of Shavlyany Henoch Zejgejmejster, based on the testimony of the Zhagare Rabbi Izrael Ryf, and the Shiauliai Rabbi Iozif Brewdo. Signed by G. Lorniski and A. Plotker. Document 1920. BFC-02451 SHIAULENAI (also Shavlyany, Szawlany), Lithuania, . Copy of a 1890's birth record of Shifra Grinberg (also Greenberg). Signed by L. Nurok (?), Ya. M. Abramovich (also Abramowicz, Abramowitz), H. Leibenzon. Document 1922. BFC-00072 SHIAULIAI (also Shavli, Shavel, Szawle, Szawli, Schaulen), Lithuania. Market day in town. A synagogue is in the upper center of the photo; an attorney's office is in the building on the foreground; "Farmacy" sign is on the two-story building on the right.Photo 1910's. BFC-00606 SHIAULIAI (also Shavli, Shavel, Szawle, Szawli, Schaulen), Lithuania. View of the Tilzies Street. Large store sign on the right is of the Singer Company. Photo 1910's. BFC-00607 SHIAULIAI (also Shavli, Shavel, Szawle, Szawli, Schaulen), Lithuania. View of town square with a Mutual Credit Society building (a city bank during Lithuanian independence in 1918-1940). Photo 1910's. BFC-00697 SHIAULIAI (also Shavli, Shavel, Szawle, Szawli, Schaulen), Lithuania. Former synagogue, presently location of a sports committee. Photo 1983. BFC-00729 SHIAULIAI (also Shavli, Shavel, Szawle, Szawli, Schaulen), Lithuania. Monument at the mass graves in a forest, 30 km from the town, where approximately 30,000 Jews were murdered by the Nazis and Lithuanian police during World War II. Photo 1983. BFC-00730 SHIAULIAI (also Shavli, Shavel, Szawle, Szawli, Schaulen), Lithuania. Mass graves in a forest, 30 km from the town, where approximately 30,000 Jews were murdered by the Nazis and Lithuanian police during World War II. Photo 1983. BFC-0073 SHIAULIAI (also Shavli, Shavel, Szawle, Szawli, Schaulen), Lithuania. Monument at the mass graves in a forest, 30 km from the town, where approximately 30,000 Jews were murdered by the Nazis and Lithuanian police during World War II. Standing near the monument is A.Pajarskas. Photo 1983. BFC-01045 SHIAULIAI (also Shavli, Shavel, Szawle, Szawli, Schaulen), Lithuania. Ruins of a stone synagogue (front view), distroyed during World War I. Photo 1917. BFC-01243 SHIAULIAI (also Shavli, Shavel, Szawle, Szawli, Schaulen), Lithuania. Railroad Station. Photo 1920's. BFC-01244 SHIAULIAI (also Shavli, Shavel, Szawle, Szawli, Schaulen), Lithuania. View of the town with a factory and a river. Photo 1920's. BFC-01245 SHIAULIAI (also Shavli, Shavel, Szawle, Szawli, Schaulen), Lithuania. View of one of the central streets in town toward St. Peter and Paul catholic cathedral. Business sign reads: Lithuanian Industrial Bank. Photo 1920's. BFC-01246 SHIAULIAI (also Shavli, Shavel, Szawle, Szawli, Schaulen), Lithuania. View of the town in ruins, end of World War I. On the right are the ruins of a factory. Photo 1920's. BFC-01247 SHIAULIAI (also Shavli, Shavel, Szawle, Szawli, Schaulen), Lithuania. View of one of the central streets in town toward St. Peter and Paul catholic cathedral. Photo 1919. BFC-01248 SHIAULIAI (also Shavli, Shavel, Szawle, Szawli, Schaulen), Lithuania. Bird's-eye view of the town in ruins during World War I. Photo 1919. BFC-01833 SHIAULIAI (also Shavli, Shavel, Szawle, Szawli, Schaulen), Lithuania. Jewish Public School. Photo 1910's. BFC-02590 SHIAULIAI (also Shavli, Shavel, Szawle, Szawli, Schaulen), Lithuania. Vulf Mikhel (variants Michel, Michelis). Birth record (certified copy). Father: Ponevezh registered resident Movsha Mikhel. Signed by Shavli Rabbi L. Geller. Document 1912. BFC-02631 SHIAULIAI (also Shavli, Shavel, Szawle, Szawli, Schaulen), Lithuania. Rozental (variants Rozentalyte, Rosenthal), Gita. Passport issued by the Shiauliai police. Marriage to M. Sapira (variants Shapir, Shapira, Shapiro, Szapira), and other events are recorded. Photographs is attached. Document issued in 1927. Copy price coefficient for eight pages: 3.0 BFC-02708 SHIAULIAI (also Shavli, Shavel, Szawle, Szawli, Schaulen), Lithuania. Postcard in Yiddish sent from Shavli to Dora Uryashovich (variants Uriazshovic, Uryaszowicz). Document 1910. BFC-03015 SHIAULIAI (also Shavli, Shavel, Szawle, Szawli, Schaulen), Lithuania. Jewish prayer house in ruins at the end of World War I. Photo 1920. BFC-03041 SHIAULIAI (also Shavli, Shavel, Szawle, Szawli, Schaulen), Lithuania. View of the town burning in World War I. German troops and Jewish refugees. Store signs read: Rod (variant: Rhode, Род) and Ziman (variant: Zimanas, Зиман); A. Zaborski’s (variants: Заборский) Book Shop. Photo 1915. BFC-03146 SHIAULIAI (also Shavli, Shavel, Szawle, Szawli, Schaulen), Lithuania. View of a city street burning in World War I. Store signs read: Galoshes; Notary; Restaurant; Bakery. Photo ca. 1917. German army photographer A. Kuhlewindt; publisher Georg Stilke, Berlin. BFC-03147 SHIAULIAI (also Shavli, Shavel, Szawle, Szawli, Schaulen), Lithuania. View of a city in ruins at the end of World War I. Photo ca. 1917. Photographer O. Burmeister. BFC-03168 SHIAULIAI (also Shavli, Shavel, Szawle, Szawli, Schaulen), Lithuania. Postcard sent from Dubblen, Latvia, addresed to Ida M. Vol’pe (variants Volpe, Wolpe) in Shavli, care of Br. Kagans’ Factory. Document 1911. BFC-03227 SHIAULIAI (also Shavli, Shavel, Szawle, Szawli, Schaulen), Lithuania. View of a street during World War I. Fires set by the Russians visible at a distance. Photo ca. 1917. Store sign reads: Ice-cream. Published as postcard by Pawlowski in Tilsit. BFC-01405 SHIRVINTOS, Lithuania. Group photo of the Talmud Torah pupils with the rabbi in front of the building. Photo 1938. BFC-01406 SHIRVINTOS, Lithuania. Group photo of the membersof the local JewishRelief Committee. Photo ca. 1938. BFC-01407 SHIRVINTOS, Lithuania. The beadle at the local TorahStudy House. Photo ca. 1938. BFC-01408 SHIRVINTOS, Lithuania. Torah Study House. Photo ca. 1938. BFC-01409 SHIRVINTOS, Lithuania. Hasidic Prayer House. Photo ca. 1938. BFC-01410 SHIRVINTOS, Lithuania. The seal of the Jewish library, in Yiddish. Ca.1938. BFC-01411 SHIRVINTOS, Lithuania. Traveling Jewish peddler withhis horse and a cart in a street. Photo ca. 1938. BFC-02503 SHIRVINTOS (also Schirwint, Shirvint, Shirvintai, ), Lithuania, . Passport issued in Ukmerge by the German administration to Sara (?) Komtov (?), ne Bogominsky (?). Born in Shirvintos. Photograph is enclosed. Document 1917. Copy price coefficient for eight pages: 3.0 BFC-02538 SHIRVINTOS (also Schirwint, Shirvint, Shirvintai, ), Lithuania, . Levin (variants Levina, Lewin), nee Allenberg (variant Alenberg) Fanya. Studio portrait, inscribed to cousin Fanya. Photographer A. Friedmann (variants Fridman, Frydman). Photo 1905. BFC-00400 SHKLOV (also Szklow), Belarus. View with Spaso-Preobrazhenskaya or Transfiguration, Church, (Спасо-Преображенская церковь). Photo 1904. BFC-00403 SHKLOV (also Szklow), Belarus. Krivoshein Cardboard and Paper factory. Photo 1904. BFC-01137 SHKLOV (also Szklow), Belarus. Old Ratusha (Town Hall). Photo 1904. BFC-00250 SHOLOM-ALEIHEM, portrayed on a bookplate by Kiev artist Abram Mystetsky. Engaving 1970's. BFC-02498 SHUYA, Russia, . Klyachkin (variants Klachkin, Klatskin, Klaczkin, Klatzkin, Klyatskin), Lazar Iosifovich. Case file from the Odessa Artillery school. Born in Warsaw; lived in Malakhovka, Sarapul, and Shuya, Russia. Indicated family ties to Levins and Klyackins "abroad". Photograph is enclosed. Copy price coefficient for 16 pages: 5.0 BFC-02673 SHUYA, Russia, . Shtejn (variants Stein, Sztejn), a.k.a. Berenshtejn (variants Berensztejn, Bernshtayn, Berenstain, Berenstein, Bernstein), Moisej Vigdorovich. Studio identification photograph. Photographer: G. A. Zhiltsov Studio. Photo 1914. BFC-02016 SHVENCHIONIS (also Sventsyany, Swieciani) District in Vilna Province, Lithuania. Russian language map. Document 1863. BFC-02299 SHVENCHIONIS (also Sventsyany, Swieciani), Lithuania. Main street in town. Local uryadnik (lowest ranked police officer) is on the foreground. Another policeman, stanovoj pristav (district police officer) is the second from the right. Photo ca. 1899. BFC-02036 SIEDLCE (also Sedlitse), Poland. Stone Synagogue, built in the 19th century, burned by the Germans on December 24, 1939. Photo 1930's. BFC-02539 SIEDLCE (also Sedlitse), Poland. Kubelsky (variants Kubelski, Kubelskij) Leon. Studio portrait inscribed to niece Fanya. Photo 1908. BFC-02054 SIEMIATYCZE (also Semytaych), Poland. Stone synagogue, built in the late 18th century. Exterior view. Photo 1927. BFC-00965 SIERPC, Poland. Wooden synagogue, exterior view. Photo early 1900s. BFC-01773 SIGHET (also Maramaros Sighet, Maramarossziget, Sighetul Marmatiei, Sigut,Syhot Marmaroski, Sziget), Romania. Group photo of Heder children. Photo1930s. BFC-01774 SIGHET (also Maramaros Sighet, Maramarossziget, Sighetul Marmatiei, Sigut,Syhot Marmaroski, Sziget), Romania. Talmud-Torah. Exterior view with a group of children playing. Photo 1930s. BFC-01775 SIGHET (also Maramaros Sighet, Maramarossziget, Sighetul Marmatiei, Sigut,Syhot Marmaroski, Sziget), Romania. Talmud-Torah. The Rabbi with five ofhis pupils. Photo 1930s. BFC-02591 SIMPHEROPOL, Ukraine, . Affidavit issued by the Lithuanian Interior Ministry in Kaunas to Khava Girshvna Mikhles (variant Michles). Lists her brothers and sisters. On reverse, there is partial text of signature certification of Shejna-Risya Nejman (variants Neiman, Neyman) by a Simpheropol notary Stanislav Kolyashinskij. Document 1922. BFC-00886 SKAPISHKIS, Lithuania. Monument built by Archbishop Valanchius to promote sobriety in the area. Photo 1920s. BFC-01020 SKELIVKA, (also Felshtin, Felshtyn, Felsztein, Felsztyn), Ukraine. Wooden synagogue, built in the late 18th - early 19th century. Exterior view. Architectural drawing 1902. BFC-01021 SKELIVKA, (also Felshtin, Felshtyn, Felsztein, Felsztyn), Ukraine. Wooden synagogue, built in the late 18th - early 19th century. Part of the interior with the mural painting. Photo 1913. BFC-02925 SKVIRA, Ukraine. View of the town square. On the foreground are