Research in the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

Order 95112801

December 10-19, 1995

Names and towns searched:

1.Bregman in Pinsk and Baranovichi, Minsk Province, Russia.

When checking the Directories, all occurrences of the Bregman name in all geographic regions were marked and translated.

I. 1895 Directory

There is no names index for the set. The directory was checked for all family names in all areas of interest.

Baranovichi, Novogrudok District (Uezd), Minsk Province (Guberniya)

No Bregmans listed

Listed in Pinsk:

Col. 615

Contractors, Construction Business (PODRIADY STROITEL'NYKH RABOT)


Salt Trade (SOL')


II. 1899 Directory (15 pages).

This was the first Directory reviewed because it contained the name index. First, the index was checked and a page with Bregman surname was printed. Page/column numbers are printed in the index next to each given name and patronymics. These are the guides to columns with the actual listings. The 1899 Directory is structured in a way, which is very inconvenient for genealogy research: it is arranged by industries-occupations, then by provinces-districts-towns inside each occupation. Therefore, working with the directory required checking each entry in order to establish a place of residence. All information of interest is highlighted yellow on the copies.

Note. Names are transliterated directly, as they appear in Russian. Abbreviated names and other words are written in full where recognized. Names with suffices -ovich, -evich, -ovna, -evna denote patronymics, i. e. "son of" or "daughter of".

Page 35, name index.

Names listed: Bregman

Col. 2556

Construction Materials and Fuel (STROITEL'NYE MATERIALY I TOPLIVO)

Listed in Pinsk, Minsk Province:

Bregman, Leizer Anshelevich, Kupecheskaya Street, own house.

Col. 2332

Drug Stores, Drug Supplies and Chandlery (APTEKI, APTEKARSKII I MOSKATEL'NYI TOVAR)

Listed in Khoslavichi, Mstislavl Uezd (district), Minsk Province

Bregman, Itska Leibovich. Smolenskaya Street.

Col. 945

Textile Products and Haberdashery [MANUFAKTURNYI I GALANTEREINYI TOVAR)

Listed in Zhitomir, Volynskaya Province

Bregman, Leizer Gershkovich. Rybnaya Street, Berger's house; Bolshaya Berdichevskaya Street, Rozenberg's house.

Col. 82


Listed in Velishchevo Estate, Warsaw District

Bregman, Leizer Movshovich, "Velishchevsky No. 7", 26 t.v. [t.v. must be a unit of measure, either 26 thousand of v. (?) or 26 tons of v.]

Col. 772

Restaurants, Buffets and Taverns (RESTORANY, BUFETY I TRAKTIRY)

Listed in Grodno

Bregman, Leizer Movshovich. Meshchanskaya Street, own house; also Birzhevaya Square, own house.

Col. 1872

Imported Groceries, Spices, Fruits (KOLONIAL'NYE I GASTRONOM. TOVARY I FRUKTY)

Listed in Grodno

Bregman, Leizer Movshovich. Birzhevaya Square, own house (rensk. (?) cellar).

Col. 1238

Textile Products and Haberdashery [MANUFAKTURNYI I GALANTEREINYI TOVAR)

Listed in Kremenchug, Poltava Province

Bregman, Mordukh Men'kovich. Petro-Pavlovskaya Street, Gorodskoi Riad, Lavrovsky's house.

Col. 1991

Imported Groceries, Spices, Fruits (KOLONIAL'NYE I GASTRONOM. TOVARY I FRUKTY)

Listed in Kremenchug, Poltava Province

Bregman, Mordukh Men'kovich. Petro-Pavlovskaya Street, 2 Gorodskoi Riad.

Col. 2499


Listed in Kremenchug, Poltava Province

Bregman, Mordukh Men'kovich. Yekaterininskaya Street, Kokin's house.

Col. 1991

Imported Groceries, Spices, Fruits (KOLONIAL'NYE I GASTRONOM. TOVARY I FRUKTY)

Listed in Pinsk:

Bregman, Mordukh Tuvelevich (or Tuv'yevich). Bolshaya Kievskaya Street, own house; Tiuremnaya Street, own house.