Mrs. Bondarenskaya and police officer Rozvadovskij (also Rozvadovsky, Rozwadowski), in a carriage. Photographer: N. P. Gol’fman (also Golfman) from Pavoloch. Photo 1912. BFC-02453 SLAVYANSK, Ukraine, . Levin, Lejb Fajvelevich. Identification photograph. Photo 1916. BFC-00676 SLEPAK, Maria, during her visit to husband Vladimir in exile in Siberia. Photo 1981. BFC-00675 SLEPAK, Maria, wife of Vladimir Slepak a long term refusenick from Moscow. BFC-00673 SLEPAK, Vladimir, a long term refusenick from Moscow during his exile in Siberia. Photo 1981. BFC-00674 SLEPAK, Vladimir, a long term refusenick from Moscow. Photo ca. 1981. BFC-00361 SLONIM, Belarus. Russian Orthodox Church. Photo June 1917. BFC-00987 SLONIM, Belarus. Stone synagogue, built 1642. Exterior view. Photo 1930's. BFC-00988 SLONIM, Belarus. Stone synagogue, built 1642. Interior. View of a part of the bimah. Photo ca. 1930's. BFC-01334 SLONIM, Belarus. Stone synagogue, built 1642. Interior, study room. Photo 1930's. BFC-01596 SLONIM, Belarus. View of the city in ruins in the beginning of the Nazi occupation in World War II. Photo June 1941. BFC-01597 SLONIM, Belarus. Panoramic view of the city in ruins in the beginning of the Nazi occupation in World War II. Photo June 1941. BFC-03121 SLONIM, Belarus. Postcard in Yiddish sent from Pinsk to Shimen Belogus in Slonim. Document 1887. BFC-00376 SMOLENSK, Russia. View at the Northern part of the city from the Uspensky Cathedral's belfry. Photo ca. 1905. BFC-00377 SMOLENSK. View at the Western part of the city and Dnepr river from the "Veselukha" tower. Photo ca. 1905. BFC-02521 SMOLENSK, Russia, . Grade sheet issued to Israel Krapunskij. Document 1942. BFC-02663 SMOLENSK, Russia, . Solomonik, Abel Zalmanov. Certificate issued by the Vitebsk District Military Office. Smolensk Residence permit of later date is added. Document 1870. BFC-03099 SMOLENSK, Russia. View of the city toward the Uspensky (The Assumption) Cathedral. Photo ca. 1941. BFC-03130 SMOLENSK, Russia. View of the city from the Northern bank of Dnepr with a cast iron bridge on the foreground. Photo 1904. Published as postcard by I. Ginzburg in Smolensk. BFC-02549 SMORGON’, Belarus, . Levin, Fedor Isakovich. Certificate issued by the Tactical Aviation School of the Red Army to give F. Levin the rank of Junior Technician. Signed by Brigade Commander Shakht. Levin’s photographs is attached. Document 1938. BFC-02428 SNIADOWO, Poland. Wooden synagogue, built in 1768. Exterior, view from the North-West. Photo 1913. BFC-02429 SNIADOWO, Poland. Wooden synagogue, built in 1768. Exterior, front elevation. Architectural drawing ca. 1920's. BFC-02430 SNIADOWO, Poland. Wooden synagogue, built in 1768. Exterior, view from the South-East. Photo 1913. BFC-02941 SNITKIV (also Snintkov, Snitkowo), Ukraine. Wooden synagogue, built ca. 18th century. Exterior, view from the South. Photo ca. 1920. BFC-01860 SOFIEVKA, Ukraine, . Brodskij, Isaak Izrailevich. Soviet artist, Director of the Leningrad Academy of Arts. Autographed photo 1929. BFC-00378 SMOLENSK. View at the North-Western part of the city. Photo ca. 1905. BFC-01675 SOKAL, Ukraine. Stone synagogue, built ca. 17th century. Exterior view. Photo 1920's. BFC-02038 SOKAL, Ukraine. Technical School. Photo 1916. BFC-01952 SOCHACHEW, Poland. Several Jewish boys with Torah scrolls desecrated by the Russian troops during the fighting in World War I. Photo 1915. BFC-01953 SOCHACHEW, Poland. German troops entering the city in the early days of World War II. Photo September 1939. BFC-03058 SOKOLOVO, Ukraine. Personal advertisement by pharmacist Solomon Tiktiner Document 1893. BFC-00448 SOKULCHA, Zhitomir region, Ukraine.Jewish cemetery in Zhitomir. Fraternalgrave of the Jews accused in Pavoloch blood libel and executed in 1753, including Moses, son of reb Iosef-Abram from Sokulcha.Photo 1903. BFC-03131 SOLY, Belarus. Railroad station. Photo 1917. BFC-03225 SOLY, Belarus. Railroad station. Photo ca. 1917. BFC-00993 SOROCA, Moldova (also Soroki). View on the outskisrts of the city with the Bekirov Bridge. Photo 1902. BFC-00994 SOROCA, Moldova (also Soroki). Women washing clothes on the Dnestr River, near the city. Photo 1902. BFC-00995 SOROCA, Moldova (also Soroki). View of the city with a synagogue and an ancient Italian fortress. Photo 1902. BFC-00119 SOBOLEVKA, near Zhitomir, Ukraine. Jewish cemetery in Zhitomir. A massgrave of the Jews from Bykovka and Sobolevka villages killed by the Nazisin 1941. Photo 1974 BFC-01287 SOSNOWIEC, Poland. View of the Kolejowa (Railroad) Street. Photo early 1900's. BFC-03306 SOUTH FRAMINGHAM, MA, USA. Family of David H. Goodman (varinat: Gutman), corner of Coburn and Mellen Streets. Mother and two children, 14 yrs. and 10 yrs. old, working on tags for Dennison factory. One boy, 12 yrs. old, sick abed in next room. Father, umbrella mender. This family has made $50 a month, average $25 to $35. House not well kept. Photo November 1912. BFC-02725 SPRINGFIELD, MA, USA, . Postcard in Yiddish sent by Mihkel