Col. 2167


Listed in Pinsk:

Bregman, Mordukh Tuv'yev[ich]. Bolshaya Kievskaya Street, own house.

Col. 1292

Bregman listed in the index, but not found.

Col. 2587

Construction Materials and Fuel (STROITEL'NYE MATERIALY I TOPLIVO)

Listed in Goroshino, Kharkov District, Kriukovo Rural District (volost), Poltava Province:

Bregman, Shlioma Minkovich.

III. 1902 Directory

The 1902 Directory is organized in a convenient way. Its "sort order" is Province-City-District-Town.

Page 39, name index.

Names listed: Bregman

Col. 101

Groceries (BAKALEYA)

Listed in Olita, Aleksandrovsky Sub-District, Troki District, Vilna Province

Bregman, Abram Mortkhelevich

Col. 343

Textile products (MANUFAKT. TOV.)

Listed in Dynin, Kobrin District, Grodno Province

Bregman, Berko-Shneyer Zelmanovich.

Col. 802

Grain trade (KHLEB-ZERNO)

Listed in David-Gorodok, Khorsk Sub-District, Mozyr District, Minsk Province

Bregman Leya

Col. 803

Haberdashery (GALANTEREYA)

Listed in Razvodovo, Novogrudok District, Minsk Province

Bregman, Gershon Girshovich

Col. 208

Textile products (MANUFAKT. TOV.)

Listed in Zhitomir, Volynskaya Province

Bregman, Leizer Gershkovich. 2 [stores] on Berdichevskaya and Rybnaya Streets.

Col. 2188

No Bregmans found.

Col. 1408

Groceries (BAKALEYA)

Listed in Kremenchug, Poltava Province

Bregman, Mordukh Men'kovich. Petrovskaya Street

Col. 805

Groceries (BAKALEYA)

Listed in Pinsk:

Bregman, Mordukh Tuv'yev[ich]. Kievskaya Street

Col. 800

Books (KNIGI)

Listed in Mozyr, Minsk Province

Bregman, Samuil Nakhimovich. Pokrovskaya Street.

Col. 2438

Grain trade (KHLEB-ZERNO)

Listed in Plotsk (currently Plock, Poland)

Bregman, Shepsel Leizerovich. Pekarskaya Street

Col. 1433

Groceries (BAKALEYA)

Listed in Goroshino, Kharkov District, Kriukovo Sub-District (volost), Poltava Province:

Bregman, Shlioma Mendelevich (fabric and ?)

IV. 1911-1912 Directory (5 pages).

There is no alphabetical index for this Directory.

Col. 1568


Listed in Baranovichi, Novogrudok District, Minsk Province

Bregman, Girsh Girshovich.

Col. 1569

Textile products (MANUFAKTURA)

Listed in Baranovichi, Novogrudok District, Minsk Province

Bregman, Mordko Shliomovich

Col. 1570

Shoes (OBUV')

Listed in Baranovichi, Novogrudok District, Minsk Province

Bregman, Girsh Girshovich.

Cols. 1571-1574

Pinsk and Pinsk District

No Bregmans listed

V. Report of the Society to Assist Jewish Farmers and Artisans in Syria and Palestine, 1899, 1900 and 1901 years.


No Bregmans listed

Pinsk, Minsk Province

Bregman, Matus

VI. North-Western Calendar, 1888.

VII. Russia. Complete Geographic Description of our Fatherland. 1905.

Article on Pinsk (in Russian).

VIII. Jewish Encyclopedia, ca. 1913.

Article on Pinsk (in Russian).

Conclusion. It can be assumed that most, if not all, Bregmans that are listed in the Vsia Rossiya, were related. There is a definite pattern of given names, e.g. Leizer, and occupations of different Bregmans living in different parts of the Tsarist Russia. The fact that Baranovichi Bregmans are listed only in the 1911 directory may be an indication that some family members moved to Baranovichi between 1902 and 1911, or perhaps, opened a business in that period. If true, this assumption may lead to research of tax and change of residence records for that period.