Karlik to Nisel Winer in Springfield, MA, USA. Document 1940. BFC-02726 SPRINGFIELD, MA, USA, . Postcard in Yiddish sent by Mihkel Karlik to Nisel Winer in Springfield, MA, USA. Document 1940. BFC-02727 SPRINGFIELD, MA, USA, . Postcard in Yiddish sent by Mihkel Karlik to Nisel Winer in Springfield, MA, USA. Document 1941. BFC-02728 SPRINGFIELD, MA, USA, . Postcard in Yiddish sent by Mihkel Karlik to Nisel Winer in Springfield, MA, USA. Document 1939. BFC-02729 SPRINGFIELD, MA, USA, . Postcard in Yiddish sent by Mihkel Karlik to Nisel Winer in Springfield, MA, USA. Document 1940. BFC-02730 SPRINGFIELD, MA, USA, . Postcard in Yiddish sent by Mihkel Karlik to Nisel Winer in Springfield, MA, USA. Document 1937. BFC-03300 SPRINGFIELD, MA, USA. Isaac Futterman (variant: Futerman). Original caption reads: Cocoanut Shaver - Kibbe's Factory. Isaac Futterman, 15 years, 108 Sharon St. Been working one year. Earns $3.50. Photo October 1910. BFC-01463 STAROKOSTYANTYNIV (also Starokonstantinov), Ukraine. New Town. Photo early 1900's. BFC-01466 STAROKOSTYANTYNIV (also Starokonstantinov), Ukraine. Stone synagogue, interior. View at Aron-Hakodesh. Photo 1920's. BFC-03364 STAROKOSTIANTYNIV (also Starokonstantinov), Ukraine. Medzhibozh Street. Sign reads: Watches and Clocks. Photo ca. 1910. Photographer: Sheftel (variant: Szeftel). BFC-00960 STATENDAM Ocean Liner. T.S.S. Statendam served on the line between New York and Rotterdam, Holland. Lithograph ca 1920s. BFC-02258 ST. GEORGE, Bermuda. Panorama of the town. Photo 1920s. BFC-01748 ST. JOHN, New Brunswick, Canada.View of the Prince William Street. On the left is the Bank of New Brunswick. Photo early 1900s. BFC-01749 ST. JOHN, New Brunswick, Canada.Market Slip. Photo ca. 1910. BFC-01750 ST. JOHN, New Brunswick, Canada.Panoramic view at bridges and Reversible Falls. Photo ca. 1910. BFC-01751 ST. JOHN, New Brunswick, Canada.View of the Queen Square. Photo early 1900s. BFC-01751 ST. JOHN, New Brunswick, Canada.Lively scene in the King Square. Photoearly 1900s. BFC-00748 ST. LOUIS, MO, USA. Temple Israel. Photo 1910. BFC-02378 ST. LOUIS, MO, USA. Eads Bridge. Photo early 1900's. BFC-01030 STAKLISHKES (also Staklishkis, Stakliszki, Stoklisohok, Stokliszki), Lithuania. Group of Jewish schoolchildren photographed with their teacher, B. Petliuk who taught in the town for 20 years. Photograph taken on the eve of Petliuk's departure for America, on 5 April, 1937. BFC-01031 STAKLISHKES (also Staklishkis, Stakliszki, Stoklisohok, Stokliszki), Lithuania. Group of local Jews in Purim costumes. A men on the left is in the costume of Karen Kayemet "blue boxes". His hat reads: We are making aliyah. Photo 1933. BFC-01032 STAKLISHKES (also Staklishkis, Stakliszki, Stoklisohok, Stokliszki), Lithuania. View of the old Jewish cemetery. Photo ca. 1937. BFC-01033 STAKLISHKES (also Staklishkis, Stakliszki, Stoklisohok, Stokliszki), Lithuania. Members of the local Volunteer Fire Brigade. Photo September 1938. BFC-01034 STAKLISHKES (also Staklishkis, Stakliszki, Stoklisohok, Stokliszki), Lithuania. Jewish Bath House. Photo 1937. BFC-01035 STAKLISHKES (also Staklishkis, Stakliszki, Stoklisohok, Stokliszki), Lithuania. View of a local synagogue with a group of people in front of it. Photo 1937. BFC-01036 STAKLISHKES (also Staklishkis, Stakliszki, Stoklisohok, Stokliszki), Lithuania. Imprint of a seal of the local Benevolent Loan Society (in Hebrew). 1937. BFC-02446 STOLOVICHI (also Stolevitch, Stolowicze, Stlowitschi), Belarus. Bee-hives on a Jewish bee farm. Photo late 1920's. BFC-00201 ST. PETERSBURG (also Leningrad, Petrograd), Russia. Synagogue on Lermontov Prospect. BFC-00202 ST. PETERSBURG (also Leningrad, Petrograd), Russia.Synagogue on Lermontov Prospect.Interior view. BFC-00208 ST. PETERSBURG (also Leningrad, Petrograd), Russia. VII Congress of Russian Zionists which took place in the end of May, 1917 in the theatre hall of the Music Drama Theatre. Photo May 1917. BFC-01050 ST. PETERSBURG (also Leningrad, Petrograd), Russia. Front cover of the 10 century book once belonged to Aron, son of Abraham from Cairo, Egypt.Hebraic collection of the Public Library.Photo 1920's. BFC-01386 ST. PETERSBURG (also Leningrad, Petrograd), Russia. View of the Kazan Cathedral. The cathedral was used as the Museum of Religion and Atheism by the Soviet Government and had Jewish religious and cultural artifacts on display and in the archives. Photo early 1900's. BFC-01474 ST. PETERSBURG (also Leningrad, Petrograd), Russia. Group of Jewish children in front of the school building. Photo 1902. BFC-00131 ST. PETERSBURG (also Leningrad, Petrograd), Russia, . ActorSergei Yurskij speaking to an audience.Photo 1976. BFC-01475 ST. PETERSBURG (also Leningrad, Petrograd), Russia. Petticoat Lane (Fleamarket). Photo 1902. BFC-02392 ST. PETERSBURG, (also Leningrad, Petrograd), Russia. Nevsky in front of the European Hotel. Photo early 1900's. BFC-01844 ST. PETERSBURG, (also Leningrad, Petrograd), Russia, . Berlin, S. Identification photograph. Photographer: I. N. Zubkov in St. Petersburg.Photo 1910's. BFC-01860 ST. PETERSBURG (also Leningrad, Petrograd), Russia, . Brodskij,Isaak Izrailevich. Soviet artist, Director of the Leningrad Academy of Arts. Born in Sofievka, Ukraine. Autographed photo 1929. BFC-01898 ST. PETERSBURG (also Leningrad, Petrograd), Russia, . Marriage contract (Ketubah) between Rabbi Israel, son of Rabbi Itzhak Mordechaj Rabinovichand Badana, daughter of Tsadok HaCohen Berkovich. Witnesses: Ephraim Katz(?) son of Rabbi Dov Ber Lejb, and Braukh son of Shalom Belitskij (?). Certified later by Riga Rabbi M. Zak. Document 1919-1927. BFC-01931 ST. PETERSBURG (also Leningrad, Petrograd), Russia, . Khava Meerova Evrejson (aslo Evreison, Yevreison), registered resident of Surazh, Vitebsk Province. Identification photograph. Certified by Public Notary Konstantin Berkhman. Signed by Khava Evrejson. Photo 1916. BFC-02328 ST. PETERSBURG, (also Leningrad, Petrograd), Russia. Shobunevich (variants Shabunevich, Szobuniewicz, Szabuniewicz, Шобуневич, Шабуневич) family. Studio portrait. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02461 ST. PETERSBURG (also Leningrad, Petrograd), Russia, . Russian imperial passport issued to Nesvizh resident Moisej Grinval’d (also Grinvald), age 31. Resident permits from Nizhnij Novgorod and St. Petersburg were issued in various years. Document 1895. Copy price coefficient for 24 pages: 4.0 BFC-02476 ST. PETERSBURG, (also Leningrad, Petrograd), Russia, . Studio portrait of an unidentified man. Photographer: W. Jasvoin (variants Iasvoin, Jaswoin, Yasvoin). Photo early 1900's. BFC-02483 ST. PETERSBURG, (also Leningrad, Petrograd), Russia, . Short letter (postcard) sent from Moscow, Russia to Nikolai Davidovich Katsenelenbogen (variant Katzenelenbogen). Document 1909. BFC-02494 ST. PETERSBURG, (also Leningrad, Petrograd), Russia, . Open letter (postcard) addressed to Mirra Samuilovna Vernikova (variants Vernikov, Vernikoff). Sent by Boris I. Kiminskij (variant Kiminsky). Document 1943. BFC-02518 ST. PETERSBURG, (also Leningrad, Petrograd), Russia, . Postcard from Yakov Kagan addressed to the American Relief Administration in England requesting food packages. Document 1922. BFC-02524 ST. PETERSBURG, (also Leningrad, Petrograd), Russia, . Katsnelson (variants Katsenelson, Katznelson), Lev. Medical doctor, and literary editor. Born in Chernigov, Ukraine. Photo 1910's. BFC-02525 ST. PETERSBURG, (also Leningrad, Petrograd), Russia, . Studio portrait of an unidentified woman, inscribed to Sergei Shobunevich (variants Shabunevich, Szobuniewicz, Szabuniewicz, Шобуневич, Шабуневич). Photographer: M. Kadyson (variant Kadisson). Photo early 1900's. BFC-02544 ST. PETERSBURG, (also Leningrad, Petrograd), Russia, . Levin, Fedor Isakovich. Note-attachment to a secret file sent by the Gomel City Council to Gomel Militia Headquarters, with a copy to Leningrad POB. Document 1933. BFC-02547 ST. PETERSBURG, (also Leningrad, Petrograd), Russia, . Levin, Fedor Isakovich. Secret request from the Interior Ministry office to the Gomel City Council asking information on F. Levin residing in Novaya Belitsa. Document 1933. BFC-02627 ST. PETERSBURG, (also Leningrad, Petrograd), Russia, . Reznik (variants Resnick, Resnick), Rukhlya. Identity photograph. Photo ca. 1910's. BFC-02670 ST. PETERSBURG, (also Leningrad, Petrograd), Russia, . Studio photo of an unidentified man. Photographer: K. Shapiro II Studio. Photo ca. 1880's. BFC-02693 ST. PETERSBURG, (also Leningrad, Petrograd), Russia, . Studio photo of an unidentified Jewish woman. Photographer: I. Zdobnov Studio. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02694 ST. PETERSBURG, (also Leningrad, Petrograd), Russia, . Studio photo of an unidentified Jewish woman. Inscribed “To Isak from Lyuba". Photographer: I. Zdobnov Studio. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02695 ST. PETERSBURG, (also Leningrad, Petrograd), Russia, . Studio photo of an unidentified Jewish man. Long an detailed inscription gives his years of life as 1878-1899, with no name. Photographer: K. Bulla Studio. Photo 1898. BFC-02696 ST. PETERSBURG, (also Leningrad, Petrograd), Russia, . Studio photo of an unidentified Jewish man. Long an detailed inscription gives his years of life as 1878-1899, with no name. Photographer: Suvorovskaya Studio. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02723 ST. PETERSBURG, (also Leningrad, Petrograd), Russia, . Studio photo of an unidentified Jewish man. Photographer: Wesenberg Studio. Photo ca. 1880's. BFC-02724 ST. PETERSBURG, (also Leningrad, Petrograd), Russia, . Shchepkim, Mikhail Semenovich. Russian actor. Photographer: Wesenberg Studio. Photo ca. 1860. BFC-02736 ST. PETERSBURG, (also Leningrad, Petrograd), Russia, . Yudelovich (variants Yudelovitsch, Yudelowitz, Judelowicz), Aron-Yakov Tevkevich. Identity photograph. Photo 1915. BFC-02742 ST. PETERSBURG, (also Leningrad, Petrograd), Russia, . Zhitlevskij (variants Zitlevsky, Zitlewski), Khaim Shmujlovic. Identification photograph. Photographer: Mrozovskaya Studio. Photo 1912. BFC-02751 ST. PETERSBURG, (also Leningrad, Petrograd), Russia, . Zarkhin, Iosif Mendelovich, born in Ludza, Latvia. World War II death notice sent to wife Valentina Sosnovskaya (variant Sosnovsky) in Leningrad. Document 1942. BFC-03055 ST. PETERSBURG, (also Leningrad, Petrograd), Russia, . Vanilla powder advertisement by M. Zimon at No. 88 Nevsky Prospect. Document 1898. BFC-03125 ST. PETERSBURG, (also Leningrad, Petrograd), Russia. Nevskij Prospect at the corner of Bolshaya Morskaya. Store signs read: P. Zhukov, K. Shapiro, Photographers of the Imperial Acaddemy of the Arts; Books; Hair Growth Mediums; Boucher Journale, since 1859; Ten Kate & Co.; Pesin Real Estate Agency. Photo 1908. BFC-03334 ST. PETERSBURG, (also Leningrad, Petrograd), Russia. Sculptor Ilya Gintsburg (variants: Gincburg, Gintzburg, Ginzburg), b. 1859 in Grodno, d. 1939 in Leningrad, in his studio in St. Petersburg. Photo early 1900's. BFC-02304 ST. PETERSBURG, FL, USA. Beach scene. 1920's. BFC-03382 ST. PETERSBURG, FL, USA. The Spa Beach. Colorized photo-postcard, 1930's. BFC-00809 STRALSUND, Germany. View of a pond and the St. Mary's Church. Drawing,watercolor, ca. 1931. BFC-02475 STROUDSBURG, PA, USA, . Studio portrait of an unidentified woman. Photographer: B. S. Jacoby (variants: Jakobi, Yakobi). Photo ca. 1880's, BFC-01483 STRYJ, Ukraine. View of the 3rd of May Street. Photo ca. 1918. BFC-01484 STRYJ, Ukraine. Street scene in front of the Wien Cafe. Photo ca. 1918. BFC-01616 STRZELIN, Poland. Bird's eye view of the city. From a 17th century engraving. BFC-00882 SUCHOWOLA, Poland. Wooden synagogue, built ca. 1750. View from the South-West.Photo ca. 1900s. BFC-01073 SUCHOWOLA, Poland. Wooden synagogue, built late 18 century. Side elevation, view from the South. Architectural drawing, 1926. BFC-01074 SUCHOWOLA, Poland. Wooden synagogue, built late 18 century. Cross section. Architectural drawing, 1926. BFC-01075 SUCHOWOLA, Poland. Wooden synagogue, built late 18 century. Floor plan. Architectural drawing, 1926. BFC-01076 SUCHOWOLA, Poland. Wooden synagogue, built late 18 century. Exterior, view from the North. Photo 1936. BFC-01077 SUCHOWOLA, Poland. Wooden synagogue, built late 18 century. Exterior, view from the North-West. Photo 1936. BFC-01078 SUCHOWOLA, Poland. Wooden synagogue, built late 18 century. Exterior, view from the East. Photo 1936. BFC-01079 SUCHOWOLA, Poland. Wooden synagogue, built late 18 century. Interior, view towards the Aron-Hakodesh. Photo 1936. BFC-01080 SUCHOWOLA, Poland. Wooden synagogue, built late 18 century.Interior, view at the cupola. Photo 1936. BFC-01081 SUCHOWOLA, Poland. Wooden synagogue, built late 18 century.Interior, view at the women's gallery and pendentive. Photo 1936. BFC-01279 SUMY, Ukraine. State Bank. Photo 1910. BFC-01280 SUMY, Ukraine. Children's Hospital. Photo early 1900's. BFC-01281 SUMY, Ukraine. View of the Troitskaya street. Photo early 1900's. BFC-01282 SUMY, Ukraine. Troitsky Cathedral. Photo early 1900's. BFC-01283 SUMY, Ukraine. Technical School for Boys(Gorodskoye Uchilishche). Photo early 1900's. BFC-01931 SURAZH, Belarus, . Khava Meerova Evrejson (aslo Evreison, Yevreison). Identification photograph issued in Petrograd (also St. Petersburg, Leningrad), certified by Public Notary Konstantin Berkhman. Signed by Khava Evrejson. Photo 1916. BFC-03012 SURVILISHKIS (aslo Survilishki, Survilishok, Surwiliszki), Lithuania. Jewish family in front of their house. Photo ca. 1937. BFC-00307 SUWALKI, Poland. German soldiers inside the Russian church during World War I. Photo ca. 1918. BFC-00556 SUWALKI, Poland. German military Commandant of the city with his staff in front of the Russian church. Photo ca. 1918. BFC-01307 SUWALKI, Poland. View of the Market square in town. The store sign on the left reads: A. Levin's Colonial [Goods] Store. Photo ca. 1915. BFC-02512 SUWALKI, Poland, . Postcard, sent to Ajzik Kozhevnik in Merech (Merkine in Lithauania) from Girsh Garbarskij (variant Garbarski). Document 1913. BFC-02535 SUWALKI, Poland, . Kubelsky (variants Kubelski, Kubelskij) Samuil. Studio portrait. Photographer: L. Filipowska. Photo 1902. BFC-03120 SUWALKI, Poland. Postcard in Yiddish sent by Szapiro (variant Shapiro) in Sejny to Yudel Shejman (variants: Szejman, Sheiman, Sheyman) in Suvalki (also Suwalki). Other names listed: Rosenberg. Document 1911. BFC-01681 SVISLOCH (Polish - Swislocz), Belarus.Market day in town. Photo 1910's. BFC-02523 SWAMPSCOTT, MA, USA, . Registered letter sent by J. Kogan of Moscow, Russia to A. Abramowitz. Document 1969. BFC-00135 SYMAKHODSKY, Yelena, Jewish folk singer and songwriter from Kiev. Photo 1978. BFC-03180 SZAMOTULY (also Samter), Poland. Merket Square. Business signs read: Ernst Mahs; S. Stefanski. Theater poster reads: Steckenpferd-Lilienmilch-Seife. Photo 1914. BFC-01108 SZCZEBRZESZYN (also Shevershin), Poland. View of the town with the stone synagogue, built 16 century. Photo 1930s. BFC-01612 SZCZEBRZESZYN (also Shevershin), Poland.Stone synagogue, built in the16th century. Interior, view at the Bimah. Photo 1930's. BFC-01613 SZCZEBRZESZYN (also Shevershin), Poland.Stone synagogue, built in the16th century. Interior, vestibule. Ceiling decor. Photo 1930's. BFC-01614 SZCZEBRZESZYN (also Shevershin), Poland. Stone synagogue, built in the 16th century. Exteriorview. Photo 1920's. BFC-02854 SZCZUCZYN, Poland. Jewish cemetery. Identified tombstones: 1) Etl [surname]; 2) Golda b. Yakov; 3) Chaya Rozen (variant: Rosen); 4) Liba Aharonson (variant: Aronson); 5) Rela b. Izrael ha-Cohen. Photo ca. 1915. BFC-01721 SZEGED, Hungary. Stone synagogue. Photo early 1900s. BFC-03353 SZYDLOW or TYKOCYN, Poland. Tombstone in a Jewish cemetery. Legible part of inscription reads: Rivka-Lea bat Szymon, 5696 (1936). Photo late 1930's. BFC-02444 TAGANROG, Russia. Alexandrovskaya Street. Photo early 1900's. BFC-03094 TAGANROG, Russia. View by the Azov sea shore. Photo 1916. BFC-03095 TAGANROG, Russia. Studio portrait of an unidentified Jewish woman. Photographer: S. G. Shik (variants: Shyk, Szyk), Moskovskaya Fotografiya studio. Photo early 1900's. BFC-03096 TAGANROG, Russia. Stone synagogue, exterior view. Photo early 1900's. BFC-00126 TALLIN (also Reval) Estonia. Monument in memory to the Soviet Army soldiers who died in battles against the Nazis during the World War II. Photo 1978. BFC-00127 TALLIN (also Reval) Estonia. Monument in memory to the Soviet Army soldiers who died in battles against the Nazis during the Memorial plaque with names of the soldiers, among them - sergeant Varshavskaya. Photo 1978. BFC-03045 TALLIN (also Reval) Estonia. View of the New Market. Photo ca. 1907. BFC-03231 TALSI (also Talsen, Talsn, Tilsen), Latvia. Market scene during World War I. Photo 1915. Publisher: W. Rusecki in Wieliczka. BFC-01878 TARGU MURES (also Marosvasarhely, Naymarkt, Neumarkt, Targu Miresh), Romania. Stone synagogue, exterior. Photo early 1900's. BFC-03311 TARNOGROD, Poland. Jewish Ghetto. Photo 1941. BFC-00553 TARNOW, Poland. Cathedral Street. Store Signs on the left read Jewelry, Watch Repair, Goldsmith; Furs; on the right: W.Brach's Perfume Store; Maczin's Rubber Household Goods; Factory outlet: Paints, Lacquers, Household Goods. Photo 1922. BFC-00554 TARNOW, Poland. Lwowska Street. Store Sign in the lower right corner of the picture reads: Hats Store. Photo 1899. BFC-00555 TARNOW, Poland. Town Hall. Photo 1915. BFC-01194 TARNOW, Poland. Main town square and the Ratusz (Town Hall) after its renovation.Photo 1890. BFC-01195 TARNOW, Poland. Jewish street. Part of the street near the old city walls.Photo 1953. BFC-01196 TARNOW, Poland. Jewish street, developed in 16th and 17th centuries. Photo 1953. BFC-01197 TARNOW, Poland. No. 11, Jewish street. Closed doors of an old Jewish store.17th century. Photo 1954. BFC-01198 TARNOW, Poland. Ruins of the 17th century synagogue on the Fish Market Square. Ruins of the Bimah. Photo 1954. BFC-01682 TARNOW, Poland. Stone Synagogue, exterior. Photo early 1900's. BFC-01683 TARNOW, Poland. Map of the town drawn after the 1814 fire. Jewish Street and the synagogue are shown. BFC-01683 TARNOW, Poland. View of the square in front of the Town Hall. Water color1800. BFC-01684 TARNOW, Poland. View of the town. Water color 1800. BFC-01685 TARNOW, Poland. View of the town near the Town Hall. Drawing 1837. BFC-01686 TARNOW, Poland. View of the Town Hall. Drawing by Coghen, 1860. BFC-01687 TARNOW, Poland. View of the Town Hall before the renovation. Photo ca. 1870. BFC-01688 TARNOW, Poland. Panoramic view of the town from the West. Krakowska Streetis in the center. Photo ca. 1905. BFC-01689 TARNOW, Poland. View of the town from the South. Photo ca. 1954. BFC-01690 TARNOW, Poland. View of the Rybna Square from the East. Photo ca. 1954. BFC-01691 TARNOW, Poland. Market day in the Burek Square in the Wieksze are of thetown. View from the West. Photo ca. 1954. BFC-01692 TARNOW, Poland. View of the house on No. 2 Kapitulna Street with the towerand a part of the medieval wall. Photo ca. 1954. BFC-01693 TARNOW, Poland. South-East corner of the Market square. Photo ca. 1954. BFC-01694 TARNOW, Poland. View of the Market square from the Jewish street. Town Hall is on the left.Photo ca. 1954. BFC-01695 TARNOW, Poland. View of the Zakatna street. Houses built in the 16th and 17th centuries. Photo ca. 1954. BFC-01696 TARNOW, Poland. View of the No. 20 Jewish street. House with the arch, built in the 15-16 centuries. Photo ca. 1954. BFC-01697 TARNOW, Poland. Mikolajowski House, built in 1524. Photo ca. 1954. BFC-01698 TARNOW, Poland. Market Square, houses No's 19, 20 and 21, built in the late 16th century. Photo ca. 1954. BFC-01699 TARNOW, Poland. Market Square, house No. 14, built in the late 16th century, rebuilt in the 18th century. Photo ca. 1954. BFC-01700 TARNOW, Poland. Market Square, house No. 7, built in the 16th, rebuilt in the 19th century. Photo ca. 1954. BFC-01701 TARNOW, Poland. Jewish Street, houses No. 6 and 8, built in the 16th-17th century. Photo ca. 1954. BFC-01702 TARNOW, Poland. Broad Stairs (Wielkie Schody), built in the 19th century. Photo ca. 1954. BFC-01703 TARNOW, Poland. Kopernik School also known as "Wydzialowa", built in 1874. Kopernik Street. Photo ca. 1954. BFC-01704 TARNOW, Poland. Market Square, house No. 4, so called Biskupi Palace, builtin the early 17th century, rebuilt in the 19th century.Photo ca. 1954. BFC-01705 TARNOW, Poland. Ancient Square, developed in the early 19th century. Photo ca. 1954. BFC-01706 TARNOW, Poland. Covered bridge across the Biala River, built in the early 19th century. Photo early 190's. BFC-01707 TARNOW, Poland. First Gymnasium on the Janek Krasicky Street, founded in 1877 Photo ca. 1954. BFC-01708 TARNOW, Poland. No. 10 Krakowska Street, house built in the 18th century. Photo ca. 1954. BFC-01709 TARNOW, Poland. Market Square, house No. 18, built in the 17-18 centuries. Photo ca. 1954. BFC-01710 TARNOW, Poland. No. 4 Brama Pilznenska Street, house built in the 18-19 centuries.Photo ca. 1954. BFC-01711 TARNOW, Poland. House on the corner of Cathedral Square and Cathedral Street,built in the early 19th century. Photo ca. 1954. BFC-01712 TARNOW, Poland. No 18 Walowa Street, house built in the early 19th century. Photo ca. 1954. BFC-01905 TARNOW, Poland, . Postcard in Yiddish from Feiwel Choczner (variants: Chocner, Khochner) in Tarnow to Jacob Bercovici (variants: Berkovich, Berkowicz, Berkowitz) in Bacau, Romania. Document 1908. BFC-02665 TARNOW, Poland, . Postcard in German from the Firm of Schönberg & Offenheim in Tarnow, Poland to Jacob Bercovici. Document 1914. BFC-03052 TARNOW, Poland. Stone Synagogue, exterior. Photo early 1900's. BFC-03097 TARNOW, Poland. Panoramic view of the city from the West, along Krakowska Street. Photo ca. 1915. BFC-03111 TARNOW, Poland. Panoramic view of the city from the top of the City Hall toward the synagogue. Store sign reads: H. Wittmayer. Photo ca. 1915. BFC-03262 TARTU (also Dorpat, Jurjev, Yuryev), Estonia. Postcard sent to Rakhil Kofkin (?) in Yuryev. Document early 1900's. BFC-00446 TARUSA. Town hall. Wood engraving 1846 BFC-00623 TAURAGE, Lithuania. The Timber Torah Study House. Photo ca. 1937 BFC-00264 TBILISI, Georgia. The Goldstein family, long term refusenicks.Photo ca. 1977 BFC-00265 TBILISI (also Tiflis), Georgia, . The Goldstein family, long term refusenicks with hundredsof support letters received from abroad. Photo ca. 1977. BFC-02672 TBILISI (also Tiflis), Georgia, . Mashkevich (varinats Maskevic, Maszkewicz), Vladimir Shimenovich. Studio identification photograph. Certified by A. Dzhevarisheishvili. Photo 1915. BFC-03358 TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras. View of the city. Photo ca. 1913. BFC-02606 TEL-AVIV, Israel, , . Letter from B. Libshtejn (variant Livshtein) in Tel-Aviv, addressed to Isaac Orkin in Milford, DE, USA. Document ca. 1960's. BFC-00766 TELSHIAI (also Telschi, Telse, Telsh, Telshe, Telshie, Telsze, Teltsch, Telz, Telzh), Lithuania.View of the town after a big fire. Photo 1911. BFC-00875 TELSHIAI (also Telschi, Telse, Telsh, Telshe, Telshie, Telsze, Teltsch, Telz, Telzh), Lithuania.General view of the town. Photo 1920's. BFC-01420 TELSHIAI (also Telschi, Telse, Telsh, Telshe, Telshie, Telsze, Teltsch, Telz, Telzh), Lithuania.Panoramic view of the town by the river. Photo ca. 1937. BFC-01421 TELSHIAI (also Telschi, Telse, Telsh, Telshe, Telshie, Telsze, Teltsch, Telz, Telzh), Lithuania.1929 Graduation photo of the students and teachers of the Women's Hebrew Gymanzium "Yavneh". The Gymnazium building is pictured on the inset. 1929. BFC-01879 TELSHIAI (also Telschi, Telse, Telsh, Telshe, Telshie, Telsze, Teltsch, Telz, Telzh), Lithuania. Stone synagogue, exterior. Photo 1920's. BFC-01880 TELSHIAI (also Telschi, Telse, Telsh, Telshe, Telshie, Telsze, Teltsch, Telz, Telzh), Lithuania. Yeshiva, exterior. Photo 1920's. BFC-01881 TELSHIAI (also Telschi, Telse, Telsh, Telshe, Telshie, Telsze, Teltsch, Telz, Telzh), Lithuania. Certified extract from a 1928 Luoke marriage register. Listed: bridegroom Izrael Gertsberg (also Gercberg, Gercbergas); bride Ide Upin (also Upinaite, Upinas); Rabbi Efraim Kravitski (also Kravickis); witnesses Z. Olshvang (also Olshvangas, Olsvang), M. Sher (also Seras, Sheras).Signed by A. Blacher. Document 1938. BFC-01882 TELSHIAI (also Telschi, Telse, Telsh, Telshe, Telshie, Telsze, Teltsch, Telz, Telzh), Lithuania. Certificate issued to Motel Karis, registered resident of Telshiai, Lithuania as unfit for military service. Issued by the Lithuanian Representative in Latvia and Estonia, possibly in Riga.Document 1919. BFC-02679 TELSHIAI (also Telschi, Telse, Telsh, Telshe, Telshie, Telsze, Teltsch, Telz, Telzh), Lithuania. Shenkman (variants Shenkmanas, Szenkman), Leizer. Residence permit, Issued in Ukmerge; with a stamp of the Telshiai Police department. Photographs is attached. Document 1931. BFC-02688 TELSHIAI (also Telschi, Telse, Telsh, Telshe, Telshie, Telsze, Teltsch, Telz, Te |